Blackbeard jumped off the ice and saw a forest in the distance. He felt very strange:”Is this a person with abilities? It looks a bit like a forest fruit.”

Fan Oka and others also followed up and said,”Isn’t it a bit like it? It’s the Sensen Fruit.”

Blackbeard laughed when he heard this:”I was just trying to find him, but he came to the door himself.”

After saying that, he rushed forward, activated the Dark Fruit ability, and tried to suck out the Sensen Fruit user.

The green cow is hiding in a forest and can sense the outside world with the help of ubiquitous plants.

Seeing Blackbeard coming towards him, Green Bull’s heart tightened: Mader, when did I offend this guy? He attacked me as soon as he came.

This dark fruit is quite terrifying. Even if it is not touched, just being exposed to the suction force will give you a feeling of drowning and it will be difficult to activate its abilities.

If his strength were even close, he would probably be controlled by Blackbeard.

But for Green Bull, he could still get rid of this level.

He manipulated the plants to grow rapidly, attacked Blackbeard, forced the opponent back and quickly retreated to create distance.��

“Xiliu, don’t let him run away.”

Blackbeard said

“Can’t run.”

Xiliu held a cigar in his mouth, and he flashed and appeared behind the green cow.


At the moment of flash, Xiliu used his sword to chop off one of the green cow’s arms.

He originally wanted to chop the green cow’s neck, But Green Bull is a general after all, and he reacted quickly and avoided the vital point in time.

It was nothing to him, and his ability to activate was immediately regenerated.

At the same time, he waved his other arm, and many plants emerged towards Xi.

Shiliu dodged the attack, appeared beside Lu Niu, and struck his neck with a knife.

Surprise flashed in Lu Niu’s eyes, and he finally pulled out the samurai sword at his waist and blocked Shiliu’s attack. Attack.

At the same time, plants appeared from his left hand and tried to entangle Shiliu.

Shiliu flashed again…. bang bang bang…

Fan Oka fired from a distance, but the bullets were blocked by Green Bull’s plants.

Blackbeard also rushed forward and punched the green bull, causing him to spurt out blood and fly hundreds of meters away.

This punch he did not use the shock fruit, but pure domineering flow Sakura!

“Since eating the Pink Dragon Fruit, my physique has become stronger and my domineering power has increased a lot.”

Blackbeard showed a look of joy.

His physique was not weak to begin with, and his physical skills were not weak either. He once left scratches on Shanks.

Now that he has eaten the Pink Dragon Fruit, his physique has been continuously improved, and he is also a group of people with strong melee capabilities..

Green Bull stood up, glared at Blackbeard and the others, and shouted:”Why are you standing there, get them all!””

After the warship was frozen, the navy came down one after another.

After hearing Green Bull’s order, the lieutenant generals and major generals mustered up the courage to attack.

Blackbeard did not take action, and his younger brothers rushed forward one after another, and started a fierce battle with the navy. Fighting.

Among them, Shiliu’s performance is the most outstanding.

He already has a strength that is very close to that of a general. After eating the teleportation fruit, he almost kills one person in a flash.

“Xiliu, a traitor, kills people more ruthlessly than a pirate, so we must not let him go.”

Ghost Spider said angrily.

As he spoke, he used Life Return, spreading his hair like arms, and holding a katana in each hand, a total of eight samurai swords attacked together.

Shiliu smiled disdainfully at his eight-sword style, and The figure flashed to the top of his head, slashed with the knife, and cut off the ghost spider’s long hair.

But at the critical moment, the ghost spider ducked down, otherwise it would be his head.

“What a speed!”

The ghost spider was frightened and spread out its sight and weapons with all its strength, ready to fight back at any time.

At this time, Tina activated the threshold fruit ability and released two long iron fences to try to catch Shiliu.

As a result, Shiliu teleported Escaped easily.

Shiliu instantly reached behind Tina and struck her in the neck with a knife.

Tina couldn’t react and was about to be hacked to death. At the critical moment, Lieutenant General He almost touched Xiliu’s body. Forced him to teleport away.

Shiliu knew that Lieutenant General He’s ability would make his whole body soften once he was touched by her hand.

“Shiliu must have eaten the teleportation fruit. This ability is difficult to deal with, so be careful.”

Lieutenant General He reminded.

At the same time, Blackbeard’s other younger brothers also fought fiercely with the navy.

Blackbeard himself continued to attack the Green Bull.

The Green Bull was afraid of being caught by Blackbeard and did not dare to transform into a tree man. Using the ability to wrap and slash with a katana in one hand,

Blackbeard’s three fruits were very powerful and he could only fight while running away, hoping that they would help.

Puhe Sengoku also struggled to meet the enemy, and couldn’t spare any time. The sudden return of the green bull made the situation even more chaotic.

Kizaru was knocked into the ground by Kaido before. At this time, Kizaru hadn’t come out yet, so Kaido didn’t know whether he was alive or dead. He and Aunt began to fight Garp and Sengoku again, and

Aoki barely managed to deal with Golden Lion.

Fujitora took the initiative to take over Barrett, and the two were also inseparable.

“Qin Ge, what are you waiting for? Help me kill this person.”

Blackbeard saw Qin Ge and immediately greeted him


Qin Ge had been floating in mid-air watching the battle. Seeing that Blackbeard was about to kill the green bull, he fulfilled his promise.

He raised his hand, a long sword fell into his hand from high altitude, and then he flapped his wings and killed the green bull.

Green The cow was horrified when he saw this, and said:”You bully the minority with more, and you won’t win with force.”

He can’t even beat Blackbeard, let alone another Qin Ge.

“Thief haha…We are pirates, and you are more numerous.”

Blackbeard said with a smile.

As he spoke, Qin Ge had already swooped down and struck the green bull with a sword.


A huge blue-gold sword energy burst out. The green bull had no time to dodge and was cut in half by the sword energy.

Although He has been in an elemental state, and his wounds are still spurting out blood and are difficult to heal.

The elementalization of 527 Sensen Fruit is special.

After the body turns into wood, it can still regenerate quickly after suffering physical damage.

It contained domineering power and caused real damage.

The green bull could not regenerate for a while.

Blackbeard took the opportunity to suck the upper body of the green bull and choked his neck.

He was so filthy that he couldn’t help but scream.

His screams were like those of an evil spirit, making Fujitora and others’ hair stand on end.

“Fortunately, you are still an admiral in the navy. You can’t bear this pain, it’s like a ghost.”

Blackbeard said with a ferocious smile.

“Help, help!”

The green bull was frightened and struggled desperately, showing no signs of being a master.

“Damn it!”

Sengoku and Garp were both shocked and angry. They didn’t expect the green bull to pull away so quickly.

They wanted to rescue them, but Kaido and Big Mom were not vegetarians, and they were beaten until they couldn’t free their hands.

Fujitora also wanted to He went to rescue, but was attacked wildly by Barrett.

Barrett had not learned how to dominate and couldn’t defeat Kaido and Big Mom, but he still had no problem dealing with Fujitora at the critical moment. Barrett deliberately knocked him away and took advantage of the situation. When he came to Blackbeard’s side, he quickly drew his sword:”Gravity knife, tiger!”

Swinging the sword, a purple-black force of gravity was released, knocking Blackbeard away.

The green bull was able to break free, and quickly activated its ability, turning into a tree man, taking root in the ground, and regenerating quickly.

Người mua: Evilclasshp

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