“General Green Bull!”

“Could this guy Aramaki just die like this?”

“After all, he was a new general who stood out from hundreds of thousands of people. How could he not even be able to block the opponent’s punch?”

“The power of Ba Tang is two or three times that of Armed Color!”

“She is not an ordinary girl, but a fusion of Big Mom and Jhin’s genes. She might be even stronger than Big Mom.”.

“The technology was not yet mature enough to create such a dangerous experimental body…….”

The navy’s expressions varied, but one thing was the same, that was embarrassment.

It’s just that there are different ways to express embarrassment

“Brother, I killed him, take out his devil fruit quickly.”

Zi Lan said happily.

She had heard the deal between Qin Ge and Blackbeard before, so she learned that Green Bull was a user with the Sensen Fruit ability, so she wanted to help Qin Ge seize this devil fruit.

“There’s no way to capture it without Blackbeard, you’re too early.”

Qin Ge said

“Uh, what should I do?”

Zi Lan was confused.

“It’s okay, people with Sensen Fruit abilities won’t die that easily. This is a natural type.”

Qin Ge said.

Zilan was a little surprised. She turned around and saw that the green bull’s head had grown back.

The green bull was still frightened and said,”This punch is really hard. If someone else had been killed, he might have been beaten to death by you..”

The navy people were relieved to see that he was not dead.

Zi Lan found it interesting and said,”How can you grow your head back even if it’s gone?”

Green Bull said:”This is my secret.

Zi Lan raised her fist and said,”If you don’t tell me, I will hit you until you tell me.” Green Bull raised his hand in panic and said,”I won’t fight anymore. I admit defeat.””

I couldn’t stop him with a punch.

Zilan didn’t let him go, 167, the overlord color burst out, jumped up again and hit him on the head.

Green Bull had no choice but to punch back.


The impact of the overlord color punch , first shattered Green Bull’s entire arm, and then shattered his upper body.

Even though they had seen it once, the marines still felt nervous, thinking that this beautiful girl was so terrifying, no different from Kaido’s mother. Go.

But soon, the upper body of the green cow grew again.

Zilan said in surprise:”You can’t kill it if it can still grow.””

The green bull had a green face and said ugly:”You win, don’t fight anymore.

Zi Lan became more energetic and said,”I don’t believe I can’t beat you to death. I will break your whole body into pieces.””

Green Bull didn’t dare to take her fist anymore, so he quickly returned to his human form and hid behind Garp and Sengoku.

His cowardice made the navy very embarrassed.

“Warring States Marshal, Mr. Karp, please stop her.”

Green Bull said

“You guy, you shouldn’t go out and pretend to be stupid.”

Garp gritted his teeth and said.

Zilan saw the green bull hiding behind the two of them, but still didn’t let go, and punched Garp.

Garp had no choice but to show his dominance, and stepped forward to fight Zilan.. Click

, click!

The Overlords collided with each other like thunder, and the power of this punch was not weaker than that of Garp and Kaido, causing a huge wave in the port.

The weak ones covered their eyes with their hands, unable to look directly at the domineering look of the two.

After a stalemate for three or four seconds, both parties were sent flying backwards for seven or eight meters, while Garp fell back four or five meters.

The fight was evenly matched.

Kaido, Aunt, and Golden Lion were almost ashen-faced.

A girl was so strong, so how could she fight? It is impossible to be weaker than her.

In addition to Barrett, the opponent has six emperor-level powerhouses, and the navy has three generals, Garp and Sengoku, and they can barely manage to gather six top-level powerhouses.

Judging from the previous competition, the top six of the navy are obviously not as good as the top six of the pirates.

If they really fight together, it will be difficult for them to defeat them.

Then the only way is for the lieutenant general to make up for the gap.

There will definitely be a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood!

“Garp, are you okay?”

The Warring States Period is a little worried.

“We can only fight to the death.”

After all, Garp is a man who has experienced hundreds of battles. Even if he is weaker than his opponent, he is not afraid and is ready to sacrifice.

“I originally wanted to retire and enjoy life, but maybe I will die here too.”

Sengoku became serious.

The two looked at each other and understood what the other meant.

They planned to hold off these pirates with all their strength and cover the retreat of the younger generation.

Cap is a non-ability person who has some advantages when fighting on the beach.

“Listen to me, the mission is cancelled, prepare to return!”

Warring States said loudly.

When the navy heard this, there was a commotion.

“Haha, just leave if you want, it’s not that easy. Kaido laughed and said

“Quick, everyone retreat!”

Sengoku transformed into a giant Buddha again and shouted loudly, which shocked the navy to wake up.

Aokiji realized the seriousness of the problem and issued an order as marshal:”Everyone get on board!

Green Bull was the first to respond and said,”Follow me to the boat.””

Kizaru also said:”Everyone, get on the boat. If you stay, you will only drag down a few seniors.”

When the lieutenant generals and major generals heard this, they were very unwilling and got on the boat with tears in their eyes.

They knew what retreat meant.

“Lingling, how about we give the navy a ride.”

Kaido said

“Use that trick?”

The aunt suddenly became interested.

“Come on, we haven’t cooperated for a long time.”

Kaido and Big Mom stood together.

Big Mom had a tacit understanding. The two raised their weapons together, and the Overlord color burst out.

The Overlord color of the two sea emperors burst out together, and suddenly shocked the surrounding miles. The air seemed to solidify, and became dark red

“No, you must block this blow!”

Sengoku was shocked and furious.

If Kaido and Big Mom were allowed to fight like this, most of the warships in the port would be destroyed.

Those younger generations would probably all die.

He and Garp immediately jumped up and stood in the middle of the port

“Powerful country!”

“Dominate the sea!”

Kaido and Big Mom waved their maces and swords together, sending out extremely powerful shock waves that entangled and swept around, destroying everything along the way.

‘Ice Age! ‘

Qing Pheasant exploded with all its strength and built a huge iceberg in front of everyone.

The huge iceberg gave the navy behind them a slight sense of security, but in less than half a second, they watched the iceberg shatter and a dragon-like shock wave appear.

‘Galaxy Impact!’

‘Big Buddha Palm! ‘

Garp and Sengoku took action together and went all out to defeat the overlord Se Liuying.


The four people’s domineering stunts collided together, like thunder, arousing energy waves thousands of meters high.

Immediately afterwards, the energy wave spread to all directions….

Everyone was overwhelmed by this energy wave, and their vision, hearing, and color were temporarily disabled.

After about ten seconds, everyone’s sight, hearing and color gradually recovered.

A deep pit appeared in the port, and sea water poured in, but it was frozen and kept pouring in.

Garp and Sengoku stood in the pit.

Garp’s shirt was in tatters, with many deep bruises visible on his bones, and some blood leaked out.

Although there were no fatal injuries, he still looked very embarrassed.

As a phantom beast, Sengoku was slightly injured, but he healed quickly.

Kaido and Big Mom are sending waves from a distance, so they are a little far away, and their strength and physique are strong, so basically nothing will happen.

“Mr. Karp, are you okay?”

Qing Pheasant jumped next to Garp and asked worriedly.

“It’s okay. If you want to defeat me like this, you’re still far from it.”

Garp became more and more courageous as he fought. After being injured, he not only showed no fear, but also had high morale. He looked at Kaido and Big Mom like a tiger with his eyes. He vaguely regained his former glory.

“Don’t stand still, prepare to defend, and wait until everyone leaves.”

Warring States said


Aoji nodded.

Fujitora and Kizaru were also ready for battle.

Green Bull has already boarded the ship.

The ship was attacked by the aftermath just now, and Green Bull used Sensen Fruit to thicken the ship.

In addition to protecting the ship, Green Bull also conjured Many huge oars, steering the oars to slide quickly, helped the fleet escape quickly, so no one blamed him for leaving first.

“Is it worth risking your life to protect those useless subordinates?”

Golden Lion said.

Although Kaido and Big Mom’s fusion skills are very strong, they swing forward too long and are easy to avoid.

Garp and Sengoku were simply dragged down by their subordinates.

“I practice hard and improve my strength just to protect the weak.”

Garp grinned.

“What a stupid guy. Since you like to protect the weak so much, then continue to protect them. Lingling, how about one more shot?”

Kaido said


The aunt raised her sword again, ready to use her power.

“I can’t let you continue to be presumptuous.”

Kizaru suddenly turned into a golden light, flashed in front of the two of them, and kicked Kaido in the face at the speed of light.

Kaido didn’t know whether he didn’t dodge or was too lazy to dodge, so he was kicked by Kizaru. He turned his head away, but turned his head. Nothing happened.

He was not slow at all, and he swung the mace and knocked Kizaru away.

Kizaru flew dozens of meters away before stopping, with blood bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and he thought:”The gap is a bit big. The stick can’t bear it.”

His fruit ability is very strong, but his domineering power is too weak.

Kaido’s purpose of not dodging attacks is to directly counterattack and exchange injuries for injuries.

This style of play is very disadvantageous for Kizaru.

Người mua: ssssss

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