Looking at the remaining three experimental subjects, it seems that these three are not successful.

Because they are afraid, it shows that they still have self-awareness and may lose control under high pressure.

Saint Satan looked at Begabank and said,”You didn’t say there was no problem, why did it become like this.”

Begabank said,”I didn’t say it was 100% successful. I reminded you from the beginning to liberate one person first. Try it.”

Saint Satan said:”Can these experimental subjects be repaired and completely delete their humanity?”

Begabank said:”I have obviously deleted their emotions, but….It seems that my technology is not mature enough and I need to continue to study.”

Ling Wubao next to him said:”I have said long ago that it is not advisable to use humans as a blueprint. They should be cloned directly.”

Begabank said:”The clones have too many defects, their lifespan is too short, and there are also problems with their growth.”

Lingwu Bao said:”What we want to build are war weapons. We will just replace them when their lifespan is over.”

Begabank obviously did not agree with this theory and was not very happy.

Saint Satan was very interested and said:”If you use clones, can you completely delete their humanity and control them perfectly?”

Ling Wu Bao said:”I can’t guarantee it, but if you start editing genes from scratch, the instability factors will be reduced a lot. Saint

Satan thought for a moment and said,”Then try the cloning route.””

Lingwu Bao said:”No problem.”

Satan Saint said again:”The emperor’s strength is too strong and difficult to control…….”

Obviously, Qin Ge’s loss of control made him fearful.

If a few more imperial-level experimental subjects get out of control, they will definitely pose a great threat to the world government.

After careful consideration, Saint Satan decided to settle for the next best thing and create a lower-level humanoid weapon.

Even if you lose control, you can catch it. boom!

Something seemed to fall to the ground outside.

Satan Saint hurriedly went out to take a look and saw Qin Ge standing up from the pit with the purple-haired girl in his arms.

It turned out that he was shot down by Kizaru.

Immediately afterwards, Kizaru also flew down and said condescendingly:”Although you can fly, you can’t fly as fast as me. Just catch me, otherwise I will really kill you.”

Upon seeing this, Saint Satan felt relieved and thought:” Kizaru is indeed a capable general. With him, no one should be able to escape from Dantou Island.”

But it is obviously not that easy to defeat Qin Ge.

He kept the divine fire on, and even Kizaru had a hard time breaking through his defense.

Kizaru also knew this, so he said:”If you turn off the divine fire, your speed can be greatly increased, and maybe you can be faster than me.”

“I think I’m stupid, but I can’t just fly.”

Qin Ge temporarily put down the purple-haired girl, pressed his left hand on the ground, and activated the fruit ability.

The whole island shook violently.

Kizaru was startled when he saw this, and quickly swooped down and stabbed Qin Ge with his sword.

But he saw As soon as Qin Ge raised his hand, a large piece of land collapsed and swept towards Kizaru like a torrent.

Kizaru quickly turned into a golden light and instantly appeared one kilometer away, avoiding the large-scale attack.

The torrent of rock and earth that was hundreds of feet rushed towards Begabank.

Satan Sheng himself was not afraid, but he did not have the ability to block a large-scale attack. The torrent would definitely kill Begabank, so he was not lucky. It’s so bad that several Begabanks died.

“What a smart boy.”

Kizaru had no choice but to turn on full speed to rescue Bergabank and the clones.

Qin Ge took this opportunity to fly close to the ground with the purple-haired girl, and quickly flew to the seaside.

A sumo wrestler suddenly appeared in front of him.

“If you want to leave Dantou Island, you must pass my level first.”

Zhan Taowan put up a defensive posture, gathering his domineering energy with both hands, intending to block Qin Ge.

Qin Ge was too lazy to pay attention to him, and casually slashed his sword, and the golden slash flashed past.


Zhan Taowan’s so-called strongest defense is like paper He was immediately broken, and blood spurted out from his chest.

Then he fell to the ground with a thud, fully demonstrating that youth is good, and he fell asleep. At this time, Kizaru had rescued Beigaban.

Ke and others, and the Egg Head building was also broken by the torrent of rock and soil, and

Kizaru quickly caught up with Qin Ge, swung his sword to attack

, and then blocked it with one hand. On the sea water, the ability can be activated as long as the whole body is not immersed in the sea water.

Just like the green pheasant, it can reach out to the sea water and freeze the sea water. The sea water surges and turns into several giant dragons. The monkey rushed over.

Kizaru was so frightened that he quickly ducked into the air and said with fear on his face:”You can even control the sea water. This ability is too scary.”

Qin Ge controlled the water dragon to chase him.

Unfortunately, the water dragon was not fast enough, and Kizaru easily dodged it.

Kizaru quickly shuttled between the water dragons, flashed continuously, and reached Qin Ge again.

Qin Ge controlled a large The water ball hit.

Kizaru had no choice but to dodge and stay away from Qin Ge again.

Qin Ge no longer took the initiative to attack, but instead controlled a large amount of sea water to surround himself and fly away quickly against the sea.

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