Auntie and Kaido were both very surprised to learn about Qin Ge’s true origin.

“The world government’s technology is so advanced that it can create an emperor. Wouldn’t it be very dangerous for us?”

Even Kaido started to worry.

“Such technology cannot be popularized and must come at a high price. Moreover, Boss Qin Ge and Miss Zi Lan escaped, which shows that the technology of the World Government is not controllable, and this is one of the costs.”

Brother Ming said

“That’s true. I wonder if there are any experimental subjects like you in the World Government.”

Kaido looked at Qin Ge

“I don’t know this.”

Qin Ge said.

According to Vegapunk, the three experimental subjects S Qinglong, S Barrett and S Hawkeye were all taken away and destroyed by Saint Satan.

The problem is that they were taken away.

If they were just destroyed, they would be destroyed directly. Just destroy Egghead Island.

So Qin Ge felt that Satan Sheng might just not trust Bega Punk and deceived him.

As for why he didn’t trust Bega Punk, it was probably because of Qin Ge’s accidental loss of control. I suspect that Vegapunk had an affair with Long.

If the three experimental subjects were not destroyed and completely controlled by the Five Old Stars, then they would still be very powerful.

“Now that the four emperors of us are gathered together, as well as Barrett, we might as well go and seize Egg Head Island.”

Auntie suggested

“Egghead Island consumes at least one trillion Baileys a year, why are you taking it away? Qin

Ge said.

Engaging in scientific research is not just playing tricks. Even in this world, it is extremely expensive.

The Revolutionary Army has some foundation, but in the eyes of Bega Punk, he is just a poor man. Otherwise, why would he bear the infamy and commit himself? world government

“With so much money, although my Wan Guo has some savings, it really cannot afford it.”

The aunt realized that she was short-sighted and felt a little embarrassed.

“Not only money, but also a large amount of materials, which require more than a hundred countries to provide. Egghead Island is the commercial and industrial culmination of the entire world government, rather than a separate thing.”

Qin Ge said

“It turns out that it is so difficult to engage in technology, so forget it and deal with the bank first.”

Auntie said

“Don’t worry, it will be a matter of course when we have money before we go to grab Dantou Island. Vegapunk is not a bad person. As long as we can support his scientific research, he will definitely not refuse.”

Qin Ge said with a smile.

“Boss Qin Ge, even if you have money, you should support my research first. I have many bold ideas, but due to lack of funds and materials, they cannot be realized for the time being. said


“Don’t worry, I won’t miss you. Qin

Ge said.

Caesar felt a little relieved after hearing this, but he still felt worried.

He was afraid that when Vegapunk came, he would take his place and take away his research funds.

Caesar thought to himself: He has to work harder. Get some results before Vegapunk arrives and prove your strength.

“Indigo and Caesar’s skills are still good, and I owe my body to them. Now I have an almost giant lifespan and can live for another two hundred years or so.”

The golden lion said with a smile

“If you can even get the lifespan of a giant, wouldn’t you live longer than us?”

Auntie and Kaido suddenly became unhappy.

“If you are envious, you can ask Caesar and Indigo to modify it.”

Golden Lion said.

Big Mom and Kaido turned to look at Caesar.

Caesar was a little nervous and explained:”The success rate of this experiment is not high. Mr. Shiji made the right bet. If I had to do it again, I wouldn’t be too sure.

Kaido asked:”What will happen if we fail?””

Caesar said:”After Mr. Shiji’s success, we conducted dozens of adult experiments, but the results were not very good. Either become a deformed person or become a fool……”

Experimenting with adults is much more difficult than with children.

In fact, Caesar was conducting experiments on adults in his early days, but he did so without success for more than ten years.

Later, I switched to conducting experiments on children, and I got some results.

“If it’s so dangerous, then you should improve your technology quickly. I’ll transform it when your technology is stable.”

Auntie said

“clear. said


“Seven points depend on luck, and three points depend on hard work. In this world, it is difficult to reach the end without a little luck.”

Qin Ge said with a smile. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Brother Ming was the first to nod in agreement, thinking: None of the people here are unlucky.

People with bad luck have long fallen into this trap. The sea is feeding fish.

Kaido nodded in agreement for the second time, thinking: If Lingling hadn’t given me a Blue Dragon Fruit for free, even if I had some achievements, I might not be able to reach my current level.

“Qin Ge, you haven’t said your plan yet.”

Auntie is not interested in philosophy[]

“My plan is divided into three steps. The first step is to unify the new world and open banks all over the new world.”

Qin Ge said.

Everyone nodded in approval.

The new world is a sphere of influence dominated by pirates. It is indeed suitable for them to take this step first.

“Along with opening a bank, we will also dominate the commercial economy of the entire new world and make it prosperous.”

“Then we have two options. One is to form a new world government and directly confront the old government, thereby expanding our business to the world. The second is to open up the new world, establish business channels with the world, and even cooperate with the Tianlong people.”

Qin Ge said.

Big Mom, Kaido, and the three emperors of the Golden Lion all fell into deep thought.

It is obviously very difficult to establish a new government to directly confront them.

The foundation of the world government is not only the navy, but also the five old stars. , the Knights of God.

You must know that in this world, the strong is the king, and a few strong ones can dominate the direction of a war.

“I think we should choose the second option. Opening up a new world is a good idea.”

Brother Ming was the first to make the suggestion.

“I also think so. Although you are very powerful, it will be difficult to open this bank if you want to directly confront the world government. Choosing openness and cooperation is a better approach. said


“We four emperors, as well as Barrett, may not be able to directly confront each other. Also, should we find the big secret treasure first? 700 With that, we might be able to dominate the world.”

The aunt obviously lacked patience and said ambitiously.

“If you find a great secret treasure, would you be willing to share it with us?”

Qin Ge said

“Uh, this……”

Of course aunt doesn’t want to

“The day we find the great secret treasure will be the time of internal strife between us. By then, let alone world domination, we will probably destroy ourselves without the navy taking action.”

Qin Ge doesn’t think Big Mom and Kaido share the same spirit.

If they had this tacit understanding, the Valley of Gods wouldn’t have lost back then.

“According to what you said, you won’t be looking for it?”

Auntie said

“Cooperation is cooperation, and the Great Secret Treasure depends on each person’s ability. What do you think?”

Qin Ge said

“Okay, I have no objection.”

Kaido said

“Then we can only choose two. I don’t think everyone will be united if there is a real fight.”

The golden lion said with a smile.

Big Mom and Kaido snorted, agreeing with his point of view.

Back then at such an important moment in the Valley of Gods, they had internal strife and parted ways.

Now if it happens again, no one dares to believe the other. At this time , they are only cooperating for benefit, and this benefit is just a blueprint and has not been truly established.

This kind of cooperation is not strong enough to unite several people.

Once they encounter a strong enemy, they may not want to unite. Defeat the opponent, but let the partner block the knife and retain the strength yourself. Nữ ikB Bú

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