“What’s going on? I can’t move my body.”

“My head feels heavy……” bang bang bang…

Thousands of meters below the surface of Dressrosa, ordinary people were oppressed by the Overlord’s color and fainted one after another.

A large area of residents in the middle and lower part fell.

Even those who were far away felt dizzy, a little unsteady, and couldn’t figure out what was going on.

“Such a strong overlord color, let’s go and take a look. said the snot-nosed man

“It’s better not to, Kaido and Big Mom are here, and we might be killed in the aftermath if we go to watch the battle.”

Gangtang was trembling with fear.

The collision of Auntie’s and Barrett’s overlord colors had an impact on the area for thousands of meters.

Because the sky island was only more than a thousand meters away from the ground at this time, it had a great impact on the people below. oppression

“It would be a shame not to take a look at such a wonderful battle.”

The explosive man said

“Buffalo, use your ability to take me up. I don’t want to miss this exciting battle. said the swimmer

“You have to go on your own, you can feel such strong oppression from so far away, and if you watch the battle at close range, you may really die.”

Bafalo, the one with the ability to turn the fruit

“You are too timid, that is a Yonko-level battle, if you miss it, you will regret it for the rest of your life. said the swimmer

“You also know that it is the Four Emperors. Even Brother Ming would not dare to get too close.” said Baffaro

“Bastard, just take a look at it from a distance and take me up quickly.”

The swimmer said angrily.

“And me, I want to go see it too.”

The explosive man said.

Buffalo struggled for a while, activated his power to create a propeller, and took the two of them to the island.

Seeing that they were all on the island, the snot man, the ton man, the fish monster, the strange old man and others also asked to go together..

Baffaro flew a few more times to send them all to Punk Hassad.

“Most of the cadres have gone up, leaving only sugar and Pika. What a great opportunity this is.”

Violet glared at the fruit user.

She has been waiting for the opportunity to liberate the toys in Dressrosa.

But she couldn’t be happy when she saw such a good opportunity.

Because she alone, not even a cadre She couldn’t deal with them, so she could only endure.

Using the Staring Fruit, she watched the battle on Sky Island from the ground, feeling the overbearing collision between Big Mom and Barrett, and the power of their casual swords and punches, which were like landslides. , Violet was shocked.

Barrett had already used his ability to put a layer of armor on his body and covered it with armor.

Auntie also blessed the sword with Fire Cloud Prometheus, entwining flames, and Barret. The fight was evenly matched.

Although Big Mom didn’t eat the Phantom Beast, her defense was no worse than Kaido’s.

Her skin was extremely tough and had the ability to rebound attacks, and it couldn’t be broken by any blunt blows or sharp stabs. Of her defenses, only Liu Ying could cause some internal damage.

However, Auntie’s body was not only strong on the skin, but also on the inside.

The damage caused by Liu Ying did not cause her to vomit blood, it was just a stomachache.

“Is this all you have? You can’t force me to use Ba Tang at all.”

Auntie laughed while fighting.

“Ba Tang, how to use it.”

Barrett gritted his teeth and kept trying while attacking fiercely.

But Overlord Color seemed to be a spiritual force of nothingness, not substance, and it was difficult to wrap around his body.

No matter how he tried, he couldn’t do it.

Another battle Yes, the aunt said with a smile:”It seems you still can’t do it, so let me help you.”

While speaking, she suddenly used the Overlord Color Coil, and the broadsword burst out with dark red thunder and lightning.

At this moment, Barrett concentrated on using the color perception.

But he did not find any usage techniques.

“Use your body to experience it. If you are still alive, you might succeed.”

Auntie jumped high and slashed hard.

Barrett did not dodge, raised his arms, and used his weapon color to catch the knife.


The powerful domineering collision burst out, shaking hundreds of meters around. On the first floor.

Everyone in the audience was blown away. Barrett gritted his teeth and held on for about four seconds. After all, he could not resist the power of the sword, and his defense was broken by the sword energy, and a powerful blood mark appeared on his arm.

His anger cut him and flew him dozens of meters away.

“how do you feel.”

Auntie didn’t pursue him, and just stood there holding the big knife.

Barrett stood up quickly, savoring the feeling of being hit by the bully just now.

But he didn’t seem to savor anything, which made him a little annoyed, so he roared again He rushed forward.

Auntie grinned, swung her knife again, and the dark red lightning flashed, and another blood mark appeared on Barrett’s body.

Obviously, Auntie who was in a normal state was not weaker than him.


Even her slashing power was stronger than that of a mace.

If Kinemon was struck by her, there would be no chance of him doing sit-ups.

, the domineering force is strong enough to resist the aunt’s sword energy, but he will continue to be injured.

Barrett activates his ability again, absorbs some metal materials on the island, forms a thicker armor, and rushes forward again, with a huge one.

The steel fist attacked Auntie’s face.

Auntie was fearless and struck back with her sword.


The steel fist and the blade exploded like a small atomic bomb, causing a strong shock wave.

More than a thousand meters away, the surrounding plants and rocks were blown away, leaving a large crater.

“It looks a bit like it, but Barrett’s qualifications are not enough, so it is not easy to understand Ba Tang.”

Kaido comments

“They won’t be able to tell the winner for a while, so let’s get started.”

Qin Ge said

“Come on, show me what you’re made of.”

Kaido said expectantly.

Since Barrett surrendered to Qin Ge, it means that Qin Ge is strong enough to suppress Barrett.

In short, it will not be a narrow victory.

If it is just a narrow victory, their characters will not give in, but will think Way to make a comeback

“Here comes the sword!”

Qin Ge waved his hand, and a long sword fell from the sky and fell accurately into his hand.

“You are too good at pretending.”

Kaido said unhappily while carrying the mace.

“This is called master style.”

Qin Ge said with a slight smile.

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