“That’s great, and it’s an honor to work with someone as strong as you.”

Brother Ming said with a forced smile.

“No wonder you are able to work both ways and cooperate with all major forces. You are indeed quite capable.”

Qin Ge said


Brother Ming heard his sarcasm and still kept smiling.

“I’m a little surprised that you can awaken your overlord color, but I haven’t awakened it yet. Why is that?”

Qin Ge said.

In his previous battle with the Golden Lion, he witnessed the Golden Lion’s overlord look.

Logically speaking, Qin Ge also has the overlord look, but he has never shown any signs of awakening.

“Is it possible that you have too little experience with this? Before your reward appeared, I had never heard of you. I guess you are not as experienced as ordinary people.”

Brother Ming felt very unhappy and had to explain carefully.

He prepared his words and said:”As far as I know, in addition to possessing extremely high talents, Tyrant has also experienced some inhuman hardships and experiences. They will only awaken when their emotions are extremely explosive, such as anger, fear, happiness and other emotions.”

Usually when you encounter a powerful enemy, fall into a desperate situation, or get revenge.

These situations are the easiest to awaken the overlord color.

Qin Ge recalled his experience of traveling to the pirate world. Although there were some battles and training, It is true that it did not reach the point of extreme emotional outburst.

When Zi Lan awakened her overlord color, she did so unconsciously in a violent state.

“You haven’t awakened your Overlord Color yet, but you already have a bounty of 4.5 billion, so you’re probably as powerful as the Four Emperors. There are not many people or things that can make your emotions explode.”

Brother Ming said

“Indeed, it seems that overlord sex cannot be forced and can only be left to chance.”

Qin Ge said calmly.

He will not take the initiative to find people to torture in order to awaken his overlord lust.

Maybe one day he will awaken naturally when facing a stronger enemy.

“Even the golden lion has been defeated by you, Barrett has become your shipwright, and the overlord color is not important to you.”

Caesar said from the side.

Ming Ge and others were shocked when they heard this. From this sentence, they tasted a lot of scary information.

Is the Golden Lion the legendary pirate who ate the Piao Piao Fruit?

Barrett Qin Ge is actually willing to be a shipwright.

Even if he is young, he has not yet awakened his Overlord Color.

Ming Ge thought to himself: This guy is so strong without the Overlord Color. If he awakens, he will be invincible.

“Men’s pursuit of power is endless.”

Qin Ge smiled faintly.

“Overlord color cannot be cultivated, it can only be awakened, and after awakening, it cannot be increased through cultivation. It is almost innate. This kind of power seems powerful, but in fact it is meaningless. It is not as good as technological transformation. said


“That makes sense. I wonder how your technological development is going, Mr. Caesar.”

Brother Ming alluded to the artificial fruit.

“The development is very good and new breakthroughs have been made. Unfortunately, these achievements belong to Boss Qin Ge.”

Caesar said with a smile

“I don’t care, I’m just afraid that Kaido and Big Mom won’t agree, after all, they also contributed the money.”

Brother Ming said

“Then I can’t control it.”

Caesar looked indifferent.

Ever since Qin Ge defeated the Golden Lion, his lineup has been stronger than the Yonko.

So Caesar is not worried about Kaido and Big Mom coming to settle the score.

“Of course you are not afraid on the empty island, but I am not. Kaido will kill me.”

Brother Ming said in embarrassment.

“Can’t Kaido fly? Let him come to my island as a guest and I will entertain him.”

Qin Ge said with a smile.

“You’re not kidding?”

Brother Ming said

“Is this a joke? Kaido and Big Mom can come together. I welcome them all.”

Qin Ge said generously.

“This is what you said, how about I call them now.”

Brother Ming said

“Okay, it just so happens that we all work together to discuss how to carve up the world.”

Qin Ge said.

Brother Ming’s expression twitched slightly, thinking: Is this guy joking or is he serious about dividing the world? Could it be that he also wants to overthrow the world government and rule the entire sea.

With Qin Ge’s strength, it is not impossible. Of course

Brother Ming doesn’t mind overthrowing the World Government. He is a wallflower and is on both sides.

Then he took out the phone bug and dialed Kaido’s number. After a while, the call was answered and the phone bug changed into something like Kaido. The little beard is very distinctive

“Hey, Brother Ming, if you bother me with something important, you know the consequences.”

Kaido is threatening when he opens his mouth.

This is much more arrogant than Qin Ge, Ming Ge still has to smile at the expense of

“Mr. Kaido, I have something to inform you. Punk Hassad has been taken away by Mr. Qin Ge.”

Brother Ming said

“Qin Ge, that newcomer who just put up the bounty? How did he take it? You won’t snatch it back.”

Kaido said dissatisfied.

“Qin Ge has the ability to float the fruit, which directly levitates the entire island.”

Brother Ming said

“He is quite capable of levitating Punk Hassard!”

Kaido was slightly surprised.

Although he can also lift an island, the scale is incomparable.

I had previously thought that Qin Ge obtained the 4.5 billion bounty through other means. Judging from this news alone, Qin Ge obviously has real intentions. capable

“Mr. Qin Ge is here as a guest. If you have time, you can come over and talk about it.”

Brother Ming said

“Is he there? Let him answer the phone.”

Kaido said

“no problem.”

Brother Ming immediately gave the phone bug to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge took the phone bug and said:”Teacher Kaido, I have long admired your name.

Kaido was startled when he heard this and said,”Teacher?” Do I know you.

Qin Ge chuckled and said,”I once heard that Teacher Kaido is the best at teaching, so he is called this.”

Kaido said confusedly:”When did you become good at teaching? What do you want to say?”

Qin Ge said:”I want to learn fruit awakening and overlord color entanglement. I wonder if Teacher Kaido is interested in teaching me.”

Kaido vaguely heard that he was mocking him, and snorted:”Come here if you want to learn, and I will teach you.””

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