After Qin Ge won, the people on the empty island were very nervous, fearing that he would clean up again.

In particular, Indigo, Caesar and others were uneasy and waited outside to welcome him back.

“Boss Qin Ge, I want to explain something about the golden lion…….”

Indigo said

“No need to explain, you are just scientists, just do your part.”

Qin Ge raised his hand to stop the other party, not bothering to listen to his explanation.

In the face of the absolute strength of the Golden Lion, these people have no ability to resist, and there is no way to talk about holding on.

Just like the country of Wano, once Oden surrenders, the others can only be slaves.

This is the rule of the world of the strong.

Seeing that he didn’t care, everyone was relieved, and just when they were about to be happy, Qin Ge said again:”But you can’t go unpunished if you help Golden Lion transform.”

As soon as these words came out, Indigo, Caesar and others raised their hearts again.

Qin Ge pretended to be silent, giving everyone a certain amount of psychological pressure. Seeing that they were all scared to sweat, some even trembled, Qin Ge Then he said:”I’ll fine you one year’s salary and go back to work.”

His few words in an understatement made everyone go from feeling uneasy, to sweating, to finally feeling relieved.

“Thank you, Boss Qin Ge, we will definitely work hard.”

Indigo and Caesar were overjoyed, and the other auxiliary scientists were also grateful.

As for the Golden Lion, although he was seriously injured, it was still much better than the last time he was in a coma.

It is estimated that he will be able to move freely after ten and a half days of training.

After cheating and losing to Qin Ge, Golden Lion couldn’t stand it, and he didn’t want to see anyone lying in the medical room.

Qin Ge didn’t force him and let him be alone.

“When you come back, you can play to your heart’s content again.”

Zi Lan returned to her childlike innocence again and took the giant children to play.

The giant children occasionally broke out into violent fits, but in front of Zi Lan, this was nothing.

Zi Lan could easily suppress them without harming them, and hit them until they are tired

“If only these giant kids could return to normal.”

Qin Ge discovered that among the giant children, there was a boy with great talent.

He was only nine years old and more than four meters tall. He seemed to have copper skin and iron bones, great strength, and was particularly durable.

When he grows up, he can definitely become a general.

“Captain, didn’t you escape from Vegapunk? Why don’t you go back to find him. With our current strength, it shouldn’t be difficult to grab someone.”

Barrett said.

He made this suggestion out of selfish motives. He hoped to grab Vegapunk and transform it for himself.

With the technical level of Indigo and Caesar, he did not dare to try it easily.

“It is indeed not difficult to get Vegapunk back, but it is difficult to support his research. Compared to Indigo and Caesar, Vegapunk requires tens of thousands of times more research funds.”

Qin Ge said.

Indigo and Caesar mainly take the route of biology and chemistry.

In addition to their own hobbies, it is also related to the lack of funds.

Biological and chemical research is relatively cost-effective in scientific research.

And Begapunk’s research includes Almost the entire industrial system can only be supported by the funds of the world government and more than 180 participating countries.

Trying to snatch him back now will only interrupt the other party’s research.

“With my cooperation, we should be able to save a lot of research funds.”

Barrett said

“Your ability is indeed very suitable for cooperating with research. Speaking of which, why did you suddenly become active? Qin Ge doubted

“Well, actually I also want to revamp it.”

Barrett saw him asking and told his true thoughts.

“So that’s it, I don’t recommend you to modify your body, you should learn to do it first. As long as you master the Overlord Color Coil, your strength can be taken to the next level. It just so happens that the Golden Lion will become my little brother, and you can learn from him.”

Qin Ge said

“I wouldn’t mind learning from the Golden Lion if he is willing.”

Barrett said

“The ability of the golden lion is very suitable for steering, and he will be our helmsman from now on.”

Qin Ge said.

In this way, Qin Ge has two emperor-level experts, namely the shipwright and the helmsman.

This configuration has surpassed that of the navy.

Even if the three generals lead the entire navy, Qin Ge’s group is not opponent

“Wait, it’s a bit wasteful to capture Vegapunk himself. It’s still okay to capture a clone of him.”

Qin Ge suddenly thought of an idea.


Barrett was puzzled.

“You’ll know when you get there.”

Qin Ge immediately controlled the sky island and flew in the direction of Dantou Island.

At this moment, the phone bug on his body suddenly rang. He took it out and connected it. The phone bug appeared to look like Luo

“Hey, what’s up? Qin

Ge asked

“Qin Ge, I have something to ask you for help.”

Luo has come to the new world.

He first seized the hearts of more than a hundred pirates in Rocky Port, dedicated them to the navy, and became the new king of the Shichibukai.

Then, using this identity, he began to investigate Doflaming Brother.

This investigation revealed that Doflamingo was terrifyingly powerful, at least too powerful for him to resist.

After thinking about it again, Luo put aside his pride and asked Qin Ge for help.


Qin Ge said

“I want to defeat Doflamingo, but I’m not strong enough.”

Luo said.

He felt a little embarrassed and uneasy when he said this.

As an adult in his twenties, it is quite shameful to ask a child for help.

His impression of Qin Ge still remains the same as that of almost a year ago. Looks like.

In addition, as one of the seven warriors, killing him is equivalent to going against the navy and the world government.

Luo doesn’t know if his friendship is worth what Qin

Ge does.

Ge had already guessed what he wanted to ask for, and without any surprise, he said directly:”How do you want me to help you, kill him directly, or create an environment for you to fight.”

Luo didn’t expect that he would agree so happily, and he felt happy. Then he thought for a while and said,”If possible, I would like to challenge him to a duel.”

At this time, he still doesn’t know the specific strength of Brother Ming. The reason why he asked Qin Ge for help is mainly because he is afraid of Brother Ming and the forces behind him.

If Qin Ge can solve this problem, he feels that he can try to challenge Brother Ming alone.

“Okay, come to Dressrosa, I’ll wait for you there.”

Qin Ge said

“Okay, I’ll be there right away.”

Luo became excited.

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