“I originally wanted to compete with you for dominance, but I don’t have the dominance color, so I can only use this. You are well-informed and should know what this ability is.”

As soon as Qin Ge raised his hand, the sea of clouds surged rapidly. In an instant, strong winds and dark clouds rolled in.

Then, dark clouds swept in all directions, and thunder rumbled.

Countless thunder and lightning flashed high in the sky.

Qin Ge was completely unaffected, but the golden lion hurriedly Dodge to avoid being struck by thunder and lightning.

The Thunder Fruit is very powerful. Using the power of nature, it is like a dragon swimming in the sea. The Wind and Wind Fruit can control the wind and rain, and the Thunder Fruit can move clouds and thunder. ability

“You can actually control the weather!”

The golden lion’s eyes flashed with horror, as if he was recalling the battle with Roger.

The power of nature caused a considerable psychological shadow on him.

“The majestic golden lion was so frightened by a few lightning bolts, it was too bad.”

Qin Ge teased.

The golden lion’s face sank, angered by his teasing, and flew over again without saying a word.

Qin Ge did not fight with him in swordsmanship, but raised his hand to control lightning, attacking the golden lion from all directions.

The golden lion had nowhere to hide, so it could only explode and knock away all the incoming lightning.

But then, more lightning struck from all directions….

The Golden Lion realized that he could not fight in this sea of clouds, as this was Qin Ge’s domain.

You must know that lightning in nature has tens of millions or hundreds of millions of volts. Although the golden lion can be blown away, it consumes a lot of energy.

The speed of lightning is so fast that it is difficult for the golden lion to dodge all of it.

So he was wrapped around his body, fell suddenly, and quickly escaped from Qin Ge’s main battlefield.

Qin Ge also fell quickly. While chasing him, he continued to control lightning attacks.

Bolts of lightning struck the golden lion. Although it was shaken away by Ba Tang, it also made the golden lion’s flight trajectory very unstable.

“Damn it, how can this kid control the weather and thunder and lightning? Maybe he also ate the thunder fruit.”

The golden lion was shocked and angry.

The next moment, a bolt of lightning flashed past him and turned into a human form. It was Qin Ge.

When the golden lion saw this scene, it was almost certain that Qin Ge had eaten the Thunder Fruit.

Qin Ge returned to human form. , immediately waved his right hand and sent out a bolt of lightning with hundreds of millions of volts to attack the golden lion. The golden lion split the lightning with his sword and flew away dozens of meters away.

He didn’t want to fight and fled quickly in the direction of the blast.

Turned into lightning again, and immediately caught up with the golden lion.

Sensing his position, the golden lion immediately swung his sword and sent out a golden slash.

Qin Ge had just released his elemental transformation, but before he could make a move, the sword energy had already struck. , he transformed into elements again and hid away.

“Sure enough, veteran masters like Golden Lion all know the weaknesses of elementalization.”

Qin Ge thought.

When using elementalization or canceling elementalization, there will be a moment of stiffness.

Emperor-level masters can seize this moment to attack in advance.

If the opponent has precognition, it will be difficult to rely on speed even with the Shining Fruit. Sneak attack on the opponent.

For example, Red Hair, Luffy.

They can predict where you will release the elementalization, so you can attack them in advance. You can only keep a certain distance.

“Since the effect of elementalization is not good, then rely on the speed of Piao Piao Fruit and then use thunder and lightning to stimulate the body to further improve speed and reaction ability.”

Qin Ge has already prepared a variety of tactics.

The elementalization of the thunder fruit is used to bully weaker players. It is a dimensionality reduction attack.

But when fighting against masters of the same level, this ability is flashy.

So Qin Ge adopted the thunder weapon Fruit-assisted tactics.

Similar to the fourth-generation Raikage’s Thunder Release in Naruto, which greatly improves physical fitness.

Qin Ge has Jin’s genes, and his physique is already strong, plus lightning stimulation, strength, speed, and nerves. The reaction was overwhelming.

He flapped his wings, stepped on the moon step at the same time, and almost instantly reached the golden lion.

“So fast!”

The golden lion was shocked. He didn’t have time to swing his sword to fight back, so he could only barely dodge sideways.

A stream of blood shot out.

The golden lion quickly pulled away, and there was already a sword mark on the right side of his body, which was deeply visible to the bone.

Just now he barely managed to dodge. He opened the key points and used Ba Tang to protect his body, but his defense was still broken.

However, Qin Ge’s sword energy was reduced, so he did not suffer too serious damage.

“OK, my brother is going to win.”

Zi Lan said happily

“It seems that Qin Ge has the upper hand. No, I have to return to Boss Qin Ge’s camp quickly.”

Caesar was afraid that Qin Ge would liquidate himself after his victory.

The golden lion used his domineering energy to temporarily close the wound, stop the bleeding, and then actively kill Qin Ge.

Qin Ge no longer fought him head-on, but used extreme speed to dodge and get up and down the golden lion. From left to right, he attacked from various tricky angles.

Previously, the Golden Lion could compete with Qin Ge with his Piaopiao Fruit ability.

At this time, Qin Ge activated two fruit abilities at the same time, and the Golden Lion’s speed and reaction were inferior. He was hit by Qin Ge several times in succession. Even though he used Ba Tang to defend himself, it was still difficult for him to completely resist Qin Ge’s attacks. Zi Lan was immediately happy when he saw this scene with many sword marks on his body.

Cheer up

“Damn, this kid is so fast. Although I can see him, my body can’t keep up.”

The golden lion’s expression was ugly.

He only had the Piao Piao Fruit, and Qin Ge’s double fruit accelerated, and he also had wings and moon steps to supplement it.

Qin Ge didn’t give him time to breathe, his wings burst, lightning flashed, and he appeared above the golden lion in an instant , a sword stabbed his Tian Ling Gai.

The golden lion quickly moved sideways and avoided the fatal attack, but was stabbed in the shoulder by a sword. It penetrated more than ten centimeters deep and hurt so much that he could not move his left arm. He was able to swing his right hand upward to strike.

Qin Ge immediately drew out his sword and quickly dodged the golden lion’s counterattack.

While dodging, he strangely walked around in front of the golden lion and stabbed the golden lion with another sword. The lion’s chest.

The golden lion used all his strength to rebound and barely blocked the sword.

This was thanks to the fact that he had gathered more domineering energy at the critical position, but he couldn’t control the non-vital parts. Qin Ge realized that he had focused on protecting the vital parts, so he stopped attacking them and started scraping tactics.

He kept flashing, moving, and attacking the golden lion’s hands, feet, shoulders, and back.

The golden lion was also moving quickly. , dodged the attack, and kept counterattacking.

However, the difference in speed and reaction made it difficult for him to launch an effective counterattack.

Although his attack was powerful, he still had to hit it.

After a while, the golden lion was covered in blood and had a lot of blood on his body. There were dozens of wounds, especially his left hand, which was already shaking slightly, and blood was flowing down his shoulder, staining the sword body red and continuing to drip blood.

“Golden Lion, admit defeat, you won’t last long if you continue fighting like this.”

Qin Ge felt that it was almost done, so he distanced himself and persuaded him to surrender.

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