After Enelu died, the golden guards stopped fighting, put away their weapons and stood in two rows, motionless.

“Brother Qin Ge, you used this move right from the beginning, causing two of my men to be seriously injured by lightning.”

Blackbeard complained with a smile.

“Don’t waste time, take out the thunder fruit quickly.”

Qin Ge said

“Do not worry.”

Blackbeard could only take out a piece of black cloth and cover it on Enilu’s body.

Qin Ge called for the fruit basket prepared in advance and put it inside the black cloth.

Blackbeard got into the black cloth and raised his buttocks. After tinkering for a while, he came out with a golden devil fruit with a thunder pattern in his hand.

Looking at the devil fruit in his hand, Blackbeard was still very greedy, hoping to bite it in one bite. I can no longer eat the Devil Fruit.

Shiliu also wanted to eat it and stared at the Thunder Fruit, but he couldn’t even lift the knife after being struck by lightning.

If he tried to fight Qin Ge at this time, he would only die.

“Congratulations, this is a natural system that is no less than magma, frozen and shiny fruits.”

Blackbeard reluctantly handed over the Thunder Fruit.

“You have already eaten three top fruits, so don’t be so greedy. If you are greedy, you will swallow the elephant.”

Qin Ge took the Thunder Fruit with a smile on his face.

“I would like to ask, who are you going to eat the Thunder Fruit for? Is it your sister?”

Blackbeard said curiously.

Barrett and Xiliu also looked at Qin Ge curiously.

“No, I eat it myself.”

Qin Ge said

“Eat it yourself, haven’t you already eaten the Piaopiao Fruit?”

Blackbeard said in shock.

Barrett and Xiliu were also surprised, thinking: Could it be that Qin Ge is a different species like Blackbeard?

“You can eat three. Is there any problem if I eat two Devil Fruits?”

Qin Ge smiled faintly, then picked up the Thunder Fruit and took a bite.

This was when he consciously ate the Devil Fruit. It was quite nauseating, but fortunately he only had to take one bite.

As he had guessed, the power of the second Devil Fruit was , absorbed by the split soul, and the split soul has no self-awareness and is completely controlled by Qin Ge, no different from his hands and feet.

“No, are you okay?”

Seeing that Qin Ge was still fine after eating the Thunder Fruit, Blackbeard was shocked and a little disappointed.

How he wished Qin Ge died suddenly.

“This is the power of the Thunder Fruit, which is not inferior to my Piao Piao Fruit.”

Qin Ge became excited.

He activated the ability of the Thunderous Fruit and transformed his whole body into elements. It turned into a bolt of thunder and lightning that flashed rapidly, flashing!

Flashing back and forth for more than ten kilometers, it took less than a second.

What a speed!

But the elemental The elementalization is not invincible, because when the whole body is elementalized, it has no attack power.

It must stop and release part of the elementalization before it can attack the enemy. For example, Kizaru can attack if the whole body is elementalized.

Enemy, then he doesn’t need to return to his human form at all.

He just needs to turn into a beam of light and shine everywhere, making him instantly invincible.

“Qin Ge’s speed was already frighteningly fast, but now it’s even faster. I’m afraid only Kizaru can compete with him.”

Blackbeard felt uncomfortable.

Even if he ate three Devil Fruits, it would be difficult to deal with Qin Ge’s two.

Capture Qin Ge and restrain his ability?

That would be useless. Qin Ge’s domineering and sword energy are too strong. To catch him is to seek death.

“Blackbeard, can you take a move from me? I want to see the power of this thunder fruit.”

Qin Ge said with a smile.

“Is it a forced connection? Let’s forget it. I don’t want to be struck by lightning again.”

Blackbeard shook his head.

Use the ability of the Dark Fruit to absorb the thunder and lightning.

Or use the Shock Fruit to shake the thunder and lightning away. These two methods are okay.

He is not sure if he is forced to fight.

Even if he enters the human-animal form and is covered by the armed color, It’s hard to take Qin Ge’s attack head on

“That’s such a pity, whatever, I’ll find someone else to try.”

Qin Ge said

“Since I got the Thunder Fruit for you, can you give me half of this city?”

Blackbeard is also very greedy for these robots.

“This was not included in the previous contract.”

Qin Ge said

“Don’t be so stingy, half the city is enough for you. You also have Barrett. As long as you master the technology here, you can quickly copy it.”

Blackbeard said

“Doing business means abiding by the contract. If you want half the city, there will be no fruits.”

Qin Ge said.

The corner of Blackbeard’s mouth twitched, thinking: This guy is not old, but he is so philistine.

Seeing Qin Ge so determined, Blackbeard weighed in his heart, which one is better, the fruit of the forest or this half of the city? Blackbeard thought that he could help him get another Devil Fruit in exchange for half the city, but he immediately rejected the idea.

Qin Ge had already eaten two Devil Fruits, and Blackbeard didn’t dare to help him anymore.

Blackbeard thought to himself: Although these robots are very good, they need to be powered by electricity. Even if I get them, it will be difficult to get them.

Finally, he decided to give up half of the city and get the fruits.

“a wise decision.”

Qin Ge smiled slightly, and then activated his ability to control the entire city to break away from the earth and float slowly.

The scale of this underground city is not very large, only about one-sixth of the size of Punk Hassad Island.

Qin Ge only spent It took just over a minute to bring it out of the ground and suspend it in the air.

“No matter how many times I watch it, I think this ability is exaggerated. How many islands can you control?”

Blackbeard said

“To be honest, I’ve almost reached my limit.”

Qin Ge said.

The main reason is that Punk Hassad Island is too big, plus the previous dozen islands.

Of course, the increase in number will not bring a continuous burden to Qin Ge, but is similar to a situation of limited quotas.

As long as there are no quotas If the quota is full, even if Qin Ge forces himself to control the island, he will no longer be able to control it.

“Think again, give me the Golden Lion, and I can continue to help you get Devil Fruits.”

Blackbeard said.

Half the city is certainly not worth his risk, but if he gets the Piao Piao Fruit, it will be different.


Qin Ge decisively refused.

Blackbeard felt it was a pity and thought: It would be better to wait until the cooperation is over, find a way to find the golden lion, and just snatch it away.

“go home!”

Qin Ge shouted and controlled the city and spaceship to return.

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