The distance between the earth and the moon is more than 300,000 kilometers. Even if we fly there at several times the speed of sound, it will take several days.

Fortunately, there is no resistance in space, so the flight speed is much faster.

In this operation, Qin Ge only brought Barrett, and Blackbeard only brought Xi Liu and Fan Oka.

The vehicle is a 30,000-ton spaceship.

It combines some of the science and technology brought by Qin Ge from Dantou Island, and the intelligent designs of Indigo and Caesar.

Finally, Barrett used his ability to create it, which has the function of internal circulation and ecology.

The so-called internal circulation ecology is a process in which water can be recycled, planted, raised, eaten, pulled out and recycled internally.

After water is highly purified, it is pure water.

As long as you overcome the psychological problems, there will be no problem.

In fact, this is how water circulates on the earth, but the earth’s ecology is very large, so most people don’t realize this.

“Your automatic food processor is really convenient. How about giving it to me?”

Blackbeard held a burger and said while eating.

The Blackbeard Pirates have no chefs and their food is poor, which has always been his problem.

With the automatic cooking machine, it is not only convenient, but the taste is also quite good.

“One 100 million beli.”

Qin Ge said

“100 million Baileys, why don’t you go and grab it.”

Blackbeard said

“This is my exclusive technology. If it weren’t for Barrett’s ability, it might not be mass-produced in another ten years.”

Qin Ge said.

Although the automatic cooking machine is only for cooking, it has a very high technical level.

There are more than 36,000 parts inside, including artificial intelligence chips.

From raw material processing to component production, it covers more than a thousand industrial categories.

With the current scientific level of mankind, it is impossible to engage in assembly line production, and we can only use our abilities to fully advance the industrialization level of mankind.

“Well, 100 million is 100 million.”

As a big pirate, Blackbeard can definitely afford the money, but he just feels it’s a bit of a loss.

Then he added:”It’s only a few days away, so we don’t need to make it so complicated. Even the internal circulation ecology has been developed. What do you plan to do? Travel to extraterrestrial space?

Qin Ge said with a smile:”This is just in case, and to do some space experiments.” Space is full of unknown dangers. If some mysterious force appears and drags us to other star fields, we may have to rely on this to survive.

Blackbeard said:”I have met many strong men, but you are the only one who is more cautious than me.””

He was even more afraid of Qin Ge in his heart.

He is not afraid of strong opponents, but afraid of strong ones.

Qin Ge is obviously this kind of person, who is obviously very powerful, but very careful.

Blackbeard thought to himself: It would be better to cooperate with this guy He felt at ease. If he became an enemy, he would have trouble sleeping and eating.

He could only hope that Qin Ge’s ultimate goal did not conflict with his own.

A few days later, they arrived at the moon, where some historical civilization remained. ruins, but they were also badly damaged.

“Looking at these ruins, it shows that the moon was once inhabited, which is incredible.”

Blackbeard said

“What’s even more incredible is that there is actually a certain amount of oxygen here.”

Qin Ge said.

They came prepared with space suits, but Qin Ge discovered that the moon also has thin oxygen.

This undoubtedly subverted his low level of physical knowledge.

But this world even has devil fruits, which is Regardless of physics, everyone took off their space suits.

“Where is the guy you mentioned?”

Blackbeard said

“I don’t know, I have to look for it, maybe he lives underground.”

Qin Ge said

“It’s hard to find if it’s underground.”

Blackbeard doesn’t have such a wide range of vision.

Although Van Oka also has long-distance vision, his penetrating power is not good, and it is difficult to perceive things under the surface.

“You wait here, I’ll come find you.”

Qin Ge already flew up as he spoke, and left quickly close to the ground.

Turn on the color of seeing and hearing with all his strength, penetrating perception.

“The ability of the Piao Piao Fruit is really convenient, and combined with his swordsmanship that is not weaker than that of Hawkeye, he is almost invincible. Only by grasping his weaknesses can we possibly deal with him.”

Blackbeard thought of Zilan, the person Qin Ge cares about most at the moment.

The problem is that Zilan herself is also terrifyingly strong, and without eating Devil Fruit, Blackbeard can’t defeat her.

Of course, Blackbeard is not the only one who cares about her most. To become an enemy of Qin Ge, all he was thinking about was to prepare for the unexpected in the future. Qin Ge flew back to the place five hours later and said,”Finally, we found that guy in the underground city.”

Blackbeard and the others had been waiting impatiently for a long time and said,”Let’s go, kill him as soon as possible and go back as soon as possible.”

Qin Ge immediately controlled the spacecraft and took action.

At the same time.

Under a ruins on the moon, thousands of meters deep, there was an underground city.

This city is full of Greek style, and there are many high-tech, small robots running.

These small robots can talk and think, no different from real people. After arriving on the moon,

Enel, the God of Thunder, searched for traces of civilization and finally found this underground city. When he first arrived

, the city was running out of energy.

It was Anilu who reactivated the city with lightning and became the master here.

When Qin Ge’s spaceship arrived, Anilu had already used the Heart Network. I sensed it.

The powerful auras of Qin Ge, Barrett, and Blackbeard frightened even the arrogant Eniro, so he didn’t dare to show up.

He just hoped. They didn’t find themselves, so don’t come to this city.

But in the end, Qin Ge’s spaceship still hovered above the ruins.

“It seems that I have been discovered. I don’t know if they are coming for the city or for me.”

Enilu still had a sense of luck.

Because he didn’t know these three guys at all and had never made any enemies.

Although Qin Ge sensed the existence of the underground city and Enilu, he couldn’t find the entrance, so he directly used the fruit ability , manipulating the surface to open a passage, taking Barrett and Blackbeard down together.

“What kind of ability is this? It feels a bit dangerous.”

Anilu became nervous.

Soon, Qin Ge and the others entered the underground city.

Looking at the automatically operating machinery and the small robots that were no different from real people, Qin Ge and the other five were a little amazed.

They and Grandma Liu It was like entering the Grand View Garden, looking around, touching and having a friendly exchange with the little robot.

“Unexpectedly, this desolate moon would hide such an advanced technological city. Brother Qin Ge, how about half of the technology here among us.”

Blackbeard said

“Okay, you can take it back yourself.”

Qin Ge said


Blackbeard was immediately in trouble. How could he have this ability?

Although the Blue Dragon Fruit also has the ability to carry the island, it is almost brute force and cannot be compared with the rule-based effect of the Piaopiao Fruit.

Not only is it laborious and slow, but the weight it can lift is also much smaller.

Blackbeard wants to take the things here and fly back to Earth, but it will probably take a few years to do it.

Qin Ge only needs a few days.

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