Caesar looked at Zilan in shock, and suddenly an idea flashed in his mind, and he said:”I know, you are not the real Lunaria tribe, but genetic experimental subjects.”

Then he suddenly slapped his head and said in annoyance:”I should have thought when I saw the news. The Lunalia clan has been extinct for a long time. How could two of them suddenly appear? At that time, I thought that you might be related to Jhin, but the possibility is even lower..”

Blackbeard also made a guess, thinking: Even Caesar said this, Qin Ge and Zi Lan are almost certainly the experimental subjects.

And there is a high probability that it is an experimental subject of the world government.

Other research institutions should not be as strong

“Is it Vegapunk or Gaji? It should be Vegapunk. The World Government had studied Jhin, and Vegapunk was working for them.”

Caesar’s speaking speed suddenly became much faster, and he was obviously very excited when he mentioned Vegapunk.

“Yes, we are Vegapunk’s experimental subjects, but now we are free.”

Qin Ge did not continue to hide.

“Damn it, that guy from Vegapunk has developed his skills to this extent.”

Caesar’s face was distorted with anger.

Although he has not seen Qin Ge fight with his own eyes, judging from the news description and the reactions of Blackbeard and Barrett, Qin Ge’s strength is by no means weaker than them.

This means that Bega Punk has created an emperor-level combat capability, but Caesar has not even created a vice-emperor or Fei Liubao-level combat capability.

He only created some chemical weapons to bully the soldiers.

“You don’t have to be so discouraged. Although Vegapunk created us, we eventually escaped from his control. In this respect, his experiment failed, didn’t it? Qin Ge said with a smile.

The reason why he comforted Caesar was because Qin Ge wanted to recruit him.

Even if Caesar is not as good as Vegapunk, he is still a top scientist.

“That’s true.”

Caesar felt a little more comfortable.

“Caesar, I actually like you very much. Are you interested in working on my ship?”

Qin Ge said

“Your ship is those empty islands.”

Caesar was a little moved.

This time Qin Ge controlled the sky island at a height of one thousand meters, which can be seen from the ground.

“Yes, I can even lift Punk Hassard into the air if you want.”

Qin Ge said with a smile.

In the anime, because of the duel between Akainu and Aokiji, Punk Hassad became Ice and Fire Island.

But Akainu is dead and the duel did not happen.

So now Punk Hassad is still full of vitality and is a good island

“Punk Hassad is five or six times bigger than your sky islands, and you can also take off!”

Caesar said in surprise.

Blackbeard’s expression twitched slightly, thinking: If Qin Ge can lift such a big island into the sky, then his strength will be terrible.

“Okay, as long as you can lift this island into the sky, I’ll hang out with you. said


“give me some more time.”

Qin Ge said.

After speaking, he squatted down and pressed one hand on the floor. He fully activated the fruit’s ability and expanded the spiritual field to the entire island, with a little extra space.

Qin Ge was delighted: He obviously didn’t practice much. Ability, but the ability has become stronger.

This is in line with his conjecture.

Qin Ge has always believed that ability and physical fitness are complementary to each other

, so during this period, Qin put the cart before the horse. Ge mainly cultivates physical fitness and domineering power, and has made considerable progress.

His potential is still great, and his progress is rapid. As his physical fitness and domineering power increase, his abilities will naturally become stronger. period, it may not be possible to lift Punk Hassad into the sky, and Qin Ge…


The entire Punk Hassad shook, and birds and beasts flew in the forest.

“Such a terrifying power, even if I use the Quake Fruit with all my strength, it will be difficult to destroy this island at once. But Qin Ge was able to control it, and his power was obviously much greater than mine.”

Blackbeard couldn’t help being horrified.

“No, it would be a bit too much to really float this island.”

Fan Oka, who has always been calm, couldn’t help but open his mouth.

“Vegapunk should have injected him with the genes of Golden Lion and Jhin. Could these two genes create such a powerful experimental body?”

Caesar was shocked and had a look of unwillingness on his face.

But it can be seen that it is not easy to control such a large island.

Qin Ge tried his best and spent more than three minutes to completely divide the island, and then slowly Lifting off.

People on the island first thought there was an earthquake, but when they saw the clouds in the sky getting closer, they realized that the island was rising.

“What’s going on? Have we ascended to heaven?”

“Could it be that God feels pity for us and wants to take us to heaven?”

“I can finally escape that hell!”

When Punk Hassad rose to the same height as more than a dozen sky islands and saw the beautiful ecology of the sky islands and the winged tribesmen gliding in the air, they actually thought those were angels.

Many people thought they had really gone to heaven. Others cried with joy.

Others knelt down and prayed to the Winged people in the distance:”Beautiful angels, thank you for saving me.”

This cannot be blamed on their ignorance, but on Punk Hassad, which is indeed hell for them.

The people living here, including indigenous people and prisoners, have become Caesar’s experimental subjects.

Many people have been tortured by Caesar. People are not ghosts.

There are many people who are missing arms and legs and become deformed monsters.

When the people of the Wing tribe saw this huge new island, they were also curious and watched it from a distance.

“What a big island. Did Qin Ge make this?”

Daqutong and others all looked dull.

“The original dozen or so islands were an exaggeration, but even a large island of this size can float, which is like a miracle.”

Katrina said

“Fortunately I didn’t mess around, otherwise…..”

The big wine barrel didn’t dare to think about it.

Qin Ge’s subordinates were also shocked, and then they were in reverence, worshiping deeply in their hearts.

Indigo originally thought that one day the golden lion would wake up and he might have to go back.

After seeing Punk Hassad ascending into the sky, he immediately gave up the idea and planned to be loyal to Qin Ge wholeheartedly.

Gorillas have similar ideas

“What do you say now, Caesar.”

After Qin Ge lifted the island into the sky, he was also a little arrogant and arrogant.

With such a powerful power, any man would not be able to help but feel swollen.

Qin Ge’s performance has been calculated.

“What else can I say, you will be my boss from now on.”

Caesar surrendered directly

“Since I am your boss, I order you to stop the experiments on these children and let them go.”

Qin Ge said

“Boss, I respect your strength, but you don’t think it’s a pity. They are already like this. Even if you let them go, nothing will change. It will only be a waste of experimental data.”

Caesar said.

After hearing what he said, Qin Ge was really hesitant.

Qin Ge is not the kind of moral person, and he knows the importance of scientific experimental data.

If its process is sinful and discarded, Isn’t it a greater sin?

“elder brother.”

At this time, Zi Lan gave a coquettish call, dragging Qin Ge out of rational scientific thinking.

Qin Ge immediately gave up thinking about interests and said:”Let them go, just find some fun for Zi Lan. companion.”

Those giant children have violent disorder and are undoubtedly very dangerous.

But it’s no problem for Zilan.

“Thank you brother.”

Zi Lan happily kissed him.

Qin Ge patted Zi Lan’s head lovingly and thought: Sure enough, a man’s destiny is to control a girl.

Seeing that he doted on Zi Lan so much, Blackbeard rolled his eyes and didn’t know what he was thinking. What a bad idea

“Well, as you wish.”

Caesar said helplessly.

Although Caesar was extremely reluctant, under the threat of Zi Lan, strictly speaking, under the threat of the man behind Zi Lan, he still obediently handed over those giant children.

“Congratulations, you have conquered another good subordinate, but don’t forget our agreement.”

Blackbeard is smiling, but he feels extremely uncomfortable in his heart. Even though he knows that Qin Ge poses a huge threat and has huge potential, he still wants to cooperate with Qin Ge and promote Qin Ge’s growth. It is equivalent to raising a tiger to create trouble.

“I always keep my promises.”

Qin Ge said

“Which is Momonosuke, give him to me.”

Blackbeard asked

“Momonosuke is not a giant child, but an ordinary child.”

Qin Ge said


Blackbeard turned to look at Caesar and said,”You still have ordinary children here.”

“No, the child experimental subjects are all here.”

Caesar said confusedly

“It was a kid with a moonshiro haircut who looked like a samurai. If you think about it carefully, it must be here.”

Qin Ge said

“Tsukiyotou, samurai child……I remembered that there used to be such a child, but then he escaped somewhere. Maybe he was already somewhere on the island.”

Caesar thought for a while before he remembered

“Damn, are you kidding!”

Blackbeard grabbed Caesar’s collar angrily.

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