“Blackbeard, I want to ask you one more favor. Qin

Ge said.

These days on Sky Island, Blackbeard and his gang are living very comfortably, and they don’t want to go back to Beehive Island.

Qin Ge’s dozens of Sky Islands have different heights and different temperatures, so there are spring, summer, autumn and winter. Four kinds of ecology.

Rich ecology, rich products, and comfortable living naturally.

“Should you ask me to help capture the fruit again? I would be happy to cooperate with you, but you can’t always ask me to pay unilaterally.”

Blackbeard said with a smile.

“It’s easy to talk to smart people, just say what you want.”

Qin Ge said

“I heard that the golden lion is here with you and is unconscious. How about giving him to me.”

Blackbeard said with a greedy look on his face.

“You have found out about such secretive things. It seems that you have been secretly doing tricks at my place these days.”

Qin Ge said

“I heard by chance that your ability is the same as that of a golden lion. I’m very curious as to why you have the characteristics of Lunaria and the ability of the Fluttering Fruit.”

Blackbeard said.

What he is sure of is that Qin Ge does not have the ability to take away the golden lion.

First: The golden lion is still alive.

Second: If Qin Ge has the ability to take away the fruit, there is no need to ask him for help.

“Isn’t this strange? What if I told you that besides Kaido, there is another person with the ability of the Blue Dragon Fruit in this world.”

Qin Ge said with a smile.

He suddenly thought of Momonosuke. Although that guy’s pink dragon is a bit coquettish, his ability is the same as Kaido.

It would be a pity to give such a good fruit to a ghost child.

As for the other three Seraphs , has been brought back to Mariejoia by Saint Satan and destroyed.

This is what Bega Punk said.


Blackbeard’s eyes flashed, and he suddenly became interested.

“How about you help me capture another Devil Fruit, and I will tell you the information about another Blue Dragon Fruit user. Qin Ge said.

Between Thunder Fruit and Pink Dragon Fruit, Qin Ge would definitely choose the former.

“Mere information is not enough. The person with the Blue Dragon Fruit ability must be very powerful. I may not be able to handle it myself.”

Blackbeard said

“Then you are thinking wrong, that guy is still a child and very weak.”

Qin Ge said

“Is he protected by a strong man?”

Blackbeard said

“No, I’m still alone now.”

Qin Ge said

“Then I’m surprised. Since you know such a good prey, why don’t you catch it yourself.”

Blackbeard said

“Because I have a goal I want more, the natural type – the thunder fruit.”

Qin Ge said

“Thunder Fruit! You know where it is.”

The eyes of Blackbeard and others were gleaming, and they were even more excited than when they heard about the Blue Dragon Fruit.

Obviously, in the eyes of others, the Thunder Fruit is better than the Blue Dragon Fruit.

In fact, the Blue Dragon Fruit and Kaido are mutually beneficial. It may not be that powerful if eaten by another person, but the Thunder Fruit is second only to the Shining Fruit in terms of speed.

“Don’t be so excited, that’s my prey.”

Qin Ge said

“Give me the Thunder Fruit, and I’ll help you get the Golden Lion’s Fluttering Fruit, and the Azure Dragon Fruit you just mentioned, how about it.”

Blackbeard said

“I am determined to get the Thunder Fruit, and I cannot give it to you.”

Qin Ge said.

Blackbeard was very disappointed when he heard this, and his mind started spinning again.

After thinking for a while, he said:”Then give me the information about the Piao Piao Fruit and the Green Dragon Fruit.

Qin Ge shook his head and said,”I can only give you information about the Azure Dragon Fruit.”

Blackbeard also shook his head and said,”Then I’m at a huge disadvantage. I’ve helped you get the rockberry fruits, but you didn’t give me anything.”

Qin Ge chuckled and said:”If it weren’t for me, your Honeycomb Island would have been destroyed. This is the condition agreed upon before the cooperation. Why do you feel that you are at a disadvantage now?”

Blackbeard said:”In short, the Thunder Fruit is equal to the information of Piao Piao Fruit and Azure Dragon Fruit. You can only choose one of them.” I’m already giving you face by letting you choose first.”

It is rare for him to reason with others and be fair.

Due to the strength of Qin Ge and his group, it is rare for Blackbeard to speak reason this time.

Qin Ge thought for a moment and said:”Otherwise, except for Qinglong For news about the fruit, I will help you get the natural fruit. Blackbeard

‘s eyes moved and he said:”It’s not impossible to be a natural fruit.

Qin Ge said with a smile:”It’s not impossible, but it’s very good.” Your Shiliu of Rain and Van Oka are both suitable for eating Sensen Fruit.”

Sensen Fruit can grow a variety of plants and can turn into plants.

Different plants have different functions.

If a sniper eats it, it can be used as a camouflage, or the plants can be used as bullets.

This is not much stronger than Usopp’s bullets.

If the swordsman eats it, he can also camouflage and hide in front of him, and he can turn the environment into his own domain and control plants to cooperate with him in battle.

This is a very practical devil fruit with a wide range of applications.

“Think about it seriously, there is no better offer than this.”

Qin Ge made a Trump gesture.

“You really know how to make things difficult for others, okay, I agree with your request. But you have to give me the information about the Blue Dragon Fruit first. After I get the fruit, I can help you get the Thunder Fruit.”

Blackbeard said

“no problem.”

Qin Ge nodded in agreement.

Then he betrayed Momonosuke’s information on Punk Hassad to Blackbeard. He even sent Blackbeard’s group directly there.

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