“This Seraph’s speed is too fast, probably due to the ability of the Piao Piao Fruit. It is very difficult to hit him.”

Akainu was very depressed because he couldn’t hit Qin Ge.

Although Akainu can also temporarily move in the sky with the help of magma eruption and moon walking, his ability to fly is still far behind. He is not fast enough and flexible enough.

He can’t deal with people like Blackbeard. He can fly well, but he will be at a disadvantage against Qin Ge.

“Rain of red lotus arrows!”

Akainu suddenly ejected a large number of magma arrows from his body and attacked Qin Ge.

Qin Ge quickly moved sideways and avoided the rain of magma arrows.

The rain of arrows fell on the ground and drilled out one hundred meters deep, with arms as thick as The small hole.

Blackbeard was unlucky and was hit by a magma arrow on his head, which almost opened his head. The pain made him cover his head and jump around.

There is no doubt that Akainu also has powerful Haki and can do it. Mixing Haki and magma.

Haki and fruit abilities are not incompatible. On the contrary, it is nonsense to say that Haki can restrain fruits.���Elementalize, rather than refrain from elementalizing.

Some fruit abilities can be released, but it does not mean restraint.

At most, the internal force is strong enough to forcibly detoxify.

That only shows that the poison of Poison Q is not strong enough.

The biggest advantage of Baqi is Tiger Balm.

Who is stronger depends on the person


Akainu resisted the sword energy with both hands, opened his mouth and spurted out a large stream of magma. The magma turned into a dozen wolves and rushed towards Qin Ge.

Qin Ge dodged to avoid it, and Akainu controlled the wolves to continue chasing.

“Cross cut!”

Qin Ge kicked his legs continuously and issued a cross slash, cutting open the chasing lava wolves.

However, unexpectedly, the slash only cut through the first few wolves, and the lava wolves behind continued to pounce. Come up

“The magma is mixed with domineering energy.”

Qin Ge thought.

The magma mixed with domineering energy, no matter the eruption speed, is much stronger than the pure ability.

Presumably Akainu used this technique to break one of Aoki’s legs.

If you want to break this attack It’s also very simple, just use stronger domineering power to destroy

‘Whirlwind! Qin

Ge suddenly spun around a few times at high speed, raised one foot and sent out a golden arc-shaped slash.

After the magma wolves pounced on them, they were all sliced open by arc-shaped slashes.

Akainu was still trying to make a move, but Qin Ge suddenly flashed over Akainu with a very strange movement technique.

Standing upside down and hitting Akainu on the head.

Palm cannon!

Akainu sensed his attack and immediately elementalized his head, injecting a large amount of Haki defense.

But he still had a splitting headache from being hit by the palm cannon, and the pain went directly from the Tianling Gai to the tailbone.

As if struck by lightning, his whole body froze and fell.

Blackbeard had been watching from below, and when he saw Akainu falling, he immediately activated his Darkness Fruit ability and sucked Akainu down.

Akainu’s falling speed further accelerated

“Damn it!”

、At this moment, Akainu felt the threat of death, and a great fear burst out from the bottom of his heart.

Fear can stimulate people more than any anger or hatred.

In an instant, Akainu’s potential exploded, his body became elemental again, and magma gurgled out.

At the same time, domineering energy emerged, he stepped on the moon, adjusted his body shape in mid-air, and punched the black beard below him continuously.

Fists of magma mixed with domineering energy fell down.

Blackbeard tried to use the Darkness Fruit ability to absorb the magma fist, but he did not expect that it was mixed with domineering energy and could not be absorbed.

Boom boom boom!

A large number of magma fists fell on Blackbeard, causing him to spurt out blood and fly backwards.

Blackbeard fell dozens of meters away, rolling on the ground with his body covered, screaming.

It’s not easy to bear the pain several times over

“Bang bang!”

At this time, Barrett carried a large gun more than ten meters long and fired bullets at Akainu. The bullets were also wrapped with Haki.

Akainu was caught off guard and was hit by the bullet. He grunted and blood spilled from many places on his body. Come with Magma.

He gritted his teeth and punched Barrett with many magma fists.

Barrett threw down his big gun and punched out all the magma fists.

At the same time, Qin Ge flew away. He ducked over Akainu again, used his palm cannons with both hands, and hit Akainu hard.

Akainu didn’t react, and he spurted blood and finally fell to the ground.

In the abyss crack caused by the earthquake fruit, a lot of seawater poured into the crack. Seeing that Akainu was about to fall into the water, he suddenly erupted a large amount of magma.

From Qin Ge’s perspective, the magma exploded in the crack. After a while, Akainu didn’t come up.

He realized something was wrong, so he let go of his senses, and after careful inspection, he found that Akainu was drilling a few hundred meters underground, and he had already drilled very close to the seaside.

The barrier of the bottom layer will weaken the perception of sight and color.

If it were not for Qin Ge’s extremely large range of sight and color, Akainu would be transformed into magma and quickly run away underground. Moving forward very quickly,

Akainu was excited when he saw that he was reaching the beach,”It’s not that easy to kill me.”

He didn’t plan to fight to the end from the beginning. He was always looking for opportunities to escape.

It’s amazing to be able to force Akainu to this point.

“Soaring dragon!”

As Qin Ge’s ability was activated, the rock and soil around Akainu suddenly collapsed, and then condensed together to form a dragon, which opened its mouth and bit Akainu and brought him up.

“This way you can find me.”

Akainu was shocked, realizing that what Qin Ge saw and heard was not simple.

He struck with all his strength, smashed the earth dragon into pieces, and turned into magma again and fled quickly.

On the warship on the seaside, the navy saw a line of magma breaking out of the ground. Flying towards the warship at high speed,

Qin Ge also flew to the seaside and used the rock and soil to block Akainu.

Although Akainu broke through the obstruction of the rock and soil,

Qin Ge took the opportunity to land on the sea. , touched the sea water with his hand, and then controlled the sea water to turn into a water curtain, blocking Akainu’s way. Akainu suddenly felt weak and struggled to control the water curtain. A giant water ball trapping Akainu inside

“General Akainu!”

The marines were shocked and anxious.

One of the beautiful marines conjured up several black iron rods and threw them at Qin Ge.

Qin Ge easily dodged the iron rods, turned around and recognized that the other party was a man named Tina’s beautiful navy rear admiral.

He didn’t show mercy at all. As soon as he raised his hand, the waves surged and overturned the huge warship. Then Qin

Ge looked at the big water ball.

Struggling inside, as if drowning, with gurgling and bubbling in the mouth and nose.

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