Facing the golden lion’s violent attack, Qin Ge put away his smile, became serious, and tried his best to decide the outcome.

However, at this critical moment, the golden lion suddenly burst into blood and fell down.

Immediately afterwards, the islands controlled by the golden lion also stopped, and then they all fell

“What’s going on? Boss Shiji seems to have lost.”

Because the bombardment scene was so big, the boys on the island didn’t see it clearly.

When the island fell quickly, they realized a certain possibility, and they couldn’t accept it.

“Impossible, how could Boss Shiji lose, and the opponent is just a child?”

“Damn it, the island is landing. It’s probably going to fall into the sea.”

“Fortunately, I am not a devil fruit user. I can swim even if I fall.”

“No matter where you go, if there are no other islands around, everyone will die in the sea.”

“What should I do? Help!”

After discovering their situation, the pirates no longer cared about Shi Ji’s victory or defeat, and shouted one after another.

“It would be a shame if these islands fell into the sea.”

Qin Ge hesitated for a moment, then flew quickly and touched a dozen islands.

After gaining control of the islands, he controlled them to fly high into the sky again.

The pirates on the islands came to their senses and were all a little surprised:” The island is floating again. Could it be that Boss Shiji hasn’t lost yet?”

After Qin Ge took over the island, he flew down quickly.

Before the golden lion was about to fall into the sea, a hand lifted him up.

Return to the central island

“Boss Shiji!”

When the men saw the golden lion covered in blood, they were all shocked and scared. They didn’t know what Qin Ge would do.

At the same time, they realized that the refloating of the island might not be caused by the golden lion, but by the child in front of them.

From the battle situation It can be seen that Qin Ge also has similar abilities.

Qin Ge threw the golden lion in front of Indigo and said:”He is not dead yet, try to save him. Indigo was the doctor dressed like a clown. He hugged the golden lion and said,”I’ll go operate on Mr. Shiji first. I’ll leave this to you.””

Then he ran in.

The gorilla and other pirates were left, holding knives and guns in their hands, looking at Qin Ge nervously, not knowing what to do.

“Even if the golden lion is not dead, he is still no match for me. From now on, these islands are mine. Do you have any objections?”

Qin Ge said

“Uh, no comment.

The gorilla gave in decisively and said,”Excuse me, your surname. How should we call you?””

“My name is Qin Ge, and this is my sister Zilan.”

Qin Ge introduced in public

“It turned out to be Master Qin Ge and Master Zilan”

“Two adults, please sit inside.”

The Golden Lion’s men took advantage of the situation, put away their weapons, and welcomed the guests warmly.

The sumptuous food prepared before was quickly served.

Zilan opened her belly and ate.

There were more than a thousand of Golden Lion’s men, There were only a dozen people who were loyal to the Golden Lion.

These dozen people led hundreds of people to try to break into the palace, and the others took care of them without Qin Ge.

There was a burst of gunfire and the sound of swords and swords. , which lasted for about twenty minutes, when the battle was over, a strong pirate who was more than three meters tall and holding a samurai sword came in covered in blood and said:”Master Qin Ge, the remnants of the Golden Lion have been wiped out. , the rest choose to be loyal to you.

Qin Ge said:”Very good, let’s all sit down and eat together.””

The strong pirate said:”Thank you, sir.”

Then he invited some high-status pirates to come in, pay homage to Qin Ge, sit on both sides, and held a banquet stained with blood.

Qin Ge briefly got to know these people.

The strong pirate just now was called Kurland, and he was twenty. Eight years old, he is a swordsman, and his strength is close to that of the flying six.

He is one of the few pirates who has mastered the weapon color.

It can only be said that the golden lion’s men are too weak, and there is no big sign. , which is the lowest level of the flying six cells.

Indigo is a chemist and ship doctor, and he is still operating on the golden lion.

His fighting skills are average, and he is more of a comedy character.

“Kurland, I have a mission for you. Take some people to the sea to find a big pirate named Barrett. This man recently escaped from Impel Down. I want to know where he is.”

Qin Ge said

“The subordinates understand.”

Kurand said respectfully.

Although they are comfortable on the flying island, they are not allowed to rob their homes. They have long been tired of it.

Therefore, they are happy to go to sea.

Qin Ge does not need so many pirates, and directly sent away more than 700. There were only more than 400 people responsible for the cultivation of rare animals.

The gorilla and Indigo were the leaders in charge of the rare animals. The two continued their original work.

As for the golden lion, he barely survived after some operations.

Currently in a coma, I don’t know if I can wake up.

“Brother, will these islands belong to us from now on?”

Zi Lan said happily

“Yes, you can play around.”

Qin Ge said

“Great, I’m going to find animals to play with.”

Zi Lan used Moon Step, and rushed into the forest in a few swishes, disappearing.

The technique of Moon Step is very easy for an emperor-level expert to learn.

Using domineering power to explode at the soles of the feet is more convenient and faster than the ordinary Moon Step. Staying in the air for a longer time.

I don’t understand why the aunt doesn’t learn. Is she too fat?

“By the way, liberate the indigenous people on the island. There is no need to torture them.”

Qin Ge said

“No problem, at your command.”

Indigo replied respectfully.

Anyway, Qin Ge didn’t intend to kill the golden lion. As his old subordinate, Indigo wisely chose to be loyal to both sides.

Then Indigo took some people to kill the aborigines. Liberated.

There are only more than 5,000 aborigines on the island, with small white wings on their arms and similar physiques to humans.

When they learned that the island had a new owner and a new policy, they were naturally very grateful to

Qin. Ge came to worship him like a savior.

Qin Ge directly opened up the science and technology of the Golden Lion, let the indigenous people participate, and did some things within his ability. He also arranged for scientists and pirates who knew swordsmanship and boxing to be teachers. Residents’ children study and practice martial arts

“Mr. Qin Ge, you are much more kind than Mr. Shi Ji. I believe that with your wise leadership, we will definitely develop better.”

Indigo said flatteringly.

“I just don’t like torturing others.”

Qin Ge said

“In this sea, if you don’t bully or torture others, you are considered a good person.”

Indigo said

“Yes, the bottom line of this ocean is really too low.”

Qin Ge sighed with emotion.

He just did a small thing, and the aboriginal people were as stunned as if they saw him. They worshiped him as if they were seeing the sun, God.

Those who didn’t know thought Qin Ge had turned into the sun god Nika.

To be honest, this feeling of being worshiped by others is quite comfortable, which makes Qin Ge feel a little elated.

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