Seeing him stammering, Qin Ge said:”Why are you so excited? You are also a legendary pirate in the past.

Can you be a bit more powerful?” The golden lion was embarrassed by what he said, so he pretended to be calm and said:”So you know me”I, I haven’t been down for so long, is my legend still circulating in the sea?” I felt a little complacent thinking about this, thinking: It seems that my golden lion is still very good.

I haven’t appeared in the world for twenty years, even as a child.

Everybody can recognize it.

Qin Ge immediately broke his illusion and said:”You have nothing to do with me in the sea. The reason why I know you is just because I happen to know you.” The golden lion was a little embarrassed and thought: This guy has something similar to me. ability, and he happens to know me…

No matter how hard I try, I can’t figure out who he is.

But it is certain that Qin Ge and Zi Lan are by no means simple.

If you continue to follow Qin Ge’s words, you will be teased by him, so the golden lion suddenly became generous and said:”Let’s not talk about this for now, go to my palace to have a rest.”

After that, he took the lead and flew over.

Qin Ge held Zi Lan and followed closely behind.

After returning to the palace, the golden lion sat at the head of the palace, waved to a servant, and asked him to prepare a sumptuous meal.

Before eating, the servant brought a lot of fruit and wine.

Qin Ge and Zilan sat in the first seat on the left.

Zi Lan doesn’t care about anything else, she only cares about eating.

She took a bite of the fruit as big as a watermelon, and she picked up the grapes and poured them into her mouth.

The servants ate all the food as soon as it was served to the table.

Seeing that she was so good at eating, the golden lion said,”Bring more fruits and let the guests eat until they are full.”

So a dozen more servants came and carried the fruits on burdens to the table.

Zilan accepts everyone who comes, and the little people are like a bottomless pit that cannot be filled at all.

The servants were so tired that they were sweating profusely……

Seeing this, the golden lion smiled happily and said:”Qin Ge, you know that I am a big pirate, but you still dare to come to my place. I think you have something to rely on.”

Qin Ge said:”Reliance, if you insist on talking about it, it is probably strength.”

The golden lion said:”Then can you show me your strength?”

Qin Ge didn’t say anything, reached out and touched the wine glass, and controlled the wine glass to fly towards the golden lion at high speed.

The golden lion wanted to catch the wine glass, but as soon as he raised his left hand a little, the wine glass passed by his ear like a bullet and hit the wall behind him.

There was a snap, and debris flew everywhere.

Due to the speed, cracks appeared in the wall.

The hand that Golden Lion had just raised froze, and his expression twitched slightly, thinking: It was so fast, I didn’t even react.

It can be seen how powerful Qin Ge’s fruit ability is.

If Qin Ge controls bullets, the speed will be more than ten times faster than firearms

“How do you feel, Mr. Shikey?”

Qin Ge said with a smile.

“Ha ha…The younger generation is formidable, your ability is no less than mine.”

The golden lion clapped his hands and laughed, but he was actually a little nervous.

He couldn’t understand why a child had abilities similar to his own, and at a similar level.

There’s no way this Qin Ge is also a legendary master.

I haven’t been there for twenty years Come out, could there be another earth-shaking change in the sea, with strong men like clouds?

“To tell you the truth, my abilities are the same as yours.”

Qin Ge did not continue to sell things off.


Although there were speculations, Golden Lion was still surprised when he confirmed it:”But as far as I know, Devil Fruits are all unique, and it is impossible for two Piaopiao Fruits to appear at the same time.”

“Your news is too late. Go to Dressrosa and see. There is a guy named Doflamingo who is already mass-producing devil fruits.”

Qin Ge said

“Mass manufacturing!”

Even though the golden lion has seen a lot, his eyes widened and his mouth opened wide.

Is this world changing so fast? Devil fruits that were once extremely precious can be mass-produced.

What about the monsters I have painstakingly researched? Value.

The long-dormant ambition of the Golden Lion was hit by this news, and it was like glass.

He didn’t want to believe it, but there was an example in front of him.

“Of course, not everyone can mass-produce them. As far as I know, only Doflamingo, Kaido, and the World Government have this ability.”

Qin Ge deliberately said that Devil Fruit is worthless.

“That’s quite scary. Now there are a lot of people with fruit abilities.” said the golden lion

“How could the Devil Fruit they created be eaten by others? They all built their own legions of ability users. In fact, we are also created ability users, but I didn’t want to become a tool, so I escaped.”

Qin Ge said half truthfully and half falsely.

“I see.”

Golden Lion immediately believed 70% to 80%.

Because Qin Ge and Zi Lan were young but very strong, they were obviously not normal people.

And the Piao Piao Fruit was very suitable for escaping.

Plus the warship that Qin Ge snatched, the Golden Lion Brain To fill in some plot points,

Golden Lion said:”The Kaido you are talking about is not the boy from Rocks Pirates.

Qin Ge said:”That’s him. Now he has become the emperor of the sea and formed the Beast Pirates. His subordinates are all ability users who have eaten animal fruits.””

The golden lion was very unhappy when he heard this, and said:”I’m not dead yet, how can this kid be so virtuous and capable, why should he be the emperor of the sea?”

Qin Ge said:”The waves in the sea push the waves in front, and the waves in front die on the beach.”

After hearing this, the golden lion felt unhappy and a little lonely at the same time. He thought to himself:”Even that kid Kaido has become the emperor of the sea, and there is an army of ability users. If I go to the sea, what will I do with other pirates and the world? Government fights.”

Suddenly I felt that the monster I created was rubbish, and I lost my ambition to do something big.

Qin Ge said:”Mr. Shiji, I’m curious, where have you been these years? Could it be that you have been retiring on the flying island. The golden lion said expressionlessly:”Do I look very old?””

Qin Ge said:”You should be seventy years old, you are not very old, but if you want to fight, you will definitely not be as good as young people.”

The golden lion grinned and said:”It seems that you are very confident, so I’ll let you see it.

Qin Ge said:”It’s disrespectful, let’s compare our abilities.””

Golden Lion said:”Okay, let me see how much you, a man-made ability user, weigh.”

Then the two got up and planned to go out to spar.

Zilan’s cheeks bulged and she said,”Brother, I want to go see it too.”

Qin Ge took her little hands, which were covered in juice and sticky, and flew out with her.

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