Some time later, Qin Ge started special training for the purple-haired girl on the desert island.

The so-called special training is crazy fighting.

There are no extra skills, just a pure physical competition to see who is stronger and who can carry it better.

At first, Qin Ge could suppress the opponent with his domineering power.

After fighting for more than two months, the recessive gene may have awakened, and the purple-haired girl’s strength and defense skyrocketed.

Qin Ge used his domineering power to strengthen his fists, but he couldn’t break through her defense.

Her ‘Steel Balloon’ not only has strong defense, but also has a strong rebound effect.

When you hit a punch, it’s like hitting a very elastic steel plate, and some of the force will bounce back.

“No wonder Auntie has been traversing the sea for decades without any wounds on her body. She is indeed a monster. If she hadn’t suffered from Alzheimer’s disease, who could beat her with this physique alone.”

Qin Ge thought.

I’m afraid Kaido has to enter the human-animal form before he can compare his physique with Big Mom.

The purple-haired girl also has Jhin’s genes. When the two are fused, her physique is estimated to surpass Kaido.

Once the divine fire is turned on, King Kong Not bad. After beating her, Qin Ge was no match for her.

Only then did Qin Ge truly understand why Vegapunk didn’t give her the Devil Fruit.

The fruit is a waste.

The purple-haired girl who doesn’t have the weakness of sea water is definitely better than the aunt. Qin Ge likes this kind of powerful and beautiful girl. After being beaten by her, he not only didn’t get angry, but also became happy. Although not as good as the opponent

, he can still withstand it with his weapon color and divine fire.

He twisted his muscles and rushed forward.

Simple domineering hardening could not break the defense, so Qin Ge thought of Liu Ying’s internal destruction skills.

Well, I still watched the anime, or maybe I awakened the power of Golden Lion and Jin.

When Qin Ge thought of Liu Ying, he naturally used it.

It was a little awkward at first, and it only took more than half an hour..


The punch was punched about half a meter away and hit the purple-haired girl in the chest. She flew backwards for more than ten meters and blood spilled from the corner of her mouth.


Qin Ge didn’t expect that he could learn Liu Ying so quickly, and he was very surprised.

A trace of surprise flashed in the purple-haired girl’s eyes, and then her face showed anger, and she rushed forward again.

Qin Ge saw the change in her eyes and expression, and felt Even more happy.

Because she was dull at first, her expression became more and more colorful as her genes awakened.


When the purple-haired girl was still about one meter away, Qin Ge used Liu Ying again. Sora knocked her away.

The purple-haired girl’s internal organs were hit by Haki, and more blood spilled from the corner of her mouth.

However, this injury was nothing to her. She wiped the corner of her mouth and rushed forward again. she…

Another month passed.

Under Qin Ge’s continuous blows, the purple-haired girl also awakened her domineering power and quickly strengthened it.

After using the domineering body protection, Qin Ge’s strike effect was weakened a lot.

But as long as he used air strikes, the purple-haired girl would not be able to touch him, and he would always be at an advantage.

The purple-haired girl became so angry that her expression became richer, her little face was full of anger, her silver teeth clenched, and she roared angrily, awakening her domineering aura.

And directly learned the overlord color entanglement.

This overlord’s color is entangled, and it seems to have its own flowing cherry blossoms, which can hit the opponent from a distance.

As a result, Qin Ge’s domineering advantage gradually weakened, and the two sides entered the see-saw mode again.

When he was tired from fighting, Qin Ge flew into the sky and returned to the warship to rest.

The warship he snatched previously has been suspended in the clouds. It has an automatic cooking machine, a clothes-making machine and a garbage collection dog, making life very convenient.

Qin Ge only needs to catch fish or animals on a desert island and put them directly into the food processor to cook delicious food.

After he had eaten and drank enough, he would also give it to the purple-haired girl.

At first, every time he flew into the sky, the purple-haired girl would be furious below.

Later, she discovered that Qin Ge would bring food, and she gradually seemed to understand something.

Every time Qin Ge flew up, she would sit down and wait, not going crazy.

The purple-haired girl is a foodie like her aunt. Every time she sees food, her grumpy expression will soften and she will start to eat happily.

I have to eat a small mountain of food every time and digest it in one go.

Eat and drink enough, rest for a while and continue playing.

After the fight, Qin Ge’s domineering power no longer had any advantage, and he couldn’t help the purple-haired girl.

So he gave the opponent a sword and began to compete in swordsmanship.

The purple-haired girl took the sword and was a little confused at first. After fighting for a while, she naturally used her sword skills.

Her swordsmanship is the same as Auntie’s, with wide open ranges and straight forwards.

Although Qin Ge can defeat her with his fruit abilities and elegant body skills, his goal is not to win, but to compete in strength and awaken each other.

After fighting like this for a while, the purple-haired girl was able to use her sword energy.

From ordinary sword energy to Elbaf’s spear, she used them all one after another.

The Spear of Elbaf is a very powerful move.

It can emit a spiral sword energy shock wave with extremely strong penetrating power and can easily drill through a large mountain.

After gaining the overlord color and domineering energy, Qin Ge did not dare to resist this move.

“Basically forced the aunt to show her abilities.”

Qin Ge was tired after playing for so long, so he planned to stop the special training.

So he tried to shout:”Hey, let’s not fight now.”

The purple-haired girl didn’t seem to understand, and continued to attack him. Qin Ge could only accept the attack.

He said while accepting the attack:”Can you understand what I am saying? After fighting for so long, I am tired. Let’s take a rest.”

The purple-haired girl still kept attacking. It seemed that although she had awakened to a certain degree of consciousness, she was unable to communicate.

Qin Ge hesitated, pulled away, and threw the long sword in his hand.

The purple-haired girl was stunned when she saw this, and then also Throwing the sword, he clenched his fists and rushed forward again.

Seeing her throw away the sword, Qin Ge smiled slightly. When she rushed forward, he spread his arms and hugged the purple-haired girl hard…….

Qin Ge gently stroked her head and said softly in her ear:”Be good, don’t hit me again.”

The purple-haired girl was like a little wild cat and did not immediately understand what he meant.

Qin Ge patiently comforted her.

The purple-haired girl felt his thoughts and gradually calmed down.

She raised her head and looked at Qin Ge, her eyes were like those of a pure white baby, full of curiosity and kindness.

“She had been in a laboratory since she was a child, her intelligence had not been developed and grown, and her self-awareness had been blocked. Coupled with rampage, rapid awakening, and the influence of highly toxic genes…….”

Thinking of this, Qin Ge felt a little sorry for the child.

The purple-haired girl seemed to feel his thoughts, her eyes became pitiful, and she buried her head in his arms.

It’s like a child finding support.

Suddenly, the purple-haired girl burst into tears, as if she wanted to vent all the grievances and pain she had suffered in the past, and tears burst out.

Qin Ge was happy to see her crying, because it meant that she had truly awakened to herself.

Like a newborn baby, that first cry.

I believe that as long as she continues to contact the outside world, communicate and learn, she will slowly return to normal.

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