“Then let me see if your sword skills have improved over the past few days.”

Kizaru was about to draw his sword as he spoke.

Qin Ge had already drawn his sword, and he was so frightened that he quickly blocked it.

Feeling the powerful domineering power wrapped around the sword, Kizaru was secretly frightened: This kid’s progress is too fast, completely beyond his control. Unexpectedly.

When Qin Ge first came out, his domineering power was not so strong.

After training with Lei Li, he continued to awaken his potential, and his domineering power became more than ten times stronger than at the beginning.

“Long-windedness is your greatest weakness.”

Qin Ge chuckled, and then stabbed continuously, forcing Kizaru to retreat quickly.

Because his attack speed was so fast, Kizaru couldn’t find an air attack to counterattack for a while, and he stepped back more than ten steps in a row.

Others were very surprised when they saw it. surprised

“Did I read it wrong? This kid actually had the upper hand!”

“No, that’s an admiral.”

Even the pirates couldn’t believe it.

After all, Kizaru just defeated them easily with one kick.

Such a powerful person was forced to retreat by a child. They suffered a huge blow.

Including Luffy and the others, they all stared at My eyes were wide open, my mouth was open, and my face was full of surprise.

I began to doubt life.

“Damn it, this kid doesn’t have any sense of measure in his attacks, he just makes a killing move as soon as he comes.”

Kizaru felt very humiliated and was secretly annoyed.

Compared with slashing, thrusting was not as powerful, but more fierce and decisive.

Kizaru blocked Qin Ge’s sword with all his strength, seized the momentary gap, and the elemental transformation instantly After driving hundreds of meters away,

Kizaru accelerated suddenly and came back instantly before Qin Ge could catch up.

This is the power of the Shining Fruit

, so long as he has this speed, he can survive any awkward situation in an instant. Get rid of it.


Qin Ge swung upward to block Kizaru’s accelerated slash.

The powerful sword energy collided and set off a turbulent air wave that swept away the pirate navy who were watching the battle. The overflowing sword energy cut him, and if he was unlucky, he even cut off his head and limbs.

Before Luffy could react, there were two bloody marks on his body that were so deep that he screamed in pain.

A powerful pacifist was spilled. The sword energy cut him in half and exploded with a bang.


Such a terrifying aftermath scared everyone and retreated several hundred meters away.

“Who is this kid? He can stand up to the admiral.”

Kid clenched his fists, feeling choked in his heart.

“Damn, the gap is so huge. Sauron gritted his teeth.

He was defeated by Hawkeye before, and he swore that he would never lose again.

“Is this boy a fake? Could he be like me, using his fruit power to change his appearance?”

Boni was full of doubts.

“Black wings seem to be a special race, maybe a race that will not grow bigger.”

Robin also found it hard to believe that a child in his teens could be so strong.

The other supernovas were not much better.

Being kicked away by Kizaru was enough to shock him, but seeing a child so strong again made the shock double.

Yes. All the supernovas want to go back to their hometown and wash their hands in a golden basin

“Boy, you are too harsh.”

Kizaru said with a serious look on his face.

“I only used two successes.”

Qin Ge said with a smile.

This refers to sword energy.

“It may attract other generals, so I advise you to keep a low profile, otherwise I will have to go all out.”

Kizaru said

“You shouldn’t think that you can defeat me if you go all out.”

Qin Ge said.

As he spoke, he increased his success by another level, counterattacked quickly, and burst out with even stronger energy.

He forced the onlookers to retreat several hundred meters.

At this time, the body of the Tyrant Bear appeared, and the Straw Hat Gang They were sent away one by one.

Straw Hat Luffy knelt on the ground and cried bitterly.

In the end, he was slapped away by Tyrant Bear.

When the other Supernovas saw it, they thought the Straw Hats were dead and fled away in fear..

Qin Ge fought with Kizaru for a while, feeling that he was almost forced back, and said:”So far, there is not enough gap, you and I can’t tell the winner.”

Kizaru thought so too. After all, everyone ran away, and there was no point in fighting anymore.

Then the two pretended to pass a few moves. Kizaru pretended to be invincible, and was sent flying dozens of meters by Qin Ge’s sword.

Qin Ge Ge took the opportunity to flash away

“Such a fast speed, almost comparable to the speed of light.”

In order to find an excuse not to chase, Huang Yue looked at Qin Ge’s back and deliberately praised him.

The navy couldn’t see the speed of the two men at all, and they couldn’t tell the truth from the false.

Many navy thought: People can actually compete with each other. At the speed of light, is this horse still a human?

It’s so terrifying that it’s impossible to guess.

In fact, it’s certainly impossible for a human to be able to fly at the speed of light only when his whole body is elemental.

And this speed of light is doubtful..

The so-called speed of light in Shining Fruit seems to be different from that of natural light.

“It is not advisable to stay here for a long time.”

Qin Ge returned home, took the purple-haired girl with him, and then went to find Lei Li.

Shampoo is too close to the navy headquarters. If the Five Old Stars knew he was there, they might send three generals to arrest him.

Because Qin Ge’s potential threat is too Big.

After finding Lei Li, Qin Ge explained what happened just now, and then said:”The Tianlong people were beaten, and the navy will probably search the entire Shampoo area. I have to go.

Rayleigh was very surprised when he learned that someone dared to fight the Celestial Dragons:”Luffy, a newcomer is so bold. Is it ignorance or courage?””

Due to Qin Ge’s interference, Lei Li did not witness that scene with his own eyes, so he could not determine Luffy’s character.

“Then I have to leave too.”

Luo was also afraid of being caught by the navy.

“It’s best for you all to leave, just to be safe.”

Leili was eager for the two of them to leave so that he could be clean for a while.

“I haven’t mastered the weapon colors yet, which is a shame.”

Luo Bushe said authentically

“You already know the training method, and you can practice it slowly in the future and grow in battle.”

Reilly said.

Luo’s talent is still good, and he has learned how to see and understand.

For this, he was also very grateful to Reilly and bowed deeply:”Mr. Reilly, thank you for your guidance. Please contact me if you need it. , I will repay you.”

Reilly waved his hand and said,”Let’s talk about it then.”

He thought to himself: This boy’s fruit ability is very useful, maybe it will come in handy in the future.

So he did not refuse Luo’s reward.


Qin Ge waved his hand, carried the purple-haired girl in one hand, and flew directly into the sky.

“This kid comes and goes with ease.”

Leili said with a smile.

Luo looked up and saw that Qin Ge had flown into the clouds, and the boy disappeared.

He couldn’t help but envy his flying ability.

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