In order to increase the success rate of Blackbeard’s sneak attack, Kizaru worked hard this time and fought hard with the Golden Lion for more than an hour.

Both sides suffered some injuries, and most of them were sword wounds and penetrating wounds.

The yellow ape was more seriously injured, and the golden lion was more lightly injured.

“If you continue to fight, your life will be in danger.”

Feeling that it was almost done, Kizaru retreated while fighting, and lured the golden lion towards Blackbeard.

Blackbeard’s ship became invisible.

He still captured the transparent fruit, but it was replaced by the King of Evil to eat.

The golden lion concentrated on fighting with Kizaru fought and didn’t notice Blackbeard.

When he sensed something was wrong, he had already entered Shiliu’s teleportation range.

“Do it!”

Blackbeard shouted.

With this loud shout, he used the power of the shock fruit to shock the golden lion through sound waves.

The golden lion only felt a splitting headache, and his eardrums exploded, spurting out blood.

At the same time, Shiliu His hand had already been placed on Blackbeard’s back, and he teleported to the golden lion’s side.

The golden lion sensed the energy of the two men, endured the pain, and subconsciously swung his sword to the left.”Three” golden slashes passed by, and a burst of blood spurted out of thin air. Blackbeard screamed, and at the same time reached out to grab the arm of the golden lion.

The Dark Fruit ability was activated, and the golden lion felt a huge suction coming from him, and his physical strength seemed to be He was instantly hollowed out and became weak.

Taking advantage of the moment when the golden lion was restrained, Blackbeard’s other hand erupted with a ball of light, mixed with dark red lightning, and punched him in the temple. Bang!

The lion tried his best to defend himself, but was still a step too late. Blackbeard took a full blow to his vital part.

The whites of his eyes instantly became bloodshot, and his mouth and nose were bleeding. It was obvious that he was seriously injured.


Blackbeard was overjoyed.

While fighting, the invisibility was released.

He was already in human-animal form, his hands and feet turned into dragon claws, and his body was covered with pink dragon scales.

This is Blackbeard’s strongest state.

Kizaru was not polite, either. When the golden lion suffered a fatal blow, his figure flashed, and the lightsaber penetrated the golden lion’s heart.

“Sorry, this is my assignment.”

Kizaru held the lightsaber in both hands, penetrated the golden lion’s heart, and whispered something in front of him.

Under the sunglasses, his eyes flashed with a complicated look.

On the battleship, many members of the Precious Beast Legion, as well as Wen When the Smoker family saw this scene, they were all stunned.

“Black, black beard!”

“This bastard, he actually cooperated with the navy to sneak attack on Master Shiji”

“Lord Shiki! What should I do? He seems to be seriously injured.”

“Quick, notify Lord Qin Ge.”

Immediately, someone took out a phone bug and planned to call Qin Ge.

But the call could not be made, and there was no signal.

Other people with phone bugs, including Ga Zhi, took out their phone bugs to make calls, but none of them could get through.

Ga Zhi’s face darkened and he said :”It’s over, this is a conspiracy of the navy, they have no intention of facing off head-on.

Leijiu’s expression also changed and she said,”Father, do we want to help?””

Jia Zhi looked at the golden lion and saw that he was so seriously injured. He shook his head and said,”It’s too late. The golden lion will definitely die today. We Vinsmoke can’t be buried with him.” I thought I had joined a powerful force, but I didn’t expect the ship to capsize so quickly. Prepare to escape.”

His children were all depressed after hearing this. After being conquered by the Golden Lion, they originally planned to join Qin Ge and conquer Beihai together.

They didn’t expect an accident to happen so soon.

Their family did not help, but the precious beast army was anxious..

The call could not be made, and they would probably be massacred once the Golden Lion died.

Of course, some of them were considering surrendering.

However, one of the top leaders of the Zhen Beast Legion immediately shouted:”The Flying Troops.” , hurry up, go save Mr. Shi Ji.”

The flying troops came back from the shock.

The precious beasts flapped their wings and flew towards Shiji.

The human warriors activated their fruit abilities, transformed various wings and flew towards Shiji.

There are many types of them, including insect wings, butterfly wings, feather wings, flesh wings, etc.

“Is this Qin Ge’s man-made ability user, Mader? He has developed so fast in just one year.”

Blackbeard’s face changed slightly.

There were more than 5,000 warriors in the flying force alone. They flew over with a roar, and the formation was a bit scary.

If they were to attack ships on the sea, no one would be able to withstand it.

Blackbeard immediately used the Shock Fruit with his left hand. A circle of light appeared, intending to fight off all these birdmen.

Unexpectedly, the golden lion suddenly became more awake and realized that he was fatally injured and was hopeless. He felt sad:”I finally returned to the top, I thought. I can still fight for another hundred or two hundred years, but I didn’t expect that one mistake would lead to eternal hatred.”

When his ambition was fulfilled, he fell into the hands of the villain Blackbeard. You can imagine the frustration in his heart.

A huge feeling of grief and anger emerged, and the golden lion once again burst out with a strong overlord look, and both hands activated at the same time. Sword skills. He stabbed Kizaru with his right hand, and slashed at Blackbeard with his left hand.

Kizaru immediately turned sideways, but was still brushed by the huge sword energy attached to the blade, leaving a bloody mark on his chest.

He quickly moved away with his lightsaber.

Blackbeard was about to attack the flying troops. He didn’t expect that the golden lion could explode after being so seriously injured. He had no time to dodge, so he could only raise his right hand to block it with his domineering force.

Unexpectedly, the golden lion struck with hatred, which was powerful and direct. He cut off Blackbeard’s arm and cut a deep wound on his chest. Blackbeard screamed and couldn’t bear the pain any longer. Shiliu quickly caught him and instantly fell down.

Moved back to the ship

“Captain, are you okay?”

Fan Oka asked

“Quick, take my hand back!”

Blackbeard covered his broken arm, and his legs kept kicking, looking very painful.

Shiliu reacted quickly, teleported over, caught the broken arm before it fell into the sea, and then teleported back……

When Blackbeard saw the broken arm, he felt a little relieved and said:”Fan Oka, hurry up, help me put the arm back.”

Fan Oka immediately activated the Sensen Fruit ability.

At the same time, after the golden lion burst out with its last burst of power, it stayed where it was and gasped for air.

His orifices and heart were bleeding continuously

“Insidious navy, do you think you can stop Qin Ge by killing me? Ha ha…You underestimate him too much, and one day you will all fall at his feet.”

The golden lion laughed.

After laughing for a while, he suddenly coughed up a lot of black blood. When the golden lion saw the black blood he coughed up, he looked down at his arm again and found that the skin on his arm had turned purple-black, as if he had been poisoned. In the distance

, on Blackbeard’s ship, Poison Q chuckled:”The virus has taken effect, and he will definitely die.”

With the help of Fan Oka, Blackbeard’s arm was quickly reattached. He moved a bit and regained his smile.”Thanks to Qin Ge. If he hadn’t helped to seize the Sensen Fruit, I would have lost one today. hand.”

Looking up at the Golden Lion again, I saw that he finally couldn’t hold on and fell.

Several rare beast warriors flew over in time and caught the Golden Lion before he fell into the sea. They exclaimed:”Master Shiji, are you okay? Bar.”

Shi Ji still had a breath left, and said bitterly:”You all should run away, spread out and run away, one by one if you can go back. Tell Qin Ge that the emperor’s alliance is unreliable and that he has to rely on himself after all.”

Rocks Pirates, Roger Pirates, Sky Pirates….

Scenes from the past flashed through my mind.

Shi Ji knew that if he died, Qin Ge would not be able to secure his position as leader in the Emperor’s Alliance.

If Kaido and Big Mom join forces, they will definitely not obey Qin Ge’s command……

Finally, the golden lion turned to look at the crumbling battleship in the distance, the snail ship of the Vinsmoke family.

4.6 used up his last strength to control them to land quickly.

When it was still more than seventy meters away from the sea, the golden lion couldn’t hold on anymore. His hands loosened, his head tilted and he died.

Battleships and snail boats also fell one after another.

Fortunately, there were only about seventy meters left, and the battleship and snail boat were strong enough to fall into the sea and did not disintegrate.

After sinking for a while, they resurfaced one after another.

“Lord Shiki!”

The flying warriors holding Shiji shouted in grief.

Others were also filled with grief and anger.

Not far away, Kizaru saw this scene, with a complex expression of sadness under his sunglasses.

He didn’t know whether killing the golden lion was right or wrong.

“Thief, haha, hurry up and grab the body of the golden lion!”

Blackbeard laughed.

Shiliu immediately teleported with him and snatched the body of the golden lion.

Upon seeing this, the flying warrior holding the golden lion immediately waved his claws and sent out a slash.

Blackbeard blocked it with his domineering force. Said:”The strength is good. Qin Ge must have spent a lot of energy training you. It’s a pity that you all have to die today.””.

Người mua: ssssss

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