The Five Old Stars are still selecting devil fruits, and the Golden Lion has already captured the Vinsmoke family, and then took them with them to attack many countries in the North Sea.

Vinsmoke once dominated the North Sea. Although it was only for two short months, he had experience and could serve as the leader.

By the time Wulaoxing received the news, Golden Lion and the others had conquered eight countries in a row, which was extremely fast.

In order to speed up the process, no new policies were implemented.

As soon as he went there, he announced to the people that we had secured this place and there would be no need to pay heavenly gold in the future.

With just a promise that no heavenly gold was required, the common people welcomed Master Wang.

The steel battleships controlled by the Golden Lion and many snail ships owned by Vinsmoke were flying in the air. This formation made the people believe in their strength.

Then simply defeat them by force, support a puppet, and continue the original national system.

“Immediately order the navy to set off from the North Sea and be sure to stop the Golden Lion’s actions.”

Wulao Xing didn’t dare to waste time.

But they didn’t fully believe Qin Ge’s words. If the whole navy was sent to Beihai, Qin Ge would be in trouble.

So they only sent two generals to Beihai to support.Kizaru will definitely go, and then there will be a new general, codenamed Xiaolong.

The codename Long was previously used by Monkey D. Now that he is gone, it is normal for someone to take his place. The new general is codenamed Dark Horse.

In other words, the navy now has one marshal and four generals.

“According to the intelligence, Qin Ge sent Golden Lion and Barrett. Huang Yuan and Xiaolong should be able to deal with them.”

“Inform Blackbeard that this is the perfect opportunity to kill the Golden Lion!”

Then, the Five Old Stars immediately selected ten Devil Fruits and sent people to 793 to trade with Qin Ge.

There was only one natural type, named Zizi Fruit.

It is a lower-level fruit of the Thunder Fruit and can only release static electricity.

Five Superman Departments, namely Pipi Fruit (similar to rubber fruit, can make the body full of elasticity, but not as stretchable as rubber), Fusion Fruit (can directly fuse objects together, it should be good for building ships), Kaka Fruit (can Create cards, which can store living things or dead objects in the cards), fragrant fruits (can create various fragrances) and strengthen fruits (can strengthen themselves or substances, the specific method of strengthening the four animals is not clear).

They are ancient species and phantom beast species, respectively in bone girl form, tyrannosaurus rex form, diamond form, and mountain ghost form.

After listening to the introduction, Qin Ge said unsatisfiedly:”Although I know they won’t give any good results, I don’t think they will give me any good results.” This kind of garbage is a bit too much.

The masked man said:”Devil fruits are very precious. It is not easy to get ten of them.” Besides, they are not all trash, among them the overlord���The fruit and vajra fruit are still very powerful.”

Qin Ge said:”I am not the kind of person who goes back on his word. With ten devil fruits, I will only fight Beihai.”

The masked man did not speak, thinking: When has our world government ever been so aggrieved and given ten Devil Fruits to the other party in exchange for a promise to only attack Beihai?

He didn’t know about the Wulaoxing encirclement and suppression of Qin Ge, he just felt The top is a little weak

“If nothing happens, you can leave.”

Qin Ge said rudely.

The masked man was already feeling aggrieved. When he heard this, he suddenly became angry and suddenly said with a sudden heat in his mind:”I heard that your strength is not weaker than Whitebeard, do you dare to take a move from me?

Qin Ge smiled when he heard this and said,”Is this also what Wulao Xing meant?””

The masked man said:”No, this is my challenge to the strong.

Qin Ge said:”Okay, I will give you a chance to take action, but the price will be very serious.””

The masked man did not speak. He sat and activated his domineering energy, focusing on his right hand.

Suddenly, his whole body was stabbed like a spear, and his right hand broke through the air and sent out a sharp domineering stream.

Qin Ge could feel the domineering energy of the other party. The strength is close to the general level, and he is considered a master. However, this level is not enough for him.

He raised his hand and sent out a pure golden sword energy, which came first and penetrated the opponent before the masked man’s attack touched him. chest

‘Uh-huh! ‘

The masked man grunted, his domineering attitude dissipated, and he slowly sat back down.

I saw a sword mark on his chest, and a lot of blood flowed from the front and back.

“As expected of a great pirate with a bounty of five billion, I am willing to bow down.”

The masked man endured the pain, used up his last bit of strength to take out the phone bug, and reported the words ‘transaction successful’ to the five old stars.

Then his head dropped and he died.

“Gleason, why don’t you speak?”

The displeased voice of Wulaoxing rang out from the phone bug.

Qin Ge waved his hand, took the phone bug and said,”He is already dead.

Saint Satan frowned and said,”The two countries are at war. Bu Zhan came to envoy. What do you mean?”

Qin Ge chuckled and said,”He challenged me without knowing his own abilities, but in the end he didn’t even catch a single move from me.””

The five old stars were all speechless.

I vaguely heard Yizambalong complaining on the other end of the phone:”This idiot.”

Satan Saint said:”Since he was the first to challenge, forget it and just complete the deal.”

Without waiting for Qin Ge to speak, he hung up the phone angrily.

Qin Ge didn’t pay attention, and immediately selected ten people and ate ten devil fruits.

He had tens of thousands of people under his command, and they were not just random ones. People are elites recruited from various places.

If you select ten people from tens of thousands of elites, their strength will naturally not be too bad. The ability of the bone girl fruit is a bit like the bone veins. You can manipulate bones at will and fight with the bones.

The ancient ones are considered very powerful.

The King Kong Fruit is the gorilla fruit, which is not weaker than the Tyrannosaurus Rex Fruit. It is worth mentioning that the Rock Berry Fruit can be transformed into a powerful evil spirit with wings.

It was also eaten by a little giant boy who was rescued from Caesar’s prison.

Qin Ge named the little boy Spartak.

Spartak was the one who successfully integrated the giant gene. He is also very talented and has gradually overcome his madness through exercise…..

Beihai, a place called the Land of Bridges.

Golden Lion and Barrett, leading an army of 15,000 rare beasts, had just pacified the country.

There are two types of people in the Precious Beast Legion.

One is the human being who has eaten the fruit of the rare beast, and the other is the rare beast who has eaten the fruit of the common people.

Their strength is far stronger than that of ordinary animals, similar to ancient species.

The strength of a few rare beasts even surpasses the ancient species and can reach the level of fantasy beast species.

“They are too weak, and there is no need for us to take action. The precious beast army directly crushes them.”

The golden lion said with great interest.

“If the Navy hadn’t intervened, we Vinsmoke could have crushed them.”

Gaji said.

The world government allows the participating countries to war and plunder each other, but it does not allow the emergence of a powerful force.

“There are a lot of iron ore in the Kingdom of Bridges, but unfortunately the terrain on the island is too rugged. If you use your ability to change the terrain here, we can exploit the iron ore resources here.” said Barrett, who works as a shipwright for Qingo and also serves as a supervisor of various engineering and industrial construction projects.

“You might as well ask me to dig out all the iron ore here.”

The Golden Lion was dissatisfied.

The Country of Bridges is as big as three provinces and has a population of more than 10 million. It is considered a large island.

Because of the rugged terrain, mountains and ravines, and very inconvenient transportation, many bridges were built.

However, it is limited by Technically and economically, the bridges they built were relatively rubbish and could not meet the needs of large-scale resource extraction. With Golden Lion’s ability, it would be a big project for him to waste time on such a large island. things

“Don’t waste time, go to the next island and try to dominate the entire North Sea within half a year.” said the golden lion

“It is not impossible to have the ability to fly the island in half a year.”

Jia Zhi said.

It took him seven years to briefly dominate Beihai. At this time, he felt a little heartbroken.

Suddenly, a flying man came to report:”Master Shi Ji, we just detected more than 30 people. A navy warship is heading towards us.”

This subordinate is a rare bird that ate the fruit of the common people. Like Chopper, it maintains the appearance of an animal, but has human intelligence and can walk upright.

The golden lion was not surprised when he heard this, and said with a smile:”It came very quickly, but There is no need for us to struggle with the navy, let them chase after us.”

After saying that, he controlled the sky island and planned to leave the Kingdom of Bridges.

If the navy wanted to pursue them, it would be impossible to stay and take care of the affairs of the Kingdom of Bridges.

Therefore, their conquest results could be retained for the time being.

Unexpectedly, the sky island flew for a while, Golden Lion and Barrett’s eyes suddenly moved, and they both said:”A master is catching up.”

And they are two general-level masters.

The golden lion immediately flew out of the palace.

Barrett also controlled the armor and used flying���Can fly out.

Gaji and his children also used flying shoes to keep up.

As he flew outside, he saw a golden light and a huge strange bird that looked like a dragon or an eagle with two pairs of wings flying over.

The speed of the golden light was faster, and it suddenly landed on the island, showing a human form.

It was Admiral Kizaru.

Dragon Eagle landed on a peak on Sky Island and did not return to its human form.

“You guys are really fast. I spent a lot of effort to find you.”

Kizaru put his hands in his pockets and said slightly dissatisfied.

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