There are many powerful people in the world of pirates, but the ability to fly is rare.

Even a strong man like Lelicar cannot move flexibly in mid-air. He can only use moon walking skills to move around.

But Yuebu is not as flexible as the flying ability.

After Qin Ge was knocked away just now, he adjusted his posture in mid-air, received a blow from him, and finally landed firmly on the ground.

Lei Li thought to himself:”Not only does this kid have the same swordsmanship as the Golden Lion, but his body skills are also similar. However, the Golden Lion has the ability of Piao Piao Fruit. This kind of body skills cannot be acquired through hard training. Could it be that he doesn’t even have the ability to use the Piao Piao Fruit?” Inherited all the abilities?”

If Qin Ge hadn’t had black hair and handsome appearance, he would have doubted whether he was the son of Golden Lion.

It doesn’t seem impossible, maybe she looks like my mother

“Didn’t you see a pair of black wings behind my back?”

Qin Ge said

“Wings, aren’t those your decorations?”

Leili was a little dumbfounded.

Qin Ge flapped his black wings and said,”Because it is too small to fly, but it is no problem to control the airflow and glide in the air for a short time.”

There are many races and weird shapes in the pirate world. Having a pair of wings is not a very conspicuous thing. Anyway, when Qin Ge walked along, others would only take a look at it without saying anything.

There were even children who were curious and came over to touch him. Touch his wings.

There are also girls who think he looks and looks very handsome, and

Qin Ge will reject them mercilessly.

Seeing his wings move, and looking at his wheat-colored skin, an idea flashes in his mind, and he says in surprise. :”The black wings and skin of this color are exactly the same as a legendary human race. Could it be that you also control the power of fire.”

Qin Ge smiled slightly, wrapping around the domineering sword body, and hot flames came out.

Lei Li was very surprised when he saw this, and said:”It’s just like the rumors. Are you from the Lunalia tribe, but that race has been destroyed?. Wait, it seems that Kaido has one of his men. You can’t be the son of Yan Liangjin. But you also inherited the sword skills of the Golden Lion. Could it be that Kaido got mixed up with the Golden Lion?”

In an instant, he thought of many possibilities, which shows that he is well-informed.

“You can’t guess it, beat me and I can tell you.”

Qin Ge said

“That’s what I meant.”

Leili immediately put aside his distracting thoughts, gathered his domineering energy, and attacked Qin Ge again.

Qin Ge wrapped flames on top of his domineering energy, and when he and Lei Li slashed at each other, the flames burst out and burned the opponent.

This kind of tactic without martial ethics, For ordinary people, it would have burned their eyes.

But Lei Li’s vision and domineering flow reached a superb level, and he blasted away the flames in an instant, trying to suppress Qin Ge. After turning on the divine fire, his physical strength and resistance were greatly increased. He retreated while fighting, and he could withstand the opponent’s fierce attacks. He also continued to burst out flames while attacking, forcing Rayleigh to consume more. Domineering, defense for the whole body.

Rayleigh is getting older, and if he continues to drag on, he will definitely weaken first, even if he doesn’t care about the world, he will be embarrassed to lose to a child, so he increases his cutting power again and kills him with one strike. Qin Ge was so shocked that he flew backwards for several dozen meters.

After several blows, Qin Ge was forced to the bottom of a mountain, and his back was smashed into the stone wall. Lei Li quickly pursued him and slashed Qin Ge with his back against the stone wall.

, simply stabbed Lei Li in the chest.

Lei Li had to stop and dodge, and the sword energy struck the side, cutting a hole a hundred meters deep in the mountain.

He temporarily retreated and said with some displeasure:”We agreed to discuss it. , always using such dangerous tactics, trying to drag me to death with my old bones. It doesn’t matter if I die. You are still so young, so I don’t think it’s a pity.

Qin Ge said:”Because I know you will definitely hide.””

Reilly said:”I hate people like you the most. Forget it, it’s pointless to continue fighting like this.”

Qin Ge doesn’t talk about martial arts and always plays dangerous tricks.

Unless he also kills him, he really can’t deal with this kid.

After personal experience, he knows that the rumors are true and the Lunalia tribe is indeed very capable.

Facing such a tough opponent, Rayleigh couldn’t feel the joy of sparring.

“Wait, I don’t need to take any risks.”

Qin Ge said

“This is what you said.”

Rayleigh is in the mood again.

“I said.”

It’s rare to see such an excellent sparring partner. Qin Ge didn’t want it to end so soon.

So he talked a little about martial arts and continued to compete with Lei Li.

Qin Ge’s biggest weakness at present is that he is young, not fully developed, and not as good as his opponent in terms of physical strength.

Without any tricks, Lei Li could only fight hard. Even if he couldn’t hurt Qin Ge, he could still fight him.

After more than an hour,

Lei Li gasped and said,”I won’t fight anymore.” Your old bones are almost broken, and you haven’t even lost a few hairs. What kind of abnormal physique is this?”

The fight was very enjoyable at first, but as his physical strength weakened, Qin Ge gradually made a comeback.

Qin Ge counterattacked Lei Li, hitting him backwards, and Lei Li didn’t want to fight anymore.

“I finally regained the upper hand and you went on strike, which is a bit too much.”

Qin Ge’s physical fitness is still very strong.

“Your goal is to hone your sword skills, which has been achieved, and I just want to get back the feeling of the past, which has also been achieved. A win-win situation for both of us.”

Reilly put away his sword, sat down and said

“Well, for the sake of respecting the elderly and loving the young, that’s it for today.”

Qin Ge said.

Although he was suppressed and beaten most of the time, his sword skills were indeed honed.

“At such a young age, you have such powerful sword skills, and your future achievements will be limitless. After you master your swordsmanship, what are you going to do, be it a navy or a pirate?”

Leili took out the wine bottle from his waist, opened the lid and drank.

No matter who it is, when they meet a young man with great potential like Qin Ge, they will be curious about what path he wants to take.

“I haven’t thought about it so much, and I’m just purely pursuing power at the moment.”

Qin Ge said truthfully

“Also, what can you think at your age?”

Leili shook his head and smiled, feeling that he was thinking too much.

Then he thought this was a good opportunity to guide Qin Ge on the right path while he was relatively simple.

If a young man like Qin Ge takes the wrong path, Road, which is very harmful to the world.

For example, Barrett was also a teenager and fought with Rayleigh. Later , he became obsessed with power and became a lawless saboteur.

Pirates pursue freedom, so Barrett has done nothing good except destroying things.

Qin Ge must not be allowed to become that kind of person.

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