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Chapter 829: Come hit, kick! (Thanks to book friend Y Ziwen for the reward of 1,000 dots...

[[After the computer was restarted, Lu Mingfei didn’t have the time to go and watch the previous martial arts movie. They "debate" there, and they can't do anything except quarrel.

On the monitor, a family with bright yellow skin was telling their story. Lu Mingfei watched it while eating instant noodles, and thought it was interesting, so he noticed its name, "The Simpsons".

After finishing the soup in the instant noodle bucket and scraping the last residue into his mouth with a spoon, Lu Mingfei threw away the garbage, and filled in the search engine with interest in the words mentioned in the words of the two who were constantly arguing. Actually searched for relevant content.

(In the world view of "Dragon Clan", there is the existence of the ip of Warhammer, see "Dragon Clan III" for details)

It is a cultural ip called "Warhammer 40k", which has a relatively long history and a relatively large worldview.

Looking at the photo loaded on the webpage, the puppet-shaped chess piece named Space Warrior, and the image of the two-meter-tall figure in heavy armor that Astarte Lu Mingfei showed in his mind, There always seems to be a big gap.

"Go to the bookstore another day to find any magazines with relevant content."

The mechanical priest Lu Mingfei and Astarte Lu Mingfei did not have any opinions about the world they went to was just a "story" made by humans, and their worldview did not collapse. Their respective experiences gave them tenacity In his indomitable heart, the mechanical priest Lu Mingfei said unwillingly: "I hope that as the psychiatrist guessed, there will be organizations of mixed blood who will contact me. They should have mastered the production technology beyond the times, even if the technology cannot Where it is involved, supernatural abilities can also be used to make up for it, just like some creations that use psykers as parts."

"Our computer has been hacked." Among the many Lu Mingfei, the words of a self-proclaimed 'operator' Lu Mingfei aroused the vigilance of other Lu Mingfei, saying: "I had a long call with Matrix and computer agents. With the passage of time, we still understand the means of artificial intelligence intrusion, the computer in front of us has been invaded, and the means are very similar to artificial intelligence... This means that our actions have been monitored."

"Webcams, headsets, and the pages we browse have all become tools for artificial intelligence to monitor us. Now we are like monkeys in a cage, and our every move is under the watchful eyes of others, which is summarized through data analysis."

Lu Mingfei did not make any abnormal moves, but continued to watch the story of the Simpsons on the screen. After watching a few episodes, he switched to other plots, as if he came here to watch TV series.

In the middle of the night, Lu Mingfei returned the phone, took a half bottle of unfinished Nutrition Express, and left the Internet cafe with the smell of cigarettes mixed with other smells.

Although this smell is not beautiful, it is the taste of the world and life in Lu Mingfei's view. The countless worlds he has gone to are not all so peaceful and stable, even the place where the elemental mage Lu Mingfei lives. In a world with supernatural powers, polished rice and white noodles are even foods that most people have never had access to in their entire lives. Being able to eat enough is already a luxury.

Factors such as resources, power, status, strength, ambition, ideas, desires, etc. will all contribute to the emergence of struggles. Peace is an illusion, and war is the eternal theme.

Although people in other worlds don't understand the concepts of "Internet" and "Internet cafes", the life that Lu Mingfei described to others as being able to "self-degenerate" in Internet cafes is a world that many people dream of going to.

Because it represents the most ordinary people, who have a rich and stable life, do not need to run around every day for a bite of food, do not worry about their lives being taken away at any time, have time for learning and entertainment, and can even spend a day Most of the time is spent on "entertainment" rather than work that can bring meals.

However, a voice of exclamation broke Lu Mingfei's judgment of his own era and this city.

Looking up at the street lamp that illuminated his way home, Lu Mingfei patted his head: "I take back what I said before..."

"The inertia of thinking brought to me by the previous seventeen years of life has caused me to misunderstand the world I live in. It turns out that this world is not so ordinary and peaceful. There, wars and killings are going on silently, even by my side—just because they have the power to hide everything invisible."

He raised his hand and slapped himself lightly, countless Lu Mingfei shouted and cursed, which Lu Mingfei is speaking now, so sentimental, so hypocritical, this slap is to wake himself up.

It was a girl who exclaimed, and Lu Mingfei could see her figure disappearing into a remote alley away from the street lights. Disappearing together in the alley were a few social youths with hairy hair. They are colorful, and from the way they walk, it can be seen that they are foolish and not learning well.

Lu Mingfei could still see a flash of cold light, which was obviously reflected by the blade.

The girl obviously didn't do it voluntarily. Although the sound was slightly blocked by the wall, Lu Mingfei could still hear the hysterical "Help!" yell.

In the alley, facing the persecution of several social youths, the girl yelled and backed away, keeping a distance from the other party and hoping to get help from passers-by, but it was already late at night, and the location here was relatively remote. There were few pedestrians and vehicles on the road, not to mention that she had led the group of people deep into the alley as she kept retreating.

Although the girl had fear and trepidation on her face, it was obvious that she expected what she would encounter next, and her constant calling for help was her only hope to change her destiny, and she pinned her hope on the passers-by.

However, the girl's eyes didn't show any panic on her face, instead she was as vigilant as a hunter, her beautiful eyes kept turning around those strange-looking social youths, keeping each of them's position in mind, and at the same time The brain is also constantly calculating, calculating how he can knock down these few social youths in the most straightforward way.

As a hybrid, her body allows her to do this kind of thing; as a commissioner of the executive department of Calce College, she is also capable of doing this kind of thing. The fighting exercises in the course make her like the legendary Amazon female warrior. Same, brave and good at fighting.

The terrified performance she made now was just a performance, just to make these young people hooked, making them think that she was really a weak woman, and the real goal of this operation was seen.

Three days ago, she, who was located in the Executive Department of Kassel College, received a direct order from the principal, asking her to do one thing, and with this order came another thing.

Of course, the action order is not only given to her, the executive officers of the branch also got the task, but their task content is different from hers, and they don't know the content of her task, or other people's tasks are around her mission.

For this mission, she has been preparing for several days, but during these three days, the mission target has not left his house. According to the records of the artificial intelligence Norma in the college, the mission target has been playing games, sleepless Playing games endlessly, every round is a crushing round that is sure to win. And this point also reflects the unusualness of the task goal. If it were someone else, they would have passed out after three days and three nights of high-intensity game laning. Laptop for three nights, go to Internet cafes to watch The Simpsons, martial arts movies and special dramas.

But that's good too, the target person has gone out after all, and once he goes out, there is a chance to get close to him.

Even these social youths were invited by the executive commissioners, otherwise it would be such a coincidence that when Lu Mingfei left the Internet cafe, they would stop her on this road.

Of course, these few social youths will definitely not know this, but someone found them when they were drinking and drinking, gave them some money and a photo, and asked them to block the photo on the street at night For the **** the Internet, it is enough to give her "a little lesson".

It's summer now, affected by the temperature, people are irritable, coupled with the influence of alcohol, they are going to upgrade the "lesson" for this girl, after all, the person who gave them the money didn't say the extent of the lesson.

"Help, someone help me!" The girl saw the figure at the entrance of the alley, and the target was finally hooked, so she quickly waved and shouted: "Please, help me!"

It's just that in the eyes of the girls, the target person suddenly made a discouraged movement, as if his shouting ruined his plan, because the other party approached on tiptoe, it seemed that he was going to launch a sneak attack, and his own shouting made the young people in society feel angry. We noticed each other.

But the other party still ran in his direction, first threw something at the group of social youths, then took a few steps, and then jumped high, at least three meters high, followed by a sentence "Come on Hit, kick!"

According to the distance between the social youth and that person, this person's jump is equivalent to a midcourt jump to dunk - a plot that only appeared in a basketball-themed super idol drama she watched recently, but with a mixed race In terms of physical fitness, it is completely normal operation.

Sure enough, after the thrown black shadow hit a social youth's face, causing him to fall to the ground covering his face, the flying kick also kicked a social youth flying out and hit a wall.

Landing steadily, the mission target put on a strange posture, and murmured to himself in a low voice with secret joy: "It actually kicked out."

There was a look of astonishment on the girl's face, because the posture she put out was clearly the signature move of a certain hero surnamed Huang in the movie, that is, the posture of stepping on the lunge, opening her hands with one hand forward and the other raised back.

That's what I said, but the girl clearly saw that both legs of the mission target were shaking, obviously not so confident in her own strength.

"Brother, which way are you on?" One meeting broke two people, the leader among the youths in the society calmed down a bit, and began to walk around - although the other party seemed to be a little skilled, there was only one person, and it was very funny He pulled up the neckline of the t-sleeve shirt and hung it over the ears and the bridge of the nose to cover the parts below the eyes, obviously not wanting to reveal his true identity.

The other party just took advantage of the sneak attack. If he really took advantage of the fight, two fists were no match for four hands, and he killed the master with random punches. There are many brothers in his gang, not to mention that he has a knife on him.

"It's just a passing citizen..." Lu Mingfei picked up a line from the live-action drama he just watched, and said threateningly, "Don't come here, I've practiced it before."

"Hero, which family's martial arts do you practice?" the girl asked.

Lu Mingfei seemed to subconsciously follow the girl's question and said, "Spent a day practicing with the old men and women in the park."

Well, it's the same as in the record. This is a marked dead homeboy. One day he took a sword and went to the park to practice swords on a whim. He only practiced once and never touched him again.

"Oops, I told you the truth." Lu Mingfei blurted out again, and shouted at the girl, "Don't talk to me! I finally worked up the courage to save you, don't tear me down."

The social youth over there took advantage of Lu Mingfei's time to speak, and punched Lu Mingfei in the face. According to their fighting experience, this punch can definitely bring down Lu Mingfei who looks relatively thin. Teach this guy who overestimated himself and wanted to be a hero to save the beauty a lesson.

But Lu Mingfei kicked the opponent's calf, causing the social youth to lose his balance and fell to the ground.

People who are exercising are the most unstable, especially when the opponent throws punches out of order, the strength of the upper body and the lower body are not combined at I just punch with brute force and instinct, only slightly One kick can break the opponent's balance

"I forgot to tell you, but I learned a lot of moves from kung fu movies."

Then Lu Mingfei jumped up and down on the spot. Based on her experience, the girl should imitate the steps of Jeet Kune Do, but she lacks systematic training, and her movements are deformed and uncoordinated, which looks a bit funny.

"Tmd!" The leader cursed, took out the knife that threatened the girl before, and was about to stab Lu Mingfei.

But Lu Mingfei drew the man's attention with a feint. At the same time, he kicked the young man's wrist, causing him to let go of the knife in his hand, and let the blade fly uncontrollably in the darkness. know where to go.

"A place named Shadowless Foot!"

Then, Lu Mingfei jumped up on the spot, and at the moment he was stuck in the air, he kicked five or six kicks in the chest of the young man who didn't understand what happened, kicking him directly into the air, and the whole person flew back a long way, Fly farther than the one hit by the previous "Come and Kick".

The social youth who fell on the ground was so stiff that he didn't faint. He only felt pain in his internal organs, but he didn't know if his ribs were broken. >

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