Villains Template

Chapter 805: Blue wing bat king Wei Bancheng

The speed of the vengeful woman was so fast that the eyes of ordinary people couldn't catch her. In the eyes of the mercenaries, only afterimages remained. figure.

The mercenaries pulled the trigger in vain and desperation, roughly covering the laser beam in one direction, and even a few laser beams hit her occasionally, but they couldn't cause damage to her chitin carapace, at most it was blackened a little.

As for the mercenaries, not to mention the two auxiliary limbs with high-frequency particle vibration effects, the women have been strengthened, and their arms can exert dozens of tons of force. It is also a fatal blow to mercenaries, that is, they will be injured when they are rubbed, and they will die when they are touched. Even the highest level of body armor cannot resist it.

Not to mention anything else, even wearing an explosion-proof suit for bomb disposal can't guarantee power. A casual punch is as terrifying as a cannonball.

The vengeful woman kept moving towards the room where Steven Andrew's eldest son was. In her senses, the target she was looking for was always there, even though the passages leading to that room in all directions were blocked with steel plates and iron fences, But those tens of tons of strength and sharp limbs instantly became scrap iron.

Just when there was only the last distance to that room, the last steel plate partition, another room opened, and the dejected walk out of the mutated shape had been completed.

As soon as he locked the target, he waved his fist. The powerful force and skillful technique made his fist break through the speed of sound in an instant. There was a puff of white smoke on the surface of the fist, which was the sonic boom produced after exceeding the speed of sound. cloud.

The woman who faced the elite mercenaries killing all directions was like a doll, unable to avoid the frustrated punch, she was thrown out in an instant, relying on the agility obtained by biochemical surgery, she had already started to fight in the air. After adjusting his body condition, he stepped on the wall strengthened by the bulletproof steel plate with both feet. The force of the impact caused the steel plate to sag instantly, and the force transmitted from the steel plate made a big hole appear directly in the wall further back, from Spiderman Her climbing ability allows her to hang on steel plate walls.

The woman looked at the place where she was hit by a punch. The chitin carapace had been broken, and a fist-shaped depression appeared. Her internal organs were in pain, but the root was not injured. The strong self-healing power made her The injuries on his body healed quickly, the pain in his internal organs quickly subsided, and the chitin carapace also showed signs of healing.

With a bend of her legs, and then a sudden kick, the woman launched herself like a cannonball, and the wall that had endured the powerful force directly collapsed in its entirety.

Facing the woman who was rushing towards him in frustration, he looked at the right moment and kicked directly towards the sky. Like the previous punch, when this kick was kicked, there was still a sonic boom cloud breaking through the speed of sound. The power of this kick was Several times before, after this kick, the woman will definitely not recover her combat power as quickly as before.

When he just kicked the woman, a sense of crisis suddenly appeared in his frustrated heart. He wanted to dodge, but it was too late. A sharp pain came from the kicked leg. The appendage swung out like a sickle, cutting towards the frustrated leg,

The dejected support leg stepped as hard as possible to change his body posture, avoiding the slashing of the two auxiliary limbs - after entering the monster's posture, part of the despondent sanity would be lost, but the warrior's instinct allowed him to have A certain amount of judgment.

This mutated monster only acted instinctively, and didn't know any fighting skills. As long as he dodged this blow, it didn't know how to follow up with consecutive moves, killing itself.

But it was too late to change his move suddenly, the leg that kicked out in frustration was cut by an accessory limb, the chitin carapace was torn apart in an instant, blood and flesh splattered, and at the same time, a stream of venom was injected from the wound, as if The acid generally destroyed his tissue structure and evaporated his flesh and blood.

I have seen this kind of acid in frustration before. When he ate his girlfriend, the digestive juice secreted was this type.

Relying on its own sudden self-healing ability, the missing flesh and blood can grow back, but it takes a certain amount of time, as well as the supplement of external substances and energy. Simply put, it is eating meat.

In one round, one of his legs was crippled, and the skills from warriors allowed him to exert the strength of this strengthened body better than women, but now he has become a non-human, and human skills are a kind of restraint instead. Limiting the combat power of this body, many of his abilities are limited by his own thinking, but on the woman's side, because she hardly understands anything, and she relies on her instincts to exert her physical abilities. Killing should be more powerful.

It is almost like a hunting instinct, rationally using the ability of every part of the body, such as appendages, venom, and so on.

In the monitoring room, the notorious Iron Man Dr. Doom stood up. Judging from the current situation, it was time for him to make a move. He admitted that the two biochemical transformations were indeed very strong, but if he made a move, he would definitely be able to take them down.

The reason why he waited until now was to wait for the power that Yue Si mentioned could stop him from coming, so that he would have enough excuses and reasons to deal with Nick Fury.


The wall next to the monitoring room suddenly exploded from the outside to the inside, and the masonry and dust flew, but when they came in front of the notorious iron man, they stopped as if they had hit a transparent barrier, and then fell to the ground with a clatter.

"finally come."

The notorious iron man waved his hand and raised a gust of wind in the nearly airtight room, blowing away the dust generated by the explosion, stopped, and looked in the direction of the explosion.

Like the vengeful woman, this one did not choose to go through the main entrance, but took the method of blasting, directly blasting the wall and opening a passage, but the notorious iron man did not find that there was life in the room on the other side of the gap The reaction, the various sensory systems of the body armor, and the detection of magic all come to the same conclusion.

In addition, the notorious Iron Man Dr. Doom also found that the man didn't know if there was something wrong with it, and the blasted gap showed a simple bat shape, which did not conform to common sense at all.

Suddenly, there were several sounds of breaking through the air, and the power armor on Dr. Doom quickly locked on to the target. They were several bat-shaped throwing knives. Their special structural shape showed that they had a unique aerodynamic design. The trajectories are also very elusive, and these flying knives are not simply blades, but also have electronic structures in the middle. The intelligent program of the power armor judged based on the comparison, and believes that the electronic structure is highly likely to be a detonator. At the same time darts

The trajectory of the movement has been simulated and perfected.

"Little trick!"

Dr. Dum held one hand, and the device in his palm stimulated several energy beams, which hit the darts respectively, and shot them down before they approached, keeping them far away from him.

At that moment, another change occurred in the room, the power supply was cut off in an instant, all the equipment in operation, and the lighting tubes above the head were all extinguished, and the only light source in the room was the power armor on the notorious Iron Man. The energy nodes, and the light coming in from the blown bat-shaped hole, the light passes through the gap and shines on the ground, reflecting the shape of a bat.

Suddenly there was a strange sound above Dr. Doom's head, the ventilation duct suddenly exploded, a figure mixed with countless sundries fell from the gap in the ventilation duct, and a flying kick landed on the body of the notorious Iron Man, but it didn't really In the ground kick, the kick that must hit stopped at a distance of more than ten centimeters from the notorious iron man, and was blocked by the protective barrier released by the notorious iron man's armor.

The figure missed a hit, flipped in the air, and landed in a corner of the room.

The notorious Iron Man turned his head to look at the sneak attack guy, and saw that the other party was wearing a tight-fitting combat uniform like a suit of armor. No, it was an exoskeleton armor designed as a tight-fitting style. Layers of armor were stitched together outside the tight-fitting combat uniform. Standing up, a set of combined armor is formed, but at first glance, it will give the illusion that it is just a set of light tight-fitting combat uniforms, making people underestimate the performance and protection of that set of armor.

There is nothing on this guy that is not high-tech. He wears a full-coverage helmet that integrates a large number of systems. Two pointed ear-like protrusions stand up on the top of his head, with antennas inside, and a cloak trailing behind him. The performance is very special, it can switch between soft cloth and hardened cloth at any time, and the flipping away after the flying kick misses is the certain buoyancy generated by the hardened cloak, allowing the opponent to easily change their body in mid-air state, so as to make very complex movements, just like the wings of birds.


This was Dr. Doom's first impression of this sudden appearance, who dressed himself up like a big bat.

"Yes, my name is Blue Winged Bat King, Wei Bancheng!"

The person who claimed to be the Blue Winged Bat King said that his voice had been processed by a voice changer, which blurred the timbre and had a low mechanical quality, making it hard to tell whether he was male or female, old or young.

Night vision is very easy for Dr. Dum. He can see clearly the person who claims to be the green winged bat king Wei Bancheng. The whole body of the other party is a gray and black color, but However, the cloak has a hint of green that should not be noticed. Presumably this is the origin of the opponent's name of Blue Wing Bat King.

After the simple pleasantries, the battle began again.

The lower part of the helmet visor of the Blue Winged Bat King Wei Bancheng suddenly opened, revealing a complex structure, and then a sound wave was emitted from the mouth, the air was affected by the sound wave, and a distorted shape like ripples appeared visibly to the naked eye.

The rest of the things in the room flew up one after another as if being hammered by a heavy hammer. The overall structure disintegrated in the high-frequency vibration. There are even finger-wide cracks on the walls, and it is obvious that the overall structure has suffered damage.

But the sound waves didn't affect the notorious Iron Man, his protective barrier completely blocked the sound waves, but the energy index of the armor decreased at an exaggerated speed.

Obviously, this sound wave is not just as simple as a sound wave, but also an energy weapon.

Dr. Dum opened his palm, and a stream of magical energy passed through the distortion of the sound wave, and hit Wei Bancheng, the green-winged bat king. The green light shrouded the body of this big bat, but this can cause unparalleled pain to the soul. The magic had little effect, as if it couldn't cause the expected pain to the opponent, making the opponent stop the sonic attack was the only result.

The energy cannon in the palm fired a ray, but it missed the target. The green-winged bat king Wei Bancheng had disappeared in place. He didn't know when a thread had appeared, and he was quickly torn away by the contraction of the machine. , let the laser beam hit the empty space, and several marble-sized **** have been distributed around him at some point.

"High energy response!"

Such an alarm appeared on the display of the notorious Iron Man power armor, the bright red fonts kept flashing, and the energy level of these small **** rose rapidly, and that represented only one meaning—explosion.

Successive explosions caused by those small **** appeared in this room, and the power of the explosions increased several times in the nearly airtight space.

Dr. Doom immediately cast his magic, and his figure, like a phantom, passed through the floor under his feet and came to the next floor.

However, in this room, the fog filled the air, making it difficult to see things clearly, and the sensors on his power armor also seemed to be disturbed, either the readings were abnormal, or they shut down directly.

"Is it these fogs? Dusty matter capable of generating electronic interference."

Void grabbed a handful, and Dr. Doom seemed to have caught some dust, twisted it in his hands and analyzed it carefully, and cast magic to blow the dust away, but these dusts have a certain degree of soon returned Distributed in this space, maintaining a misty state.

"Okay, as agreed, it is enough for our battle to proceed here." The voice of Green Winged Bat King Wei Bancheng echoed around: "These electronic interference dust can shield the various detectors on your power armor, You handing over the original video of our fight before is enough to make sense with Nick Fury."

In the previous battles, neither Green Winged Bat King Wei Bancheng nor Dr. Dum did anything serious, they were all at the probing level, and they were all acting.

On the other side, the battle between the frustrated and vengeful woman is still going on. Although she temporarily lost a leg as a support, during the battle, frustrated quickly adapts to this biochemically modified body and gradually gains the upper hand. Turning from defense to offense, he began to fight against the vengeful woman. One of the opponent's appendages had been broken by him, and he held it in his hand as a strange weapon.

Suddenly, alarm bells rang out in frustration, and before he could identify the source of the crisis, a pair of arms covered in black armor pierced through the wall and protruded out, then grabbed him and strangled him against the wall. _&

Villains of the Heavens Template

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