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Chapter 798: Parallel World Observation

"Sure enough, I feel a lot happier after doing this."

Yue Si thoroughly cleaned everything in the underground base, ensuring that there was nothing left except building materials. Under the power of the anti-gravity realm, he could do it with just a wave of his hand.

After pulling out this base, Yue Si soared into the air, faster than before.

He still had a parade to continue, and when Yue Si returned to the frame, it was only four minutes and fifty-nine seconds after his departure, less than five minutes.

With the sound of the clerical officer's whip, the whole family of the emperor, who was resting on the ground, began to crawl again, pulling the frame and continuing to move forward.

The people in the whole city were driven to both sides of the road, watching the gods in their hearts, the most noble in the whole country, and the face of the country, reduced to the existence of carts and livestock, trampled on their dignity, and severely insulted them.

Yue Si on the seat showed a contemptuous smile. What he did was to provoke those potential resistance forces and make them jump out, so that they could be cut off one by one, thus completely eliminating the culprit.

parallel world.

Supreme mage Tony Stark withdrew the cast spell, and his magic power input the tachyon cross-universe exploration needle through the Tao County formed by the spell, providing this huge device to play its due function, and now it has put him On the other hand, an ark reactor that uses new elements is also gradually extinguished, and the new elements as the core have been consumed, and the original light has been extinguished.

"In seven minutes, the reactor of the new elemental ark that can be provided to the steel suit for seven days of continuous combat is completely consumed, and at the same time the magic power of a supreme mage is exhausted, but these can only drive tachyons to explore across the universe and observe parallel universes Seven minutes."

Supreme Mage Tony Stark cast a spell, and took out a drink made of something unknown, it was green, and there were other things swimming in it, the kind that made people feel uncomfortable when they saw it, but the Supreme Mage Tony Stark drank it without hesitation.

With keen eyes, you can also see that when the supreme mage Tony Stark took the last sip of his drink, a tentacle was firmly grasping the inner wall of the cup, unwilling to be swallowed by this person, and he would restore his magic power. However, it is bound to be in vain, just like sucking noodles, the tentacle was sucked into the mouth by the supreme mage Tony Stark, his throat surged, and he swallowed.

"Is it delicious?" Yue Si, who was debugging the machine, asked Supreme Mage Tony Stark.

Although his intuition told him that the taste of the cup was definitely not very good, but he saw the supreme mage Tony Stark gulp down his eyebrows without blinking, so he had such a question.

"And the last thing is the tentacles, I remember Nan Bangzi has a habit of eating octopus raw, but when eating octopus, you must chew it carefully, otherwise the suckers of the tentacles will catch on the throat, which makes people very uncomfortable , and even directly suffocate people.”

The supreme mage Tony Stark returned the cup into the void, and said: "The taste is not bad, just like a glass of milkshake, with the taste of meat puree, vegetable juice and spice particles, I can hint to myself that this is actually a milkshake. It's an Italian soup in a glass."

"In terms of taste, terrible is not enough to describe its taste, it tastes like spoiled meat, fermented protein, polluted seawater, capsaicin and denatonium benzo, etc. The flavors are blended together to make a juice, in order to adjust the taste so that people can accept it, a large amount of industrial saccharin is added to adjust the taste, which is counterproductive and makes the taste even worse.”

"This is a special drink given to me by the king. It allows me to restore my physical strength in a short time after casting a spell that consumes too much magic power. The materials used are some magic materials. He didn't tell me the specific formula—but contact the routine The materials used in the magic soup in cognition, the old leather heels, the fungi growing on the coffin, the nature of this thing must not be very beautiful.”

"Understood, thank you, that tastes really bad." Yue Si said with a few dry coughs.

Supreme Mage Tony Stark raised his eyebrows and said, "It doesn't matter, I usually use magic to temporarily block my sense of taste when I drink this cup, I just drink a cup of something with a strange taste but no taste. "

"Fortunately, there is magic in this world, and the cost of casting magic is much less than that in my world."

Suppressing the feeling of stomach churning and wanting to vomit because of the cup of Supreme Mage Tony Stark's drink, Nick Fury said in a low voice: "This is much better than before. A lot, isn’t it? At least the Tachyon Cross-Universe Exploration Needle can be officially activated and truly show the appearance of parallel time and space—at least it can prove to you that what I said before is true, there is really a group of invaders Occupied our world, and persecuted the people of my world with brutal and powerful means."

These words aroused the silence of a group of superheroes around them, whether true or false, out of a sense of morality or the sense of responsibility of a superhero, or the proper posture of a superhero, they all showed sympathy for innocent people and displayed cruelty. means of hatred.

Just now, after Yue Si participated in the tachyon cross-universe exploration needle project, it was the first time to start the experiment on the tachyon cross-universe exploration needle, because it was designed by combining the knowledge of technology and magic to drive and activate this machine. Devices require magic and energy from technology.

The magic power is provided by a supreme mage, all the power of the hydropower station next to the base and a new element ark reactor the size of a washbasin are used to supply energy, but this device is only slightly activated to allow it to start at the lowest efficiency, not It is enough to count on how much it can play, it can start normally, and all functions are perfect.

After activation, the Tachyon Cross-Universe Exploration Needle operates normally, launching the exploration of parallel worlds, but it is only observation, not substantial interference—although in the concept of quantum mechanics, the act of observation is interference.

But with the power of magic in it, quantum mechanics doesn't matter that much—the magic thing doesn't need to be so clear.

In the past seven minutes, by coincidence, what the Tachyon Cross-Universe Exploration Needle observed was what Yue Si was doing in the foot basin, seeing his wanton arrogance, seeing his brutality and innocence.

To see his strength, to see the attitude of the invaders towards the natives.

The superheroes who participated in the first official launch of the experiment were all highly educated characters. Even on the magic side, they all had doctorates, except for Nick Fury, of course.

Superheroes who take the route of combining technology and magic have the means to access the Tachyon Cross-Universe Exploration Needle to intercept the observed images, and use stereoscopic projection and other methods to show them to others.

It can be seen that a group of superheroes have heavy expressions and dark complexions.

One is because of Yue Si's brutal methods. Although the superheroes present are basically white skinned, they don't have much empathy for Nipan, who is different from himself in skin color, language, culture, and race. Just like the Rwandan massacre, Millions of people died in three months, but only a few people knew about it, but seeing Yue Si trampled on his dignity and killed a white man with a happy family, it made them empathize.

Only the life of the white master is life, so that they can empathize.

The second is because of Yue Si's powerful means, which can fly several times the speed of sound only by relying on his own strength, and the physical strength of crashing through buildings, and the power armor on some people with the title of Iron Man is also hard to match. Being able to do these two points, Yue Si has already proved his strength.

There is also the ability to manipulate electromagnetic force, without the need for external equipment, it can cut off the electromagnetic wave signal, and follow the vines to find the target location of the signal, and even read the thoughts in people's minds. This terrifying method has been restrained quite a bit A group of superheroes who follow the trend of technology.

No, quite a number of superheroes have been restrained. As we all know, if they can read minds, it is possible to master the ability of mind control.

According to the information disclosed by Black Braised Egg, this is just an individual character among the invaders, who belongs to the general category. For those superheroes who have experienced the invasion of Thanos, he compared it with General Obsidian under Thanos. This means their leader is more powerful.

The most important thing is the overall strength of the group of invaders, the gap in the level of crushing in terms of technology and military strength, and the attitude of not treating people as human beings at all.

In the second Gulf War, the U.S. imperialist army was unstoppable in the initial battle. Relying on its strong military strength, the U.S. imperialist-led army undoubtedly won the victory. Greater casualties on the battlefield.

But for that group of invaders, there is no such burden at all. All they need is this piece of land. Human beings have absolutely no need to survive. Occupy, not rule.

If you don't resist, you can survive for a longer time, but if you resist, you will die faster.

Well, although the gap in strength is a bit big, the actions of this group of invaders are not much different from what the group of colonists did after they set foot on the American continent. They used various means to destroy the aborigines, and then Majesticly occupying land that did not belong to them.

They don't understand alien invaders, but they understand the colonists of their ancestors, and by analogy to themselves, they understand what the "indigenous" will end up in.

What American Emperor is best at is to stylize everything American Emperor. For example, Asgard in Norse mythology, with the advancement of the series of movies, has also become the shape of American Emperor. Every aspect is full of American Emperor's culture. style, and even tm has black leather.

They do evil things and assume that other people will do the same.

Seeing the silent superheroes, Nick Fury opened his mouth and said to the Iron Man who connected his power armor to the tachyon cross-universe exploration needle: "Help save the video capture just now and copy it to me One copy, I need it as evidence to convince other superheroes."

Then Nick Fury thought of something again, and added: "Use a coding method that is compatible with the storage devices of this world."

The iron man nodded and said, "That's for sure. I'm not as stupid as those who are not qualified. Even the most basic common sense can be mistaken."

When superheroes were summoned to this world by magic, many heroes on the technology side made a lot of jokes, because the underlying logic of the data world is not necessarily the same in each world, for example, a certain Iron Man is completely artificial Smart code is not the existence of personality data. The computer language of its world is not binary, but binary. There is also an "uncertainty" besides "yes" and "no". The part of "uncertainty" makes the artificial intelligence technology in that world highly developed, and after the extinction and degeneration of all human beings in a devastating disaster, the artificial intelligence can independently derive a civilization.

However, after arriving in this world, the binary language and the ternary language conflicted. The artificial intelligence code-named Iron Man generously provided a lot of help, but because of compatibility issues, it finally did useless work.

Bringing a USB flash drive with a seven-minute video, Nick Fury temporarily left this test site far away from the city, drove away accurately, and showed this video to the rest of the superheroes to prove his discourse.

When Yue Si was just brought into this world by magic, he faced Nick Fury's self-introduction, and his world was occupied by a group of powerful for help from the parallel world , Yue Si questioned, thinking that there is no evidence, Nick Fury said so empty-handedly, you can’t make yourself believe his words like this, in case superheroes believe his words, they will make a mistake thing, that's not good. (See Chapter 626 for details)

Yue Si is not the only one who thinks like Yue Si. Those superheroes have good intentions and have certain high moral standards, but it does not mean that they are stupid and sweet. They deal with super villains. How can they Trusting others will inevitably question Nick Fury. Now that he has evidence to prove himself, he must prove himself to those superheroes.

But as soon as Nick Fury's car drove out of the gate of the industrial zone where the test site was located, he saw Yue Si standing in the middle of the road with his hands behind his back. It seemed that he had been waiting for him for a long time.

After stopping the car, Nick Fury asked, "Doctor, what do you want?"

Yue Si looked at Nick Fury's one-eyed eyes, and said in a cold voice: "You didn't mention a single word to us about the life and death of this planet. What are your plans?"_&

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