Villains Template

Chapter 785: shrewdness

The body of Purdue Cihang is a centipede spirit, with thousands of years of Taoism, and the monks next to it are not human, but its descendants, all centipede spirits. Wear it on the body and move around in the appearance of a living person.

In this way, Purdue Cihang replaced the civil and military officials in the court, and then mastered the entire court. Now it is not the emperor who speaks in the court, but its national teacher, Pudu Cihang.

With children and grandchildren as his subordinates, Purdue Cihang does not have to do many things by himself, such as meeting small people such as Zuo Qianhu.

As for the Dharma guardian attendant who responded, it was even more transformed from its feet. It was the same as its mind, and its spell cultivation was much higher than that of other centipedes. It was very useful whether it was serving or subjugating the enemy.

"Reporting to the national teacher, I have something important to ask for this time." Zuo Qianhu said respectfully: "This trip is to accept the emperor's order and **** the former Minister of Rites Fu Tianqiu to Beijing. His words and his deeds are not that kind of chaotic ministers and thieves, and he expects that there must be something wrong, so he came to intercede for him, hoping that the national teacher will give him a chance to defend himself and tell his grievances."

"I also ask the National Teacher to show mercy."

The two female nuns pulled the veil, revealing the face of Purdue Cihang. It was an old monk, wearing a panzhida hat and a baina monk's robe. His eyes were vicissitudes of life, but he was pitiful. Suddenly women, suddenly old and young, ever-changing.

According to legend, the Buddha has the appearance of all beings, and Pudu Cihang can produce the voice of all beings.

"Zuo Qianhu, the poor monk is a foreigner. He was invited by the emperor to serve as the national teacher. His purpose is to be compassionate and to relieve the suffering of all beings. The poor monks are unwilling and cannot intervene in the affairs of the court."

Purdue Cihang’s words were full of shirk, but Zuo Qianhu could actually understand. Since ancient times, these monks and Taoists have been criticized by civil and military officials. Interfering in government affairs is even more painful. Du Cihang's move can be regarded as a wise defense.

"In addition, the poor monk came here for a magic knife. It doesn't know where it came from, but it is a collection of countless murders. If it circulates in the world, it will inevitably cause life to be wiped out, like a natural disaster." Purdue Cihang said. "The poor monk has been chasing the whereabouts of this magic sword, using the supreme Buddha Dharma to perceive it, but the magic sword is erratic. I saw the devilish aura here tonight, and I thought that the magic sword should have arrived here by fate. I was on the road overnight, but I didn’t expect to meet you, Zuo Qianhu.”

Although his mouth is righteous, but Purdue Cihang's heart is not like this.

Although it is a monster, it is practicing Buddhism, and it can perceive that the so-called magic sword is not actually a magic sword, but a supreme meditation sword. Endless troubles.

Ordinary people and people with insufficient xinxing are not qualified to hold that sword, and will be motivated by the zen sword to cause karma, causing the disaster to kill the body, and implicate others.

If it was the prosperous period of the dynasty, that's all. Today's mountains and rivers are turbulent and people are struggling to live. It has eaten up most of the dynasty's luck. This sword has caused countless karma and karma. The world is ignorant and can't understand the reason. Magic knife.

When Purdue Cihang learned of the existence of this knife, he was overjoyed, thinking that it was his chance.

It is only one step away from swallowing the luck of the dynasty, and it can turn into a real dragon, but the catastrophe of turning a dragon is unavoidable. There are still people waiting for it, if with the help of this Zen saber, the catastrophe can be safely passed through, and maybe it is possible to rely on this saber to go further and become a Buddha and an ancestor!

These things, Purdue Cihang will not say.

After listening to Pudu Cihang's words, Zuo Qianhu suddenly realized, and said: "Master Guoshi, in addition to escorting Qin prisoner Fu Tianqiu, there is also that magic sword. Bring back that magic knife, and if you want to bring it back to the capital, please ask the National Teacher to suppress it with the Dharma."

After a pause, Zuo Qianhu continued: "It's just that when we arrived at the Righteous Villa in front of him, a scholar-like person took action and took away the magic knife, saying that it should be his thing, his ability is high and strong. , the low-ranking people are not his opponents, and they were taken away by him with a knife."

"But that person didn't leave, he was still in the upright villa, uttering outrageous remarks and wanting to change the dynasty..."


Pudu Cihang interrupted Zuo Qianhu's words with a Buddha's name, bowed his head and sighed: "In today's world, evil is in power, and too many people do not know what is right and what is wrong - that sword is a magic sword, and the owner of the magic sword is of course the devil. , is the lawless magic star."

"It is a matter of course for that magic star to speak madly and be rebellious. This magic sword and this magic star are the catastrophe of the court. Only by removing this magic star and suppressing this magic sword can the court continue to last. ."

"The poor monk will go with you, that is, to listen to the words of those loyal people for the court, and also to suppress the devil!"

Fu Tianqiu and the supreme Zen saber were both in the so-called righteous villa, and the hope of attaining the Tao was just in front of him. How could Purdue Cihang hold on to it?

Zuo Qianhu was overjoyed: "Thank you for the mercy of the national teacher, and I will lead the way."

A female cultivator carried a flower basket and splashed the petals, paving a path before Pudu Cihang's car drove off. Only then did Pudu Cihang get up and walk out, stepping on the petals and walking towards Zhengqi Villa without touching the dust.

The Buddhist disciples were still posing, leading the way in front of their heads, reciting scriptures, and singing golden light along with Zen, and the pomp of the scene was undiminished.

It was just that he had just stepped into the range of Zhengqi Villa, when Purdue Cihang suddenly came on a whim and was in shock.

It suddenly felt that it had touched something, but after doing the math, it found nothing.

"I don't know the true face of Mount Lu, just because I am in this calamity."

Yue Si had the meat in his left hand and the wine jug in his right. He ate the meat and the wine very happily.

This kind of catastrophe is really amazing.

Purdue Cihang tried in vain to transform into a dragon to gain the Tao, and also wanted to use the Amitabha Buddha's sword to break the catastrophe, but this last step was difficult.

Looking at the Amitabha Buddha's sword that had been unsheathed beside him, Yue Si had a smile on his face. From the first day he came to this world, he had planned this day to come. The Amitabha Buddha's sword was his fishing The bait released by the giant centipede.

As the saying goes, put a long line to catch a big fish. In order to catch the big centipede like Pudu Cihang, Yue Si made a lot of money.

The Amitabha Zen sword was released by him a few months in advance, causing it to stir up a storm and attracting attention. The news of this sword will definitely be learned by Purdue Cihang, who practices Buddhism. This big centipede will definitely be unable to hold back .

As for the fishing line, it is time. The closer it is to transforming the dragon, the less Purdue Cihang can ignore the existence of the Amitabha Buddha's Zen sword.

Taking another sip of wine into his mouth, Yue Si said to Ning Caichen, "Brother Ning, don't be nervous, this catastrophe can be avoided for you, as long as you don't get close to women—also Just stay away from those sisters."

Ning Caichen next to him hugged his stomach and looked around nervously. He put the Thunder and Fire God Soldier inside his clothes and held it with his hands through the clothes. Yue Si's words were never in vain. He gave him a handful of Thunder and Fire God Soldiers. , then there must be a time to play a role, but I don't know when the time will come.

"Brother, don't be joking, you gave me this thing, you must want me to do something with it."

"You're also smart... I don't think you understand the suspension bridge effect. Your marriage and catastrophe complement each other. If you avoid catastrophe, you will take the initiative to ruin this marriage."

On the other side, Zhiqiu Yiye was busy sweating profusely, holding a brush dipped in cinnabar ink and writing spells on yellow paper.

His supernatural powers and spells are displayed with the help of spells, which can save mana and increase their power. Yue Si said that there is a thousand-year-old monster coming, and he must be prepared. The more spells, the better.

Seeing the appearance of Zhiqiu Yiye, Yue Si ate the meat in two bites, took the pen and paper from Zhiqiu Yiye's hand, and gave him the half-jug of wine left: "The more I get here, At this juncture, the more you need to relax, treat it with a normal heart, and relax with a couple of sips of wine.”

Then Yue Si took a pen and randomly wrote the words "The genus of demons can't be seen" on the yellow paper, and stuck it on his chest.

Then he took the scabbard of the Amitabha Buddha's zen sword, turned it in cinnabar ink, printed it on the spread yellow paper, and printed the embossed pattern of the blade body equipment on it, and then greeted Zhiqiu Yiye who was drinking and decompressing, and asked him Distribute these "spells" to the people.

Fu Tianqiu already glared at him because of his remarks. If Yue Si went to send it, the other party would definitely not pick it up. Only Zhiqiu Yiye, the third party, had a relatively harmonious relationship with both parties, so it would be more appropriate for him to go. .

After seeing Yue Si's previous move, he was able to fix everyone's magical powers. Whether it was Jin Yiwei or the Fu family members brought by the Fu family sisters, they all accepted the "printed" spell.

Zhiqiu Yiye patted his chest and assured them that this thing was nondescript, even better than the spell he drew by himself.

When he draws a talisman, he has to take the Qi, enter the taboo, and form the evil spirit, and finally it is completed. The predecessors of the teacher have inherited the Dharma seal.

Yue Si's casual seal is equivalent to a talisman stamped with a French seal. Although it is unclear what it does, it is better than what he drew.

However, Fu Tianqiu threw the talisman on the ground, crushed it with his feet, and said angrily, "I don't want the things of the messengers and thieves!"

Then he saw that everyone around him was holding a talisman, even his own daughter. He blew his nose and stared and said, "Put it down, put it down, put it down for me, no matter how good it is, the things of this messy courtier and thief are good. Don't stay!"

Fu Qingfeng threw the spell away and comforted Fu Tianqiu and said, "Dad, don't worry, we will not be in the company of that chaotic minister and thief."

Fu Yuechi next to him could clearly see that his sister made a throwing gesture, but in fact hid the spell with a very fast technique. That technique is not very clever. These people around can use it. The bully is Fu Tianqiu didn't know martial arts, and his eyesight couldn't keep up. He only saw her throwing things, but he didn't see her hiding things.

Fu Yuechi wanted to say something, but when Fu Qingfeng glared at him, he knew what to do. Before he knew it, he took out the talisman paper that Zhiqiu Yiye had given them and replaced the one printed by Yue Si, and then Ripped it to pieces, threw it to the ground, and expressed his determination to Fu Tianqiu.

Jin Yiwei's side completely ignored Fu Tianqiu's attitude, and carried the talisman paper in his arms one by one. Yue Si's means were high, they had experienced it firsthand, and the talisman paper he gave would definitely be very useful.

Except for the two servants who didn't know if they were stupid or stupid, they really threw away the talisman paper, just like Fu Tianqiu, the rest of the servants followed suit and made moves to pretend to throw away the talisman paper. Only then did Tian Chou nodded in satisfaction, and looked at Yue Si provocatively.

Given that Fu Tianqiu was able to sit in the palace of the Minister of Rites, he would definitely not be able to do such a child-like behavior, but he did so, which was precisely the performance of his palace.

Now that the national teacher Purdue Cihang is approaching, his chance to turn over is coming, and at this time, he must be extremely careful, and all the handles that may be caught cannot be left behind.

Before Yue Si kept saying that he wanted him to rebel, or learn from Huo Guang, Cao Cao, or even the usurper Wang Mang, Jin Yiwei listened to these things, and he must clearly draw a clear line with Yue Si, a chaotic minister and thief, to show that position.

As for the little actions of his subordinates and his daughter, Fu Tianqiu could see it clearly. They thought they could hide it from themselves, but in fact they just pretended not to see it.

"It's hard to persuade a **** ghost."

Yue Si didn't say anything, just laughed over there: "Those with different opinions are more hateful than demons and monsters."

The original words of the sentence are not like this, but the meaning is there.

Zhiqiu Yiye returned to Yue Si's side, and said angrily, "A dog bites Lu Dongbin, you don't know a good person."

He came out of the for two purposes, one is to walk in the world, to exterminate demons and to practice; the other is to investigate the Amitabha Buddha's sword. As the world knows, the Kunlun School is not investigating Before, I thought this knife was a magic knife and needed to be brought back to suppress it.

And when Amitabha Buddha's Zen saber returned to Yue Si's hand, Zhiqiu Yiye saw that this saber was not a magic saber and was full of Buddha nature, so he knew that Yue Si's cultivation was profound and his attitude was even more respectful.

"The other party has already come. I'll go and hide for a while. You can act according to the opportunity, and act according to the opportunity."

Yue Si inserted the Amitabha Buddha’s Zen saber on the ground, walked aside with the scabbard, and hid behind a pillar, with a small half of his body exposed, so that anyone could see him, but Yue Si just did This kind of thing that is almost stealing the bell.

Jinguang and Chan Chan can already be seen and heard, which shows that Pudu Cihang has come to the door of Zhengqi Villa.

Zuo Qianhu was about to follow, but was stopped by a Dharma guardian: "Qianhu's hostility is too strong, which will damage the peace of the Dharma Master, please wait here!"

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