Villains Template

Chapter 782: Left 0 (don't forget 918)

Knowing that Qiu Yiye is a Taoist priest, he has learned some ways to know people, and knows that Yue Si is consistent with his words and deeds.

But the affairs of the world have nothing to do with him as a monk.

It's none of your business, hang up high and listen.

Ning Caichen completely trusts Yue Si, this is a living real immortal in the game world, with all-round skills, Nie Xiaoqian, an ordinary female ghost, can be transformed into the Queen of Yin Si through his hands, a dynasty in the world Replacement is not too difficult for him.

The two sisters of Qingfengyuechi and Fu Jiajia Ding just thought that it would be better for people like Yue Si to have less contact. With his strong murderousness, and his lawlessness and contempt for everything, he was definitely not a good person.

I don't know if it's a daring person, or I don't know how high the sky is. Although Yue Si has some skills, if you don't want to die, you'd better stay away from him, or you won't know when he will be implicated.

No matter how they prepare to attack the convoy of the imperial court escorting criminals, the purpose is still to rescue Fu Tianqiu. If they want to survive or rebel, they dare not even think about it—if Fu Tianqiu hadn’t been harmed by the traitor, what would they be doing now? Status is extraordinary.

Let’s make a bold assumption. If Fu Tianqiu can clear his grievances, there is a high probability that the officials will be reinstated, and they will still be able to return to the status of vested interests. Why overthrow the current imperial court?

Yue Si's call made the atmosphere very stiff, and Ning Caichen's plan to find Fu Qingfeng over there to get in touch with him was extinguished.

"Your remarks are really outrageous. We just met by chance. It is fate to meet at this villa tonight. We didn't hear anything just now. I hope you will be careful with your words and deeds." Fu Qingfeng Hands over and said to Yue Si.

"If you didn't hear it, you didn't hear it... Forget it, you gave up the very promising job of rebelling, and I won't force you." Yue Si waved his hand and said, "Although our fundamental goals are different, but The goals of choice are the same, they are all waiting for Jin Yiwei to **** the team into Beijing, but what you want to save is people, what I am looking for is my knife, I will not hinder your work, if you are in a good mood, please beg me If so, I will also help, and I can even reveal some inside information to you.”

"For example, when will the **** team arrive here, and who exactly framed your father, etc."

The originally rigid atmosphere was eased a lot by Yue Si's gag. After all, they only planned to attack the imperial court team, but they never did it. Even the path taken by the escorted team into Beijing was guesswork, and Yue Si There seems to be very accurate information here.

The most important thing is that Yue Si actually knew the reason why Fu Tianqiu became a prisoner from the imperial court. If they figured out this, their father might be reinstated.

As soon as these words came out, the two sisters of Qingfeng Yuechi looked at each other and said to Yue Si, "What I said just now is my arrogance..."

Fu Yuechi hit the snake and followed the stick, and asked, "Your Excellency actually knows the reason. I wonder if you can tell me one or two."

"It's better for you to know less about this kind of thing. Ignorance is sometimes blissful. The more you know, the more desperate you are." Yue Si shook his head and said, "You can only see the appearance of some things and think that it is just a In that way, I feel that my strength is enough and I can rely on my own hands; but if I understand the inside story and the truth behind the surface, I will question my own strength and feel hopeless."

"What I can tell you is that the **** team will pass here, and the time is just two days. The military attache who escorts is Qianhu Zuoqianhu of Jinyiwei."

"I advise you to stop thinking about other things after you save your father, take him to the mountains and forests, and don't think about doing anything else. It's better to find a good husband's family to live incognito."

Then Yue Si pulled Ning Caichen to the side and said as if showing an animal: "Don't look at my brother's handsome face, in fact, the talent in his stomach is even more brilliant, don't look at his sloppy appearance now, and grooming is also a good thing. Beautiful man, the most important thing is that he is still a disciple of Zhuge Wolong, and he has contributed a lot to the latest book of Zhuge Wolong! If you want to invest as soon as possible, he is dedicated to his love and has never been married..."

Ning Caichen said to Yue Si in a low voice, "Brother, what you said is too much, I'm not the old man's disciple!"

"Hey, didn't you just take out a sign with Zhuge Wolong written on it, and take you as a disciple, they have no way of verifying it anyway - and how do you think I found you is based on Zhuge Wolong's new book The content in the book caught the clues before I found your side. Although the story in the book has been changed a lot, it must be drawn from you. The credit for the book is half yours, so Zhuge Wolong's new book also has your share. Strength." Yue Si comforted Ning Caichen and made him relax: "I promised you a marriage before, look at how these sisters are, the sister looks just like Nie Xiaoqian, and the younger sister is even more beautiful... Come on, choose one. "

Having said that, Ning Caichen turned into a dead fish-eye. He felt that Yue Si was making fun of him again. Yue Si did this kind of thing a lot.

Seeing Ning Caichen looking at him with a strange expression, Yue Si said, "No way, it's a bit unlikely that you want both sisters and sisters. The daughter of such an official family cannot be the master of marriage. , is usually used as a tool for marriage, you choose the elder sister, the younger sister can go to the top, you choose the younger sister, and the elder sister... If you want to take both, it is too unrealistic. "

"Brother, come here at this time, don't be joking." Ning Caichen said evasively.

"It's a pity..." Regarding Ning Caichen's shirk, Yue Si just shook his head and sighed.

Qingfengyuechi and the two sisters continued to ambush and set up traps with their family members. This is the only way for the prisoner car to enter Beijing. It is best to prepare as soon as possible.

Zhiqiu Yiye was moved by his loyalty, and went to help along with him. With the magic in hand, it was very convenient for him to do things.

Seeing that there was so much excitement over there, Ning Caichen also wanted to go there, but was caught by Yue Si: "You are interested in other beautiful girls, I can see that, but don't act so impatient. If you can't do it, you can't do it, you can't come up with ideas, and you can't do rough work, so don't go over and make trouble."

It was only in the middle of the night that the Fu family sisters and the other family members were busy. Zhiqiu Yiye clapped her hands and went back to the villa to rest. Seeing Yue Si engraving something on a piece of bluestone with a knife, she turned her eyes and had an idea, so she leaned over and asked. Said: "Masters, seniors, those people are all mortals, and they can't do anything other than martial arts. I am different. I am a Taoist and have high skills. You can tell me the reason."

"Do you really want to know?" Yue Si blew against the bluestone in front of him, blowing off the rubble, revealing the shape of a disc.

Zhiqiu Yiye nodded again and again: "Yes."

"The so-called kingdom will perish, there must be monsters." Yue Si said: "The imperial court is about to die, the world is collapsing, and there are many monsters... For example, the protector of the country Pudu Cihang, it is a big monster, relying on Devouring the luck of the dynasty to achieve its shortcut from demonizing a dragon, it is estimated that more than half of it has been successful, and only the last shiver is left."

"The thing that framed Fu Tianqiu was done by Pudu Cihang. The officials of the imperial court had something to do with the fortune of the dynasty, and Fu Tianqiu didn't want to be his own, so of course he tried every means to get rid of this alien."

"That's why I said, persuade them to make plans for rebellion as early as possible. Sooner or later, this imperial court will die. If you prepare early, you will be able to accumulate advantages. When the time comes to change the dynasty... It's indescribable, it's indescribable!"

"You say, what will they think when I tell them these words, they don't have to do anything about ordinary monsters, how can they solve the big monster that can even swallow the fate of the dynasty? It's better to let them think that they are themselves. The old man was just murdered by an adulterer and framed, he rescued the person and hid away, instead of running away to clear his grievances, and then the big monster with magical powers stared at him."

As soon as Yue Si finished the call, Zhiqiu Yiye nodded clearly.

For those mortals who are incompetent, the less they know, the better, and at least there is still hope in their hearts.

"Master, what are you doing?" Zhiqiu Yiye saw that Yue Si had carved a circular groove on the bluestone plate, and then carefully carved an inscription on it.

"It's a jig." Yue Si blew out the crushed stone on the stone carving mold, took out a few pieces of silver from the box, held it in his hand and melted it with real fire, and let the melted silver fall into the mold to form and cool, and take it out. Then it became a mirror.

"Then Pudu Cihang is coming here. I have to prepare in advance. If you want to exorcise demons and help them, you'd better prepare well. I have a set of thunder and fire here. Do you want to learn how to create magical weapons of magic weapons?"

The silver mirror of the casting mold is very rough, it is said to be a silver mirror, but it is more like a silver cake, very rough, not to mention a clear figure, only a vague outline, Yue Si still needs to be carefully polished and rested.

Zhiqiu Yiye just glanced at the silver mirror, and felt that the silver mirror had an evil spirit, and the blurred silhouette reflected was very strange, as if something penetrated into his brain and wriggled on his primordial spirit.

When Zhiqiu Yiye woke up, she found that the Fu family sisters and the family members were sitting in front of him, and they seemed to be listening to what he was explaining, and he was holding a strange thing in his hand. new

It was a forearm-long, thumb-thick iron pipe, embedded in a wooden handle and hooped together with iron hoops. The iron pipe was also engraved with runes and affixed with spells.

Zhiqiu Yiye swore that he had never seen this thing before, but he knew what it was called and how to use it.

"It's really wicked."

The scorching sun was scorching hot, and there was a group of people driving on the official road. Although it was a wave of people, it was divided into three waves.

At the head were a few military attachés riding tall horses. The one at the head stood out, with a resolute face and a menacing appearance. There were several bright steel knives behind his back. Although the first impression at first glance was that of a treacherous villain, But if you take a closer look, it's the kind of upright tough guy.

This military attache's surname is Zuo, and he is a thousand households of Jinyiwei. It is enough to call him a thousand households of Zuo, because this is an honor, just like Du Fu is called Du Gongbu.

The second wave of people is dragging horses to guard a prison car. A normal prison car has a car, and railings are added around it. Even if it is uncomfortable to stand, lie, sit, or lie down, at least the prisoners can be kept inside. Stay there a little longer.

And this prison car is all about torturing people. It only has a rack on the bottom of the car. The prisoners being escorted are chained to the rack. The official road is bumpy and the sun is exposed to the sun. .

The gray-haired man was already haggard, his wrists were bloodied, his lips were chapped, and he was not far from death.

The third wave of people is guarding a carriage. The goods on the carriage are only a box. The whole body is made of iron and covered with charms.

This first group of people rode their horses galloping, looking ahead to prevent someone from setting an ambush on the road, because the person who escorted Shangjing was too important.

The person is Fu Tianqiu, the former Minister of Rites, and the thing is the magic knife that has caused ups and downs in the rivers and lakes recently.

Whether the former is to save or kill, someone will attack, even if it is a criminal who enters Beijing to be executed, he will die horizontally and vertically, but he must die in the place where he deserves to die. At least on this road, he must be protected.

The latter has a deep demonic nature. A peasant who has spent half his life digging food in the soil will kill him when he gets it. He dares to slaughter the entire family of the gentry who have hatred, and countless good nurses are also damaged by the magic knife. .

Even if they got the whereabouts of the magic knife, it was still very difficult for Jin Yiwei and his group to get the knife. Zuo Qianhu brought twice as many people as he did now, but now there is only so much left on the way back.

Some of the damaged hands were even killed by their own hands. Even the determined Jin Yiwei would become disrespectful after holding the magic knife, and only Zuo Qianhu could be there. Stick to your heart under the magic knife.

On the first journey, the knife was just put in a box, but Jin Yiwei, who was guarding the box, never realized when he opened the box and pulled out the knife, and then hit his colleagues.

In order to prevent the accident from happening again, they found a blacksmith shop, made an iron box and put the magic knife in its sheath. Two angles of metaphysics are used to isolate this knife.

A carriage was even specially prepared to house the knife box, and no one was allowed to approach the carriage easily.

"Lord Qianhu, the iron box is moving again!" One of the knights in the third wave of people rushed forward, caught up with the first group, and reported the situation of the escorted goods: "In recent days, the activities of this magic knife have It's getting more and more frequent, as if it's echoing something."

Zuo Qianhu reined his horse, looked at the sun in the sky, and said: "In a few days' journey, we will be able to return to the capital, and then ask the national teacher Cihang Pudu to suppress the magic of the magic sword with supreme magic power. !" Remember the website address, WWW. biquxu. Com, it is convenient to read next time, or you can enter this site by entering "" in Baidu

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