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Chapter 779: clues whereabouts

Yue Si was not actually hungry, but he had to eat and drink something. After spitting out those two breaths, as the only true immortal in the world, both Heavenly Court and the Underworld were counting on him to preside over the overall situation, and Yue Si had already filled Nie Xiaoqian in the Underworld. In the past, if I can fool one or two for the time being, it will be difficult for Heavenly Court to do it, so I have to eat and drink some to make myself less dusty, and use the air of red dust to allow myself to stay in the world.

Ning Caichen brought food and drink with him. It was what he bought to entertain Yan Chixia and Xiahou Swordsman. It cost Ning Caichen a lot of money. There were so many things that they didn't even move, so Ning Caichen stayed behind and used them as dry food on the road - after all, he bought them with real money, so he couldn't bear to litter them.

After eating some beef noodle cakes, Yue Si stopped and passed the "Tianxin Wulei Zhengfa" to Yan Chixia. Xiahou Swordsman and Ning Caichen did not shy away from this, and the two of them were also listening.

Yue Si's speech is very simple, and he can understand classical Chinese at the junior high school level, but neither Xiahou Swordsman nor Ning Caichen have the foundation for cultivating Taoism. No way, if you go deeper, you won't know where to analyze it, and you will be powerless to figure out the essence of it.

But Yan Chixia understands it as soon as she hears it. After listening to Yue Si's talk once, she can mobilize the five qi in her chest and turn it into thunder. She uses the power of the heaven and earth to dispel the cold qi in her body and practice the sub-dharma. If you cultivate to the highest realm, you will be able to achieve the Five Qi Chaoyuan, which is the realm of immortals.

This is not the rotten street that Yue Si called it, but the real secret scripture of Xuanmen, pointing directly to the realm of the avenue, making Yan Chixia shout precious.

It's just that the illness came like a mountain, and the illness went away like a thread. Yan Chixia's activities in the underworld only lasted a single stick of incense, but the cultivation as before made him stay for more than half a month, until after a certain thunderstorm, Yan Chixia's heart was broken. Feeling that he ascended to a high place and absorbed the residual thunder and lightning energy, this completely eliminated the influence of the underworld.

Then the four people who got together temporarily dispersed, and Yan Chixia was going to return to Lanruo Temple to concentrate on her practice.

It's a good place. It's close to the market in Guobei County. Yan Chixia doesn't have to walk much if she wants to buy wine and meat. At the same time, few people go to Lanruo Temple. Yan Chixia cultivated with peace of mind.

The only drawback is that the tree demon grandma was uprooted, and the surrounding terrain was damaged, and it may collapse one day.

Xiahou swordsman has been chasing Yan Chixia for these years, and he seems to have done nothing else. .

Yue Si also told Xiahou Swordsman that he had survived a disaster. As long as he didn't take the initiative to cause trouble, he didn't have to worry about living to the age of seventy. If there was no other chance, he could find Yan Chixia again. Follow Yan Chixia to make a name for herself.

In case Yan Chixia is lucky enough to become a fairy, Xiahou, with his skills, can follow him to the heavenly court and become a heavenly soldier or a general.

Ning Caichen was the worst. The main purpose of this trip was to collect accounts in Guobei County, in order to go to Beijing to take the exam, but all the arrears collected were spent by him, and part of the purchase of paintings, wine, meat, horses , all the money on his body is gone, so it is not enough to go home empty-handed like this.

However, in the account book he copied, it was not only the inn family in Guobei County that owed money, so he led his horse to another place and continued to collect the account. After this incident, he left behind a precious experience. , and a portrait of Nie Xiaoqian, the one without an inscription.

When riding a horse to the next city, Yue Si said to Ning Caichen, who was walking in different directions: "Brother Ning, do you still remember my warning to you, the young man's abstinence is in sex, if it weren't for me and Yan Chixia, this trip is bad for you... However, your catastrophe is still in the past. After all, you have a karmic entanglement with Nie Xiaoqian, and you will still be unlucky for a while in the future. , it's all possible, just be careful!"

After listening to Yue Si's words, Ning Caichen was terrified. According to Yan Chixia's statement, this person is a real immortal, and his words must be reasonable: "Brother, what should I do?"

"Time, fate, I can't help you with this, you have to fight it yourself." Yue Si said to Ning Caichen, "But you have a relationship with that Nie Xiaoqian, but I messed up. Yes, but it doesn't matter, I will add another paragraph for you, the ladies of the official family, capable of writing and martial arts, and chivalrous heart, as long as you can impress others, you can bring about good things."

Ning Caichen wanted to ask a few more questions, but Yue Si walked away and didn't give him a chance to ask more.

He only had time to shout at Yue Si's back: "Brother, where are you going, do we have a chance to meet?"

"I'm going to find my knife, goodbye, if you can meet my knife, then you can see me again!"

A few months later, it was raining heavily, and a group of tycoons ran into an ancient temple that had been abandoned for a long time.

The ancient temple has no name, there are no stone tablets and plaques, and the area is not as large as that of Lanruo Temple. There are also several leaks on the roof, but at least there are walls and roofs, and there is a place to shelter from the wind and rain.

Several Jianghu people were scattered to several places by the rainwater leaking from the roof. Can't raise much fire.

"Beiqi's mother, fortunately I have been here, and I know that there is a broken temple here to shelter from the rain and the wind, otherwise we will be drenched in the rain tonight, and it is estimated that we will be drenched to death!" Some Jianghu knights complained said.

Some people in Jianghu also complained: "Apart from having two walls to block the wind, this place is not much better than the outdoors. It rains heavily outside, and it rains lightly inside. There are no windows and doors. When the wind blows, you are still wet. Freeze someone to death!"

"Then don't sleep tonight, so you don't freeze to death!" Another Jianghu person said: "When you arrive at the market tomorrow, find an inn, and then go to sleep."

A knight opened his baggage, checked it, and said, "If there is wine and meat, this night won't be too hard. I only have a few dry noodles and pancakes here!"

"Forget it, let's chat." Some people from Jianghu said: "The world is difficult, if it's not for eating and drinking, who would want to leave their hometown and run so far out, I originally wanted to be a **** when I learned martial arts, who knows how to go. On the road of beating and robbing, it's not my fault, it's all the world's fault... What is the name of that word? What is the name of the word that the scholar we killed before he died?"

"The ritual is broken and the music is broken."

"Yes, the ritual is broken and the music is broken." The Jianghu person who proposed to chat and stay up all night said: "Unfortunately, even if it is a family robbery, we people are not qualified to be listed on the wanted list, and it is not as valuable as a knife."

"A knife?" Some people in Jianghu asked inexplicably: "What kind of person's name is this, a knife, it's really interesting."

This man's remarks caused laughter from the others. He looked at the others blankly and asked, "Did I say something wrong?"

If it wasn't for him who couldn't beat the rest of the people, he would have drawn his sword at this time.

"You just came out and ran to Jianghu. It's normal that you haven't heard of it." The Jianghu person said: "The person on the wanted order is really just a knife, a good knife, a demon knife, a magic knife."

Then the Jianghu people showed four fingers and said through gritted teeth, "Do you know how much that knife is worth now? Four thousand taels of silver with a whole grain!"

"Four thousand taels of silver!" The figure made the man gasp: "A knife is worth so much money!"

"It's worth it, that knife is completely worth so much money, because I don't know how many people died under that knife." Jianghu people said: "We Jianghu people and officials in the government are all looking for That knife is worth four thousand taels, but this knife is still circulating in the rivers and lakes, and no one can hand it over. Some people say that when you hold the knife, it is not the person holding the knife, but the It is the knife that controls the man." Xin

"Is it really that evil?" someone asked.

"Oh, I advise you not to think of it, otherwise you won't know how to die!" Jianghu people said: "Why call that sword a demon sword, because that sword is really evil."

"About half a year ago, this knife appeared out of nowhere. At first, a group of people like us got it, and then the group started to fight, and one of them took the knife and gave everyone else. slaughtered, and then escaped before the official arrests."

"Since then, there have been countless scrambles around this knife, because whether it is a knife or a sword, when you see that knife, you will be deeply fascinated by it, and you will try every means to get it. It grabbed it in his hand, and then carried it and started to kill!"

"Around that knife, I don't know how many **** winds have been blowing, and there are more than a thousand people who died directly under that knife!"

"Of course, if it's just Jianghu people, no matter how many people die, the government will not pay that much attention. That is, some time ago, there was a tenant who couldn't pay the rent at home, and his daughter was taken away to pay off the debt. After three days, he died. The tenant did not know how to get the knife, and then slaughtered the entire family of seventy-three members of the large family, even splitting the newborn baby into two sections— The master of the big family is not an ordinary person, but an old minister who is idle at home."

"There used to be hundreds of good hunters in the three provinces of the famous town, and any one of them could kill the few of us as if they were playing, but they were still completely killed by the Jianghu people with that knife."

"The evil sword is too tight. Whether it is the person holding it, or anyone else, as long as it has anything to do with it, they will die very miserably."

At this time, a Jianghu person said: "I heard that this incident was stabbed to the top, and the imperial court directly sent a Jinyiwei Qianhu to investigate this magic knife - oh, ordinary people don't care how many deaths, one It's the old Shangshu that deserves attention."

"Hey, I heard that I didn't invite the national teacher Pudu Cihang to come and use his supreme Dharma to suppress the demonic nature of that magic knife?"

This time, as soon as the topic was opened, these people from all corners of the world began to discuss it, hoping to survive the rainy night.

However, there was a long sigh from the side: "Finally, after walking such a long way and inquiring about the news for such a long time, I finally let me know the whereabouts of my knife."

As soon as the words fell, those Jianghu people drew their knives and stood up, because the person who made the sound was in another corner, not any of them, and the voice was very unfamiliar.

Some Jianghu people picked up a firewood with a flame from the bonfire, and cautiously went there to probe, and found that there was a scholar-like person sitting cross-legged in a corner that his group hadn't noticed before.

"Are you a human or a ghost!" The Jianghu man asked courageously, holding a knife.

If there are other people besides them in this ancient temple, in this relatively narrow area, it is impossible for them not to notice, unless it is a master with high martial arts, but looking at the scholar, it should not be What martial arts.

Then it could be a ghost.

"In this world, it's not that easy for a man to become a ghost after he dies. Only young and beautiful women have a higher chance of becoming a ghost." Yue Si got up and said to those a few uneasy people in the world. : "Listen to what you said earlier, you are doing family robberies. It just so happens that I like meeting people like you the most, because I have been short of trouble recently, and I don't know where I got the money. How nice of you to grab it directly."

Afterwards, the long knife was unsheathed and brushed a few times, and the few Jianghu people fell to the ground and became corpses one by one.

Throwing the **** long knife aside, Yue Si started to loot the people from Jianghu. They kept saying that they had robbed a few people before and that they still had money to go to the market to stay in an inn. Money.

After looting the money, Yue Si returned to his original position and continued to sit cross-legged and wait for dawn.

In the past few Yue Si has been running around, looking for the whereabouts of the Amitabha Buddha's sword, but he did not inquire carefully, but hit luck very randomly, just like traveling. When you reach a fork in the road, throw a branch, choose the direction you want to move forward, and simply ask a few questions when you get to the place where the crowd gathers.

After a short tangle of silver taels, I would ask those people in the rivers and lakes to borrow them. Anyway, in this world, there is no shortage of people who rely on a knife to eat.

I just didn't expect that I missed the city market to stay overnight and had to take shelter from the rain in this ruined temple, but I didn't expect to learn the whereabouts of the Amitabha Buddha's sword and a few key plots from a few people who didn't enter the rivers and lakes. The whereabouts of the characters.

For example, Pudu Cihang, the national teacher, and Zuo Qianhu, who is the pinnacle of force in the world.

As for Ning Caichen as the "protagonist", unlucky is definitely unlucky, not Yue Si can count, in this world, a kind person like him can't go far, but at least for now, his life is worry-free. Because "Skill Card: Lin Daiyu Pulling Weeping Willows" has not returned to his hands.

"Let's start early tomorrow morning!" Remember the website address, www. biquxu. Com, it is convenient to read next time, or you can enter this site by entering "" in Baidu

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