Villains Template

Chapter 773: Daiyu upside down weeping willow

"I know, you still miss Nie Xiaoqian and the female ghosts controlled by the tree demon grandma, but that is a thousand-year-old tree demon, a thousand years! A thousand years ago, what dynasty was it, do you know? Peng Zu, the longest-lived, is no more than a thousand years old. Who can live to be eight hundred and eighty years old, who can reach a thousand years." Seeing that the atmosphere was already in place, Yue Si stopped teasing Ning Caichen and said, "Moreover, if you want to solve this matter, you and I are the two of you. The strength is not enough, at least find two more people, preferably a martial arts master who has successfully cultivated the Tao... In short, the kind that is stronger than you."

"Huh?" Ning Caichen didn't react for a while after hearing Yue Si's words, and then he was overjoyed: "Brother, are you willing to help me? Help Xiaoqian and her sisters get rid of the control of the tree demon grandma? "

"Oh, people treat me with sincerity, and I treat people with sincerity."

"You treat that female ghost Nie Xiaoqian with pure kindness and compassion in your heart, and I will use my strength to respond to your kindness! After all, in this unreasonable age, there are very few people who are reasonable and kind. Very few, they are either pitiful or terrifying."

Yue Si shook his head and sighed, his words were full of accusations of the times.

When Ning Caichen heard Yue Si's words, he suddenly realized that he had never known this "Xiongtai", not even his name.

Next, Yue Si wandered around the market and bought it. He bought hoes and nails from the blacksmith shop, and bought rough cloth, hemp rope and other messy things. Ning Caichen was confused.

Back at the inn, Ning Caichen withdrew from the guest room at Yue Si's request, packed some wine and meat, and rushed back to Lanruo Temple with Yue Si while it was still early.

"Brother, we are going back this time to save Xiaoqian and the other poor female ghosts. Why did you let me bring so much wine and meat?" Ning Caichen walked back, breathing every three steps and taking a break every five steps. Yue Si made him buy a lot of wine and meat and food is very puzzled.

"I've already said that it's not enough to rely on the strength of the two of us. We need to ask someone for help. The two Jianghu knights in Lanruo Temple are just right. They have high martial arts and ability. Xiahou Swordsman will not be mentioned. He will definitely help; and when I left in the morning, Yan Chixia personally promised that if it is about subduing demons and eliminating demons, he will definitely help." Yue Si said, "But, after all, it is a request for help. Help, you must have a correct attitude, eat other people's mouths softly, you put some wine and meat over, and they eat, this stall is set."

"And begging for help, you do it, and I'll teach you how to convince them..."

After listening to Yue Si's words, Ning Caichen didn't know where his strength came from. With food and drinks on his back, he returned to Lanruo Temple in one go.

Xiahou Swordsman and Yan Chixia were fighting again at this time, but compared to the showdown last night or even earlier, it was more like an exchange of swordsmanship.

"You two scholars are interesting, and you are back." Seeing Yue Si and Ning Caichen leaving and returning, Yan Chixia stopped the fight with Xiahou Swordsman and said.

Xiahou's wish has been fulfilled, and he will leave to concentrate on his practice after that. He has no desire to compete with Yan Chixia for the best swordsman in the world. I am afraid that he will not meet with Yan Chixia again in the future. Yan Chixia will practice with him again. practice.

After Ning Caichen rested for a while, he put out the wine and meat interview he brought, and said, "Two heroes, there are wine and meat here, as well as steamed buns and pancakes. If you don't dislike it, please eat more."

"Haha, Brother Xiahou, I just feel that there is no wine and meat for you, so this scholar brought wine and meat, just in time for the meeting, I borrowed flowers to offer Buddha!" ​​Yan Chixia saw at a glance that Ning Caichen had something to ask for, but took it directly. After passing a pot of wine, he threw it to Xiahou, took a bottle himself, opened the seal and took a sip.

Xiahou held the jug and hesitated for a while. Although the obsession in his heart was broken, it did not mean that his personality had also changed. Although he would show kindness to the weak, it all depends on his mood, not the taste of the meal. Abundant and busy.

However, Yue Si was standing on the side with interest, leaning against a pillar and staring at this side, Xiahou dispelled his doubts, also opened the jug, took a sip, went to the wine and meat, took a Chicken drumsticks, eaten unceremoniously.

Last night, Yan Chixia only had a small jar of wine and two roasted hares. It was tasteless and tasteless. No matter what you eat or drink, it is not enough. Now someone invites you to eat and drink. Of course, you will not be polite. Dilutes greasy.

Seeing Yan Chixia and Xiahou Swordsman eating and drinking vigorously, Ning Caichen showed a smile and asked: "Two heroes, I came back this time to ask them for a favor and do that demon and demon. You must have heard about Miss Xiaoqian in the morning, and the two of you must have known the reason, and the two of them didn't leave, they must have wanted to help of."

Yan Chixia wiped the oil from her mouth with the back of her hand, and said, "Scholar, you can help, but you need to divide how to help, save people... It's easy to talk about saving ghosts, find the location of the urn, take the urn away, and take advantage of it. In the daytime, when the Millennium Tree Demon has the weakest mana, it escapes from the control of the Millennium Tree Demon. What happens next is easy to say. Those female ghosts will naturally be able to get rid of their control and reincarnate after leaving here... Another scholar's method, guaranteeing It allows them to have a smooth reincarnation.”

"But, did you know that the thousand-year-old tree demon married Nie Xiaoqian to the old demon from Montenegro!"

Ning Caichen nodded blankly and said, "I heard Xiaoqian say this, is the old black mountain demon more powerful than the thousand-year-old tree demon?"

For Ning Caichen, a thousand-year cultivation base is a very large number. It is difficult for him to imagine a monster stronger than a thousand-year cultivation base.

"It's not only powerful, it's simply terrifying! The old demon of Montenegro is a great demon in the underworld, with unfathomable strength, occupying a huge area, and there are countless ghost soldiers under his hands, and he doesn't even need to take action. With a single order, The piles of demons and monsters under our hands are so piled up to kill us, otherwise why would the thousand-year-old tree demon want Nie Xiaoqian to marry the old Montenegrin demon as a concubine, because it can't provoke the old Montenegrin demon and needs a backing." Yan Chixia said: "If We took Nie Xiaoqian away and was stared at by the old monster of Montenegro, we couldn't please him at all! Instead, we would fold ourselves in."

Ning Caichen, who didn't know how powerful it was before, after Yan Chixia's explanation, he immediately understood what was involved in his promise, and said anxiously, "What should I do then?"

"Young Master Ning, I will naturally go to the old demon of Montenegro. I just ask you to save those sisters." On the other side, Nie Xiaoqian appeared, hiding in the shadow that the sun could not reach, and knelt down in front of everyone. .

Yan Chixia put some beef in her mouth, and then drank the remaining half-jug of wine in one breath: "So, we have to act as soon as possible, find the urns of those ghosts as soon as possible, and then leave this place as soon as possible, as soon as possible. Send them reincarnation. When the boat is done, I think that the old black mountain demon will have nothing to do, and if you have any real chapters, go ahead, Iyan Chixia will take it all, it is not that easy for the monsters in the underworld to be vicious in the human world."

Then, Yan Chixia turned her head to look at the swordsman Xiahou: "Brother Xiahou, although your martial arts are strong, you are not skilled..."

"Brother Yan, it's not just a monster, I slashed it with one sword!" Xiahou was full of confidence.

"As long as you agree." At this time, Yue Si walked up to the people and said, "All I need is four people. Now that four people are enough, I can act."

"Special Skill Card: Lin Daiyu Upside Down Weeping Willow (alias: Arbor Destroyer

"Explanation: My family has a daughter who is just growing up, and she is unrivaled in strength."

"Instruction 2: Special skill cards are activated when the number of people is greater than or equal to a group of four."

"Note 3: After the skill card is used, the person with the weakest physique and the least strength in the group will be given the power to pull the weeping willow."

"Remarks: Actually, it doesn't matter if you are pulling it up or down, it doesn't matter if you pull a weeping willow or not, as long as it's a tree, you can trigger this skill."

"Remark 2: Why do you need to gather all four of them? Because "Four Great Classics" is actually a book, Lin Daiyu pulls the weeping willow upside down, Lu Zhishen buries flowers with tears, Tang Xuanzang is in danger in the wild boar forest, and Guan Yunchangsan borrows a banana fan."

"Note 3: Before using the skill card, giving the group something related to the four famous works will enhance the power of the skill card."

Yue Si cut the rice paper into talisman-sized strips, then grinded the ink to write, and wrote on the five strips respectively "Into the Cloud Dragon Gongsun Sheng", "Wu Dadi Sun Quan", "Jin Chanzi Reincarnation Tang Xuanzang", "Qingyuan Road". The words "Miaozhenjun" and "Sister Lin Daiyu".

Then "Into the Cloud Dragon Gongsun Sheng" was given to Yan Chixia, "Great Emperor Wu Sun Quan" was given to Xiahou Swordsman, "Jin Chanzi Reincarnation Tang Xuanzang" was given to Nie Xiaoqian, and "Sister Lin Daiyu" was given to Ning Caichen, who asked them to take these The note is worn close to the body.

Seeing the words on the note in his hand, Ning Caichen was a little unhappy: "Brother, why do you feel that the note given to them is a big man, but my note is weak and sickly."

"Hey, you are wrong about this. I gave you these notes, but they have deep meaning." Yue Si dispelled Ning Caichen's doubts in a few words, and asked him to eat something with Yan Chixia and the others. The things to do are very urgent, we must hurry up, there is no time for them to rest and eat, so we must hurry up and replenish our physical fitness now.

Taking advantage of this time, Yue Si found a suitable length of wood from Lanruo Temple, cut it into a wooden pole, and tied his long sword upside down to the wooden pole, making it a long soldier; he also cut down the old bamboo. , made a traditional slingshot, and found a handful of stones. When I squeezed it with my hand, the stone powder flowed down from the gap between my fingers, and the stones of different shapes in my palm became round marbles.

Miao Zhenjun of Qingyuan Dao, also known as Erlang Shen Yang Jian, must be more comprehensive in role-playing, three-pointed and two-edged swords, golden bows and silver bullets, must be well prepared.

Yue Si took an oil-paper umbrella and gave it to Nie Xiaoqian, and asked her to hold it to avoid direct sunlight, lead the way, and found the place where the tree demon grandma hid the urn, then dug them all out, packed them and took them away - by the tree The female ghosts controlled by the demon grandma basically want to escape from the control of the dryad grandma, even those who want to compete with Nie Xiaoqian for favor in front of the dryad grandma. When they are destined to escape, they can only think Ways to make yourself better.

When he got there, Yue Si gave the **** he bought to Ning Caichen and let him start digging.

Ning Caichen took the **** and wanted to shirk one or two, but seeing Yan Chixia and Xiahou standing holding their swords, Yue Si looked at him with a sneer, then turned his back and looked at a giant tree, Nie Xiaoqian supported Umbrellas can't see the sun - these people, either can't command, or can't work at all, and he can only come by himself.

Picking up the hoe, Ning Caichen worked very hard. Originally, he would be so tired and sore in his back and legs when he swung the **** for a quarter of an hour, but now he has dug out dozens of urns from the ground, but he is still covered in Powerful, as if born to grow the material.

"It seems that in addition to 'Lin Daiyu pulling the weeping willow upside down', it also has the effect of 'Daiyu burying flowers'."

Ning Caichen leaned on his **** and asked, "Brother, how can we take away so many urns."

"Of course it was packed and taken away." Yue Si took out what he had bought at the market before, tied the urn with hemp rope, and stuffed cotton between the jars as a buffer, so that Ning Caichen could soak the pig urine. Blow it up and use it as a bubble column, and finally use cloth to pack all the urns together to form a huge package, which is stuffed into Ning Caichen's cage.

Just as they were packing the urn, the originally clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and the air became humid. It looked like it was about to rain, but looking at the sky, the dark clouds only covered the area around Lanruo Temple.

"Grandma is angry, she noticed what we were doing, and used magic to summon dark clouds to block the sun, so as to cast more spells against us." Nie Xiaoqian looked at the sky and the surrounding trees, worriedly Speaking of.

Xiahou Canglang pulled out his long sword: "Where is that tree demon body, watch me cut it!"

Nie Xiaoqian shook her head and said, "No one knows where the tree demon grandma is."

"The most likely one is that Yan Chixia pointed at the giant tree that Yue Si had been looking at: "This tree is surrounded by strong demonic energy and strong resentment, although Not sure, but most likely it is. "

Although this giant tree is not a banyan tree, it has the attitude of a banyan tree, "a single tree becomes a forest". The roots spread, and new trees grow from the roots, squeezing the living space of the rest of the vegetation.

In other words, several people are now in the encirclement of Grandma Dryad, and the surrounding trees are all part of Grandma Dryad.

Sure enough, a half-male, half-female voice drifted in the woods, seemingly erratic, and seemed to be coming from all directions: "Nie Xiaoqian, you dare to betray me, today is the auspicious day of the magic way, it's the time of your marriage. , go back with me, and I will let these people go, the anger of Master Montenegro is something you and I cannot bear."

Nie Xiaoqian just wanted to beg for mercy for a few people, but she heard Yue Si speak first: "Half male and half female, hermaphrodite, as expected, it is the characteristic of hermaphrodite trees, and she retained this characteristic even after she became a monster."

"But instead of letting go of our rude words, you should still worry about yourself!" Remember the website address, www. biquxu. Com, it is convenient to read next time, or you can enter this site by entering "" in Baidu

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