Villains Template

Chapter 767: Make fun with people

There is always a gap between ideals and reality. Ning Caichen thought that Yue Si was just looking for an excuse, giving him a little effortless work, and then giving him a little help to prevent him from having any strange thoughts.

However, when Ning Caichen gritted his teeth, dragged a bundle of firewood, and walked very **** the forest road, he didn't think so much, because Yue Si didn't just talk and be polite in words, it was true I want to make myself work hard for him.

And Yue Si was pulling a bundle of rattan, just like taking a walk. Not only did he not help, but he sneered at Ning Caichen next to him, saying that his limbs were not diligent and the grains were not divided. If he did more work on weekdays, he would not As it is now, just a small bundle of firewood is as tired as a dog.

Under the "inspiration" of Yue Si's words, Ning Caichen finally dragged the bundle of firewood to Lanruo Temple. After reaching the destination, he was so tired that he lay directly on the firewood and gasped.

"That's right, when people are extremely frightened and encounter danger, the brain will secrete hormones, allowing the body to break out of power beyond the past, breaking the body's restrictions, but after the danger, the level of hormones cannot be quickly reduced to The original value, but the brain has released a signal that the danger has been lifted, which will cause the body to be unable to bear it. It is also possible to suddenly die suddenly, so it is still necessary to exercise vigorously at this time, so that the body can slowly recover."

Yue Si looked at Ning Caichen, who was almost exhausted, and spoke in the earnest tone of someone who had come over.

"Really?" Ning Caichen asked with great interest after hearing such a novel statement from Yue Si.

It is like a mountain. Although Ning Caichen doesn't understand Yue Si's words, especially the word hormone, which he has never heard of before, this does not prevent him from guessing that this is a medical reason. It turns out that Yue Si's move It was for his sake.

"Fake, I asked you to do these heavy work, and there must be resentment and other emotions in your heart. I have to come up with a reason to fool you and let you expose this stubble in your heart." Yue Si is very frank Said: "What hormones and the like, I know one or two terms, and I randomly combine them together. It sounds very unpredictable, but it's actually nothing."

"Look, when I was interrupted like this, the anger in my heart disappeared." Yue Si spread his hands and said to Ning Caichen.

"Forget it, the temperaments of people from outside the world are very weird." After comforting himself with such words, Ning Caichen gritted his teeth again and brought the firewood to the meditation room in the backyard of Lanruo Temple.

When Yue Si raised the fire, Ning Caichen leaned over to the flame to warm himself, and dried his clothes by the way.

He was soaked by a heavy rain from head to toe and chased by wild wolves. He was soaked all over, and now he was cold and hungry. This fire saved half of his life, and the steam from his body almost turned into smoke. Now, the previous complaints about Yue Si asking him to drag the firewood disappeared.

Moreover, Ning Caichen also ignored that Mingming Yuesi was hitting a load of wet firewood with sufficient water, otherwise it would not be so laborious when he was dragging, but at this time, no matter how easy it is to light a fire and add firewood. The ground burned, and there was little smoke, and there was no sign of wet wood.

Suddenly, Ning Caichen had an idea:

"Brother, there is so much wood in Lanruo Temple, not to mention cutting a pillar or beam for firewood in the main hall in front, and picking up some rotten wood such as guardrails and wooden rafters to burn it back, why bother going outside? What about chopping wood?"

Facing Ning Caichen's question, Yue Si didn't answer, he looked at him like an idiot, making Ning Caichen feel uncomfortable, and kept stroking his face: "Brother, is there something on my face? ?"

"No, I'm just looking at an idiot." Yue Si said, "Listen, listen to what you just said... What is this place, do you know?"

Ning Caichen said without hesitation: "Lanruo Temple... Xiongtai, in fact, I have something to say about the name Lanruo Temple, Lanruo (re) refers to the Buddhist Temple in the Buddhist family, and the name of this temple is called Lanruo Temple. Lanruo Temple is like a person whose name is not Zhang San Li Si, but a person, which is very strange."

"What's strange about this?" Yue Si said disdainfully, "If I tell you that Lanruo Temple is not a good place, but there are monsters and ghosts, do you think it's strange?"

"Ah, there are ghosts here!" Ning Caichen's face changed greatly when he heard the words, and he shouted in horror: "No wonder, during the day I asked that person about the place to stay at night, and after that person pointed me to the location of Lanruo Temple, the surrounding area was The people who looked at me looked very wrong, and the coffin seller was selling his funeral services, so it turned out to be my plan to die here tonight."

Seeing Yue Si calmly adding firewood to the fire, Ning Caichen asked, "Brother, you are a master of the world, since you also choose to stay here and allow me to live in the room you cleaned, There must be a way to protect it, right?"

"Yeah, of course." Yue Si said: "I have some skills. Those thousand-year-old tree demons, vicious ghosts, are not my opponents."

Speaking of this, Yue Si changed the conversation: "It's just... I don't guarantee that boasting Haikou can protect you well, everyone has their own lives, and you have to sacrifice your femininity after all. If you can stick to your heart, If you can't be close to women, even without me, you can still be at peace."

"In the final analysis, it's still rebooting! Besides, in this dangerous place in the wild countryside of Lanruo Temple, where can a woman come close to me?" Ning Caichen saw that Yue Si's three words did not leave rebooting, and finally couldn't help but complain. , and then remembered something: "Also, Xiongtai, you didn't tell me why you said I was an idiot before."

"Ah, you have detoured the topic. Ordinary people have come here for a while, and their thinking has long been taken, and you can still bring up the old things." Yue Si took advantage of the light of the fire to cut back. The rattan was pretreated, and then he raised his head and returned to Ning Caichen.

Ning Caichen said proudly: "I'm not talented at work. Although I can't do heavy work, I can't do swordsmanship and martial arts, but I'm still very confident in reading. When I opened the door, even the teacher praised me as a reader. The material is well known and remembered, and the thinking is clear.”

"Although it can't be said to be unforgettable, the books to be memorized can be remembered clearly after reading three or two times, and the transcribed text can be clearly written down once again."

Seeing the complacency on Ning Caichen's face, Yue Si deliberately shook his head and sighed: "Unfortunately, the biggest flaw of your study material is that you don't have money, otherwise you would have gone to Beijing to take the exam, why bother to be a human being Collecting the bills and asking for a living, I have no money, and in the end, I can't even afford to live in an inn, and I am reduced to living in this Lanruo Temple."

Speaking of the pain, Ning Caichen's face was gloomy: "Brother, don't talk about it, let's talk about Lanruo Temple."

Yue Si said: "You also know Lanruo Temple here, temple! Buddha and Bodhisattva's site, here you say you want to demolish the things in the temple and use it as firewood, don't you look down on Buddha and Bodhisattva too much! Just say demolition Someone else's land! Although the wind and rain have damaged the ground here, it is the natural force of heaven and earth, which is different from man-made damage. Moreover, the rotten wood you mentioned was probably the statue of Buddha and Bodhisattva before."

"People who build temples and build Buddha statues have merits and virtues. You directly said that the remnants of the Buddha statues will be burned. Be careful that they will remember that you are disrespectful to them. Although they will not punish you, this inconspicuous fellow, but Maybe it won't protect you."

The Buddha statues are basically clay sculptures made of wood. They use wood and straw to form a preliminary frame, and then paste mud on the frame. Finally, the outermost statue is shaped and painted.

And the promise of "rebuilding the temple and reshaping the golden body" when asking the Buddha and Bodhisattva is nothing more than sticking a layer of gold foil on the outside of the Buddha statue. Who will make a solid gold Buddha, even if it is copper made of modern technology The quality of the Buddha statue is also partially hollow.

Frightened by Yue Si, Ning Caichen hurriedly put his hands together and said to the gods and Buddhas in the sky: "Sin, sin, adults don't care about the sins of villains, the disciples are just unintentional words, atonement for sins."

"Don't say more, they can't hear, the gods and Buddhas are not at home, it's useless for you to say it." After speaking, Yue Si had already dealt with all the rattan and began to weave them into a net: "They can't even keep their own territory and are occupied by monsters and monsters. Do you think your unintentional words will be heard by them? If they really show up, they should first use their supernatural powers to deal with those monsters and monsters. The level is pretty low."

"Ah, Xiongtai, you are making fun of me again." Although they had only known each other for less than a day, Ning Caichen found out that Yue Si was a joker who always used his words to deceive people for fun, but he was so talented that he had to believe it.

Yue Si laughed: "You don't understand, *teaching and *teaching, etc., I used this method when preaching. First, I used words to confuse you, and then you would believe it. What they promote; if you don't believe it, they will threaten you, saying that if you don't believe in this pearl, I, or some other god, you will go to **** after you die. Of course, the one who sends you to **** is the knife in their hands. "

"Hungry or not, do you have any dry food on your body? Take it out and eat it." Yue Si smiled and said to Ning Caichen.

The two of them talked nonsense for so long, Ning Caichen's body was already dry and warm, and he didn't feel anything before. After being mentioned by Yue Si's words, he remembered that he had not entered the water and rice for most of the day, and his stomach began to growl. up.

Looking through his own box, Ning Caichen only found one hard steamed bun, which was the one that hurt his teeth during the day. Because Yue Si was present at the time, this steamed bun Ning Caichen was harder than a stone. Instead of throwing it away, put it away.

"Brother, I only have a piece of steamed bun here. It's hard. If you are hungry and your teeth are good enough, you can eat it." Ning Caichen handed the steamed bun to Yue Si.

Yue Si shook his head and sighed: "You, you know that you have no life, the steamed buns are hard, either sprinkle them with water and steam them in a steamer, or slice them and bake them by the fire, the former will make them soft, the latter will make them soft. Crisp so you can eat it."

After that, Yue Si drew out his long sword and was about to slice the steamed bun, but was stopped by Ning Caichen: "Brother, don't worry... You have never killed anyone with this sword, have you?"

Yue Si looked at the sword in his hand: "Don't worry, I haven't killed a single person since this sword came into my hands."

However, there are many monsters who died under the sword, and not long ago, they sent out sword energy and killed a wild wolf.

However, Yue Si did not know whether this sword had killed anyone before it was in Yue Si's hands, nor was he interested in knowing it.

Yue Si waved his sword, cut the steamed bun into slices, picked one out of the firewood, cut it into a stick, skewered the steamed bun slices, and roasted them by the fire. It didn't take long for them to turn from hard to crispy, exuding pasta. Burnt incense.

Ning Caichen, who was very hungry, took a slice, and it was not too hot, so he ate it.

Seeing Ning Caichen's appearance, Yue Si said, "This steamed bun is yours, you should eat it."

"Brother, what about you?" Ning Caichen wiped his lips with the back of his hand and asked Yue Si, "Actually, I'm not in a hurry."

"Eat it first, I'll pack it up first." Yue Si gave all the baked buns to Ning Caichen, walked aside with two nets, and came back with his box and cage.

Using firewood to pluck a pool of charcoal fire from the fire, Yue Si took out an iron container the size of a crock pot from the cage, buried it in the charcoal fire with its opening facing up, and took out a water bag to pour water into it. After the water boils, take out two slices of cooked beef and throw them into the boiling water.

After the water had boiled some of the salt, oil and spice in the beef, Yue Si took out a small bundle of selected and cleaned greens, folded them into small pieces, blanched them in the beef soup, and uncooked them slightly. It smelled of oil star salt again, Yue Si used firewood to cut out a pair of chopsticks, and picked green vegetables from the small pot to eat with soft and delicious steamed buns.

Looking at the steamed bun, it should have been freshly steamed during the day, and Yue Si also extravagantly broke the steamed bun and put a piece of beef inside.

These Yue Si learned from the chivalrous Chen surnamed who went to the mountain village with him. On the way to the mountain village, the knight surnamed Chen took out lamp oil and rags from his luggage to make torches.

Later, Yue Si communicated with the knight surnamed Chen and found that the other party didn't mention martial arts, but his survival skills were almost full. There were all kinds of things prepared in the luggage. comes in handy.

For example, this small iron pot, made thin, buried in a charcoal fire, heated up very quickly, boiled water to make tea, picked some wild vegetables to make soup, etc., are all possible, although each time only Makes one serving, but it's more than enough.

"Brother, you..." Although it was just some hot vegetables, Ning Caichen was seen drooling.

"You're welcome, let's cook the vegetables together." Yue Si greeted Ning Caichen warmly and said, "I bought this bundle of vegetables when I left Guobei County. It was just dug out of the ground not long ago, so it is guaranteed to be fresh. ."

With Yue Si's words, how could Ning Caichen disobey, using the sticks of the baked buns as chopsticks, and also began to boil the vegetables to eat. Remember the website address, www. biquxu. Com, it is convenient to read next time, or you can enter this site by entering "" in Baidu

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