Villains Template

Chapter 763: Fengshen

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The pig demon, or the wild boar essence, weighed thousands of pounds. It was dropped by Yue Si from the sword used as a delivery vehicle, and hit the ground with a loud "pop" sound. Several people in the courtyard could feel the tremor under their feet. .

"Senior, you just let the people in this village go. Look at these things, how many people have they killed!" Chen surnamed knight pointed to the pile of weapons and armor. At this time, he said to Yue S's name has changed: "If it weren't for you this time, we would now be the food for this wild boar's belly, and our knives would be placed in that pile."

"Hey, subduing demons and eliminating demons is the true color of my generation; but the matter of punishing traitors and eliminating evil is the government's business, not my job. If you kill those villagers to take revenge, I will also stop you." Yue Sina With a high-sounding statement, he prevaricates the chivalrous person surnamed Chen, choked him to the point of speechlessness, and went back to the room to sit.

Among the few people, the only one who faced the threat of the wild boar essence was the chivalrous Chen surnamed.

"You said to invite a **** for them, what should you do?" On the seventh day of the first day, he went to comfort the chivalrous guest surnamed Chen, and on the fifteenth day, he approached Yue Si curiously and asked, this kind of ghost and ghost is completely unknown. The thing that can stimulate people's thirst for knowledge the most, especially when this young man's heart is undecided.

Yue Si folded his arms, looked at the comatose pig demon who had been cast on a spell, and said, "This wild boar spirit has brought a lot of shelter to this village over the past few years, so let it continue to be the protection of this village. God!"

Picking out a handy sword from the pile of swords and blades, Yue Si used it as a shovel and cut a long groove on the ground. It was a mold to be precise. Several swords melted in Yue Si's hands. It is made of molten iron, poured into the mold, and taken out from the ground after it cools down. It is a nine-tooth nail rake, but because of the roughness of the mold, the nine-foot nail rake is terrible, just like the mud embryo squeezed by a child, which can only be seen in front of it. It is in the shape of a nine-toothed rake, and no matter how detailed it is, it cannot be seen.

However, Yue Si slashed with his sword and cut off the roughness and pores on the nine-toothed nail rake, turning it into a nine-toothed nail rake with silver light, shiny body and sharp teeth. Pattern, anyone who sees it will not call it a good baby.

It's just that the nine-toothed nail rake is a little smaller, only half the size of an ordinary rake, just like a pocket model used by herb collectors.

"Xianjia means!" Fifteen was amazed when he saw that Yue Si had made a nine-toothed rake like this.

"Where is this going?" Yue Si put the nine-toothed nail rake on the ground and said, "This is just a look, and then I really have to use the fairy method to turn this wild boar into this The patron saint of the village." Remember the URL m.xbequge. com

Taking out the cut rice paper and a pen filled with ink, Yue Si wrote a spell.

There is no need for turmeric paper and cinnabar ink to draw talismans. Yue Si Xiuwei is here, and if he writes a word casually, it is a top talisman.

A word "Ding" was pasted on the top of the boar essence's head, and a word "static" was pasted on the throat of the boar essence, and then Yue Si unlocked the spell that made the boar essence sleepy.

Without the restraint of the spell, the boar spirit suddenly woke up and got up immediately. It didn't know what was going on, it instinctively reached out and grabbed Yue Si, but the spell on its forehead made it only halfway through its movements. After stopping, Yue Si also took the opportunity to stuff the toy-like nine-toothed rake into the hands of the boar.

Yue Si used the paper as a pen to draw talismans in the void, and finally put the talisman formed by condensed mana into the body of the boar spirit.

Next, the body of the boar essence seemed to be made of clay, and it began to change into various shapes under the fabrication of a pair of invisible hands, just like a balloon being pinched in its hands. into various exaggerated shapes.

During this period, there were constant sounds in the body of the boar essence, like the sound of bones being broken and muscles being torn. The eyeballs of the boar essence were congested and spit out because of the pain. Howling like that is about to reverberate in this valley.

The pig demon shrank completely, becoming only half the size of a human being, but the nine-toothed rake that Yue Si had put into his hand seemed to be in the right proportions, as if it were tailor-made.

But this was not over yet. Yue Si made a move, and most of the swords and armors flew over there. The real fire spit out by Yue Si turned it into bright white molten iron, and poured it on the pig demon from scratch. The molten iron killed the pig. The demon was completely wrapped up.

Finally, the soil under the pig demon's feet rolled up, covering it completely, and then a fire rose from the inside out, and the pig demon was burned into a half-human-sized, pig-headed human body holding a nine-toothed rake. .

"The name of his **** is Pig Wu Neng!"

After completing the final process, Yue Si gave the nameless wild boar essence a name and simply gave it its function: "To worship its god, it must be effective, it can resist the intrusion of foreign enemies, it can block mountain torrents, and it can be cultivated and cultivated. The land can use supernatural powers."

What Yue Si used on the boar essence was the knowledge he learned from the "Secret Book of Seven Chapters of Xuanjun", and it was about contacting, summoning, restraining strange races, or some unknowable beings, using the power of the other party to let them go. The damage he suffered in it was the most representative of the "Devil Guguilu" that controlled Byaki.

Now Yue Si does not simply use the talismans such as "suppressing demons and restraining ghosts", but according to the sacrificial offering system in conventional cognition, combined with the knowledge in the "Secret Book of Xuanjun Seven Chapters", the wild boar Jingsha has become a local god. The villagers can connect with "Pig Wu Neng" by offering sacrifices and other means. Through some means, they can borrow the magic power of "Pig Wu Neng" to display some simple magical powers, such as Vigorous, King Kong is not bad, etc.

The boar spirit is considered gifted among monsters. It uses a burden to pick up countless little monsters. It uses a space-type innate magical power to stuff as many little monsters as possible into an ordinary burden. Yoss fashioned it into the cause of the gods.

Over there, the chivalrous man surnamed Chen and the seventh day were chatting in the house, and they didn't pay attention to what happened outside, and this was also the effect of Yue Si's writing that character. No one in a yard could notice what he did, let alone what he did. villagers.

The fifteen who stayed in the courtyard witnessed the whole process and was impressed by Yue Si's immortal family's methods. The three-dimensional shape of the human body captures the mind, and the things that explain the mysteries of heaven, earth, human beings and gods are too tempting, people who are not firm enough in will, and those who do not have enough xinxing cultivation base will be affected by it.

"Young man, close your heart!" Yue Si tapped Fifteen's forehead lightly, soothing his mind: "Meeting is fate, you see my means, I am not stingy anymore. , here is a set of killing ghosts to teach you, regardless of form, those who use knives can use swordsmanship, those who use swords can use swordsmanship to perform, and those who practice boxing can also understand boxing techniques, which is the most effective against evil spirits."

Fifteen shook his head, and found that there was a law in his mind, and immediately knelt down and kowtowed to Yue Si, which was the grace of preaching and teaching.

"You don't have to kneel." Yue Si grabbed Fifteen and made him unable to kneel down: "You and I have no relationship between master and apprentice, and I just teach you a set of magic, which is nothing."

Soon, a small temple was erected in this mountain village. Driven by Yue Si, the villagers worked very efficiently. In order to build the small temple, they also contributed blue bricks and gray tiles that their own homes were reluctant to use. It is a **** called "Pig Wu Neng".

Yue Si taught the villagers how to worship and worship the newly promoted god, how to communicate with him through songs and ritual dances, and how to use magic spells to borrow magical powers from the other party.

Human throats can make very few sounds, and the mantras written by Yue Si cannot be recited in full, and they can only be supplemented by the body movements and rhythms of sacrificial dances; with simple scriptures and mantras, it is very possible It will be misrepresented and misrepresented, and the pronunciation of words will change with the times, so what Yue Si teaches the villagers are songs. If the pronunciation and punctuation of the lyrics are changed, the rhythm of the whole song will be destroyed.

After teaching the villagers for seven consecutive days, the villager surnamed Zhao, who was beaten by the villagers, was the first to successfully contact "Zhu Wuneng", and obtained some mana and supernatural powers from the other party.

The villager surnamed Zhao originally wanted to take revenge on the villagers who had abused him before, but Yue Si just glanced at him lightly. He started to work on the farm, as if he had endless energy, one person was worth two buffaloes, and the villagers surnamed Zhao stopped when the **** couldn't take it anymore.

And Yue Si used the remaining swords as materials to recreate a nail rake and a set of armor, so that the villagers could enshrine them before the small temple in normal times. When the communication gods gain mana blessing and use them.

After another seven days, Yue Si's group of four left the village and stood on the top of the hill where they were looking at the village when they came. The chivalrous Chen surnamed said unwillingly: "They are at ease, they lost the protection of monsters, and they got it again. A **** has the blessing of divine power, and ordinary martial arts masters can't help them."

These days, Yue Si asked the villagers who could communicate with the gods to verify all kinds of magical powers. Not to mention the infinite power, he was forced to use it only in places related to farming; Knives can't cut, axes can't cut.

Those kinds of supernatural powers are very eye-catching to the three Jianghu people. If Yue Si forbade them to follow the villagers to worship this newly created "Pig Wuneng" god, they would definitely go to worship, get some supernatural powers, and then walk the rivers and lakes. time can be better.

But is Yue Si really such a kind person? Of course the answer is no.

This is the first time for Yue Si to try this god-creation technique. Although the current results show that the entire system is running well, he can't say whether there will be any problems over time— What impact will the villagers' prayers have on the primordial spirit of the pig demon? The countless thoughts of countless people will reshape the primordial spirit of the pig demon into what shape; the villagers who continue to accept the magic power of the pig demon and use its magical powers will be What changes happened to the demon power and magical powers, etc., are unknown.

The villagers in this mountain village were completely used by him as guinea pigs. Of course, Yue Si would be much more tolerant of the test items.

"I don't know how the people in the village will explain the origin of this temple and this **** to their descendants after a few generations? Will their descendants know what their elders have done?" Although he thought a lot, But Yue Si's words came out with a kind of sympathy.

"No, based on my old Chen's many years of experience in walking the rivers and lakes, they will definitely not expose their shortcomings." Chen Xia Ke said angrily: "In my opinion, these villagers will generally make up stories and beautify themselves in them. The presence."

"For example, I was a victim and was forced to farm for it by monsters. Every year, I had to offer cattle, sheep and livestock, boys and girls as offerings. Later, a goddess and bodhisattva came down and subdued the pig demon and used it as a Dharma protector. The villagers They built a temple to worship this Dharma protector. Or the immortal Bodhisattva asked the monster to atone for what he did, so that he could act as the protector of the village and be driven by the villagers.”

"Murder and arson have been recruited since ancient times." Yue Si said with a smile: "So, do you understand?"

The chivalrous person surnamed Chen said: "The more I have experienced and the more I have seen, I know it is such a routine. I have seen a lot of temples and listened to the local villagers' temple wishes to tell the story of the **** protecting the law. Those guardians are basically the same. They are all characters like demons and ghosts. They either harm one party or eat countless people. After being subdued by the gods, they become the guardians of the Dharma in front of the seat. Sometimes believers encounter trouble and ask the righteous **** for help but they can’t speak, they will Add incense to the Dharma protectors and the like, and ask them to say a few words of kindness to the righteous gods."

"However high the status of those righteous gods, it is unrealistic to let them do the work in person, and the ones who do the work are basically the At the end, the knight surnamed Chen added with a smile: "It's just, Whether it’s seeking righteous spirits, or those who protect the Dharma, it’s enough that they basically have no spirit. The gods and Buddhas all over the sky don’t know where they’ve gone? So much money wasted on incense and candle tribute in vain. "

Yue Si laughed when he heard the words: "Let's say goodbye to this, and we will meet again if we have the predestined relationship."

Chen Xia Ke and two masters and apprentices surnamed Yue Si bowed to Yue Si. On the seventh day, they asked, "Master, where are you going next? I don't know if we will go along the way."

"Guobei County, I want to go there to meet one or two people, but I just don't know if the time is right or not, and if I can meet those two people there." Yue Si responded in vague words.

But the seventh day and other people didn't think there was anything wrong with Yue Si's words. It was normal for this kind of expert to speak vaguely, in the clouds and fog, and hide his intelligence.

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