Villains Template

Chapter 744: Hyuga 1's Harvestism

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Facing the three terrified Genin, Yue Si chuckled and walked towards them slowly.

In the eyes of the three of Hyuga and Neji, Yue Si's originally tall and burly body became even bigger, like a giant walking on a mountain, approaching them with death.

Although their brains tried their best to move their bodies and respond to Yue Si, their bodies, shocked by the murderous aura, had temporarily escaped the control of their minds - and Ningji with white eyes could clearly see that he These three people did not use illusions or the like, they were completely shocked by Yue Si's aura.

"Such a terrifying guy, he's just an unknown special Jōnin, this! How is this possible!"

Yue Si ignored what they were thinking, raised the wooden Kuwu, and gently poked the three people in the third class on the head, swiping and cutting, leaving the red ink pad on the faces of the three ignorant Genin. After he left the trace, he stepped back to the side and restrained his aura.

"This is the first lesson I gave you as a substitute teacher. As a ninja, you should maintain a vigilant and skeptical attitude. Don't judge a person easily by appearance and speech. Don't pay attention to what the other person says, pay attention to how he is. guys, understand?"

Leaving Mu Kuwu aside, Yue Si looked at the three people in the third class and gave his insights.

The three of Hyuga Neji slumped on the ground. They tried their best to stand up, but their trembling and weak legs could not support their bodies. Although Yue Si had restrained his murderous aura, their bodies were still afraid.

After many attempts, Li Luo, who was still unable to stand up, lay on the ground and pouted his ass, twitching and crying: "Mr. Kai, I'm sorry for your teaching, I'm not strong enough, my will is not firm enough, my Cultivation is not enough, my legs can't support my will!"

Although Hyuga Neji didn't show the same emotion as Li Locke, he still clenched his fists and slammed into the ground: "Damn, I'm so scared!"

Before, Yue Si's movements were very slow, even if not by the standards of ninjas, it was very slow, even a child could easily dodge the standard, but the three of them couldn't even dodge an attack of that level. . Remember the URL m.xbeqge. com

However, the red mark left by the ink pad on their faces was a fatal wound. In that state, they, even children who were not even ninjas, could solve them with a handful of kunai.

This was an unprecedented blow to Neji Hyuga, a talented young man in the Hinata clan, and frustrated his pride.

"Hey, you guy, you have to lie to your partners and students! Although according to what you said, you should maintain due vigilance and suspicion, but what you should trust most is not your partner? "Tian Tian began to complain: "Didn't you say that you became a special Joinin because of human relationships? Didn't you mean that you haven't even performed a mission?"

"Yes, I am indeed such a person, but there are other things I haven't told you." Yue Si clapped his hands and said in a natural tone: "I behaved too much in the ninja school. Excellent, known as 'the genius of the world', my teacher is afraid that I will be picked up by other Shangren, directly dredging the relationship with the three generations of Hokage, and let me graduate forcibly."

"The reason why I haven't performed a mission is because the way my teacher trained me was different from yours. Before I could finish my studies, the Third Ninja World War broke out, and I was transferred to the battlefield. I fought with ninjas from other countries, and there are more ninjas who died in my hands than you can name."

"My special Joinin is also specially approved by the fourth Hokage, because I have accumulated enough military merit to become a Joinin at a young age. Even if I lie on the merit book and eat my old money, the village will not treat me like that."

Tian Tian said in disbelief: "You one Shang Nin... you actually used a lie to tease the three lower Nin."

"Where did I lie to you, I just didn't tell you part of the information, I learned this from Qiu Bi." Yue Si spread his hands: "Also, it's not a lie to perform a task of zero, it's a ninja to take the task For what, isn't it just to make money, I rely on the business of ninja tools, and occasionally write a best-selling book or two. As long as the money I make is not extravagant, it will be enough for me to spend fifty years. As for the mission, I don’t have to get along with everyone I meet.”

After saying something that he couldn't understand, Yue Si continued, "What else do you want to ask?"

Neji Hyuga refused to admit defeat and said, "I want to compete with you in an upright manner. I want to lose convincingly. I want to know how powerful you are who won the illustrious military exploits in the Third Ninja World War!"

"Okay, I'll wait for the day when you have the strength to challenge me, but the current you, the current you, are far from enough!" Yue Si said arrogantly: "In the next three In the next month, I will start a hell-style devil exercise for you, if you can bear it, then you will usher in a reborn change, any talent, bloodline, child of destiny, all will be defeated by you!"

Gritting his teeth and using chakra to force himself to stand up, Hyuga Neji once again took a stance: "You don't have to wait any longer, just do it now! Being frightened by your momentum, it's mine and the shame of the Hyuga clan, I want to wash away this shame, the Hinata clan can be defeated, but not defeated."

After digging out his ears, Yue Si felt that the last sentence of Ningji Hyuga was familiar to him. After thinking about it carefully, isn't it just a sentence that appeared in one of the books he wrote... The love is also practiced by the Hyuga family." Bringing doctrine", taking the things in other people's books as the family motto or family will of their own family, they really have theirs.

However, Yue Si himself also plagiarized, so they will not charge their copyright fees.

"Okay, you have this spirit, it's really amazing!" Yue Si said with his arms crossed, "I'll say it before, I'm very strong."

"Little girl over there, come and shout to start."

At this time, Tian Tian and Li Luo were encouraged by the courage of Hyuga Neji, overcame the fear of their bodies, stood up, and retreated to both sides, freeing up the battlefield for the two of them.

He looked at Yue Si, who was relaxed, as if he was on an autumn tour, and looked at Neji Hyuga, who was waiting for him. He shouted every day, "The last three, three, two, one, let's start!"

Although the battle had already started, neither of the two moved, keeping their original postures and stalemate.

In the end, it was Neji Hyuga who couldn't hold it in any longer, so he took the first shot. The first shot was a secret technique passed down by the Hyuga family, soft boxing and 64 palms of gossip. But now, Neji Hyuga is not good enough, so he can only hit 32 palms. The palms are all aimed at Yue Si's vital points.

Yue Si just stretched out a hand, then broke through the palm of Hyuga Neji's continuous stretch, and lightly flicked his forehead.

"So fast!" At that moment, there was only one thought left in Hyuga Neji's mind. His pride as a genius, as the pride of Hyuga's family of white-eyed ninjas, was completely defeated by Yue Si's bullet.


Although Yue Si was just joking, Hyuga Neji seemed to have endured a huge force. His body pierced through the air, and instantly flew backwards, hitting a big tree before it stopped.

The trunk of the tree that was hit by Neji Hyuga didn't move, not even the twigs at the end swayed, but the leaves fell to the ground.


Tian Tian and Li Luo screamed in horror and wanted to run over there, but they couldn't run a few steps because of their weak legs, and then they saw Ni Xiang Ningji over there climbed up by himself, shook his head at his teammates and waved his hands. : "It's fine, I'm fine."

Touching himself, Hyuga Neji said in disbelief, "I didn't even feel much pain."

Recalling Yue Si's shot just now, his control over the timing and angle, and the strength with which he bounced himself out without hurting himself, Hyuga Neji could feel Yue Si's strength, and watch Yue Si's performance. , came with him with a playful attitude, and the Rouquan and Bagua Sixty-Four Palms that he was proud of could not even make him a little serious.

Walking in front of Yue Si, Hi Xiang Ningci bowed 90 degrees to him: "I'll ask you in the next days, Teacher Guan."

For a talented, courageous and polite disciple like Neji Hyuga, Yue Si likes it very much: "Goodboy!"

"Your teacher, Matekai, used his friendship with me for many years to invite me to teach you, and I will do my best to teach you - gifts or something, I came here in a hurry today, I am not prepared, I will give it to you another day, it is not too early. , I invite you to eat barbecue, it can be regarded as shocking for you, open your stomach and eat as much as you like, I am not short of money."

It's the barbecue restaurant that Yue Si often goes to. Although the clerks have changed a few times ten years ago, Yue Si is still a high-quality customer of this restaurant. When you say "business as usual", the clerks get busy and arrange for them. He set up a large table, set up an oven, filled with ingredients, and even carried a whole bucket of rice.

He sandwiched two pieces of barbecued meat to pad his stomach, and Yue Si drank the wheat drink from the cup. Looking at the three different performances in front of him, he remembered it very much, thinking back then, when he was still at the ninja school... Let's see Now, things are different.

"Time is a thing, really..."

Yue Si looked at Rixiang Ningci and said, "The last time I saw you was at your hundred-year-old banquet. I joked with your father, Hixiang Rishai, that when you grow up, you will be accepted. You became an apprentice and trained you to be a great ninja, but more than ten years have passed, and I have been away from the life of a ninja for I don’t know how long, but as a result, I still have this relationship between master and apprentice.”

"Fate is a TM thing."

Neji Hyuga was stunned when he heard the words. Obviously, he didn't understand the origin of the two. He couldn't remember such a thing when he was still a baby, and his father, Hyuga, didn't talk to them. got up.

Moreover, according to Yue Si's previous introduction, he was only twenty-four years old. When he was at his hundred-year-old banquet, the other party should be about the same age as himself today, and his father would actually answer that sentence.

Back home, Hyuga Neji saluted his father, Hyuga, because of the influence of a Yunin spy who penetrated into Konoha, Hyuga is still alive and well.

Hyuga Nichi smelled the smell of barbecued meat on Hyuga Neji's body, swallowed some words, and then said: "Your teacher Matekai was admitted to the hospital, and it seems that he can no longer teach you, the clan will send Shangnin is here to guide you, your talent is recognized by the clan, and even though the family is only separated, the clan is not willing to waste your talent."

"You don't have to worry about your other two partners. Matekai was injured because of the village. He used one of his legs to obtain this information that Yunren's spy is lurking in the village. The village will definitely not treat him. The disciples just sat idly by."

Hyuga Neji said: "Father, Mr. Meitekai found a substitute teacher for us. During the period of his hospitalization, that substitute teacher taught us."

Nodding his head, Hinata said, "If that's the case, then that's fine. The ninja that can be recognized by Matekai must have his own uniqueness. What's the name of that ninja?"

"Guan Shanyue." Ri Xiang Ningci said, "Father, he said that he had seen me at my hundred-year-old banquet, and he also told my father that when he grew up, he would accept me as a disciple."

"Guan Shanyue..." After chanting the name, Hyuga Nisari said, "It turned out to be him. If it wasn't for that, he must have become a very famous ninja now."

"If it was him, he would definitely teach you to be a great ninja, a great ninja with great strength, courage and wisdom, who loves his companions, because he himself is that kind of ninja."

Hyuga Ningji was very surprised to hear Hyuga Rishai's evaluation of Guan, and heard some secret things about the previous generation from his father's words, and smelled: "Father, That thing, what was that thing?"

Looking at his child, Hyuga Rizhai was silent for a while, and said, "Guan Shanyue, the disciple who betrayed Orochimaru... Because of this, even if he was active on the battlefield of the Third Ninja World War, he even attacked Killed the three generations of Mizukage, causing civil strife in Wuyin Village, the country of water, forcing them to withdraw from the battlefield and reducing the pressure on Konoha in that direction, but because of Orochimaru's involvement, he was refrigerated by the village, and then it remained silent. ."

"And at that time, he was about the same age as you - a young man was hit so hard, I thought he would become decadent, but ten years later, he started to move again."

"No wonder!" Hyuga Ningci touched his forehead, which was the spot where Yue Si was shot: "My gossip 32 palms can't resist his casual blow, the murderous aura released, let our team The three of them shivered and did not dare to act."

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