Villains Template

Chapter 738: ?Sword <cowardly √ stew?

"That's right, Naruto, the name of the protagonist of "The Legend of Perseverance"."

"Fourth Hokage chose this name for his child, hoping that this child can be like the character written by Mr. Jiraiya, with a beautiful and progressive spirit, and the character of never giving up."

Unlike the nondescript way of holding a child when facing Anbu ninjas outside, Yue Si was very professional at this time, and bent his knees, allowing Yuna to see Naruto's face: "Naruto, the future ninja world. , will be named after you!" ("NARUTO-ナルト-")

Yuna looked at Naruto's sleeping little face, although her face was covered with bandages, she could clearly see a smile on her face, which was the joy of a new life: "Brother Yue, you really intend to put Naruto Do people stay? Although we had experience in taking care of younger children when we were in the orphanage, but that was just helping the teachers, just doing some small things.”???

After hesitating for a while, Yuna continued: "Besides, I can't help you brother Yue, you need to take care of the two of us."

"It's okay, it's okay." Yue Si looked at Naruto Uzumaki's face and said, "Since the fourth Naruto entrusted Naruto Uzumaki to me, then I will definitely train his children to be powerful ninjas, and besides , according to the style of the village, he estimates that he will not stay here for long."

Looking at Naruto Uzumaki, Yue Si was thinking about the value of this little guy—the reincarnation of Ashura Chakra, the bloodline of the Uzumaki family known for their vitality and huge chakra, and the Chakra of the Nine Tails.

"Although there are many rooms, in order to take care of this little guy, it must be renovated and a new set of furniture needs to be customized. However, in the situation of Konoha Village, it is estimated that it will be difficult to find a carpenter."

Yuna said, "Brother Yue, do you want to build it yourself? It's like this wheelchair."

"I don't think so. The movement of making things is very big, and the baby probably can't stand the noise." Yue Si shook his head and said in a low voice.

The wheelchair that Yunai is sitting on is not as simple as a wheelchair. It is a chakra drive machine built by Yue Si. By inputting chakra, the built-in chakra engine can be driven, so that the wheelchair can gain power and move forward and backward according to Yunai's mind. and turning.

Yue Si and Yunai discussed a lot about Naruto Uzumaki's temporary residence in his own home. It was a question full of life.

But after Yuna returned to his room, Yue Si also brought Naruto Uzumaki back to his room and temporarily made a crib for him with wooden boards and quilts.

After placing Naruto Uzumaki on the crib that could be called a doghouse, Yue Si's demeanor changed, but he took out a sample storage tube from the ninja bag, opened it, and pressed Naruto Uzumaki with his hand: "The magnetic field turns!"

The power of [magnetic field rotation] acted on Naruto Uzumaki, forcing two drops of blood from his body. The bright red liquid floated in the air, and was collected into the sample storage tube with the movement of Yue Si's palm.

At this time, Yue Si's strength has reached 100,000 horses, and he can perceive the existence of the [life force] in the dark, and obtain two drops of blood from the other party without causing Naruto Uzumaki to feel pain. normal thing.

Covering the sample storage tube with one hand, Yue Si looked at the red liquid in it:

"The blood samples of the vortex family are in hand, and the next step is... nine tails!"

After receiving the sample storage tube, Yue Si reached out and pressed Naruto Uzumaki's abdomen, pressed it on the gossip seal, and then his will entered the sealed space.

This is a dark space, with a shallow layer of water under your feet, it feels like a spacious sewer, and in front of Yue Si is a gate like a prison door. It is tens of meters high by visual inspection, and there is a huge seal at the position of the door lock.

Looking at himself, Yue Si found that his current body shape, as well as his clothes and appearance, were exactly the same as the outside world.

"Little devil!"

On the other side of the gate, there was an angry roar, and the huge silhouette of the nine tails appeared, like a beast locked in a cage, slamming against the gate of the cage, with his face attached to the gate, the huge His eyes were fixed on Yue Si.

The violent gasps passed through the prison door, causing a gust of wind to blow on the corner of Yue Si's clothes, and the sharp claws of the nine tails protruded from the gap of the prison door, rubbing against the railing, making a harsh sound, and sending out a bunch of sparks.

Clearly, the Nine-Tails were furious.

How can the nine tails not be angry? Ever since Madara Uchiha used a writing wheel to capture him, and then he was sealed with a fat beating by Chishou Hasuma Refer to the current status.

Last night, he was finally unsealed from Ren Zhuli's body. Before he could be free for a second, he was controlled by Sharonyan again, and then he was beaten up again and fell on the ground. The kind that didn't come, and then it was sealed again, and it was divided into two parts, and the yin and yang chakras were sealed separately. Now only half of the nine tails are sealed here.

This made Nine Tails not angry. He originally thought that he would have to wait until the person Zhuli grows up, after he learns how to use chakra and has complex interpersonal relationships and emotions, before he can connect with himself, and he will have a breakthrough. The opportunity to seal the freedom, I didn't expect that even a day passed before someone came to see me.

"Little devil? It's been a long time since I heard someone call me that."

Yue Si sneered, followed by a roar: "The magnetic field turns!"

The power of 100,000 horses burst out without reservation, the long black hair was automatic without wind, and the rust-red battle lines appeared on the face. The aura of the originally mediocre Yue Si began to surge, surge, and surge. Even the nine tails were moved by the terrifying aura of fear.

Stronger than Senju Hasuma, more fierce than Uchiha Madara.

Although for Jiuwei, it was the illusion that Yue Si's power suddenly exploded, but it was comparable to the legendary two, which was enough to show Yue Si's strength!

After Yue Si exploded his power and momentum, Nine Tails noticed something, because Yue Si exuded a familiar aura that made him very annoying. It was the punch last night that brought back the self-consciousness just now. The powerhouse that it killed with one punch was the culprit that made it sealed again!

"Asshole! You bastard!"

After seeing Yue Si's true face, the nine tails can no longer be described as anger, and they are completely berserk.

Even if he can't get the sealed door, even if his attack can't touch the slightest bit here, even if he can't cause any damage to Yue Si, the nine tails still grab and bite the ground, madly against the sealed door!

"Kill you! Kill you! I will definitely kill you!"

Although I couldn't stop Yue Si's punch last night in full state, and now only the half body of the yang attribute Chakra is left, it is not necessarily able to beat Yue Si, but the emotions that should be expressed should be expressed. .

Anyway, Yue Si wouldn't open the seal and let him out, and then beat himself up.

Originally the cage that imprisoned the Nine-Tails, now it is a barrier to protect it.

Yue Si suddenly raised his left hand and opened an eye in his palm - it was a three-hooked jade writing wheel eye.

With a staring glance at the wheel, Jiuwei suddenly became honest, lying on the ground, just like a cat basking in the sun, although still awake, but purring.

As for Yue Si's move, Nine Tails whispered, "This familiar pupil power is Madara Uchiha!"

Although the writing wheel eye mastered by Yue Si was borrowed by Madara Uchiha from other Uchiha tribesmen, he has been in his eye socket for a long time, accepted his spiritual energy and physical energy, and has brought Madara Uchiha with him After being activated by Yue Si, it was as if Madara Uchiha came in person.

"Nine tails, I told you last night that I wanted to master some of the tailed beast Chakra, but now you are incomplete and have lost their original value to me... So, in this prison, stay well. Go!"

Yue Si pressed on the door with one hand, glared angrily, and shouted: "Ah! The magnetic field turns, the power of 100,000 horses, the magnetic field lock!"

[Magnetic Field Lock] is a martial art that blocks the power of others. It was used by Yue Si on the prison door to strengthen the gossip seal at an epic level. The original method used to unlock the gossip seal can no longer be released open.

"After that, act as a chakra battery honestly, nine tails, this is your destiny!"

Yue Si believes that only people control power, not power to control people - the so-called power runaway.

Although in the face of an invincible enemy, 'runaway' is sometimes the best way to break the game, but it is an uncontrollable force beyond the plan, which does not conform to Yue Si's philosophy, so let's do it.

When Yue Si's consciousness exited the sealed space, the first thing he heard was a cry straight to his head, and the one who made this cry was Naruto Uzumaki, who was pressed by his belly.

Just now, the rage of the nine tails affected him. Naruto Uzumaki was awakened from his sleep, and then he cried loudly. This shows the huge vitality of the Uzumaki clan. Through the perception of the palm of his hand, Yue Si found out that this kid was still from his dantian. Speak up, if Yue Si doesn't care, Naruto Uzumaki will probably be able to cry like this all day.

"Magnetic field rotation!" Yue Si did not let go of his hand, but input the power of [magnetic field rotation] into Naruto Uzumaki. After accepting the power of Yue Si, Naruto Uzumaki's uneasy emotions were released. , the whole person fell asleep again.

Holding Uzumaki Naruto downstairs, Yuna came out in a wheelchair, looked at Yue Si and asked, "Brother Yue, I seem to have heard Naruto's cry just now, what's wrong?"

"Well, he is probably hungry, and the newborn baby is hungry fast - although I used my methods to soothe him, but it is not the way to take care of the baby after all, I will take him out to find a way." Yue Si left the house with Naruto Uzumaki and began to worry about Naruto Uzumaki's future.

This is true, Naruto Uzumaki is really hungry, and being woken up by the nine-tailed rampage is one of the reasons for his crying.

Going out with Naruto Uzumaki, Yue Si was wandering east and west, seemingly aimless, but he was walking around with Anbu ninja in the dark. Taking this opportunity, Yue Si also judged that nine After asking how much damage Konoha's attack had caused, he turned around and walked in a certain direction, as if he had made up his mind.

Uchiha Fuyue looked at the information reported by the clan, and Bingshan also had a rare expression on his face, and his forehead was wrinkled into Sichuan characters.

Even after just one night, the rumors tended to intensify. When the Nine-Tails attacked, a considerable number of villagers were moved to a safe area, and the population density increased several times. Then the rumors spread through this opportunity. .

- This nine-tailed attack was planned and carried out by Uchiha's ninjas.

Although this is not actually a rumor, because the Konoha police force fighting on the front line has confirmed this, the eyes of the nine tails have indeed changed into the shape of a wheel-shaped eye. If you think about it with your heels, you will know that it is Uchiha's ninja. do this.

This is a major blow to the entire Uchiha clan. The prejudice of the Konoha senior leaders headed by the three generations towards Uchiha can be detected by a Uchiha clan, but with the contribution of the third ninja war, countless Uchiha ninjas Going forward and succeeding, and Huairou after the four generations of Hokage came to power, Uchiha Fuyue saw an opportunity to improve the relationship between Uchiha and Konoha Village.

It's just that what happened last night destroyed all of this, not to mention the crisis of trust in Uchiha caused by the nine tails, the death of the fourth Hokage who was tender with the Uchiha clan, and the attitude of the next Hokage to Uchiha What is the future of Uchiha?

While thinking about it, the servant of the Uchiha family came over and whispered a few words to Uchiha Fuyue, Uchiha Fuyue said: "Invite him, and then serve hot tea and snacks."

Folding up the scroll with the information written on it, Uchiha Fuyue sat and waited. It didn't take long for Yue Si, who was carrying a huge bamboo and rattan crate, to come over under the leadership of the servant~www.wuxiamtl. com~ Putting the rattan box at hand, Yue Si waited until the servant put the tea and snacks in front of him before he said, "Patriarch Uchiha, I am here this time to ask for something."

Uchiha Fuyue looked at Yue Si in front of him, and asked silently for a long time, "I don't know if I, Uchiha, can help me."

The relationship between Uchiha and Yue Si is actually very weak. It is only a business transaction. Uchiha needs the excellent ninja tools provided by Yue Si, and Yue Si plans to use the money provided by Uchiha. Both parties take what they need.

Friends in the business field are not friends at all, and Yue Si came to the door in the morning after the Nine-Tails Rebellion. Uchiha Fuyue suspected that Yue Si had other plans.

"No, no, you misunderstood Uchiha's patriarch. I didn't come to Uchiha for help, but made a special trip to find you." After speaking, Yue Si put the rattan box at hand between the two of them and opened it. cover.

Uchiha Fuyue looked down and found that the rattan crate contained a sleeping baby. Remember the website address, www. biquxu. Com, it is convenient to read next time, or you can enter this site by entering "" in Baidu

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