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Chapter 729: Uchiha Madara

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In a naturally formed and transformed, but unavoidably dark and damp underground cavity, Madara Uchiha was sitting on a seat made of stone, behind which was a huge outsider golem, and pipes were drawn from the outsider demon. The image stretches out and is linked behind Uchiha Madara, delivering a steady stream of huge chakras to him.

Time is the biggest enemy. No matter how talented you are, you will eventually turn into a pile of loess.

At the beginning, he dominated the ninja world together with Qianshou Zhuma, a generation of hero Uchiha Madara, known as the ninja world Shura and the battlefield rose, but now he is just an old man who can only rely on the outsider golem to maintain his survival. His life, even his own eyes of reincarnation can't bear, has been transplanted to Uzumaki Nagato, a clan of the whirlpool family, relying on the huge vitality of the whirlpool family and Chakra to help himself save those eyes.

Now in Madara Uchiha's eye socket is an eye he borrowed.

The skin is slack, like rotten wood, and all the teeth in the mouth are lost. If it weren't for the three-goose jade's writing wheel eyes, there is still endless fighting spirit, and the hunched body still carries the power of the Shura in the ninja world.

Although Madara Uchiha's body is confined to this underground space, relying on Bai Jue, he still has a certain understanding of the current situation in the ninja world. As a sneak-type spy, no one can compare to Bai Jue. Jutsu and Mayfly Jutsu are the top camouflage techniques in the ninja world.

"Now, it's time to start implementing my ninja... Hasuma, you're wrong!"

"You established the ninja village system and distributed the tailed beasts to each ninja village, thinking that this would allow the ninja villages to check and balance each other and let the ninja world achieve long-term peace! But look at now, after you die, the ninja world No peace, still ravaged by war!"

"And you, Tobirama Senju, you single-handedly established the ninja school system and wanted to give children a chance to grow up healthily, but look at your heirs, they wantonly trample on your ideals, these The children were different from us at that time, they were sent to the battlefield to die before they even reached the age of adulthood."

Madara Uchiha denounced the naivety and ignorance of the two brothers of the Senju family, because reality has proved everything and proved that the concept of these two people is wrong, and their concept of 'love and peace' is unworkable, which proves that The "true peace" you seek is the correct one.

The hope of bringing peace to the entire ninja world is placed in front of Uchiha Madara. On the slate bed in front of him, Uchiha Obito is sleeping on it. Although there are obvious signs of bandages on his body, this It didn't stop him from dreaming.

After all, compared to the serious injury of losing half of the body, this skin injury only needs to be bandaged. For Uchiha Obito, he is lucky enough, and as a ninja, injuries are almost commonplace. When injured, the most What is needed is rest.

Bai Jue Afei asked: "Sir Madara, in the information brought back by a certain Bai Jue, the information about the members of the Uchiha clan is much more than that of the excellent members of the Uchiha Obito, such as the one called Uchiha. Itachi's child, he is a real genius. He has only learned the art of fire escape and Hao fireball once and has been able to use it, and it is better than his father, the current patriarch of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Fuyake. "

"However, why did you choose the not-so-excellent Uchiha Obito, he is a complete crane tail, the resources wasted on him by the Uchiha clan, even a pig, can pile up a ninja-level ninja pig already."

Madara Uchiha showed an inexplicable smile on his face: "Because Uchiha Obito is very similar to me in some ways, he sincerely loves everything, relatives, friends, partners, lovers, and sincerely helps everyone in need. A man with sunshine in his heart... But if he loses his love and the fetters in his heart, then the love in his heart will be completely torn apart and become the nourishment for the growth of hatred."

"There is a limit to pure love, and it takes 'anger', 'hatred', 'killing intent' to break through this limit, the deeper your love, the purer your love, when you lose this love, Uchiha His clan will become stronger! His Sharinyan will become stronger!"

This is Madara Uchiha's mental journey. The more he loses, the stronger his power becomes.

The most important thing is that he, Uchiha Madara, was also a crane tail at the beginning, and he was also a crane tail that couldn't even throw stones to the other side of the river. He was also a sensitive boy. Uchiha Obito was very similar to him at that time. , so Madara Uchiha believes that Uchiha Obito can implement his ideals and will.

"Master Madara, do you need me to execute your will and let Uchiha Obito witness the death of his partner and lover?" Hei Jue walked out of Uchiha Madara's shadow, walked in front of Uchiha Madara, and said to Uchiha Madara arrive.

The pain of losing a loved one is the best catalyst for inducing depravity and blackening. Madara Uchiha has already prepared different packages for Uchiha Obito, and let Uchiha Obito have a good taste. Only in such extreme emotions Under the stimulation, Uchiha Obito can obtain stronger power.

"No need, I have a more convenient method." Uchiha Madara stood up from the stone bench and walked to the side of the stone bed, grabbed Uchiha Obito with one hand, and spread his three fingers with the other hand. Uchiha Obito's left eye.

"Writing round eyes!"

Uchiha Obito woke up abruptly, his muscles tightened and tried to fight back, but before he could open his right eye, his body had already lost control under Uchiha Madara's Shaker Eye Surgery, and he was affected by the same eye pupil power. Influenced by the influence of Uchiha Obito's writing wheel eye, the three hook jade in the pupil rotates with Uchiha Madara's writing wheel eye.

This lasted for a long time before Uchiha Madara threw Uchiha Obito back on the slate bed. Such violent movements did not wake Uchiha Obito, which shows the influence of Uchiha Madara on his pupil technique.

Madara Uchiha covered his left eye and stumbled back onto the stone chair. Obviously, he used up a lot of the pupil technique just now: "This time, my lifespan has been shortened by at least three months."

Bai Jue Afei leaned in front of Uchiha Obito and found that Uchiha Obito's left eye pupil was weak, as if he was blind.

"Lord Madara, what happened to this Uchiha Obito?"

"It's a shackle eye illusion." Uchiha Madara said proudly: "I applied a shackle eye illusion to Uchiha Obito's left eye, and let his shackle eye perform illusions on himself and hypnotize himself. , this is equivalent to an eternal illusion, the power will increase with the improvement of his pupil power, and it will last forever with him, unless he can dig out his left eye, he will never be able to unlock this illusion."

"However, this also means that Uchiha Obito's left eye can't be used, because he is constantly performing illusions, he is equivalent to losing his left eye to some extent."

"In the fantasy world, the war took away everything Uchiha Obito, lost his father, his mother, his relatives and friends, because he was weak and powerless, he could only watch the powerful ninja take everything beautiful around him, see With a friend who has a strong bond to kill the girl he loves the most, and watching his friend die at the hands of a powerful enemy, the conspirators in the village took one of his writing wheels for their own selfishness."

"Everything he loved betrayed him, he lost everything he cherished, there is no one who can bond with him in the ninja world again, the loss of losing everything, the pain of losing everything will all melt away. To darkness, to hatred, to fill the gap in his heart."

"After Uchiha Obito wakes up, his pain and hatred will give him a boost in pupil power, so that his shackles will evolve into kaleidoscopes. will completely fall, become my puppet, become the executor of my will."

As a member of the Uchiha clan, he was the first ninja to obtain the Eternal Kaleidoscope Shaking Eye. Among the ninja world, the person who knows and studies the Sharingyan most thoroughly is none other than Uchiha Madara.

Raising his eyes all the way to the level of reincarnation, although Uchiha Madara is not so good at illusion, but after all illusion is a skill that comes with the writing wheel eye, doing this kind of thing to Uchiha Obito, to Uchiha Madara It's not impossible to say.

This is also the reason why Madara Uchiha chose Uchiha Obito as the person who inherited his consciousness and carried out his plan, because Uchiha Obito's eyes are Sangoyu's writing wheel eyes, with enough pupil power, Uchiha Itachi is just a A four-year-old child, Sharinyan has not yet awakened, in him, Uchiha Madara cannot do such a thing.

"Mr. Ban, why do you do this?" Hei Jue asked, "The true power of the writing wheel can only be exerted by paired writing wheel eyes. We can use other methods to guide the depravity."

Hei Jue was a little anxious to tell the truth, his plan was finally carried out slowly and orderly, Uchiha Madara, a arrogant guy, chose a suitable puppet to realize his ambition, but he did not expect Uchiha Madara to cut himself. , actively weakening the power of Uchiha Obito, which is equivalent to abolishing one of his eyes.

The implementation of Hei Jue's grand plan to save his mother will inevitably require a strong force. Uchiha Obito has been permanently weakened, so how good is that.

"People's will and thoughts are very unreliable." Uchiha Madara said: "Even if Uchiha Obito really feels the pain, some people or things will change him, so it's not as good as Let him immerse himself in illusion forever."

At this point, Madara Uchiha is actually watching out for characters like Senshou Zhuma. They have a strong personality and can convince almost everyone who sees him, and people are convinced by his ideals and ideas.

If Uchiha Obito comes into contact with such characters, and is scorned by the other party, he may release his hatred and release his inner obsession, and his plan will fall short.

In the entire ninja world, Madara Uchiha is the only one who can be regarded as an opponent. It was like this before, and it is like this now.

"Sir Madara, the true descendant of Senju Tobirama has come here, and he seems to have discovered our existence." Another Bai Jue emerged from the ground, came to Madara Uchiha, and said in a panicked voice.

Madara Uchiha was silent for a while after hearing the words, and then laughed out loud: "It's really interesting!"

On the other side, Yue Si, who rushed to the battlefield, checked the remaining traces. Because it was a rock ninja, the ground was damaged beyond recognition by the earth escape ninjutsu. It was obviously not a shape that could be shaped by the power of nature. The wreckage of the ninja gear, as well as the marks of slashing with knives and axe, as well as fire and flooding.

There was still a slight stench in the air, the smell of blood.

The war pattern appeared on his face, Yue Si half squatted on the ground, and the electric current was released in his palm, spreading his perception along the electric current.

Thick soil and rock formations are the biggest obstacles to perception, and Yue Si can only use this method - Uchiha is dead without a whole body, and Yue Si probably does not believe it, even if his own existence causes the plot deviations as well.

Not to mention anything else, although he is a hot-blooded idiot, Uchiha Obito's writing wheel eye is a solid three-column jade writing wheel eye, which is a precious material and a limit of blood, and people who are interested will definitely find a way to recycle it.

Suddenly, after three consecutive back jumps, Yue Si left the spot and fell to the side, and then looked vigilantly at the strange old man on the opposite side - Madara Uchiha.

The underground cavity is a closed space, and only Shirai's Tudun can enter and exit freely, so Madara Uchiha's current shape is very strange, wearing a coat of Baijue, with a pipe behind the back that links the outsider golem - just like EVA's Same as umbilical cable.

Well, it is indeed very similar. If one day Madara Uchiha gets rid of the outsider golem and provides chakra to maintain his life, he will either crash or run wild and become an unparalleled powerhouse, holding a terrible power that can change the whole world, and he The ultimate goal is to eliminate the barriers between people and make all people one.

Madara Uchiha stood in Looking at Yue Si who was full of vigilance, he was silent for a long time, but finally he laughed boldly: "It's very similar! You look like me when I was young. It's time! Senju Tobirama, your true inheritor, is very much like your opponent!"

Madara Uchiha also knows about the person 'Guan Shanyue'. After all, many people believe in the "notes left by the second Hokage" that he said, and Bai Jue also paid attention to it when he sneaked into the Konoha Village. At this point, I observed Yue Si in private.

When Yue Si and Yuna were eating ramen in front of the cart ramen stand, the prying eyes they noticed came from Bai Jue.

Later, Yue Si's various performances, Uchiha Madara also noticed.

Therefore, in Madara Uchiha, the name of Yue Si has become the 'true successor of Tobirama Senju', and the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Hidden and Shimura Danzo are not placed by Madara Uchiha at all. eyes.

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