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Chapter 724: ethical bottom line? we don't have

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The commander on Konoha's side didn't dare to make a decision on his own, nor did he dare to place the surrender ceremony on Konoha's camp. Who knows if Kirin is a sham surrender this time, using a fake surrender. Investigate the location of Konoha Base Camp.

As the commander of the front line, he has the right to accept the surrender of Kirin, and call some high-ranking jounin together, including Orochimaru, as one of the three Konoha Sannin, and the best of the four generations of Hokage The candidate, with him present, must be a little more convincing.

However, the Kirin no one seemed to care about this matter, but the commander took two jōnin who acted as guards, and then there was no fourth person, which made Konoha's side make a big splash, as if in his heart There is no end to find a lot of people to fill the scene.

Ninjas are basically light-packed when they go out. There is no place for them to carry tables and chairs, so some ninjas who are proficient in earth escape apply chakra changes, perform earth escape ninjutsu, and raise stone benches and stone chairs from the ground for the mist ninja. The commander of the company sits down and negotiates with the commander of his own side.

There was no rhetoric. After submitting the surrender letter, the commander of Kirin just put forward a request to "give Kirin time to evacuate safely", and used "they will withdraw directly to the village of Kirin, and never interfere again." The reason for the explanation of the Great War of the Ninja World.

"However, our ninjas reported that they were still attacked by your mist ninjas, and battles were still taking place around us. They did not have the attitude you expressed, and they still wanted to continue fighting with us."

Orochimaru's hoarse voice told a certain fact: "Since a certain point in the past, Kirin's fighting consciousness has increased a lot, and being brave and not afraid of death is not enough to describe them, as if they put their own lives aside and only care about fighting and killing. This one thing. Although our ninjas successfully killed them, they also suffered a lot of casualties. If one word is used to describe them, 'crazy' is more appropriate."

"Judging from the performance of the mist ninjas, their fighting spirit is raging, and it doesn't look like they will surrender at all. According to my understanding of the mist ninjas, when you propose to surrender, they will probably have resolved you. Come on, this surrender letter of yours is very unconvincing!"

The commander of the mist ninja bowed slightly and said: "Those ninjas of the mist ninja were driven by anger when they heard that Mizukage-sama was assassinated. I think, if your Hokage encounters one day Assassination and death, you should have the same reaction as us."

As soon as these words were said, the commander of Kirin caused public anger, and the ninjas on Konoha's side casted hostile glances at him. Obviously, these curse-like remarks angered Konoha ninjas.

Good guy, what you know is that you came to surrender and submit the surrender letter, what you don't know is that you are posing with the face of the victorious country. Remember the URL m.xbeqge. com

However, the Jounin who can be present on Konoha's side are all veterans. Even if their temper is violent, they are still a little shrewd. They will not directly overturn the table because of these remarks, otherwise they will not be responsible for destroying He Tan. rise.

It's a pity that Konoha Ninja basically thinks too much. The commander of Kirin is actually speaking to Orochimaru. Because of the assassination of the third generation of Mizukage and the destruction of the village of Kirin, Orochimaru and Ichi Made by a Konoha ninja named "Shimoyama Heibei".

Who is Xiashan Hirabei, I don't know about the fog ninja for the time being. It is estimated that it is a new Jinnin. Then the outstanding talents must have the day to stand out. Waiting for the passage of time, they will definitely be able to become famous in the ninja world, and Orochimaru has become famous. For a long time, his reputation, and his very recognizable appearance, people can see him at a glance.

For this culprit, Commander Mist Ninja will definitely not have a good face.

However, what Commander Mist Ninja said was in vain, because in a certain timeline and a certain possibility, it was not someone else who killed the three generations of Hokage, but Orochimaru himself.

"Really?" Orochimaru laughed hoarsely: "You haven't answered my question yet, how do you ensure that those Mist Ninjas will surrender obediently, stop fighting against Konoha Ninjas immediately, and return to Mist Ninja Village."

The Kirin commander said: "From the moment I handed in the surrender letter, those Kirin ninjas who are still fighting Konoha ninjas... No, those are no longer Kirin ninjas, they violated our The surrender order has already betrayed the village and is already betrayal."

"Huh?" Everyone on Konoha's side was dumbfounded by Commander Kirin.

The commander of Kirito continued: "Our orders have been unable to direct the actions of those rebels, I think everyone in Konoha has this knowledge, and, in order to maintain sincerity, has given to Mu Ye surrendered before returning to the village of Kirin, trying to avoid the misunderstanding of fighting as much as possible... So I'm sorry about the matter of Kirin's betrayal."

The influence of the three generations of Mizukage in the mist ninja is still very large, otherwise, how can Mizuying alone compete with those forces of the mist ninja, so that the small groups of the mist ninja have to use assassination to get rid of it he.

Therefore, after the death of the three generations of Mizukage, those ninjas will go to fight against Konoha's ninjas desperately, in order to avenge the three generations of Mizukage, the behavior of the collective betrayal of the village is also based on this reason.

Although the Kingdom of Water had to retire in the third ninja war, Konoha didn't even think about getting a good deal. A considerable part of the mist ninja chose to become rebel ninjas and stayed to continue fighting to avenge the three generations of water shadows.

He apologized to Konoha with a standard ninety-degree bow, but there was no apology on the face of Kirin's commander. Obviously, he said one thing and did another, shameless and shameless.

For a village like Betrayal Ninja, the originally subordinate Ninja Village will inevitably send ninjas to chase and kill, but because of the war and surrender, the Wu Ninja Village shrinks its troops and withdraws all the ninjas to the Ninja Village to show their sincerity, but secretly Leaving a bunch of people to continue to trouble Konoha.

Don't ask, the question is that those people are all Kirin's rebels, and they have nothing to do with Kirin. If it's not war, it's not your Konoha's ninja who should deal with them, but our Kirin.

If Yue Si was here, he would have applauded and cheered for the commander of Kirin. This kind of rhetoric and this approach are truly incredible.

Just like what an East Asian island country preached, "It is the people of the former island country who made mistakes, not the people of today's island country." There is also the flexible moral bottom line of lowering the discharge standard when the discharge of nuclear sewage fails to meet the discharge standard.

After the rudimentary surrender ceremony was completed, the commander of the mist ninja suddenly took out a handful of kunai from the ninja bag at his waist. This behavior once again aroused the vigilance of Konoha - nonsense, everyone else is in front of it. If you take out a weapon in your face, it is still the ninja world of fighting to the death. If you are not careful and vigilant, you are completely joking with your own life.

However, the commander of Kirin didn't take action. Instead, he turned the kunai's blade and raised his hand to draw a line on the forehead guard, which means that the high-ranking commander of Kirin has also become a traitor. , also betrayed the village.

"Everyone of Konoha, as the commander of the mist ninja, my mission has been completed. Next, all my actions will be controlled by my own will, and there is no conflict with the mist ninja village." The former commander of the mist ninja Said: "As the mist-nin and rebellious me, in the future, I will attack all of Konoha, until the murderer who killed the three generations of Mizukage is successfully killed, or I finally die, otherwise hatred will be It won't stop."

With such an important matter as the surrender ceremony, Konoha did not take down Commander Former Mist Shinobi, but let them go.

There are not many Mist Ninjas who choose to become Rebel Ninja and continue to fight against Konoha Ninja. The pressure on Konoha’s side is greatly reduced. After all, Mist Ninja Rebellion has completely lost the logistics and other aspects provided by Mist Ninja Village. support, and also lost a lot of manpower.

Ninjas have never been good at frontal assaults. They are the mainstream to engage in intelligence to conduct beheading or targeted strikes. They are as strong as Payne's Six Paths. They are very powerful when they appear on the stage, and Konohafang has almost no ability to fight back. After mastering their abilities, the threat level plummeted.

Therefore, even if Kirito's betrayal is broken into pieces, and he continues to harass and assassinate Konoha ninjas, the effect is not as good as before. The trouble is enough trouble, not too much trouble.

Orochimaru, who ended a war between countries, was instantly in the limelight, but it took time for the news to pass, and the reaction in Konoha Village was unknown for the time being. The large and small ninjas in Konoha Camp have a more respectful attitude towards Orochimaru. , Even the ninjas of the Uchiha clan with the arrogant iceberg face took the initiative to salute and say hello when they saw Orochimaru.

As for the other hero, Yue Si, few people mentioned it, because when he was in Wu Nin Village, he used another identity, the one who was killed by him. The name, except that those ninjas who knew the person "Shimoyama Heibei" felt a little strange, and there was nothing else.

Among the ninjas of the Uchiha clan, Yue Si saw the genius of the Uchiha clan who appeared in the memoirs and whose strength was constantly raised. The eye holds the illusion "Beitianjin" that can completely change a person's will.

Uchiha Shisui, like Uchiha Obito, is also an "outlier" in the Uchiha family. The latter, under his grandmother's upbringing and education, has become not like a dead face paralysis of the Uchiha family. He is a hot-blooded idiot with a standard hot-blooded boy 's character.

And Uchiha Shisui is a ninja with a big-picture view. His ancestors were the guards of the second-generation Hokage Senju Tobirama. Under the influence of Qianshou Tobirama, the Uchiha ninja as a guard began to inherit "The Will of Fire" and passed on the Will of Fire to his descendants.

It can be seen that the wisdom of the second generation of Naruto is not only reflected in the development of ninjutsu, but also very qualified as a Naruto. The practice of "making fewer enemies and making more friends", compared to a certain third-generation Naruto Ape Fei Rijian and Shimura Danzo's approach of physically strangling the threat in the bud was so clever that he didn't know where it went.

After the pressure dropped, Orochimaru got free time and did not need to run around and act as a firefighter.

Then Yue Si and Orochimaru started their real purpose, using the ninjas of the Uchiha clan as an experiment to verify whether the second-generation Hokage's research on Sharinyan was correct, and to study whether the hormones secreted by the brain of human emotional changes can directly affect to the writing wheel.

Orochimaru's secret laboratory is located in a deserted city, where there are broken walls and ruins, some of which were destroyed by war, and more collapsed due to lack of maintenance in the wind and rain.

Here, Yue Si did not find any traces of human activities, only birds and beasts.

The entrance to the laboratory is located in a well-preserved building. He used ninjutsu to enter the underground space. Yue Si looked at everything around him and found that Orochimaru had invested a lot of resources in this temporary laboratory. The first laboratory he left to himself was larger and more well-equipped.

"The art of psychic!"

Orochimaru channeled out two giant pythons. The belly of the giant python was bulging, and it was obvious that it was a human shape. Then the two giant pythons spat out the person in their abdomen. Look at the forehead guard on their forehead, and the clothes on their clothes. The fan emblem of the Uchiha clan, it is obvious that these two are the ninjas of the Uchiha clan.

When spit out two Uchiha ninjas, the two giant pythons disappeared in the white smoke.

Yue Si was surprised to find that the two Uchiha clan ninjas had many similarities in their faces. It was obvious that they were related by blood and were similar in age, so they were obviously brothers.

"Teacher Orochimaru, are these two Uchiha brothers?" Yue Si asked.

"Yes, Uchiha Yucheng and Uchiha Shizhi are twin brothers in the Uchiha have considerable popularity, and relying on the connection between the twins, their cooperation is Very strong, they have made a great reputation, but their strength is placed in the ninja of the Uchiha clan, but they belong to the level of the middle and lower reaches. Their disappearance didn't attract much attention." Orochimaru said hoarsely: "Yue Sang, I remember what you mentioned about the control variable method and the control group, what is more appropriate than twin brothers."

Ignoring the mucus that the Uchiha brothers had in the belly of the python, Orochimaru stretched out his hand and pressed it on the Uchiha brothers: "However, this pair of Uchiha brothers' samples is too precious, before using them as experimental materials for experiments, We need to find out everything about the experiment, fortunately, we have no shortage of experimental products."

A few more giant pythons were channeled, and the giant python spit out people dressed as ninjas one after another. Looking at their appearances, most of them were so-called Mist Ninja's rebel ninja - just like what Orochimaru said, the timing of war. , missing a dozen people is nothing.

Looking at the comatose Uchiha brothers, Yue Si thought about it - if his research with Orochimaru was really successful, it would be amazing.

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