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Chapter 721: true will of fire

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"Teacher Hankuro!"

Caiga Bankuro's team quickly fled in the forest, but the figure of Caiga Bankuro was nowhere to be seen. The faces of the other three were hurried, even with some panic. It was obvious that they were running away, escaping for their lives.

However, they were running for their lives. The three of them were also Konoha ninjas, and they still maintained a triangular formation. As Chunin, Genma Shiranui took the lead at the front, and Matekai and Ebisu were at the back.

As he ran, Matekai cried and cried out Caiga Bankuro's name. It was obvious that Caiga Bankuro had suffered an accident.

"Xuanjian, do we need to set up any traps to stop them a little bit!"

Yebisu shouted to Genma Shiranui who was hurrying ahead, "If this continues, we will definitely be caught up!"

Facing the suggestion of his teammates, Genma Shiranui said: "No, even if it is a trap, it can't stop those guys for a long enough time, and the time for them to break the trap is definitely shorter than the time for us to set up the trap, don't waste those things in vain. time and strength!"

Yue Si's previous guess was good. Because of the forces in the Mist Ninja Village who opposed the three generations of Mizukage, a large number of Mist Ninjas were sent to the battlefield with Konoha Ninjas, many of whom were elites. The stalemate between the water kingdoms was completely broken. The Konoha ninjas were under strong pressure and did not collapse immediately. It was considered that the Konoha ninjas were well trained and the commander dispatched in an orderly manner.

It's just that the stalemate on a large scale cannot be specific to every ninja. On a small battlefield, Konoha and Kirin will win each other.

Bankuro Squad belongs to the negative side. Now that the battle situation is tense, the density and frequency of patrols have greatly increased. Bankuro Squad and the other two squads have been organized into a group to carry out border patrols and enemy reconnaissance tasks, and then However, he ran into the elite of the mist ninja, the seven ninja swords directly belonging to Mizukage.

These seven people are elite ninjas who are selected from the best of the best. They are specially used to carry out difficult tasks that cannot be completed by ordinary jōnin. Ninja, that makes their strength even further, seven people join forces, enough to defeat the Ninja Village of a small country in a very short time, and capture a small country.

In the face of the seven Ninja swordsmen, Konoha's patrol team was of course collapsed at a touch, and most of them were beheaded in a single encounter. The remaining ninjas are expected to end in the same way. made a decision.

Caiga Hankuro gave an order to his subordinates and his students: "Shizuo Genma, Matekai, Ebisu, as the captain, I give you an order - the three of you retreat immediately, and retreat as quickly as possible. !"

"Genma Shiranui, you are Chunin, I am temporarily appointing you as the acting squad leader of Bankuro's class, you must bring Matekai and Ebisu to a safe place, and don't let them do stupid things!"

"Hi!" Genshi Shiranui received the order, and immediately took Matekai and Ebisu to retreat, and kept paying attention to Matekai, so that he could keep up with the pace - Caiga Hankuro's last warning was actually what he said Matekai, this young and hot-blooded guy is very easy to be influenced by emotions, his emotional threshold is very low, and he is very easy to do impulsive things.

But after all, Matekai is a ninja, and he prioritizes tasks and orders. He Hankuro knew this, so he gave it in the form of an order. Matekai thought about staying with his leading teacher to fight together. But still cried and left.

After his students left, Caika Bankuro and several other ninjas formed a line of defense. Even if they knew that they were not the opponents of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, they would try their best to delay them and buy time for the escape of the three of Shiranui Genma. .

Although Yue Si sneered at the so-called 'will of fire', the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Sun Zhan only used the 'will of fire' as a propaganda slogan, even if he was in the top position because of his courageous sacrifice, he was rejected by the second generation of Hokage. He was chosen as the heir, but when he took the position of Hokage, he gradually put the 'will of fire' behind him.

However, the reason why Konoha is Konoha is because of the countless ninjas united by the 'Will of Fire'. Some people only shouted verbally about the 'Will of Fire', but there are not a few people who practice it personally. .

For example, the Konoha ninjas such as Caiga Hankuro, they have to sacrifice their own sacrifices in exchange for the three life opportunities of Shiranui Genma.

"No! No, there must be something wrong! There must be something wrong!"

Shiranui Genma, who was walking through the forest, suddenly stopped and asked Matekai and Ebisu, "Where are we going now?"

Hearing this, Ebisu was stunned and said, "It's the direction of the base camp, what's wrong?"

I didn't know Huo Xuanjian looked at the direction he was fleeing from, his eyes turned on the three of his own, and he thought for a while and said, "How long do you think, Mr. Hankuro and the others, can stop those mists for a long time."

Ebisu opened his mouth, but didn't say anything in the end. He recalled the sudden collapse of the patrol team when they met with the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, and finally just shook his head instead of the original words.

Shiranui Xuanjian asked again: "With their strength, it is very easy to catch up with our combination of one Chunin and two Genin, but we have escaped for such a long time, but they have not appeared. …”

"Xuanma, what do you mean, the mist ninjas deliberately let us escape and let us take them to the base camp." Ebisu heard what Shiranui Genma meant, and his eyes with a look of panic under the sunglasses instantly become very gritty.

"I've made a decision not to run away any longer - Mr. Hankuro sacrificed for us, then, for the sake of the other ninjas in the village, I'm also ready to sacrifice!" Wu, ready to fight: "Kai, Ebisu, you run away separately, find the other Konoha ninja patrolling, and tell them about it!"

But Matekai suddenly became very alert and said, "No need, they have caught up."

As if to echo Matekai's words, seven figures came out, squatting or standing, leaning or sitting, with different postures. The same is that they are all mist ninjas, and they all carry a ninja sword of different shapes on their bodies. .

Looking at the seven people who suddenly appeared, Ebisu was so frightened that he collapsed to the ground, because the other party had a powerful murderous aura, which was naturally accumulated after taking hundreds of lives, and it was an undisguised killing intent.

"So, the little ghosts are really difficult to deal with now, and they can guess our purpose in the process of escaping, and have not continued to choose to escape, but stayed to die." One of the seven people in the ninja knife group watched With the different performances of the three of Metkay, he said: "You can actually curb your inner fears, curb your desire for life, and choose to face our enemies."

Another member of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen said: "Since they have seen through our plan, there is no need to keep them anymore, just kill them."

Shiranui Xuanjian and the others knew the names of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, but they didn't know the names of each of them, and the names of their corresponding Ninja Swords, but cold sweat broke out on one or two foreheads. Well, the awareness of sacrifice does not mean that there is no fear in their hearts.

Ebisu, who was so frightened that he fell to the ground, gritted his teeth and stood up. Although his legs were trembling, he still gritted his teeth to stand up straight: "Damn it! If I have the kind of courage about mountains, I have his face. The whole team's Mist Shinobi's strong heart will be fine!"

Although those ninjas at the time were not necessarily Shangnin, but Yue Si killed so many mist ninjas single-handedly, and he was not injured, which made Ebisu and other people feel that they can do it, but today is really When facing a powerful enemy, when facing an inability to have so many powerful enemies, he only realized how strong Yue Si was at that time.

It was not only strength in strength, but also in spiritual cultivation—inspired by this, Ebisu developed a courage that allowed him to stand up and face the invincible enemy.

Hearing Ebisu mentioning Yue Si, Matekai also fell into memory, recalling Yue Si and his past, and recalling what Yue Si told him about "Pour your own will into your fist, use your own fist" Come to implement your own heart, and reflect your own thoughts in every punch and every kick.”

Memories only exist for a moment, and Matekai has already made up his mind, swept away the timidity, fear, fear and other negative emotions in his heart, ignited the youthful blood, carried out the fighting spirit, and merged the killing intent and anger. in his own fist.

Next, every punch he throws will carry the determination to kill the enemy in front of him!

"Hey, hey, look at the little guy with the watermelon head. I actually saw the fighting spirit in his eyes. He was not frightened by our murderous aura, and he was able to summon the courage to fight with us." A member of the congregation said that the fighting spirit ignited in Matekai's eyes was not despair in the face of despair, but had the courage to defeat the enemy, which was very rare in their ninja career.

It's just that Matekai's appearance is stretched a bit, and it doesn't look like the kind of protagonist who will kill the Jedi.

Among the three people in front of him, Ebisu was the first to be frightened, and then stood up with the encouragement of his companions. Although Genma Shiranui was afraid, he could barely be called a calm response, but they did not respond to their own situation. What hope is there, it is only the consciousness of mortal death.

However, only Matekai really has a different determination than them, and seems to regard them as people of equal status, and has the determination to kill them here.

This courage, this fighting spirit, and this awareness have already made the Seven Ninja Swordsmen appreciate Maitkay. If Maitkay hadn't met them, in the future, he would definitely become a powerful ninja in the world of ninjas. .

However, even if Matekai showed courage and fighting spirit, it would not be worth mentioning to the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, because the strength gap between the two sides was too great.

Why should tigers care about the courage and anger of lambs, they still have an interest in playing with them before hunting and killing them.

Loquat Tozo, who used the Broken Sword and Decapitation Sword, waved the huge door-like sword in his hand, showed the three of them a gap in the blade, and said, "This is what your teacher did to me before he died. The wound left on the ninja knife needs to absorb some blood and let the blade heal, kid, I think you are very suitable."

The broken sword and the beheading sword are a kind of ninja sword that fits the concept of "demon sword" very well. It can absorb the iron in the enemy's blood and repair itself, so it is regarded as a sword that will not break.

However, just like those existences with the ability of immortality in the American comics, because of their "immortality", they will suffer some hardships, and the beheading swords that can be repaired by themselves have been damaged many times, even broken. The most famous That time, it was directly cut into the general by Kirabi using the supersonic shock thunder escape knife.

"Let me do it!" A certain ninja swordsman said: "Shizo, your sword will make them die very happily, that's not good, before they die, you must let these three little devils taste a lot. , what is pain."

Loquat Shizang carried the beheading sword on his shoulders and said, "It's just three little devils. There's no need to fight, there are many Konoha ninjas waiting for us."

"Guan Shanyue once said something to me - the villain died of too many words." Matt Kay looked at the seven people who looked like cats and mice and said: "Those who think they are right, always think that when they have the upper hand They uttered nonsense, said some nonsense, advertised their own strength, and did not face their opponents squarely, and their defeat began from this."

"You bastard!" Loquat Shizang shouted loudly, and Matt Kay's words obviously angered him. He swung the beheading sword and slashed in the direction of Matt Kay. And at that moment, Shiranui Genma was going to hold Kuwu in front of Matekai.

The current Shiranui Genma is the acting captain of Bankuro's class, and the last task that Caiga Bankuro gave him was to bring Matekai and Ebisu to a safe place. He couldn't complete this task, but , before his death, will definitely protect the safety of Ebisu and Matekai.

Like Saiga he is also the inheritor and practice of the will of fire.

"Eight dungeons, open!"

"The Qimen Dunjia Technique, open!"

In an instant, a powerful chakra erupted from Matekai's body, and then he was restrained and compressed into the body by the Qimen Dunjia technique, which multiplied his strength and reduced the damage to the body caused by the eight-door Dunjia technique. , and reduced the consumption of chakra, allowing Matekai to continue fighting for a longer time.

Two groups of six, a total of twelve rings, flew out of Matekai's ninja bag, and were put on his forearm by Matekai's hands.


With a loud shout, Matekai's arms collided with the rings, and he threw his fists at Loquat Shizang.

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