Villains Template

Chapter 694: ask for help

quick! quick! quick!

Run faster!

Mitarai Red Bean kept saying this to herself in her heart, and at the same time she kept running in the direction of Konoha Village, carrying Yue Si's entrustment and hope, she exerted far more strength and speed than usual, using words that were very in line with the style of the ninja world. , that is, Yue Si and her bond made her burst into potential.

At this time, she didn't even dare to turn back, because the movement of turning back would drag her movement. Now every second of time is precious. Every second of time is used, and Yue Si's survival probability increases by one point. .

At the beginning, Mitarai Red Bean was very disgusted with the ninja team patrolling around Konoha, because they often pointed to her who was practicing in the forest outside the village and put forward many precautions, but at this time, she was extremely eager to meet one. The patrol team hopes to meet Konoha ninjas and take them back to rescue Yue Si.

However, when you don't need something, it's right there with you, but when you're in a hurry to use it, you can't find it.

The same is true for Mitarai Red Bean at this time. When she came to the door of Konoha Village and saw the two on-duty ninjas guarding the gate, she officially met Konoha's ninjas.

However, back in the village, what can she do, who can she rely on, and who can she trust.

Although Yue Si's advice to her was to let her live well, protect herself, and wait until Teacher Orochimaru completes her task and returns to the village, and tell him what happened to him completely, and what happened to Guan Shanyue himself , but did not mention a word, as if to understand their own ending.

As a ninja, Mitarai Hongdou thinks that Guan Shanyue is better than her. Before he was aware of the danger, he had already thought about the future, and took out snacks to restore his strength so that he could escape better .

Guan Shanyue wants to use his own life to fight for the chance of freedom for Mitarai Red Bean, but how could Mitarai Red Bean not go back to save Yue Si!

Along the way, Mitarai red beans kept thinking in her mind, thinking about which ninjas she could invite to help her. Her family background was very ordinary, and there was no such powerful ninja in her family. Among the ninjas she could come into contact with, the strength The only powerful one is Orochimaru, the one who can talk, except for the head teacher Hattori Quanzo, only A Guo's team leader.

Moreover, the people in the village are not necessarily trustworthy.

Because those ninjas wearing masks look like the ninjas of Konoha Anbu, claiming to be ordered by Naruto.

If, if what they say is true, their identities are true, and Hokage gave the order to take them somewhere, then even the village is not safe.

Do you really want to protect yourself as Yue Si said, and wait for Mr. Orochimaru to come back?

Mitarai Red Bean, who was thinking this way, had a dazzling golden color in front of him. It was a ninja with a gentle aura. Red Bean remembered who the other party was. It was Konoha's famous Namikaze Minato. It seemed that he completed the task and returned. to the village.

There are three ninjas around him, his students, Hatake Kakashi, Nohara Rin and Uchiha Obito.

Uchiha Obito over there is boasting, almost shouting: "Whether it's a B-level or A-level task, this uncle will definitely complete it perfectly, betting on the name of my Uchiha family genius."

Kakashi next to him looked at Uchiha Obito, and after a long time he slowly spit out a word: "Idiot!"

"Damn it!" Uchiha Obito immediately became furious: "Stupid Kakashi, isn't this uncle's mission accomplished very well! A B-level mission was completed perfectly with the power of my uncle!"

With Yue Si's teaching, Uchiha Obito's strength is much stronger than before the Chunin exam, and with the cooperation of Shunyan, his strength is no longer weak. Coupled with the cooperation of his teammates, this time b He took the bulk of the level tasks, and then he became arrogant.

Seeing Uchiha Obito's appearance, Hatake Kakashi said in a very flat tone: "I'm Joinin, you're just a Genin who didn't even pass the Chunin exam..."

"Baga!" Uchiha Obito was stabbed in a painful foot, and he was instantly furious.

Although I have learned a lot from the Taiju duel between Yue Si and Matekai, but it is easy to die. In the third game of the Chunin Exam, in the one-on-one catch-and-kill match of the next, Uchiha Obito met in the first round. After getting on Matekai, and then the same Konoha whirlwind, the epic enhanced version of Matekai stunned Uchiha Obito with three legs, and Uchiha Obito was defeated on the spot.

On the contrary, Hatake Kakashi's exam for promotion to Joinin went very smoothly. Uchiha Obito was envious and jealous, but he didn't say it. He also paid for it out of his own pocket and got a good Ninja sword from Yue Si. It was given to Hatake Kakashi as a gift.

"Okay, Obito, Kakashi, stop arguing." Nohara Rin, who was on the side, saw that her companion was about to quarrel again, so she came forward to reconcile. mediation.

"Wait a minute, that seems to be Guan Shanyue's coat." Uchiha Obito was battling Kakashi Hatake. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Mitre wash red beans hurriedly passing by, and recognized the ill-fitting linen-colored trench coat on her. The coat is from Yue Si.

Because this dress was custom-made by Yue Sto, and it was hand-sewn by tailors from the Uchiha family. No matter the materials used or the craftsmanship of tailoring are the best, a coat is worth the whole body of other people. The whole set is complete, and after passing his hands this time, Uchiha Obito can still recognize Yue Si's design.

Now wearing such an expensive coat on a strange girl, Uchiha Obito immediately understood that this purple-haired girl must be very familiar with Yue Si.

"This guy is always involved with girls. There was Yuna and Aguo before, and now there is another one - looking at her anxious appearance, something must have happened."

Uchiha Obito, who had such thoughts in his mind, immediately came to Mitarai Red Bean, and before he opened his mouth to ask a question, he saw Mitarai Red Bean's hands flicker, and he pulled out two boomerangs from the lining of the windbreaker and held them in his hands. Cut the Uchiha Obito.

Mitarai Red Bean, who had escaped all the way back to Konoha, was nervous, like a bird frightened. In addition, he was thinking about something and didn't pay attention to the outside world. Uchiha Obito suddenly jumped in front of her, and of course he attacked subconsciously.

Uchiha opened his eyes instantly, the single hook jade rotated, and his body moved flexibly. He took out a boomerang of the same style from the ninja bag, and resisted the attack of Mitre Washing Red Bean.

Hatake Kakashi over there immediately made a warning gesture, but Minato Namikaze held him down, pressed it on his shoulder, and said gently, "She's just too nervous, what happened to her What made her very afraid of everything around her, it was just a subconscious act."

Uchiha took the soil to resist Mitarai's attack. Having learned some physical techniques, he had ten ways to defeat Mitarai's red beans, but he still maintained a stalemate and said, "Don't be nervous, I'm Guan Shanyue's friend. , I have no ill will towards you, I just saw you wearing his clothes and wanted to ask him about his situation."

Hearing this, Mitarai Red Bean finally breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Uchiha Obito's idiot appearance, and felt that this guy didn't look like some scheming person, and the blond-haired teacher next to him also believed them. .

After hesitating for a moment, Mitarai Hongdou still told what happened to him and Yue Si before, and begged: "Mizumon teacher, please, save Guan Shanyue, I originally wanted to wait until Orochimaru finished the task and returned to In the village, but Guan Shanyue can't wait."

Hearing the ninja dressed as Anbu and following Hokage's orders, Minato Namikaze understood something, but didn't say anything, but solemnly said to Mitarai Red Bean: "I'll go to Naruto-sama to inquire about related matters, if this is the case. If it's just a misunderstanding... If someone is really pretending to be an Anbu ninja, Hokage-sama will definitely take action."

Hokage is not allowed to have taint, even if the three generations of Hokage want to do something that is in the interests of Konoha, but that thing destroys the majesty of Hokage's identity, that thing will not happen to him from now on. Any relationship, but it happened as he expected.

So when Minato Minato inquired about Yue Si in person, Hiruzen Sarutobi showed a surprised look, and then he hurriedly covered it up, mobilizing the real Anbu ninja and letting Minato Minato lead the team to the outside of the village. In the forest, go search for Yue Si's whereabouts and investigate the truth of the matter.

When Minato Namikaze was leading people away, Hiizan Sarutobi angrily knocked on the table and spit out a name: "Danzo!"

Under the guise of Hokage's orders and acting in the name of Anbu, there is no one other than his partner.

Originally, Danzo was doing things in the village and started his own small group. Sarutobi Hizan knew that his purpose was also to protect the interests of Konoha, and he was in the same direction as himself. As long as he didn't make things too big, If everyone knows it, I will turn a blind eye (as if I hurt my old classmates by mistake), so I don't think that's the case.

However, I didn't expect that this time, Danzo went wrong. The thing that made Sarutobi Hizan so angry was that Danzo actually attacked Guan Shanyue.

If Guan Shanyue was just a civilian ninja, it would be fine, but he is a disciple of his own disciple, Orochimaru. He is the same generation as Namikaze Minato. Orochimaru has not taken his apprentice for many years. This year, he picked two good seedlings on a whim. In this way, the group was hidden to Huo Huo.

And according to what Orochimaru said when he communicated with his master and apprentice, Guan Shanyue's talent is very good. As long as he is given time to grow up, it is just around the corner to achieve more than Orochimaru's own achievements. Danzang made a calamity, this is not acceptable.

Moreover, according to the concept of "Second-Generation Hokage Works", which was circulated in Konoha's small family at an unknown time, the phrase "to win over a group and suppress a group" opened up new opportunities for Hiruzen Sarutobi. door to the world.

To win over Konoha's small clan, strengthen one's own strength, and then suppress such a powerful family as the Uchiha clan, is what Sarutobi Hizan plans to do next, such as Guan Shanyue, a talented civilian ninja, and If you pass on your identity as a disciple again, you can belong to the part that you are drawn to.

Moreover, Guan Shanyue's talent is not only reflected in the ninja aspect, he is also very talented in the development of ninja tools. The Konoha cartridge has been used in small-scale experimental applications on the border for ten years, and it has played a significant role. .

If Guan Shanyue continues to develop, what kind of ninja tools can be developed, Sarutobi HiZan is still very much looking forward to, the ability to strike beyond the line of sight is really good to deal with the ninjas of the Uchiha family under the premise of mental calculation and unintentional used.

Thinking of this, the three generations of Hokage took out a pen and paper, and wrote a letter eloquently. When the ink dries up and folds the letter, Sarutobi Hizan said:

"Come on!"

Sarutobi Hiizan's voice fell, and an Anbu ninja wearing an animal mask appeared in front of him, half-kneeling and said, "Lord Naruto."

After giving the letter to Anbu Ninja, Sarutobi Hizan said, "Give this letter to Shimura Danzo!"

In the root base located underground, Shimura Danzo held the letter from Sarutobi Hijen, his expression was as unhappy as ever, and his face was sullen, as if the whole world owed him money.

In front of him, a group of root ninjas were half-kneeling, waiting for his orders.

"Trash, it's all trash!"

Five Shangnin, I couldn't take down two lower ones. After so long, I haven't completed the task and came and let her go back to the village smoothly and publicize the incident. out.

The kidnapping of Guan Shanyue, in addition to Danzo wanting to use Guan Shanyue to take advantage of the increasingly uncontrollable Orochimaru, also moved his love for talent and wanted to absorb Yue Si, the "genius of ninja tool development", into the root. , so that he can better use his talents to help protect Konoha, but he didn't expect his subordinates to screw things up.

Using the technique of throwing ninja tools, I threw the letter in front of a root ninja. Some of the text on it was blacked out by Danzo with ink, but the remaining part can still be seen clearly. As a ninja, use the least amount of time. Writing a complete piece of information is a necessary skill, and this is the first test of the Chunin Exam.

After becoming Hokage, he has been doing copywriting work all the year round, and his ability in this area has been greatly improved. A letter explained what he knew clearly, and also included his views on Danzo on this matter.

The root ninja scanned the contents of the letter at the fastest speed: "Lord Danzo..."

When he raised his head, the root ninja met Shimura Danzo's icy one-eyed eye, and swallowed the second half of the sentence - people like Danzo will never make mistakes, it is the people below who are wrong. , this matter, he admitted.

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