Villains Template

Chapter 691: The magnetic field turns!

"My favorite character in one of my favorite movies was arrested and jailed, and in the face of countless murderers who went to prison because of him, he said this line, 'I wasn't forced to be with you, but It was you who were forced to be locked up with me', I like this sentence very much." Yue Si said arrogantly: "Now I use this sentence to tell you what a mistake you have made."

"Let Mitre wash red beans leave, not to let her escape, but to let her stay away from here, to prevent my face from appearing in front of her, so that my 'respected' teacher Orochimaru knows that I hide my power!"

A jagged but symmetrical tooth-shaped mark suddenly appeared on Yue Si's face, like a birthmark, and like a paint applied to his face.

Although it is only a few strokes, it looks like a ferocious beast roaring in the sky, a terrifying monster named Godzilla.

And this is Yue Si's strongman battle pattern.

The last time he was "herd sheep" by Orochimaru, Yue Si, who was free, successfully transformed from [current push] to [magnetic field rotation], which was just a matter of course for Yue Si, who had accumulated for a long time.

Although Yue Si's magnetic field strength is not high at this time, it means that he has officially entered the path of a strong man.

Turning the power of the magnetic field, Yue Si instantly entered the realm of "harmony between man and nature". The surging power in his body merged with the outside world, as if the world was him, and he was this world.

This allows Yue Si to instantly absorb a large amount of energy from the outside world, and his thoughts can be easily reflected in the outside world.

This is why the power of [magnetic field rotation] is stronger than [current push]. In addition to being more powerful in power, it can affect the outer universe. With the continuous enhancement of power, it gradually masters the four basic forces of the universe.

The aura belonging to the strong and belonging to the [magnetic field rotation] spread out, causing the five root ninjas to freeze, and at that moment, they actually felt... fear.

Originally, although Yue Si was very strong, what they judged was the information they had. Yue Si practiced some kind of secret technique, with good physical skills, keen perception, good grasp of tactical timing, and extraordinary throwing skills. But these ninjas at the root don't care about this. They have seen many talented young people, and even they themselves were one of them.

But now Yue Si is like a different person. After the style of painting changed suddenly and the traces appeared on his face, his breath suddenly soared, so strong that it was terrifying, so strong that it was inhuman.

The root ninja, who was proficient in sealing techniques and tried to block Yue Si's full power with sealing techniques, got closer. He saw Yue Si's eyes, and at that moment, his heart shrank violently, as if a hand had passed through it. He clenched his chest and clenched his heart fiercely. If it wasn't for Yue Si's pupils not changing color and his chakra running as usual, he would have thought that he had been hit by the Uchiha family's wheel-eye illusion.

But Yue Si's eyes gave him a more terrifying feeling at this time than the Shaking Eye Pupil technique, because just by his personal "potential", the thoughts emanating from those abyss-like eyes could shock him. His mind seemed to rip his soul out of his body and plunge it into the bottomless abyss, where he would never be reborn.

The aura that Yue Si exudes is even more exaggerated, he is extremely domineering, and he unabashedly shows his strength.

The five root ninjas felt that what they were facing was not a shinobi, and they were shinobi who had just graduated from ninja school not long ago, but a long-established powerhouse, who was regarded as a shinobi like a demigod recognized by the ninja world. The sansho fish half zucchini at the top of the world.

But they were not so shocked by Yue Si's aura that they dared not move, but after a moment's absence, they launched a counterattack.

A ninja quickly made a seal: "Water Escape, Water Breaks Waves!"

Then, a rapid ultra-high pressure fine water column is violently ejected from the mouth, and it is cut towards Yue Si. This kind of ninjutsu using the high-pressure water jet cutting principle is extremely precise and powerful. It can easily cut trees, rocks, penetrate steel.

Although when Shimura Danzo sent them here, they asked to bring back Yue Si Quan Su Quanying, but the key point of the mission is to bring Yue Si back, Quan Su Quan Zhi is only an additional condition, and the target's strength is now beyond expectations. Under the premise of the level, it is enough to bring Yue Si back alive, but it does not matter if he is injured or disabled.

"Five-pole power - heat deprivation, ice and snow."

Yue Si raised his hand to block the ultra-high pressure water flow of the water escape and water breaking wave, and then operated the magnetic field force to strip the heat from it. The spikes, relying on the physical connection, spread along the water column in the direction of the Anbu ninja who performed ninjutsu.

"Tu Dun·Tu Liubi!"

A ninja quickly formed a seal, then slapped his palms on the ground, and a wall of earth and stone broke through the ground and grew out. It crossed between Yue Si and the ninja who used Water Escape and Water Breaking Wave, cutting off the high-pressure water flow. As a shield, it blocked the spreading icicle.

Don't ask how a wall can block high pressure water without being cut, because among the chakra properties, tuk water.

The growing icicle seemed to hit the rock wall with its head, and it failed to spread forward, but spread along the wall, covering the rock wall with a layer of ice armor at a speed visible to the naked eye. The water condensed into frost because of the low temperature and fell to the ground.

"Ice Escape!" Some ninjas regarded Yue Si's method as ninjutsu: "It's the **** limit ninja of Kiriyin Village! This guy is Kiriyin's spy."

"Use fire escape against him!"

As soon as the voice fell, the five ninjas quickly changed their positions, and began to change from the original encirclement state to an offensive posture.

Although their identities are kept secret, and even as teammates, they don't know each other's true identities covered by masks, but they know each other's ninjutsu very well, and they have also undergone certain tactical cooperation training. You can know what to do with just one word.

A ninja quickly formed a seal, and then spit out a gust of wind, "Wind escape · big breakthrough!"

"Fire escape, dragon fire technique!" The ninja next to him quickly formed a seal and spit out a linear flame. The fire quickly expanded into a huge wall of fire that covered the sky and pressed towards Yue Si.

The violent explosion set off smoke and dust all over the sky, and the rolling heat wave rushed to the face.

"Hmph, I didn't need to use my real power to deal with you dog breeds at all, but since you have provoked me, I will use my fist to repay you, and **** real fist!"

Yue Si's terrifying voice came from behind the two ninjas. They immediately interrupted the ninja techniques and used the telekinesis to leave the original position. When they looked back, they saw that Yue Si had arrived at their original location. location.

"When! So fast!"

The other three ninjas used ninjutsu to attack Yue Si's current position. They didn't expect to hurt Yue Si, they just needed to create opportunities for their companions to escape.

But no matter how fast they were, they couldn’t compare to Yue Si who mastered the [magnetic field rotation]. Yue Si used his strength and chased the ninja who used the fire escape. He followed the opponent like a shadow, and the surging power gathered in his On the arm, the thunder and lightning coiled around the fist, circling into a pattern.

Before this punch was thrown, the Fire Dunn Ninja felt that he was locked by a killing intent, and his mind was already killed by this punch.

"The magnetic field turns!"

He slammed a punch that had not yet thought of a name, hit the fire ninja in the middle, and smashed him towards the wind ninja in the other direction.

The wind escape ninja is worthy of his background as a ninja. He is worthy of the elite selected by Shimura Danzo. He reacts quickly and moves agilely. In the blink of an eye, he formed a seal and used the wind to make a shield. In front of him, he caught the fire ninja.

The dissipation of the wind escape shield removed the impact force from the fire escape ninja, allowing him to be caught by the wind escape ninja without much hunger.

However, when the palms of the wind escape ninja first came into contact with their companions, they discovered a terrible thing. There was a huge power lurking in the fire escape ninja body. At this moment, it was motivated and began to vent.

He screamed and wanted to get out, but it was too late, the force blasted into his body along his arms, and then exploded in an instant.

The flesh and blood of the two ninjas shattered in an instant, detached from their bodies, and smeared a layer on the ground behind them in a fan shape. What remained in place were only two solid skeletons.

But the skeleton was not good either. When it fell to the ground, it seemed to have gone through thousands of years in an instant, turning into dust all over the ground, indistinguishable from the dust.


The other three ninjas were horrified and made the most correct decision on the spot, that is, to escape, to escape at the fastest speed.

Yue Si's strength and mentality are far beyond what they can match. He is obviously just a ninja, but he has such terrifying and tyrannical physical skills, and has such a strange ninjutsu, even a punch that seems to be ordinary has such a powerful effect. Terrible power.

He hides his strength, and even Orochimaru, his teacher, deceives him, and he also masters Bing Dun, a kind of blood-based limit ninjutsu that is out of the record... If you hide yourself here deliberately, there must be a huge conspiracy brewing.

This must be reported to Danzo-sama!

No, not only Danzo-sama, as long as you can pass this information on, you just need to let other people know this information and know that Yue Si is someone with ulterior motives.

This dangerous fellow cannot be allowed to remain in the village.

Although the ninja at the root are basically regarded as the villain's minions because of the leader of Danzo, their fundamental purpose is still to protect Konoha, regardless of their means and behavior.

When they knew that even if the five of them joined forces, it was not Yue Si's opponent, the remaining three fled separately, fleeing in three different directions, exchanging space for time, and exchanging their own death for time for their companions to escape.

However, how could Yue Si make them do as they wish.

At the moment when they put their minds on him, he would not let these ninjas go back completely, especially if they were wearing masks, they had no identity of their own. Konoha, Gento, and Danzo will all try to cover up their true cause of death.

The identities of Anbu and Genbu ninjas are kept secret, and even if they die strangely, on the bright side, there will be a reasonable way to die.

However, Shimura Danzo has a high status, and if it is easily removed, it will have a great impact, and it will also implicate Yue Si himself. He has been in Konoha for many years, and he is not the one who can easily find his whereabouts by today's Yue Si, so let this old dog Hang on for a while.

"Hmph, run away separately, but that's all!"

Yue Si made a seal with both hands: "Shadow Clone Technique!"

Simulating the movement of chakra with the power of the magnetic field, a figure exactly like him appeared beside Yue Si, he got up and chased a ninja without a word, and Yue Si chose a direction and jumped away, which was the very beginning to him. An attacking water ninja.

When the ninja saw Yue Si chasing after him, he made a seal with his hands and prepared to use ninjutsu to delay for a while.

But before he finished the seal, Yue Si's palm was printed on his Tianling cover: "Five poles power, extreme fire!"

The heat absorbed by the magnetic field force just now had a destructive force and was printed into the body of the water escape ninja by Yue Si, and then without looking, he chased in the direction of the last ninja - just now, his shadow clone It has been released, and that part of the power and memory has returned to his body.

With just one move, the ninja chased by the shadow clone was completely blasted away. After completing the purpose, the shadow clone released the technique on its own.

"What...have I survived?" The water escape ninja stood there in a daze, Mingming Yuesi slapped him, but he didn't have any injuries, and he didn't even feel the pain. .

Ke Yuesi has already made up his mind to keep him, how could he let him go so easily? The water ninja transported Chakra and wanted to use the instant technique to leave here quickly, and hurry back to the village to get the information pass out.

But his chakra is mobilized with a very strange very quickly runs and accumulates in the meridians, and when it reaches a certain level, it is ignited by the power of extreme fire. And the field ignited, forming a soaring flame, which instantly burned him to ashes and dissipated in the wind.

Without much effort, Yue Si caught up with the last ninja.

After seeing Yue Si, the ninja stopped and asked in a low voice, "My buddies, they are all dead, right?"

"Yes, you are the last one!" Yue Si said proudly.

"Go ahead, I won't say anything." The ninja took out his kunai and put on a fighting stance: "It's just that the sacrifice of my comrade seems so worthless, you can't even delay your steps a little bit. arrive."

Even though he knew that he was not Yue Si's opponent, the ninja did not surrender or sit still, but chose to fight and fought until the last moment, even though he knew that he was not Yue Si's opponent, that he knew that he was in a round. Nei will be instantly killed by Yue Si, but he still chooses to fight. Remember the website address, www. biquxu. Com, it is convenient to read next time, or you can enter this site by entering "" in Baidu

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