Villains Template

Chapter 689: I support your campaign for the next Konoha talker

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Domineering exposed.

This is the impression of Yue Si without the sunglasses to Orochimaru. Yue Si unabashedly showed his hegemony through his eyes. It was a determination to change the whole world and the madness to subvert everything.

In words that are more in line with the tonality of the ninja world, that is, Yue Si has extraordinary power and strength. As long as there is no accident, Yue Si will definitely be able to become the **** of ninja Qianshou Shima, Shura Uchiha of the ninja world. Madara is a famous ninja.

After Orochimaru paid, Yue Si took the sunglasses from the boss, took off the label and put on the sunglasses: "Thank you, Mr. Orochimaru."

After putting on the sunglasses, Yue Si seemed to be wearing a layer of camouflage, like a sword in a sheath, all the brilliance and edge were concealed, and he became ordinary and disappeared, except for his clothes, which were a little peculiar. Besides, he won't let other people look at him more.

"If you are thankful, you don't need to say more." Orochimaru said, "These glasses are a gift from my teacher."

After leaving the optical shop, Orochimaru and Yue Si, the master and apprentice, walked on the street, chatting while walking.

"I went to the old man and gave him the blueprints and samples of Konoha's ten-year grenade launcher and grenade."

"Old man?" Yue Si was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that Orochimaru was talking about the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Rijian.

Orochimaru said: "It's Naruto-sama. He accepted the new type of ninja tool and was very satisfied. As a reward, he gave a batch of research funds and a B-level ninjutsu scroll."

Then Orochimaru handed a thick envelope and a scroll to Yue Si: "Here is your research funding."

"Master Orochimaru, what is this ninjutsu?" Yue Si squeezed the envelope and knew how much money he had. He didn't say it on the surface, but in his heart he complained about the stinginess of the three generations of Hokage or the high-level Konoha, and the Uchiha family made more money. .

After putting the envelope in the inner pocket of his clothes, Yue Si took the scroll and consulted with Orochimaru.

Don't underestimate a B-level ninjutsu, it's already very impressive, "We Uchiha clan work as a ninjutsu at home", the Huo Dun·hao fireball technique is just a C-level ninjutsu, Huo Dun·hao fire dragon The ninjutsu such as the jutsu, the fire escape, the fire of the fire, and the fire of the fire are also b-level ninjutsu.

And this B-level ninjutsu is not directly passed down by Orochimaru, you can teach yourself, and directly hand over a ninjutsu scroll to Yue Si, which means that after Yue Si gets married and has children, he can use this ninjutsu. Pass it on and pass it on to your children.

"It is the shadow clone technique developed by the second-generation Hokage, a kind of physical clone technique, and the clone technique you learned in school is two things, they can act and fight like the caster, and have the ability to act independently of the caster. The consciousness of the main body and a certain ability to fight, the memory and experience of the clone will return to the main body after the release." Orochimaru explained.

While talking and walking, the two people who were originally aimless, under the deliberate leadership of Orochimaru, gradually deviated from the direction, went to a remote place, and came to an inconspicuous house.

Orochimaru pinched the curse in his hand, unlocked a certain seal, and then officially opened the door of that house.

"Welcome to my laboratory." After Orochimaru walked into the house, he turned to Yue Si and said, "As my disciple, you are very good, and it would be a waste to teach you only in ninjutsu. Your talent, just being a ninja is not enough for you..."

After speaking, Orochimaru waited at the door, waiting for Yue Si to make a decision.

If Yue Si steps into this room, then he will teach Yue Si everything he has without reservation; if Yue Si refuses, he will still play the role of a good teacher and cultivate Yue Si into an excellent teacher. ninjas and help with the development of ninja gear.

Following Orochimaru, Yue Si walked in this remote room and went to the basement.

Although it is a basement, it is not dark or humid here. A large number of lamps are placed on the walls and ceilings, forming the effect of shadowless lamps, so that there is almost no shadow in the room.

The existence of the sealing barrier also keeps the air humidity in the basement within a certain level, preventing moisture from damaging the experimental equipment and experimental samples, as well as the effect of ventilation.

"What an amazing laboratory." Yue Si was silent for a long time before he said.

Orochimaru smiled hoarsely and said: "Yue Sang, I am very satisfied with the wisdom you have shown in the development of ninja tools. Next, I will teach you my research. I need someone who can accompany me to explore. The essence of this world."

Without waiting for Yue Si to agree, Orochimaru took out a scroll, opened it and pressed it with a palm to untie a frog from the scroll.

Grabbing the frog, Orochimaru neatly fixed it on the dissection plate, took out a set of dissection tools and placed it on the table, and said to Yue Si, "However, even if you are talented, you want to learn from me. The research on this frog also needs to come little by little, and your learning task today is to learn how to properly dissect this frog."

However, Orochimaru saw Yue Si standing on the side, as if he was frightened, but when he saw the expression on his face, he didn't seem to be.

"What's wrong?"

"Mr. Orochimaru, I have a lot to say, but I don't know how to say it or where to start." Yue Si scratched his hair, feeling unpleasant.

First of all, why does Orochimaru feel that a person who is more gifted in mechanical engineering is also gifted in the field of life sciences.

This is similar to Meiman, as long as you have the title of "scientist", you can cross the line at will, from life science to chemical industry, from electronic information to mechanical engineering...

Looking up and down Orochimaru, although Yue Si's eyes were blocked by sunglasses, Orochimaru was still able to keenly perceive Yue Si's eyes, looking at him with a very strange look.

Orochimaru asked: "If you have anything you want to say, just say it."

"Mr. Orochimaru, I can do an autopsy, but what about rubber gloves, goggles, masks, and a white coat?" Yue Si put forward his own requirements: "And, what about the most critical disinfectant?"

Orochimaru is not wearing Konoha's ninja uniform and green vest, but a dark kimono. According to Yue Si's knowledge, the requirements for experiments in the laboratory are not limited to those carried out in the rural middle school in junior high school. Except for some small hands-on experiments that do not have many requirements, the rest are strictly required.

The things that Yue Si mentioned are the basic requirements among the most basic requirements. Judging from the appearance of Orochimaru, it is obvious that these things are not prepared, which makes Orochimaru, the first scientist in the ninja world, look like a grass-roots team.

When Orochimaru heard the words, he was also silent.

Well, these requirements of Guan Shanyue seem very reasonable, do I need to make some changes?

"Yue Sang, did Mr. Orochimaru also take you to his laboratory, teach you strange knowledge, do strange experiments, let you distinguish the male and female frogs, and then cut them open to distinguish the Every viscera, every muscle, every's like having a grudge against a frog."

After a period of time in the Chunin exam, Mitarai Red Bean, who was taking a break to recover his strength, suddenly said to Yue Si next to him that although she was very happy to learn ninjutsu and scientific research with Orochimaru, she also learned faster, but she felt very awkward.

After all, Orochimaru is a famous ninja in the village. Even if he wanted to, the village would not allow him to stay in the village and teach students, and he would not do anything else. Especially now that the situation is in crisis and there are constant frictions on the border, Orochimaru is needed. A well-known ninja went to shock, and rely on his ability to complete certain strategies and spy on intelligence.

Therefore, Yue Si and Mitarai red beans are often in a state of "stocking", but the village also pays more attention to the two apprentices of Orochimaru, especially Yue Si, who is "good at developing ninja tools", it is even more important take care of.

The team that Ah Guo was in took care of taking Yue Si and Miten Washi Red Bean to perform the mission when Orochimaru left the village, because the mission that Orochimaru originally released was a long-term mission, and even if the mission deadline was up, Yue Si would will continue.

As for the cost, Yue Si doesn't care. Konoha has tried to copy the grenade and grenade, and using the set provided by Yue Si as a template, he began to dismantle and study it, and assembled a lot of manpower to restore it. The metallurgical level If it is insufficient, then it is enough to reduce the service life of the design, especially the part of the special grenade, which is directly consumable and does not require such good materials.

For the part of the detonating clay that they didn't understand, they used a different way to fill in the detonating symbol. Under the exhaustive method, they really figured out the appropriate proportion and made a relatively qualified grenade.

However, even if the production process is improved, the production cost of this equipment remains high, and in desperation, it can only order key components from Orochimaru.

After going back and forth, Yue Si also made a lot of money. In addition to the Uchiha family, there was another stable source of money.

"Well, yes yes yes."

Yue Si, who was eating snacks, said perfunctorily: "I am the same, but Mr. Orochimaru should, can't keep it, and maybe he is very dissatisfied with me. You see, when he does experiments, he always takes you to fight. There is no sign of me."

There are more than one laboratory in Orochimaru. The one who took Miten Washing Red Bean to the one was on the bright side and could be known by others. The laboratory that he took Yue Si to was secret and could not be known to others.

At present, Mitenwashi Red Bean can only dissect frogs and help in the experiment of Orochimaru. Yue Si has already completed the anatomy of the human body, and has drawn many pieces of human anatomy by hand. In this regard, even Orochimaru has to say " Not under me."

As for Yue Si's general teacher, there are hostile ninjas from the village, as well as ninjas from the village. Among them, Yue Si has even seen the corpses of ninjas from the Uchiha clan, but his eyes have been taken away.

Obviously, the cooperation between Orochimaru and Danzo has already begun, or it has already begun. Orochimaru has received funding from Danzo to carry out the fusion of the cells of the first Hokage and the development of Sharinyan.

It is not known whether he died at the hands of the enemy on the battlefield, or the Uchiha ninja who died at the hands of Konoha's own people is the proof.

After digging out the most important writing wheel, the remaining corpse was used by Orochimaru for waste and used for Yue Si to study.

Even later, Yue Si got a live general teacher to practice his hands...

In Orochimaru's own words, those are Orochimaru's "trophies" on the battlefield, experimental consumables prepared for the disciples he appreciates more and more.

After a vivisection, Orochimaru said to Yue Si with great admiration: "Yue Sang, this kind of thing, the matter of using human corpses for research, I originally thought you would be afraid and would resist this kind of thing. The mentality, but I didn't expect you to accept this approach so easily and do it very well."

Yue Si said in a reasonable tone: "Oh, is there anything wrong with this kind of thing?"

"Why do you think this kind of thing is not wrong?" Orochimaru asked back.

Then, after a pause, Yue Si continued: "Second Hokage's notes mentioned that when he was young, before the Konoha Ninja Village was established, he often took the ninjas of hostile kingdoms. The first generation of adults did not stop him from doing research on the corpse. No objection means approval."

"This kind of thing, the second generation of Hokage has done, what is wrong with us."

Later, Yue Si said in a tone and tone that supported Ale's campaign and Liansheng's talker: "If the third generation of Hokage abdicates, I support the teacher, you come out to run for the position of the fourth generation of Hokage, because you are the inheritor of the second generation. A person with a Hokage concept."

As for the general teacher, there are ninjas from Konoha, and even ninjas from the Uchiha clan, Yue Si should not know about it.

Sometimes confusion is more important than sobriety.

However, before Orochimaru left the village this time, Yue Si had a rare quarrel with Orochimaru.

It's not a quarrel, it's a theoretical dispute. From the day Orochimaru brought Yue Si to "start", Yue Si had various opinions on Orochimaru. Secretly, he said it more implicitly, but the further back he went, the more Yue Si disliked Orochimaru, and he mercilessly pointed out his mistakes and vulgarities.

Orochimaru is very confident in his research, because basically no one is doing this kind of research like him - no, it's not no, the last person with such a spirit of inquiry and execution is called Qianshou Tobirama.

Under the guise of the second-generation Hokage Senju Tobirama, Yue Si pointed at Orochimaru in various ways, saying that in the research process, his methods were rough and crude, and he did not possess the rigor of a scientific researcher at all.

Even the simplest mouse experiment, control observation group, control variable method, etc., are not known to be used.

Then the Orochimaru got angry.

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