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Chapter 681: Master and apprentice

"My name is Mitarai Red Bean, what I like is meatballs and red bean soup, and what I hate is spicy food. The ideal is to become a powerful ninja." Mitarai Red Bean did not hear Yue Si's complaints, because it was just Yue Si. After Orochimaru finished his self-introduction, he couldn't wait to introduce himself to him.

When it was Yue Si's turn, he was silent for a while and said, "My name is Guan Shanyue, I am eleven years old this year, my hobby is being alone, and a full sleep that can completely release fatigue and stress, my hobby is forbearance tools. Development, as well as eating delicious food, the future dream is to become a rich man, a rich man who can stay away from war - if you hate it, it is war and death."

"I see." Orochimaru laughed in a low voice, "No wonder Yue Sang was so uninterested after he became a ninja."

Yue Si's information, Orochimaru has read it. Unlike other group classes that are divided by the school and directly assigned by Naruto to guide Jounin, Yue Si and Mitarai Red Bean are selected by him, which is also regarded as the preferential treatment of Naruto disciples. privilege.

Therefore, Orochimaru knew about Yue Si's origin, and instructed this "Guan Shanyue" to be a war orphan like him. He lost his parents because of the war. Guan Shanyue, who grew up in an orphanage, resented the war and wanted to stay away from it.

However, this does not prevent Orochimaru from cultivating Guan Shanyue, who did not want to be a ninja, into a powerful ninja, making him more and more deviated from his ideal, which is a very interesting thing for Orochimaru.

Even, let Guan Shanyue sit in the position of Hokage, it is not bad.

Orochimaru said to his two disciples: "Since we have already introduced ourselves to each other, from this moment onwards, the Orochimaru class was established. Next, we will further familiarize ourselves with you. I need to know about you. Where is the limit of your ability, and then cultivate according to your strength."

"Didn't we already pass the exam?" Mitarai Red Bean said that she performed very well in the exam yesterday.

Orochimaru recalled: "The grades don't mean anything, the guy Jiraiya, when he was still a student, was a crane tail, he couldn't throw ninja tools, he couldn't do the written test, he couldn't ninjutsu, and he was very naughty as a person. , in short, the kind where everything is very bad, but that doesn't prevent him from being a powerful ninja now."

"So, grades are only a criterion for judging one aspect. Whether you can become a powerful ninja or not depends on a variety of aspects."

Orochimaru pointed in one direction and said, "Konoha's training ground, you should know where it is, where my assessment will start."

After all, Orochimaru started the standard ninja run and ran quickly in that direction.

Mitarai Red Bean immediately started to keep up, chasing in the footsteps of Orochimaru.

But Yue Si did not keep up with the two people who lowered his body with his hands behind his back, but looked in the direction of Konoha's training ground.

"The straight line is the shortest between two points. You don't understand this principle. It is clearly written in the textbook of the ninja school. Why don't you apply it?" Yue Si put his hands together: "Current push!"

Small arcs flickered on Yue Si, his body began to strengthen from every cell, his physical fitness began to skyrocket exponentially, and then he jumped down from the Hokage Rock, the whole person drew an arc and fell. When it was on the ground, it was light and fluttering without any force, and the impact when it landed seemed to disappear completely at that moment.

Then Yue Si went straight in the direction of the training ground. When he arrived at the training ground, Orochimaru and Mitarai Red Bean were still on the way.

"How did you get in front of us!" Mitarai Red Bean shouted in surprise after seeing Yue Si.

Yue Si didn't say anything, just pointed in the direction of Hokage Rock.

Although he didn't say anything, he seemed to have said everything, trying to understand how Yue Si did it. Mitarai Red Bean was full of admiration.

"As expected of the person I'm optimistic about, Yue Sang's performance is really surprising." Orochimaru also understood Yue Si's approach and admired his performance very much. Then, he took out two bells and shook them in front of Yue Si and Mitre Washing Red Beans. Shake it up and make them jingle:

"I have two bells here. You need to grab them from me before dark. It doesn't matter if you fail. This is just an exam. Passing this exam, I will get to know you better."

The time is now close to noon, which is a little before lunch time, and the time Orochimaru gave them is before dark. Obviously, they do not trust their abilities.


Having said that, Orochimaru's voice became very cold, like a snake hiding in the dark, spitting out letters.

"If you don't have the determination to kill me, you won't be able to grab the bell. There is no mercy in the battle of ninjas. Even if it's just an exam, you have to go all out and treat me as an enemy. You play like a house in the school, and you must be prepared to kill me and be killed by me."

"Start now."

Yue Si crossed his arms and looked at the murderous Orochimaru. As a ninja who was killed from the **** sea of ​​corpses in the Second Ninja World War, his murderous aura was real. Stunned to the point of speechless.

In fact, this is also normal. When Kakashi led the team later, Taodi was no longer murderous, but the three people in the seventh class were so shocked that they were directly frightened.

And grabbing bells or something, but the three generations of Hokage are in the same line, when the three generations of Hokage taught Jiraiya, Tsunade and Orochimaru; when Namikaze Minato taught Hatake Kakashi, Nohara Rin, Uchiha Obito; Kakashi When teaching Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura, and Uzumaki Naruto.

Unexpectedly, here, I also encountered this set here in Orochimaru.

"Teacher Orochimaru, is this really okay?" Yue Si said loudly to Orochimaru: "What if I really hurt you and even took your life?"

"If you can really do it..." Orochimaru was just about to answer, but found that Yue Si took out a lot of ninja tools from his body and threw them towards him.

Those "V" or banana-shaped ninja tools were thrown by Yue Si, and then his hands began to slowly seal.

"Are these the new type of ninja tools that the Uchiha clan is emerging?" Orochimaru took out a kunai, held it in his hand, and threw it out, and then three seals in a second: "Multiple kunai avatars!"

The kunai suddenly had several identical shapes, forming a barrage. It seemed to cover a large area, but it accurately intercepted Yue Si's boomerang, and each intercepted a swing. The darts fell to the ground amid the sound of metal collisions.

"Yuejun, if you only have this level, it is far from enough. Although your ninja equipment is good, you can achieve a surprising victory, but when you know this kind of ninja equipment, its effect is not so good. ." Orochimaru came to Yue Si's back with a flash, ready to use actions to tell Yue Si not to rely too much on certain things, such as this new type of ninja tool.

Although Yue Si's throwing skills are very strong, due to the lack of intelligence and the arc trajectory of the boomerang that exceeds the inertial cognition, the general ninja will not be able to avoid it easily, or will be interfered with the original tactics.

Like Orochimaru, relying on Kunwu to intercept halfway, but requires the cooperation of experience, strength and accuracy, this Kunai, but has twenty years of skill in it.

But before Orochimaru gave his first teaching as a teacher, he saw Yue Si clasped his hands together, his body was surging with electricity, his hair rose into the sky, and his body exuded a powerful breath.

"Secret Technique, Thunder Escape Body!"

Yue Si pretended to be fake and shouted, the power of [current push] increased his strength, speed, and neural response ability several times, and then imitated Matekai's moves to attack Orochimaru behind him. Whirlwind of leaves.

Orochimaru dodged the previous kicks, but when he kicked the last blow of Yue Si's combo, he could only raise his hand to block it.

"This power! This speed! And this aggressive power... Is it really a secret technique left by the second-generation Hokage-sama?"

After being kicked by Yue Si, Orochimaru was not injured, but the whole person slid out diagonally, and just like Matekai who met Yue Si for the first time, half of his arm became a little weak. It made Orochimaru interested.

"So fast!"

After entering the fighting state, Orochimaru's murderous aura was only aimed at Yue Si alone, and Mitarai Red Bean over there recovered. Then, seeing the scene in front of him, he could not keep up with the fierce battle between Yue Si and Orochimaru with his eyes. I couldn't help swallowing my saliva.

In her eyes, Yue Si and Orochimaru, who were moving at a high speed, had turned into afterimages of black shadows. Only the electric current dragging behind their figures, or the misdirected Kunai and Shuriken could be clearly captured, as well as their The aftermath of the battle destroys the surroundings.

Such as howling wind, broken branches, bursting grass.

In the eyes of Mitarai Red Bean, Kunai and Shuriken, who were very fast and fast, were very slow compared to the speed shown by the two people at this time. At least Mitarai Red Bean could clearly see the trajectory of Kunai and Shuriken.

"How can you say that Lord Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas, is indeed very powerful!"

"Also, Guan Shanyue was able to compete with Lord Orochimaru to such an extent. No wonder Lord Orochimaru mentioned that the two students he selected are the best in both talent and talent."

"If it was me, if you want to deal with Lord Orochimaru, you must first step aside, set up a trap, and then use the trap to deal with it—no, at my level, even if you set up a trap, it can't affect Lord Orochimaru."

With the speed of Orochimaru and Yue Si now, ordinary traps have the effect of blocking any of them, even Shuriken and Kunai can be easily avoided by them.

Not to mention the close-up technique, I can't even see their movements clearly, and I'm afraid I'll be killed instantly as soon as they fight.

Wanting to grab the bell from the serious Orochimaru is something she can't do at all.

Finally, the fight between Yue Si and Orochimaru stopped when one person broke away from the battle. That was Yue Si.

Yue Si's original super Saiyan-like furious hair hangs down, and there are a few more cracks in the windbreaker on his body. The whole person is panting, as if he has lost his strength. Yes, when breathing, there is steam coming out of the mouth and nose.

"Very good ninjutsu. It seems that you have also undergone very hard training and put in an unimaginable amount of hard training." Orochimaru stopped and looked at Yue Si, who was almost unable to hold on opposite him: " Your strength, at least in ninjutsu, has surpassed many chunin, and it is destined to become a powerful ninja in the future."

"It is the lack of chakra that drags you down. If you are given enough time to grow, your achievements will surely surpass mine."

The meaning of the words is that Orochimaru's attitude towards Yue Si has risen to the level of admiration. Originally, he thought he had overestimated Yue Si's level, but he did not expect that Yue Si was unexpectedly excellent.

After finishing speaking, Orochimaru untied a bell from his body and threw it to Yue Si: "You are qualified, and you can be active as a ninja on your I am looking forward to our next time together."

"I hope I fail and be beaten back to the ninja school for another two years." Yue Si said while holding the bell, looking at Orochimaru.

If he showed his true strength, he would definitely not be like what he looks like now. He didn't even show one-tenth of his true strength. It was a deliberate and necessary concealment.

In fact, he can force the previous performance to be faster and stronger, and the physical consumption will not be so breathless at all, similar to doing warm-up exercises.

However, Orochimaru did not use his real strength, at least without the cooperation of various ninjutsu to deal with Yue Si's attack. As the apprentice of the three generations of Naruto, Orochimaru is the one who is best at using various ninjutsu, Yue Si has not yet to that extent.

"Yes, you do need to study for another two years. If you are given another two years, you will become stronger - and I can understand why you don't want to become a ninja so quickly."

"And you, Mitre Washing Red Beans... Just in time for lunch, I, the teacher, will invite you to dinner."

Orochimaru looked at Mitarazu red beans with a dull face next to him, showing his attitude as a teacher.

"Can it be changed to dinner?"

Yue Si, who was holding the bell, said, then restrained his consciousness and let himself fall asleep.

Although he has enough energy, he can endure this kind of intense fight ten times, but the character he has drawn up for himself is more suitable for ninjas of this age for his own strength, and there are also those who use the secret technique Thunderbolt Body. Side effects, and chakra consumption, he had to sleep over.

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