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Chapter 640: god of the sea

When Steve Trevor heard this, he already understood that this old man named Zadok was actually making up stories to trick him into drinking. Although he didn't know sailing, he still knew some things.

The small boats of poor fishermen are incomparable to the big boats on long voyages. The experience gained from fishing in the offshore waters is not suitable for the big boats on long voyages - but he came to listen to the story, and he didn't care about the details.

Swap a beer for a story.

"Because we fishermen have only been exposed to a few small boats, the big boat that can sail in Senor is very foreign to us, and we need to learn how to control it from scratch, and learn to live on the sea from the old sailors. In every way, those are vital things that keep you alive at critical moments."

"And the voyage trade requires a period of time in the middle. Senor also needs time to convert his gold and silver into titles, manors, land, and purchase the goods needed for the next voyage trade."

Old man Zadok filled in the loopholes in his words and described some details. During this process, Steve Trevor noticed that the listeners showed an impatient look, thinking that Zadok had said it before. too many times.

"In addition to learning how to operate the ship and some details on the voyage, those of us young people have to learn to use swords, learn to fight, and learn to fight - according to the old sailors, when sailing, it is very likely to encounter pirates. At that time, we need to rely on our own strength to protect ourselves, and we can only trust the sword in our hands."

"At the same time, that's what Senor selected for us. Either he has a talent for manipulating ships and he learns quickly, or he must know how to fight, and have the courage and ability to fight off pirates when they invade, neither of which is good. Those who meet the requirements will be picked out, and Senor will not take that kind of people on a voyage, because that would waste valuable supplies on board, and at the same time waste their lives."

"However, the selection of personnel will not be carried out until the next voyage and trade. During that time, we don't have to do anything, just learn the ships and train our martial arts. It's enough. Senor provides us with Board and lodging."

At this point, the old man Zadok had a nostalgic look on his face: "That was the first time I left the house and lived in a dry room without the dampness and odor brought by the sea breeze; it was also the first time I ate white Bread, cured ham, chunks of meat, fresh vegetables and soups, and well-cooked fish."

"I've always been sick of fish because I can only eat fish every day, but that day I knew I was wrong because I've never eaten seasoned fish."

"That day, all of us, fishermen from poor fishing villages like me, sailors who spent all their money on the piers that Senor recruited from the docks, we were all overwhelmed, we hadn't for a long time Having eaten such a sumptuous and beautiful meal, no, we were poor, we could not afford such a sumptuous meal, and we kept stuffing food into our mouths and filling our stomachs I stopped eating until my stomach was so round that I couldn't even walk."

"Even so, we still can't take our eyes off the leftover food, because we don't know when we will be able to eat such a happy meal again. Fortunately, Senor, who has just made a fortune, is very interested in Those of us who will be working under him are very generous, and every meal that follows is basically guaranteed to be of the same standard."

The old man Zadok repeated food-related topics, and Trevor realized after a little thought that this cunning old man was actually cheating. In addition to beer, he also wanted to cheat some food from himself. .

"And then, apart from eating and training, what happened next to you, about Paradise Island." Seeing through the careful thoughts of the old man Zadok, he deliberately pretended not to understand, and urged.

The surrounding spectators laughed vulgarly: "Zadok, you cheated on a beer, and you want to cheat people to eat!"

"I just recalled what I ate at that time." Zadok muttered, hiding a little of his own thoughts, and then started his story again.

"I remember starting training to become a sailor and finally setting sail, almost three months passed, and then after our initial screening, a group of people were eliminated, but Senor gave them a Money, although not much, but you can live on that money for a while - that despicable old dog used this method to deceive everyone, let him pretend to be a good person, and can continue to deceive others."

"Thanks to my parents for giving me a strong body, with sufficient food supplements, I became stronger, I was a relatively good group of the new recruits, not only learned how to control the boat, but also in the use of weapons to fight. I was also very good at it, I was also selected, boarded the big boat and sailed together, proudly watching those who were eliminated, those fellow villagers from the fishing village where I came from.”

"But if I had the chance to choose, I would be willing to be the one that was eliminated, because then I would go back to my home, back to that poor little fishing village, and live a poor and plain life, not that Nightmarish experience that has haunted me all my life."

"The goods that Senor transported were some cloth, sugar, books, cameras, pocket watches and the like, and black slaves. Senor also invited several scholars to his ship and paid them a sum of money. Money, but what they did, I didn’t know as a sailor at the time.”

"At that time, it was the first time that I had been so far from land and lived on a boat for such a long time, and it seemed as if I was swaying with the waves in my sleep."

"Unexpectedly, Senor's ship did not suffer from major storms on the way, and the few rainfalls only replenished our freshwater reserves. Even those senior sailors who have experienced long-distance voyages Sailors were amazed at the smoothness of this trip, the storms and waves, which are very troublesome for the voyage merchant ships, have hardly happened to us, which are things that countless captains can't hope for."

"As the voyage continued, a rumor spread among the sailors that Captain Senor actually mastered a kind of evil sorcery. He knew how to communicate with the gods in charge of the ocean and exchanged offerings for the sailing The success of our voyage is the refuge of Captain Senor's evil sorcery."

"The gold and silver that Senor obtained on his last voyage was bestowed upon him by the gods in the sea. The two damaged ships in his last shipping trade did not actually hit the rocks and were damaged in the wind and waves, but were blocked by the sea. Captain Niort despicably framed them and deliberately let them sink their ships and sink them to the bottom of the sea as a sacrifice to the **** of the sea."

"Our voyage this time has no destination. Captain Senor did not reveal to anyone the approximate location of his so-called lost ancient country, because it was completely fabricated by him, a place that did not exist at all. Halfway through, he would continue his wicked ritual, sacrificing his crew to the gods of the sea in exchange for his gold."

"In the beginning, many people thought it was the delusions of the crew on the boring and boring voyage, and the jealousy of Senor's sudden wealth experience - because Captain Senor still has a ship to go back, then The sailors on the ship were also on board this voyage, and they scoffed at the speculation, heard the rumors, and made up a more bizarre story in response."

"They made up the story of mermaid tears and the fountain of eternal life. They are two of the most poisonous poisons in the world, but you only need to mix and drink those two things to get a long life."

"However, at the end, I figured out that the story about the mermaid's tears and the fountain of immortality was not a story, but a real existence, but because it was too bizarre, we mistakenly thought it was just a story, including Captain Senor does wicked witchcraft things."

"The first thing that has been verified is that Captain Senor can do sorcery."

The old man Zadok took a sip of beer, and before he could go on, the surrounding spectators raised doubts: "Hey, Zadok, when you told us before, you didn't mention the mermaid tears and the fountain of eternal life! Your story is so bizarre."

"You bastards, you don't even want to invite a glass of beer. Zadok can only drink the remaining half of the glass you drink. He wants to hear the full story and dream!" Old Zadok stalked his neck and angrily scolded the alcoholics stingy.

But the surrounding spectators were not ashamed, but burst into laughter at Zadok's impatience, and a smile appeared on Trevor's face due to the atmosphere.

"One more beer!" shouted Steve Trevor. The beer was for the old man Zadok. Although his story was lackluster, it sounded dull, but at least it was a story, and it was entering Wonderful place.

"Thank you for your generosity." When a full glass of beer was brought in front of him, Zadok poured the residual wine from the last glass into his mouth, thanked Trevor, and continued his narration: "I needed to do The thing is to take care of the black animals, they are kept in the cabin, the windows need to be opened every day for ventilation, they need to be given food and water every day, and their health status is checked, and the black animals that are seriously ill are removed from the rest of the animals. Pick them out and throw them into the sea to prevent them from spreading disease to other animals - healthy animals are precious goods, not sick ones. There are doctors and medicines on board, but those are not used on those black animals. "

"However, every time the sick black animals were dealt with, Captain Senor would be there in person, holding an awl made of pine wood and engraving the totems of horses, dolphins and bulls on the black animals, and taking out a trident pendant, Throwing sick black animals into the sea after chanting words in a strange language - a cursed language I can still remember."

Having said that, the old man Zadok said a few words. Trevor subconsciously wanted to repeat the words with strange syllables, but found that even if he tied his tongue, he could not imitate those words. pronunciation, those few words are simply not what the human vocal structure can utter.

The pronunciation of the words possessed by that language is like the sound of a natural phenomenon, the sound of the wind blowing through objects, the sound of the waves of the ocean.

"Many people are puzzled by the actions of Captain Senor. Captain Senor told us that it was a ritual to appease the dead among the voyagers, so that the souls of the dead who were thrown into the sea were not bound by the sea. , become the sea monster that makes waves, or the terrifying ghost that causes ghost ships to appear."

"But, we all know that it is false, it is simply an evil ceremony, and those black animals that are thrown into the sea are sacrifices to the gods of the sea, but at that time we still had many sailors who did not know how to read. , I have lived in a fishing village all my life, and I don’t know whether what Captain Senor did right or wrong, whether there is such a custom, but Captain Senor has the experience of voyages that we have never had. What needs to be noticed, I know better than we do - what's more, in my opinion at that time, black animals that are about to die are worthless, and it would be better to sacrifice them to the **** of the sea in exchange for our smooth sailing."

"Only, while throwing those black animals off the boat, I saw some dolphins swimming near the boat, following the boat, they were very active occasionally jumping out of the water, but except for the dolphins In addition, there are some weird creatures floating in the waves, that is some fish I don't know, at least their heads floating on the water are a combination of fish and frogs, when I see their weird and ugly faces , I was like a nightmare, and my brain was instantly empty."

Having said this, Zadok picked up the full glass of beer and took a sip: "When I regained consciousness, I was in a dream, and in my dream, I saw white horses pulling golden battles. Cars galloped over the sea, horses trampled, wheels rolled, rough waves and waves calmed down, allowing our ships to sail smoothly."

"I told this dream to other people, to the senior sailors, to the scholars who were brought on board by Senor, I forgot who told me that dream was when I saw Captain Senor. The rituals performed to appease the dead, what I imagined in my mind, and then manifested in my dreams."

"However, a sailor told me in private that I actually dreamed of the trip of the **** of the sea - a white horse pulling a golden chariot, which is the car of the **** of the sea. When the **** of the sea traveled in the chariot, the waves All calmed down and the sea calmed down, which is a good thing for the voyager. But at the end the sailor told me not to tell anyone what he told me, because it would attract the sea. God's wrath."

"Like the ocean itself, when it is calm, it seems to be able to accommodate everything, and when it is angry, it seems to destroy everything. When the sea **** travels, the sea will become very calm, but once his anger is aroused, there will be sea monsters from the ocean currents. Birth, with waves and storms, to destroy everything on the sea."

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