Villains Template

Chapter 623: Symbiote

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After the followers left, the driver who led the team changed his face, from a depressed middle-aged man to an elite and capable senior officer, he said to the rest: "Our guests have Their belongings have been taken, and now, it's time for us to give our gifts."

Obviously, this driver is not a small role, is specially sent by Norman Osborn.

The truck was refitted. In addition to the cargo box, there was also a hidden compartment, which contained a batch of Green Goblin Elixir and Lizard Serum. Each truck could only carry a small box, but the total amount that the entire fleet could carry was not enough. It's a huge number.

These potions and serums will be distributed by the convoy to make the world more interesting, and their actions can be completely covered up by this robbery.

After the robbery incident, a large number of reinforced people and mutants suddenly appeared, and among the goods robbed by the followers, there were related things. This is the yellow mud that fell into the crotch, it's not a problem (shit). ) is also a thing (shit), they can't tell how.

And this will not be the last time, the Osborn Group will continue to put physical enhancement drugs and lizard serums on the market.

Normal people keep away from unknown objects that appear on the side of the road, but this is the world of Meiman, and people's curiosity is indescribable. Sure enough, after a period of time, the skin of the strengthened people turned green, and the power There are many Lizardmen of great infinity.

Although these people have gained power beyond human beings, ordinary firearms cannot effectively kill them, but they have also lost their qualifications as human beings. No matter how you look at them, they are no longer human.

Then, there was a conflict between their own existence and self-recognition, they no longer chose and could not continue to be human inventory, they pretended to be beyond human beings, and treated human society as a hunting ground.

At this time, the existence of superheroes is very important, and only they have the ability to fight against these mutants.

The Black Company's superhero team has also expanded a bit. In addition to the first superhero Iron Patriot, and everyone's good neighbor Spider-Man, six more superheroes have joined the team.

They are Ares, the **** of war who possesses superhuman strength, endurance, flexibility, defense and reflexes, and is proficient in the use of weapons such as cold weapons and modern guns.

Captain Marvel and Ms. Marvel with the ability to fly and project energy rays.

With powerful self-healing ability, Wolverine whose bones are reinforced with carbon fiber.

An eagle eye with extraordinary vision and precise projection ability.

And the most powerful and mysterious sentinel wearing heavy power armor and a very beautiful and complete silver wolf skin - a friendly cameo by Yue Si.

Among these people, except for Spider-Man, the rest are actors, fortified people and superpowers created by Yue Si. Their studios play the role of superheroes. With their abilities, it is easy to become a superhero. can be done.

Only Spider-Man is truly active as a superhero. Although he chose to be a superhero at first, the purpose of his choice was not simple, but after constantly experiencing events, Spider-Man began to change his mentality and began to truly become a superhero.

Just like the "speed of life" incident when he was transferred from the tiger to the mountain before, in the end, he gritted his teeth and slammed the car out of the city, heading for a remote corner, and then relying on superhuman reflexes, when the explosion occurred. Leaving the car, jumped out from the open roof.

Black Company has cooperated with many news media in exchange for the priority reporting rights of superheroes, including its own Black Newspaper as the main body, forming a huge news outlet, constantly boasting about the role of superheroes.

But there are only a few superheroes, there are many mutants and enhanced people, and with the continuous spread of modern transportation and logistics across the country, even if one superhero is used as eight, it will be too busy, so Black Company made a bidding. Ranking, which city has the highest price, it will give priority to which city to send superheroes to help maintain law and order.

However, Spider-Man does not know all this. He has been kept in the dark and misled by the propaganda of Black Company. He still maintains his original intention. In the constant battle with mutants, Spider-Man's fighting skills are becoming more and more mature.

After graduating from college, Peter Parker was recruited by the Black Company, and everything he came into contact with, except as a superhero, was secretly controlled by Yue Si, and he could never find out the truth of the matter.

With the increasing social influence of superheroes, the industry of Black Company has gradually spread out. Only the image authorization of superheroes is indescribable, and the pattern is too small.

Just like a Hollywood movie, the box office of a movie is an item of income. The surrounding operations and the sales of video tapes are all money. The ordinary plastic villain, as long as it is a superhero image, can be multiplied by five times. Selling well.

The comic book published based on the real deeds of superheroes, that is, the stories made up with 90% water in the real process, are also very popular, and then animated and live-action, and can be circled again. money.

As its influence continued to expand, Black even had its own satellite.

One night, Yue Si in Black Company suddenly opened his eyes, and a message appeared on the monitor in front of him. It was sent back by a satellite. A meteorite entered the earth's atmosphere not long ago. According to its cut-in angle As well as the calculation of data such as the earth's rotation, this meteorite will fall on the outskirts of the city.

And the satellite detected a strange life reaction from this meteorite. This is what Yue Si has been waiting for - symbiote, venom.

"Finally waiting for you."

Symbiotes, a kind of parasitic liquid alien creatures, if they exist as independent creatures, they cannot survive for a long time, and they do not have strong power. Only by finding a host can they become a complete symbiote and live normally. actions and activities.

At the same time, the symbiote can enhance the host's ability, giving it powerful power and ability, which is the most basic function. After possessing the body, they will amplify a certain emotion of the host. The good is more good, and the evil is more evil.

The symbiote itself has no concept of good and evil. Just like when Spider-Man possessed Spider-Man in "Spider-Man 3", what appeared in Peter Parker's mind was the scene of Uncle Ben's murder, as well as his angry and uncontrollable emotions at that time. Affected venom becomes violent and extreme.

In addition, the abilities of symbiotes have their own specialties.

Just like the most well-known symbiotic venom, it has the ability to replicate the host through genes when possessing a host, such as Spider-Man's various abilities, such as running on vertical walls, spinning silk, spider sensing, etc.

But the symbiote is not without its weaknesses. The origin of the symbiote is the all-black death sword forged by Gnar, the **** of symbiotes.

When the celestial group created all things, Gnar resisted them and killed a celestial group with the all-black death sword taken out of the shadow, and used the blood flame and hammer of the **** group to further forge the all-black death sword, in the process Ultrasound and heat become the weak points of all descendants of the symbiote.

Gu Gu

Ultrasound and high temperature can force the symbiote to separate from the host, and even cause serious damage to the symbiote, but the symbiote can evolve, so these two weaknesses can be overcome.

But there are some stronger symbionts that are not afraid of sound waves or high temperatures themselves.

And because it was born in the shadows, the symbiote has an unprecedented affinity for darkness, and no one can find it by sneaking in the shadows.

However, Yue Si was not interested in these, but the multi-functional use of the symbiote.

The symbiote is a liquid, which allows the symbiote to change its form at its own will, for example, it can transform itself into various weapons and tools, such as an Allen key, and even assimilate and roam into electronic signals and networks.

Very shoggoth feel.

And Yue Si didn't plan to let himself or others get the symbiotic body suit, but to use the venom as a tool.

But the premise of all this is based on the fact that Yue Si can obtain the symbiote. Now that the symbiote has not been obtained, it is useless to think about anything.

Putting on the power armor, the anti-gravity engine pushed it into the air, and the reaction force generated by the repulsive particle beam pushed the power armor to fly quickly. Yue Si drew an arc in the air and flew towards the position where the meteorite with the symbiote fell in the calculation. go.

After getting close to a certain range, Yue Si was even able to capture the fire from the violent friction between the meteorite and the air. After it fell to the ground and smashed a big crater on the ground, Yue Si landed on the ground.

The meteorite still maintains its red color because of the high temperature. The violent noise generated by friction with the air during the fall is not a pleasant experience for the symbiote. It left the meteorite that brought it to the earth immediately, and moved towards Escape outside.

It sensed that in a very close place, not far away, there was a very powerful creature. As long as it got close to him and parasitized him, he would be able to survive and master powerful power.

The movement of the symbiote is more like a combination of peristalsis and flow. Without the host attached, it is an amorphous jelly.

Yue Si stood there, quietly watching the symbiote approaching him little by little, and then like a face-hugging worm, it pounced on the whole thing—the symbiote is a liquid, as long as there is a gap in the power armor, it can pass through the gap Get inside the armor.

But at that moment, the power armor unfolded like a petal, revealing the empty interior, and the symbiote flung itself into the air, and then the power armor quickly closed like a pitcher plant, locking the symbiote inside the power armor.

The symbiote was constantly deforming inside the armor, wanting to leave, wanting to escape, and it clearly knew something was wrong.

However, the power armor is completely sealed, like a tight can, it can't find even a gap to escape.

"caught you!"

Yue Si stepped aside and said to the symbiote inside the armor with a smile.

"Sarah, let's start the experiment!"

The current symbiote cannot meet Yue Si's requirements, so certain experimental enhancements are necessary to give it more functions. Only in this way can the symbiote become a handy tool.

Using the space-shifting spell, Yue Si returned to the Black Company with the power armor and symbiote, and returned to his own laboratory.

In the superhero group, the pirated Captain Marvel and Ms. Marvel, the pirated Wolverine, the pirated Ares were all born in this experiment - and who's who, oh, that doesn't matter.

After Yue Si returned to the laboratory, he immediately started experiments on the venom. Various chemical drugs and energy radiation tortured the venom to death. However, the venom was constantly evolving and becoming stronger in the process. , evolving in a direction never before seen in the history of the symbiote.

After all, not everyone is like Yue Si. After getting the symbiote, he didn't put it on as a battle suit to gain an increase.

After another half a year, Peter Parker, who had officially become a member of Black's laboratory from an intern, suddenly rushed to Yue Si's laboratory. That was the authorization given to him by Yue Si. a reason for the past.

The lab is nowhere else, Spider-Man didn't join the Daily Bugle as a reporter, the degree of freedom is much lower, he can't leave without AWOL, but sometimes there must be superheroes, so Peter Parker can go into Yuesi's lab and finish him The transformation, and then rush to the scene of the incident.

Anyway, the authority of Yuesi's laboratory is very high. Only Yuesi and Peter Parker can come and go freely. Spider-Man is active outside for a long time. After returning to the laboratory, he changes into Peter Parker's clothes. No one knows what happened in the middle. what

"I like this guy! He has a smell I really like about him."

From Yue Si's headphones came the voice of Venom, which had a very good impression of Peter Parker.

"What happened, Peter Parker, or Spider-Man." Yue Si took off his headphones and asked.

"Doctor, I, I feel something is wrong." Peter Parker asked Yue Si for help: "I heard some voices that no one else could hear, as if something was vibrating at a high frequency, and something was damaged. , and someone was raving about something, like they were calling my name, and Peter Parker."

Suddenly, Peter Parker stopped, pointed to the monitor in front of Yue Si and said, "Look, Doctor!"

Yue Si heard the words and looked, and there were still various experimental data on the screen, and there was no abnormality.

"What did you see?" Yue Si asked.

"The picture is shaking, as if it is disturbed by some signal - I, too, are shaking at a high frequency." Peter Parker said in horror: "Help me, Doctor!"

Yue Si reached out and grabbed Peter Parker's wrist: "Relax, Peter! You'll be fine!"

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