Villains Template

Chapter 614: 1st superhero

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The building that caught fire was an old apartment building, not very high.

In the building materials of Meidi, the proportion of wood is very high. Because the price of wood in building materials is very cheap, it is widely used. It can be said that except for one frame, the rest are mainly wood.

But because of this, once a fire breaks out, the damage caused is very large, especially for such an old building, under the burning of flames, it is possible to collapse as a whole, and some people may be trapped in the fire.

In fires, only 20% of people die directly from the flames, and more is due to the lack of oxygen caused by the large consumption of oxygen in the air; the harmful gases produced by the burning of objects, such as thick smoke; and It is high temperature air, which burns the respiratory tract and lungs.

Don't say anything else, people can't even open their eyes, can't breathe normally, and can only cough repeatedly when the smoke chokes. When frying chili peppers, you can basically experience that feeling without turning on the range hood or opening the window for ventilation. Or have the experience of being choked by smoke on the wood-burning stove can also be brought in.

Although some people ran out of the apartment building that caught fire at the first time, it was inevitable that some people could not escape in time.

In this case, the firefighters arrive in time, and it is good to use professional tools to put out fire and save people, but the traffic jams, the fire truck will definitely not be able to enter in a short time, and there is no professional tool, such as the ladder fire truck to carry out the high-rise fire. Fire fighting, losses are unavoidable.

But Ben Parker knows the truth that "with great ability comes great responsibility". He is just an ordinary person, not a well-trained firefighter, nor professional equipment. In addition, his physical strength has deteriorated with age, and now It was work time, so instead of getting out of the car and rushing into the fire to save people, I watched anxiously.

"Well, kid?" Yue Si looked at the burning apartment building through the car window. He knew the cause of the fire.

Just like the human body strengthening potions he left behind on purpose, he also scattered some high-tech equipment into the surrounding cities, waiting for them to be found by people who are destined to use their power to make the world more interesting.

These equipments are much more convenient to track than human enhancement potions. Yue Si can grasp their movements. For example, the one in the burning building is a gun-shaped flamethrower, which is held in one hand and contains highly concentrated fuel. It can continuously spray flames for 30 minutes, and the high temperature generated can reach 1500 degrees, which is a very dangerous thing.

However, it was a child who found it, and he was still at a disgusting age, just like the bear child in the neighbor's house, full of destructive desires, and if something was in his hands, something would always go wrong. .

Found this pistol-shaped flamethrower. The child didn't tell his family about its existence, but secretly hid it himself and played it as a novel toy, and then the child who got tired of playing didn't understand the mechanics. Attempting to disassemble the toy only allowed himself to instantly vaporize into carbon and cause the fire.

This fire was inevitable to some extent, so Yue Si asked Ben Parker to take a detour to a nearby area to check the situation, but he didn't expect it to happen.

Because it is forbidden to directly show the death of a child in the US Emperor's movies, this is an unspoken rule. Even if Thanos snaps his fingers and kills Hawkeye's family, there is no such thing as his child directly turning to ashes. scene, so the above only appears in text form.

Not far away, the siren of the fire truck can be heard, but the congested vehicles make it impossible to approach. Even though the sidewalk is very spacious, the firefighters can only get out of the car and control the fire as much as possible with tools. The fire hose was connected to the fire hydrant, and after being unscrewed with a wrench, the water column sprayed water into the building through the window, but it could only suppress the fire on the ground floor.

At this moment, someone's attention was diverted from the apartment building surrounded by flames, pointing to somewhere in the sky, exclaiming: "What is that!"

The eyes of the surrounding passers-by all turned to the direction that the person pointed, and then saw a small dot dragging a colorful trail that quickly enlarged, and finally stopped above the burning apartment building, which made it clear to everyone that it was actually a stepping stone. Wearing a skateboard-mounted aircraft and wearing armor, the overall color is the classic color of the American Empire flag of red, white and blue, and the details of the pattern are difficult to see because the distance from the other party is too far.

Then the mysterious man flew the aircraft around the burning apartment. During this process, the aircraft under his feet kept firing something towards the interior of the building. With the sound of small explosions, the surging flames were actually visible to the naked eye. Much smaller.

The aircraft was suspended in a high-rise window. The mysterious man jumped and jumped into the house from the window. After a while, he jumped out of the window with a person in his arms. The aircraft appeared at his feet at the right time and caught him. Then it landed slowly and landed on the ground.

The mysterious man in red, white and blue already had black traces of smoky fire on his body. He gently put the person in his arms on the ground, and then said to the people around him: "He just passed out, and his body The burns are not serious, call an ambulance! There are people in the building, but the stairs are burnt."

After speaking, he stepped on the aircraft again, entered the house directly from the upper floor, and transported a few people who were still alive out of the fire.

After doing all this, the mysterious man also carried out simple treatment on the injured, took out the spray, and carried out simple treatment on several people with severe burns all over the body. The most serious burn is the infection caused by it. For the protection of organs, the human body is just as undefended, and it is difficult to resist foreign bacteria. In addition, there is the torment of the burn itself to the injured.

When the bell of the ambulance could be heard, the weirdo boarded the aircraft again, and went away after lift-off.

It wasn't until after lunch that the neighborhood was back on track, the fire was completely extinguished, the injured were taken to the hospital, the car and people involved in the accident were dealt with, and traffic returned to normal.

After a long delay, Ben Parker drove the car to the address of the new company. After negotiating the salary and signing the contract, he drove Yue Si back to the apartment, parked the car, and drove back in his own car. Home, this day's work is over.

But the waves of what happened during the day were far more than that.

Although smartphones have not yet appeared in this era, although there are mobile phones that can take pictures, the pixels are extremely low and the price is expensive, but the mysterious man seems to be deliberately showing his existence. , He also stayed for a long time when saving people from the fire, leaving a lot of images of his figure.

The news agency came to hear the news, and found out from passers-by what the mysterious man with high technology had done, and spent money to buy the right to use the photos from them. The next day, piece by piece of reports came out. , are asking about the origin of that mysterious man, what is his motive for doing these things, the world needs an answer.

But aside from the images, there is only one piece of information about You-Know-Who, and that is people who have spoken to him and who have heard the voice of You-Know-Who is that of a well-educated, middle-aged white male.

After another day, a newspaper called "Black Newspaper" announced a message that the mysterious man was willing to announce his existence, and a press conference was held for this purpose, and the address and time had been announced.

A well-informed person has investigated the address and found that it is a newly established company called "Black". Although it has just been established, this company has a very wide range. The enzyme sparkling water has an ingredient list of hundreds of ingredients, including water, sea buckthorn, mosaic lettuce, chives, cinnamon, glutinous rice, rice, sweet orange, mushrooms, bamboo shoots, bamboo fungus, etc. Vegetables and fruits, mushrooms, herbs, dried fruits, spices, as long as you want, you can hardly find it.

No matter how you look at it, it's not a serious drink.

Anyway, it's not a decent company.

However, when I investigated the company again, I found that the other party was very large, at least in terms of funds.

In addition, about the mysterious man, Black Newspaper gave an official title - "Steel Patriot".

Yes, it is the Iron Patriots. The generation of Iron Patriots in the comics is Norman Osborn. Although Yuesi did not equip Norman Osborn with Tony Stark's Mark series iron suits, but It is also a power armor, but considering the power of the upgraded Goblin skateboard, the Iron Patriot power armor is a lightweight version.

On the day of the press conference, the seats arranged by the Black Company were occupied by reporters from news outlets large and small, who were full of questions and pointed questions, ready to ask the steel patriot at the press conference. .

They guarantee that the questions they ask will be trap questions, and as long as they are answered, no matter how they are answered, they will definitely be hot topics that can be sold well - a dog bites a man is not news, a man bites a dog is news, as long as there is popularity, they are not conscientious.

The media workers preach the fourth right all day long, but they don't say who will supervise the fourth right.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the press conference officially started.

The public relations manager of Black Company made an opening speech to the camera and said: "Because of the social concern caused by the rescue and relief of the Steel Patriots in the fire the day before yesterday, Black Company now held a press conference to announce the part about the Steel Patriots to the public. information, his gender is male...his identity is a superhero signed by the Black Company."

Countless flashes flashed to capture the expression of the PR manager, which would be the picture for the news.

Then, some reporters began to ask questions:

"Superheroes? What is a superhero?"

"What's the purpose of Blake's signing of superheroes?"

"Besides the codename of 'Steel Patriot', can you reveal his name?"

"What about his age? What about the family situation?"

"Is he an alien?"

The questions prepared by the reporters in advance all failed. Black Company really put out an amazing concept. They wanted to get more information from Black Company than any sharp questions, whether it was 'Steel Patriots', Or the concept of "superhero", everyone wants to know more, perhaps, this is a concept that spans the ages.

Black's public relations manager said: "A lot of information about the Steel Patriots is confidential, it is the company's internal information, and cannot be released to the public. In addition, I will be here for everything about the Steel Patriots. be published."

"The Iron Patriots were Black's first superhero and the reason Black was founded."

"He is a male, married, an earthling, a human who has acquired powerful abilities, in order to help more people with his abilities, just like what he did the day before yesterday, he saved people from fires, and he is very helpful to those who are in danger. People helped him, and he chose to be a hero, but the hero does not fight alone, so Black is the logistics company to provide financial and information support, such as the current press conference."

A reporter asked: "So, what about the equipment on the Iron Patriot? His armor, his flying skateboard, should not be provided by ordinary companies, whether it is alien technology."

"Sorry, about the equipment used by the Iron Patriots, this is a company secret." Black's public relations manager said: "But I can tell you that it is Earth Technology."

" I have a question, you say that the Iron Patriots are the first superhero, can we think that you have a second superhero, or a third superhero." This The reporter is a veteran, and in a short period of time, he analyzed the information implicit in the words of the public relations manager of Black Company, and asked a sharp question: "Please answer me formally on this point, please do not use the company's confidential information. Back and forth."

"In terms of superheroes, Black has only one Steel Patriot, but we are very much looking forward to the existence of a second superhero." Black's public relations manager said: "Steel Patriots say that there are superpowers in this world. People with powerful abilities such as mutants, mutants, enhanced people, etc., they hide in the crowd, disguise themselves as ordinary people, or secretly use their power for profit, but the hope of the Iron Patriots is that these people can stand up , choose to be a superhero and use his powers in the right places."

"With great power comes great responsibility—that's what the Steel Patriots want to tell everyone."

"Today's press conference is about the Iron Patriots. Can we meet and interview the Iron Patriots." Another reporter asked questions, which is also a question for all reporters.

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