Villains Template

Chapter 609: gift

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Leaving the chance here, Yue Si was not finished, he cleared a table, set up a chair, took out a notebook, a bottle of ink, a quill inlaid with gold and silver, and sat on the chair , took out a quill dipped in ink, and began to write and draw on the notebook.

He wrote down some formulas for strengthening potions. In addition to some advanced equations and data, there is also the process of producing this potion by relying on the instruments in this house. The text description is as simple as possible, just like the one on the instant noodle package. The eating method is the same, with pictures and texts.

It is better to teach a man how to fish than to teach him how to fish. How can a single potion have enough effect, the more the better, even if it is a degraded version, the effect it can play is beyond imagination.

Of course, this "abandoned laboratory" is just what Yue Si did. Although it is the first time, it is definitely not the last time. A person who is destined to come and pick it up.

Including, but not limited to, super-power potions that can bring powerful power, physique-enhancing potions, chemical waste liquids that gain powerful power but cause body mutation, high-tech equipment lost from the laboratory, and so on.

With all this, the city is sure to be very exciting.

Leaving his gift, Yue Si used his magical powers to return to the apartment, washed and rinsed, and after another half an hour, the front desk called: "Mr. Yue, your dinner is ready, and the waiter has set off. "

Yue Si's long-term rental apartment has a special elevator for entering the house. There are only two door cards that can be swiped for the elevator, one is at the front desk and the other is at Yue Si's place, but the one at the front desk will not be used easily and requires Yue Si's authorization. In addition to reporting dinner, the front desk's phone also requires Yue Si's authorization.

And this is Yue Si's alibi - even though it makes no sense.

The next morning, Yue Si came to the building of the Osborne Group again.

Regarding Yue Si's coming again, the front desk showed a warm attitude and said to Yue Si with a marked smile: "Mr. Yue, Mr. Osborn has been waiting for you."

After finishing speaking, the front desk solemnly handed an ID card to Yue Si with both hands. Unlike yesterday's visitor card, this ID card has high authority and can enter many places in the Osborne Group.

After handing over the ID card to Yue Si, the front desk immediately picked up the phone and notified Norman Osborn's secretary. The secretary in business attire and high heels immediately took the elevator downstairs and greeted Yue Si to Norman. In Osborn's office.

"I don't interfere with the operation of your company, dealing with the company's directors, dealing with competitors, etc. I will not take action." Yue Si said to Norman Osborn straight-forward: "However, about your I can help you with R&D projects or something, don't look at me like this, I am a technical background, no matter in the field of biochemistry or mechatronics, I have been involved."

The two most popular projects of the Osborn Group are flying skateboards and physical enhancement potions. The former is very well-known and is commonly known as "Green Goblin Skateboard". In the early days of the article, there was a very high frequency of transportation.

The latter is the inducement for Norman Osborn to transform into the super villain, the Green Goblin. Just like the "Super Soldier Serum", the physical enhancement potion can also greatly improve the ability of the human body and optimize the human body in all aspects.

However, compared with flying skateboards, the physical strength enhancement agent has not been able to make a breakthrough. Although it has been successfully verified in mice, the physical fitness of mice has increased sharply, but there are still side effects, such as violent tendencies and aggression.

Compared with the technical limitation, the bigger limitation lies in the economic aspect. A product is only a commodity when it is sold. Only when it is sold to make a profit, can the initial investment be recovered, and the profit can be made by the order.

Regardless of whether the flying skateboard or the physical strengthening agent, the market they face is not for civilian use, but the two projects that the military purchases Norman Osborn's main push are orders from the military.

However, the contacts between the two R&D projects of the Osborne Group and the military have retired. The current military chief is not optimistic about the projects of the Osborne Group. He prefers the project of humanoid flying armor.

The research and development of the humanoid flying armor is carried out by the competitors of the Osborne Group, the old-fashioned military enterprise, and the exploration aerospace company. The person in charge of the military has issued an ultimatum to Norman Osborne, if within the specified time, If the Osborne Group does not come up with mature technology, then the military will sign a contract with Exploration Aerospace.

Without the follow-up orders, the Osborne Group will go bankrupt, and the initial investment will be in vain.

Although the Osborne Group is a giant in the eyes of ordinary people, it was only created by Norman Osborne, and it has existed for too short a time, lacking accumulation and the necessary network of relationships.

Take a look at the "Humanoid Flight Armor" to know who the so-called "Exploration Aerospace Company" is actually alluding to. Yes, it is the Stark Group, alluding to Tony Stark's steel battle suit.

Looking at the resume of the Stark Group, you can see how huge the competitors of the Osborne Group are. The military-industrial complex is the largest interest group in the United States, and the Stark Group is one of them. Howard Stark He founded the Stark Group during World War II, has been running the company for decades, and is also the predecessor of SHIELD, one of the founders of the Strategic Science Corps, and SHIELD also holds a part of Stark. Industrial shares, backed by a big tree to enjoy the shade.

The high-end weapons are basically monopolized by the Stark Group. Tony Stark has a friend of Colonel Rhodes in the military. When experimenting with the steel suit, he caused the military to drop an f-22. Luo Colonel De can cover up for Tony Stark.

And Tony Stark also pursues the point that anything that can be done with money is not a thing. Although he did not appear in the movie "Spider-Man", he used his method to explore aerospace - directly buy the senior of the Osborne Group. Management, buying up its shareholders, kicked out Norman Osborn, the founder, directly.

Although in the world of capital, this is a normal operation - such as Apple and Jobs.

The appearance of Yue Si is completely a shot in the arm for Osborn Industries and reversed its decline. If this is not an independent movie of "Spider-Man", but is placed under the framework of the Marvel Universe, it is completely It can be written as a beautiful manga fan of "Marvel's xxx".

The experimental area of ​​the Osborne Group is not in the Osborne Building, but in the industrial area, with an independent experimental area. After all, the impact of military equipment and biochemical technology research is difficult to estimate if it fails. Norman Osborn is not so rich, nor so self-confident and blind.

Norman Osborne was also a scientist, and he would not easily believe Yue Si's boasting. The money was actually transferred into the account of the Osborne Group. However, knowledge is not something that can be seen at a glance. As you can see, the best way is to take an exam, which is not restricted to formal exams.

Then Norman Osborn had a brief discussion with Yue Si on some professional issues. At first, Norman Osborn could keep up with Yue Si's intellectual insights, and then Norman Osborne's The mentality of taking the test has changed, it has become listening, and it has become asking for advice, because he heard from Yue Si an idea and idea that is different from him and different from the whole physical strength enhancement medicine project.

In the end, he couldn't even keep up with Yue Si's train of thought, and since then, he no longer doubted Yue Si's true intentions and origins.

Although the Osborn Group has been declining, the tiger is still alive, and there is still some energy. Privately conducted an investigation on Yue Si and the Biochemical Technology Group he represented - the result of the investigation was nothing.

That unknown biochemical technology group is real, bank accounts, capital flows, etc. cannot be faked. The size of an individual is different from that of a large group, but other than knowing the existence of this biochemical technology group, anyone who can point to it There is no information on this group.

This is very scary, you know there is a giant, all the evidence you can find points to this giant being real, but you can't find any trace of this giant.

Moreover, like the mysterious biochemical technology group, Yue Si's information is basically nothing.

There is no date of birth, no place of birth, no information about Yue Si's parents, no manager who has studied in any school, and no research institution that has worked. It seems to have appeared out of thin air, and the only signs of activity that can be investigated are from a few days ago. .

But at this time, Norman Osborn doesn't care about anything, and he doesn't doubt that Yue Si is a commercial spy. The price offered and the early investment are all stepping stones to gain trust. The real The purpose is to obtain the formula of the human body strengthening medicine - the theories that Yue Si told him can completely support another system.

Don't underestimate the role of a sentence, it is equivalent to pointing out a direction from scratch, a formula is everything, just like the mass-energy equation e=mc2, it seems very simple, but its derivation difficulty and practical application play effect is very large.

Norman Osborne invited Yue Si to go to the experimental area of ​​the Osborne Group. After a call was made, the driver started the car and waited.

On the road, Norman Osborne, who was sitting side by side in the back seat of the luxury car, asked Yue Si: "Mr. Yue, why did you choose the Osborne Group to cooperate? You obviously have better choices, such as many of mine. competitor."

"Bottom line." Yue Si thought for a while and said this.

He couldn't tell Norman Osborn directly that he found the Osborn Group because of his reputation as Norman Osborn, and to find another company, he needed to think about additional characters. of.

And the movie that a certain writer watched was the version of the Holy City Homeland, and the translator in it had a headache. Except for the main characters, the names of the others were ambiguous, and the name of Lightning Thompson was only "Soup". Mi", even if you set the dragon's character name, you can't set it.

"Mr. Osborn, although you are a businessman, you are an engineer and a scientist. You have the bottom line that you should have as a scientist." Yue Si explained: "The experiment of your physical strength enhancement medicine has been developed for many years. However, human experiments have never been carried out, and experiments have always been carried out on mice. Even if the company has reached the juncture of life and death, it has not adopted some extreme methods-although for large groups, it belongs to an inertial thing."

Yue Si went on to say: "Mr. Osborn, whether you believe me or not, I want to create a group of superheroes, but I really want to have such a group of people who have power beyond ordinary people. Maintain peace in the world of ordinary people and fight evil."

"Therefore, my collaborator must be a person with ideals, pursuits, and bottom lines, so as to ensure that the development direction will not be deviated."

Norman Osborn, who didn't become the "Green Goblin", was in some ways a good man, admired Peter Parker who was self-reliant, and would lend a helping hand to the weak—even if he included his child Harry Osborn. Spoon's reason.

The method of conducting pathological experiments on the US side is very inhumane, such as conducting syphilis experiments, deliberately spreading syphilis to specific groups, and relying on power and influence to prevent the infected from knowing the cause of their own disease and prevent them from seeking medical treatment. , until they died, to study the whole process of syphilis transmission, infection, and death.

The behavior of taking street vagabonds as test subjects in "Venom" can be said to be commonplace - they even did it, not using the body of a corpse donor for medical training, but as a weapon experiment .

"I have seen the operation of mad scientists, experiments on human enhancement." Yue Si said: "It is a drug that has just been successfully developed. It has not been tested with mice or experimental monkeys, but has been used directly on humans. as an experimental sample."

"How dare they!?" Norman Osborn said in horror, as a scientist, the experiment is a gradual process, and he cannot accept the behavior described by Yue Si.

Yue Si said with a smile: "No, they dare, the drugs they are experimenting are still in the research and development stage, and all aspects are immature. Instead of spending a lot of time on research and improvement, it is better to go directly to human experiments and observe human injection The response to the drug and the first-hand data to improve the structure of the drug."

"However, the scientist's technology is reliable, but after three human experiments, the preparation of the drug has matured and it has begun to be officially promoted. Although I was not there at the time, I later learned that the first test product was because of The human body's rejection reaction, as well as the influence of the drug's ability, finally turned into that deformed appearance."

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