Villains Template

Chapter 607: The world needs superheroes

"It seems that the world needs superheroes!"

Yue Si put away his lightsaber, scratched his head, walked out of the alley, and walked towards the noisy and bustling area.

It is now late at night, the lights are on, the traffic is busy, and the well-dressed people are enjoying a prosperous life, but, like these dark places in the alleys, there are still depravity and sin.

In other words, in that bright place, sin and depravity also exist, but there is no inferiority and intuition in this dark corner.

"In a prosperous city, there must be evil, and many evils are protected, because the law is tailor-made for them, so at this time, it is necessary to fight evil superheroes, those who are free A superhero that is reasonable and just outside the law, but not legal."

After speaking, Yue Si thought for a while and said: "At the same time, since there are superheroes, there is also a need for supervillains. A successful supervillain will add a lot to superheroes, such as Batman and The Joker. The old rivals who love and kill each other."

"In the process of falling in love and killing each other, add some big scenes, embellish some human debates, and philosophical speculation about superheroes' self-recognition and self-positioning, so that superheroes can examine their own hearts, and have more inner drama and self-growth process. , don't need much, just like the seasoning in the dish, a little amount is enough - alas, this is all alive."

A good, at least qualified superhero movie was born like this. As long as a superhero movie of decent quality can't escape this template, no matter which company the superhero belongs to, it is technology, mutation, magic, What is the form of expression, summed up carefully, it is roughly the same process.

If the priority is reversed, and the proportion of human nature speculation exceeds a certain limit, it will fall into the cliché and become a delicacy for a small number of people, and most of them are unacceptable - just like the aftermath of "The Matrix" In the two films, there is a trend of various philosophical debates intensifying, and more and more things are being talked about, resulting in a gradual decline in ratings.

Michael Bay is called Bang Bei, and he pursues big scenes. The plot is not important to him, and there is no plot depth at all, but it does not prevent him from making movies and making money.

After Yue Si's figure disappeared, the homeless man who was hiding in the shack climbed out again, walked to the place where Yue Si burned his clothes, lay on the ground, widened his eyes, and carefully looked for something.

In the end, he found what he wanted. It was a piece of fabric, a piece of fabric that was not completely burned by the lightsaber by chance. It was a corner of the cuff of Yue Si's robe, less than half the palm of this homeless man. , but was held in the hands of this tramp very dearly.


The homeless man knelt on the ground, holding the cloth in his hands, lowered his head over his palms, and began to sob.

Although the gods never looked at him, they showed miracles in front of him, proving to him that there are miracles in this world. It was the revelation brought to him by the gods.

Even if this is actually something that he is not sober after being drunk, he is thinking blindly by himself, and there is nothing at all, otherwise Yue Si will do it more clearly. His perception is like some people claiming that a certain book In fact, there is a prophecy about a certain thing in the scriptures. If you ask him how he found it, he will find the words he needs from the scriptures, and then spell them into sentences. It can predict all the events of ancient and modern China and foreign countries.

Find a clean newspaper from the shack, carefully wrap the piece of fabric, find another plastic bag, wrap the newspapers again to prevent them from contamination, and put it close to your body.

He, who has witnessed the miracle, will be reborn from tonight.

On the other hand, Yue Si obtained his identity in this world.

Unlike the previous world from beginning to end, in the world of "The Legend of the White Snake", there are gods and Buddhas, and no one even reveals his own name. There is no such thing as a "real name" that can be counted. certain actions can be reckless.

However, the current world is suppressing the power of the mysterious side. Obviously, there are no such existences as magic and gods in this world. Technology is given priority, and genetic variation is also accommodated.

Therefore, he is not worried about telling others by his real name. In addition, a suitable identity can make it easy to act. In this place of the US Emperor, there are two worlds with money and status and no status without money. Although there is money everywhere, there is heaven , but this is especially true in New York.

As the saying goes - if you love someone, send him to New York, because it is heaven; if you hate someone, send him to New York, because it is hell.

If you have money and status, everything you have can satisfy all your desires, no matter how low-level, how inhumane, or how contrary to the law and morality of the world; if you have no money, your greed will always suffer Your heart, but it can never be satisfied, and will be constantly tempted by the lavish world, and eventually embark on the road of crime.

Yue Si walked to the headquarters of the Osborne Group, and the headquarters of the Osborne Group was located in the Manhattan area, which was indescribable.

New York is one of the most important financial centers in the world. After decades of operation, it has become a must-see for world-class capital, and Manhattan is the most important area in New York, where a large number of commercial, financial and insurance institutions gather. , the famous world financial center, Wall Street is also here.

The house price here can't be described as "expensive".

Yue Si came to the front desk and said, "I want to see Mr. Norman Osborn, who invited me."

Hearing this, a woman in business attire who was waiting at the front desk walked up to Yue Si and said, "Is that Mr. Yue?"

"Yes, it's me." Yue Si said.

Valley swimming

The woman in business attire said, "Mr. Yue, I am Mr. Osborne's secretary. He has been waiting in the office for a long time."

As a technology company, even if it is not specialized in electronics, the security system will not allow people to be brought into the company casually, so the female secretary made a temporary ID card for Yue Si, which is a visit for the guests. The card can only enter a few areas, such as offices and conference rooms. If you rush into places such as laboratories, an alarm will be triggered.

The female secretary led the way, and led Yue Si, who pinned his ID card to his chest, to take the internal elevator to the floor where Norman Osborn's office was located, and saw Norman Osborn who had been waiting for a long time.

He is a self-made successful person who founded the Osborne Group with one hand. The competition for capital is bloody. Therefore, Norman Osborne is not easy to deal with. Although he tries to make himself look kind, but The silk dove in his face still radiates all the time, but Norman Osborn's aura has diluted this, after all, he is a successful person.

Norman Osborn's office is not luxuriously decorated, there are no gorgeous decorations, or brand-name office supplies, only simple but uncommon essential items, revealing the technology and forward-looking represented by the owner of a technology company .

Sitting behind the desk, Norman Osborn got up enthusiastically, came to Yue Si and extended his hand to him: "Finally see you, Mr. Yue."

"Hello, Mr. Osborn."

After asking Yue Si to sit down, Norman Osborn said: "I am very interested in the cooperation intention you have provided, Mr. Yue, if you follow the cooperation method you discussed with me before, it seems that you will not be able to profit from it. ."

Yue Si said: "If you want to take it, you must give it first. I need the energy of the Osborne Group, but the Osborne Group is still far from meeting my requirements. Therefore, the Osborne Group must be continuously When it grows to a certain level, it is the time when it can really help me - Mr. Osborne, the technology, as well as the financial and material resources I have mastered, are beyond your imagination, and you will not be able to cooperate with me. deficit."

After he finished speaking, Yue Si looked at Norman Osborn and continued with a smile: "Also, Mr. Osborne, if you don't want all your hard work to go to waste, the only thing in front of you is This is all about cooperating with me. Even if I don’t need my capital injection, the technology I can come up with is enough for you to ask for the current situation.”

Sitting on a "biochemical technology group", Yue Si's identity can be described as invaluable. As long as he wants to, he can mobilize a lot of manpower and material resources with an order, which is very suitable for doing things.

It's a pity that "Special Card Biochemical Technology Group" is just a card after all. He can mobilize the materials, technologies and funds of the "Umbrella Company" and other biochemical technology companies, but there is no one who can use those powers. platform, so it needs an existing large company to better exert the power of "Special Card Biochemical Technology Group" through the method of shareholding or acquisition.

The Osborne Group is a good choice. This company is at the top level in the world in the medical field and biotechnology field, but it is already a thing of the past. Because of poor management and the delay in making breakthroughs in key technology areas, the company's Financial losses year after year, although the dead camel is bigger than the horse, the Osborne Group's finances can still survive for a few more years, at least from the current point of view, it is still thriving.

However, the shareholders of the Osborne Group are not dry. They have worked hard in the financial circle for many years. They have already smelled the crisis and are already preparing to leave in time when the Osborne Group has a crisis.

However, it has been unable to come up with products that can be used for a long time. The military, which has been investing money all the time, is also preparing to interrupt the contract with the Osborne Group.

And there are also companies from competing companies sharpening their knives, waiting for the moment when the Osborne Group is at its weakest, and then delivering a fatal blow, like a greedy hungry wolf, feasting on the corpse of the Osborne Group.

At this time, Yue Si contacted Norman Osborn and brought out enough things to solve the difficulties that the Osborne Group is facing today, such as funds, such as the already formed technology, like a drowning person who caught a life-saving straw. , could not wait to facilitate this meeting.

"Then, Mr. Yue, what do you need me to do? Or, what do you need the Osborne Group to do?" It is about the future of his company and everything he has worked hard for in the first half of his life, Norman. Osborn looked a little restless.

And Norman Osborn's secretary also left the office with great discernment, leaving Yue Si and Norman Osborn alone to avoid leaking some business matters. It is better to leave voluntarily than to be thrown out it is good.

After the secretary left the office, Yue Si said with a smile: "I, I need a company, a company that integrates biochemical technology, electronic engineering and mechanical engineering, cultural media, and I need this company to achieve my idea, but It would be a waste of time and energy to start from scratch, so I chose the Osborne Group, the Osborne Group that built a huge foundation from scratch."

"A... a company?"

Norman Osborn repeated Yues's request. He did not understand, did not understand why Yues's request was so strange.

Yue Si nodded and said: "Yes, a company that can meet my needs above. With such a company, I can realize the idea in my head. I don't lack funds, but it helps me to put The person who made this thing... I wonder if you, Mr. Osborn, are willing to help me achieve this goal?"

After speaking, Yue Si looked at Norman Osborn with a smile. He knew that Norman Osborn had no choice. As long as he could continue his company, he would agree no matter how outrageous the request was~www.wuxiamtl. com~ I can know, Mr. Yue, what exactly do you want such a company to do? The scope of such a company is so wide that it is difficult for me to imagine what it is used for. After Norman Osborn finished speaking, he immediately explained his own words: "Of course, if you don't want to reveal your purpose, Mr. Yue, then it's your privacy and business secret that I haven't asked. . "

Yue Si clapped his palms unconsciously and said, "This is not a commercial secret, it's okay to tell you - I plan to build superheroes and superhero teams, and then promote them and report their deeds through the news media, Build momentum for them, and then let them do image endorsements, as well as selling around images, making documentaries, making movies, and a series of operations."

"Of course, and most importantly, fighting crime."

"Super-hero?" Norman Osborn shook his head again, he still didn't understand what Yue Si wanted to do.

He recognized the words "super" and "hero", but they seemed so unfamiliar when combined.

When Yue Si saw this, he explained what Norman Osborn could understand...

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