Villains Template

Chapter 602: "Water Drop" is coming, update the latest chapter of the villains template in the fastest way!

"You still know how to play." Yue Si applauded for their operation, the metal palms of the power armor collided together, making a dull sound: "Can I watch the TV series? I want to know, they are now one and the same. what kind of life."

Yue Si can watch TV dramas directly through the power armor, but he has to leave the scope of the laboratory and enter the living area to receive the signal. This is also a rigid rule of the laboratory. It is forbidden to lazily fish in the working area.

At this time, the power armor is not as simple as the space suit originally designed by Yue Si. It integrates a lot of functions. In addition to the most basic protection and survival functions of the power armor, it also has functions such as life entertainment, medical treatment, and scientific research.

Of course, the more complete the functions, the higher the cost of power armor. With the development of technology, it is impossible to put on power armor for everyone. In addition to professional needs, power armor work clothes are needed for assistance; working in harsh environments, Power armor is needed to provide protection; as well as the need to travel in different atmospheric and gravitational environments, power armor is required to maintain a stable environment - no matter how human beings undergo enhanced surgery, they are still flesh and blood.

This set on Yue Si is the top model, which can be said to represent the strongest industrial ability of human beings. Therefore, Yue Si only enjoys the right to use it, and the ownership still belongs to this laboratory, but it is a It was prepared for Yue Si from the beginning, waiting for Yue Si to wake up and wear it, and whenever there is a breakthrough in the new technology of power armor, there will be a new set to replace the original style.

Therefore, according to different people, different styles of power armors have been developed. For example, the doctor's suit is biased towards medical auxiliary functions, while the one worn by Chen Han and another person is military-style, which improves the ability to survive and resist. Strike ability, and have certain permissions, can activate and connect to some military facilities.

According to the diagnosis of the full-time doctor, Yue Si's condition was very good, so he was allowed to move freely. Chen Huan, as a guide, introduced everything to Yue Si in this era, while the other was silent as a bodyguard. He followed behind the two of them loudly.

When leaving the experimental area, the power armors of the three people were allowed to leave after three sterilization procedures. In the experimental area, except for Yue Si who woke up directly from the dormant cabin, the rest of the power armor was kept completely sealed.

After entering the living area, Chen Huan ordered a meal for Yue Si—a meal in the true sense, with staple foods such as rice and steamed buns, dishes with vegetables and meat, and drinks and the like.

In the process, Yue Si learned from Chen Yun that the human digestive system has evolved, and the digestion, absorption and utilization rate of food has been greatly improved. Three meals a day only need one meal a day.

After the meal, Chen Huan said to Yue Si: "The matter of your awakening has been reported and approved. On the premise of being followed by us, you can carry out activities in the area controlled by humans today, in some places. If you are not allowed to approach, we will also remind you - is your destination still the underground base where you have worked? It is still the most advanced technology research and development center of mankind, and your work unit is still registered there, and because of hibernation For technical reasons, the working relationship was not dissolved."

"I want to look in the universe to understand the current state of human beings." Yue Si said, then he remembered something, frowned and said: "I remember, when I was hibernating, I said that when the time is right, Or maybe there is contact between humans and the Trisolaran civilization, and it is time to wake up, so what is the purpose of unsealing me from hibernation this time?"

"Your mental state is much better than what we estimated in our data assessment." Chen Yun said: "Before you, we thawed a large number of hibernators who entered hibernation at the same time as you. The acceptance ability of the new era is very poor. Whether it is food, clothing, housing, transportation or the little things in life, they all show a state of bewilderment. Although the development of science and technology has made everything convenient and fast, the scope of human activities has expanded. The resources have become abundant, but their thinking is still stuck in the old days.”

"Especially when facing the younger generation they think is us, they feel a stronger sense of alienation, and the basic scientific literacy, mental state, and even physical quality that we show are far superior to them. They may have been elites and talents in the old days, but back in the present, they are people who are inferior to ordinary people, and they are similar to those natural people in the reserve in all aspects."

"Because there are so many precedents, we have decided after research to let you adapt to this era first, improve your receptivity, and then tell you something - although this period of time will not be very long."

"Hahaha!" Yue Si smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about this. You underestimated my ability to bear. What I have experienced is far beyond your imagination."

Have you ever seen the energy of a star collected and turned into a beam of destruction, bringing death to an entire fleet.

Have you ever seen a planet hit by a missile, its star core shattered, the earth cracked, magma spewed out of the atmosphere, and a planet that harbored billions of life died completely within half a day and turned into dust in the universe.

Have you ever seen a galaxy's resources being destructively exploited, the stars in that galaxy being repeatedly killed and ignited, constantly being extracted for matter and energy.

Have you ever seen the raging flames of emotions poured out to a certain existence by the population in Beijing for tens of thousands of years?

Have you ever seen a world collapse from the most basic units, and then reshape from the most basic concepts...

Afterwards, Chen Hui said, "The three-body man is coming."

To be precise, it is not the Trisolaran who came, but the probe launched by the Trisolaran. In the last civilization era—the current human name for the pre-war era—the space telescope led by the Wallfacer Manuel Rey Diaz Item, traces once observed.

Although the space battleship is a giant for human beings, it is a very small existence on the astronomical scale. Even now, the space telescope cannot directly observe the planets outside the solar system, and the only thing that can be observed is Stars that radiate light and heat, not to mention space warships.

But even if it is an unmanned probe, it is the first time that humans and the Trisolaran civilization have come into substantial contact. For the two neighbors, the human civilization and the Trisolaran civilization, which are separated by 4.5 light-years, this is the first official contact. meeting.

The previous two sophons are not counted, and the matter of two protons is still difficult for human beings to measure.

During the more than 100 years of Yuesi's hibernation, the sophon, the "communication bridge" between human beings and the Trisolaran civilization, has never moved. Whether particle accelerators or eto, have lost the ability to point to the existence of sophons on the earth. The evidence of the facts can only be considered that Sophon really left the earth to chase the aircraft launched by the Cyclops system, positioning and navigating for the Trisolaran fleet, and avoiding the devastating blow to the Trisolaran mother planet by human aircraft.

This directly led to the collapse of a group of eto members, who believed that their "lord" and the Trisolarans abandoned them. The result of the collapse of belief was tragic. It was also at that time that a group of well-hidden eto members were exposed.

In the next one hundred and eighty years, the two sides will be in a state of disconnection, and the earth will not talk about it. They know nothing about the Trisolaran, except for the antimatter engine spaceship that can reach 10% of the speed of light. Aside from Aichiko, the technological level of Trisolarans is discredited.

Originally, the Trisolarans could monitor everything on Earth, but after losing the spy of Sophon, they were in a double-blind state with Earth.

However, suppose that Sophon did not leave the earth, but learned something from humans, chose to hide himself, did not communicate with the outside world, and has been secretly monitoring human activities and everything about human beings.

There are technological barriers between different civilizations. Even if we understand the production principle of sophons, human beings cannot start to restore and create a sophon that belongs to human beings. Humans remain vigilant.

The progress of human beings in science and technology is obvious. The achievements of human beings today, and now when human beings review the past history, they will sincerely marvel at the achievements of human beings in this short period of time.

Even so, the Trisolarans still choose to send probes into the range of the solar system, which shows that they are very confident in the strength of their warships. The solar system where humans operate like an impregnable wall is not worth mentioning to them.

Humans do not think that the probes sent by the Trisolarans are for friendly diplomacy or even surrender. Although human beings are full of confidence, they are never arrogant. As the great man said, they despise the enemy strategically, and tactically. Paying attention to the enemy is still written into the thinking of today's human beings.

Even if it is a probe, human beings are in full preparation. All the warships are mobilized and dispersed throughout the galaxy. Together with the orbital defense system, a three-dimensional defense network is formed. , technology has also developed rapidly, and has an absolute advantage over human beings, and human beings will not be completely defeated and have no power to fight back.

Yue Si agrees with the caution of human beings. When facing a real civilization, no one can grasp its development context, because there are too many possibilities. It is very dangerous to substitute the description of .

Maybe the other party has already experienced a big technological explosion, and there has been an absolute crush on the earth-human beings are progressing, and the Trisolarans will not be stagnant forever, always staying at the same level and not moving forward.

"The detector of the Trisolaran?" Yue Si asked, "Is it already here?"

Chen Hui said: "No, according to its flight speed, it needs one and a half standard Earth months - that is, forty-five standard Earth days when it is close to the solar system and in contact with the outermost boundary of the human activity range."

"If you want to look around in the solar system, I need to apply now, because now it has entered a wartime state. Except for a few fixed routes to transport supplies, the rest of the routes prohibit the passage of private spaceships."

An image file was transmitted to Yue Si's power armor. Chen Huan said: "This is the image of the Trisolaran probe captured by the space telescope. According to the shape, we named it Water Drop."

The shape of the water drop is similar to what Yue Si imagined. It is like a drop of water formed when it falls naturally under the gravitational force on the surface of the planet and the atmospheric environment. The overall appearance is streamlined, with a round head and a sharp tail. The surface is smooth and reflects the light from the stars. — which is why it was caught by a space telescope.

"I remember that when Wallfacer Manuel Rey Diaz caught the signs of the Trisolaran Fleet through the space telescope, they launched ten probes, and now there is only one close to Earth, and the remaining nine probes ?" Yue Si asked.

Chen Hui said: "In the past time humans have launched thirteen unmanned aerial vehicles in the direction of the Trisolaran galaxy. Later, due to strategic costs and the impact of war, your Cyclops plan It was forced to terminate. Except for the two that were naturally damaged due to the harsh space environment, the thirteen unmanned aerial vehicles were all intercepted and damaged by the probe water droplets launched by the Trisolaran Fleet, which caused nine of the probes to deviate. Routes, except for the one we are about to contact at present, the time for the other latest one to reach the earth is expected to be half a century later."

"What about the Trisolaran Fleet?" Yue Si asked again.

"The Trisolaran Fleet is still in space, but according to the information captured by the space telescope, they stopped approaching the solar system, but stayed in space, not knowing what to do." Chen Huan said, by the way some data Sent to Yue Si.

That is the continuous observation of the Trisolaran fleet by the space telescope. The complexity and severity of the space environment are difficult to see. The Trisolaran fleet is struggling in the space dust, and the wakes left by a fleet of a thousand warships gradually become sparse. , some of the battleships stopped accelerating, and there is no trace of them anymore, and some of the ships have also slowed down and are slowly increasing their speed.

Two hundred years ago, people's estimation that it would take more than 400 years for the Trisolaran fleet to reach the earth was wrong, just like "absolutely smooth" and "no air resistance" in junior high school physics questions, it belongs to an ideal status.

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