Villains Template

Chapter 598: stage victory

After several setbacks, Yue Si met the so-called high-level executive in the place arranged by the Planetary Defense Council.

There is no doubt that that person is Yue Si No. 2.

The eyes of the agents of the Planetary Defense Council kept shifting back and forth between Yue Si and Yue Si No. 2. Without him, these two people are too similar. But these two different people give the impression that they are one person, as if there is a mirror in the middle and they are each other's reflections.

In particular, today's Yue Si and Yue Si No. 2 wear clothes of different styles but the same style, and the colors of the clothes are also in the same tone, which intensifies this illusion.

It's just that Yue Si is one of the four most powerful people on earth today, and Yue Si No. 2 is a prisoner, with handcuffs on his hands and shackles on his feet, and is fixed to a chair.

"I've always suspected your existence before, but now that I see you, I can finally confirm, the other me." The moment Yue Si saw Yue Si No. 2, he already understood this matter, Shi Shiran said Sitting across from Yue Si No. 2, he said, "What to drink? Also, what's your name?"

"You know my existence?" Yue Si No. 2 looked at Yue Si suspiciously: "How can you be sure of my existence? You actually know my existence? I thought there would be a dialogue between us, and finally I will reveal my identity, a weapon used to break through your walls, a stranger with your mind."

Seeing Yue Si's almost unresponsive face, Yue Si No. 2 sneered at himself and said, "I thought I could see your wonderful expression after hearing the news, but I never expected that you would know me. It's kind of frustrating for me to be so calm and not have disbelief written all over my face, and obviously already knew about it."

"I want a cup of hot cocoa. I'm tired from the journey, and I haven't eaten much. I need to add some sugar and calories to relieve fatigue." Yue Si said to the agents of the Planetary Defense Council, and then looked at Yue Si No. 2 and said: "As long as you live long enough, experience enough events, and widen your horizons enough, you will find that things that are very powerful in the eyes of others are nothing in your eyes."

"Let's put it this way, your existence can be said to be caused by me. Although your birth was carried out by ETO, I created you indirectly."

This is an office of the Planetary Defense Council. There is no shortage of beverages and tea for the staff. Yuesi's request for hot cocoa is not excessive. It did, because no one knew if that seemingly inconspicuous request was part of the Wallfacer's plan.

And Yue Si's words said "you", referring to the personality of Yue Si No. 2.

"In the beginning, after I learned about Bill Hines' research, I secretly prepared all that, revising my past, compiling my information, and a considerable part of the information about me that came into contact with the outside world was false. Yes, I deliberately stayed." Yue Si said: "Although my data does not show it, I still have some insights in the research of the human brain. Relying on various data layouts, I created a fiction based on my situation. A personality, for me, is not a difficult thing."

Taking the hot cocoa from the staff, Yue Si held it in his hand, and then said: "As a wallfacer, you must understand what my strategic plan is, break the wall for me, and in some ways Under the action of the sophon, I can temporarily block the prying eyes of Sophon, so there is a lack of information acquisition. At this time, a person who has the same thinking as me is very important, he can think like me, from my many My true intentions are summed up in my actions.”

"Indeed, the Wallbreaker A you have seen before, this suggestion was made by him." Yue Si No. 2 said.

"So, his end was miserable. The torture methods summed up by the CIA agents during the Cold War were all used on him, and basically all the information he knew was revealed." Yue Si tried the temperature of the hot cocoa and felt uncomfortable. After his mouth was hot, he took a sip: "He will end up where he is now, and you must be behind him."

"You are really scary." Yue Si No. 2 said.

Yue Si shook his head and said, "It's not that I'm too scary, it's that the ETO people are too crazy. They actually dare to copy one person's personality and inject it into another person's brain."

"Originally, this was just an idle chess move. I didn't intend it to play a role. I didn't expect that the research of Bill Hines and Ms. Keiko Yamasugi made an unexpected breakthrough. You also got the relevant technology for the first time. You can use it directly without even experimenting.”

An ugly smile appeared on Yue Si No. 2's face: "Is my birth completely in your plan?"

"Your birth is completely in my plan." Yue Si took a sip of cocoa and said, "In the present time when the three-body man is the enemy, the existence of the ETO group is undoubtedly a hindrance to mankind. But with the help of Tomoko, ETO is beyond the reach of others in terms of intelligence. If you want to destroy ETO in a short period of time, then in addition to relying on the passage of time to let the current generation grow old and die, it is to cultivate within ETO. Come up with one of your own and let ETO create an enemy with your own hands—the reasoning that the fortress is breached from the inside is universal everywhere.”,

"Your imitation of my thinking, your hatred of Wallbreakers, and ETO are all pre-designed by me."

"Actually, I admit that I have an element of gambling, but you are sitting across from me today, which means I bet right."

What Yue Si did not say is that Yue Si No. 2 will become what it is today, which is also influenced by the deity. Although the deity is in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, he still pays some attention to these clones. While collecting information, While protecting these clones, Yue Si No. 2 was also affected when he was instilled with Yue Si's thinking.

This is the characteristic of multiple existence. Just like there are many versions of the Tao Te Ching, as well as the texts that have been modified due to taboos and other issues, which one is the personal biography of Lao Tzu, because the passage of time has become undocumented, but no matter the content No matter how, it will eventually lead to Lao Tzu himself.

Just like the terrifying erosion and assimilation of Godzilla cells, the consciousness of Yue Si himself also has this characteristic, and part of the consciousness of Yue Si No. 2 irreversibly becomes Yue Si - but this kind of thing is too challenging for this world. When human beings can bear it, Yue Si will not say it.

"Eliminating those who broke the wall and eliminating ETO seems to be an obsession in my consciousness. However, my power is limited after all, as long as I do one thing, I will be exposed, so I use external power. To achieve my purpose, which is what you have learned."

"However, this disappoints you. ETO has not completely disappeared. It still has a considerable part of its members active and has not completely disappeared." Yue Si No. 2 said: "I only learned part of it through Wallbreakers. The list of people, plus the people I already know, and most of the rest, even if they don't know who they are, your purpose has not been achieved."

Yue Si nodded and said, "This is something that can't be helped. After all, you are a living person. Even if I designed your thinking, I can't control everything about you. Your actions have greatly damaged ETO's vitality. A little is enough."

After drinking the rest of the cocoa in one gulp, Yue Si said with a smile, "However, being able to sit in front of me now shows one thing. What I had planned for a long time has finally come true."

"What?" Yue Si No. 2 didn't know what Yue Si was talking about.

"I mean, Tomoko, it has left the earth!" Yue Si said: "Otherwise, your actions will not be so smooth, and your betrayal will be notified to other ETOs by Tomoko as soon as possible. There will be no such outcome.”

The brain of Yue Si No. 2 did not understand what Yue Si said for a while, and then saw Yue Si stand up and said to the agents of the Planetary Defense Council: "Notify the Council, I will hold a meeting. A hearing to announce the results I have achieved over this period of time, the scale of victory has begun to tilt in the direction of mankind."

"And, if Wallbreaker A is still alive, treat him and let him participate in the hearing. After all, he is also an important part of it."

Later, Yue Si looked at Yue Si No. 2 and said, "As for him, according to the law, he will be given a due trial, and he will be sentenced as he should be."

"No need." Yue Si No. 2 said with a smile: "I can't live for too long. The implantation of personality data, negative mental state, and a large number of psychiatric and neurological drugs have caused my brain to suffer. The damage is serious, I can't live long, so I can't wait to act - if you think I have played my due value, then find me a tomb with good feng shui, burn some more paper for me, paper man Paper horses, sports car villas, virgins and girls—I want to pay for the virgins.”

Because of the artificially compiled thinking, Yue Si No. 2 did not feel resentful because he was a weapon designed to deal with ETO, but accepted all this calmly and faced his future destiny with a smile.

Yue Si said half-jokingly: "That's good, I'll perform euthanasia for you, and use ball lightning to quantify you..."

Wallfacer Yue Si's words were very heavy, and the agents did not dare to neglect, and immediately began to report and negotiate with all parties.

Although it has been a long time since the last time Yue Si voluntarily requested a hearing on the Wallfacers, the frequency is too high for the members of the Planetary Defense Council. The other three Wallfacers convened or participated in Hearing, adding up to be equal to Yue Si.

But after all, this was the request made by the Wallfacers. The Planetary Defense Council was still carrying out the meeting at the fastest speed. A large number of representatives temporarily put down their work and gathered together by various means of transportation such as special planes.

With Yue Si's order, Wallbreaker A was dispatched, and the injuries left by the torture on his body were properly treated, his hairstyle and beard were also simply trimmed, and he changed into a brand-new suit, except that his mental state was not very good. As well as wearing a bandage close to the body, it still looks good.

At least when facing Yue Si, he cheered up and made himself look like he was still fighting high.

In order to be able to get more information about ETO from his mouth, the agents of the agency of the Planetary Defense Council did not cause any mental damage to Wallbreaker A. Apart from the scars, he was a normal person.

"Everyone, in the war against the Trisolaran civilization, we have finally achieved a preliminary victory, which will be the first step in mankind's victory over the Trisolaran civilization invasion."

Yue Si stood behind the podium, and after speaking the opening remarks, he was the first to applaud.

It's just that everyone in the audience, including those watching the hearing behind the camera and in front of the screen, were stunned. No one echoed his applause. The movement that Yue Si made was too great, and it would start every three days. Hearings, either to announce his strategic plan, or to defend his actions because he was broken, or a head-to-head confrontation with his wallbreaker.

However, you suddenly came out and said that mankind had achieved a preliminary victory, and then applauded in a self-talk, and everyone's expressions were sluggish.

Wallbreaker A said with difficulty: "Wallfacer Yue Si, what do you mean!"

"Literally, human beings finally achieved a preliminary victory in the war with the Trisolaran civilization." Yue Si smiled and said to Wallbreaker A: "This military medal is half of yours!"

Wallbreaker A said that he did not understand what Yue Si said, and Yue Si explained to him: "Sophon, the sophon that locked human technology, it left the earth, and the blockade of human technology has disappeared~www.wuxiamtl .com~ As soon as these words came out, everyone was even more puzzled, not knowing where Yue Si's words came from.

"Thanks to my Wallbreaker, it was your contest with me that made Tomoko notice that my plan to directly attack the Trisolaran galaxy is real and feasible, and then for the safety of the mother planet, the Trisolaran will inevitably Try our best to intercept and destroy the aircraft we launch, and the maximum speed of the three-body warship is 10% of the speed of light, how can an object fly at 30% of the speed of light, how can it be captured? trajectories and positions, and use this to effectively intercept, then there is only one answer..."

Wallbreaker A spit out the word with difficulty: "Sophon."

The closest existence to the speed of light that Trisolaran technology can achieve is sophons. Only one proton-sized, they are the best spies and detectors. Only they can help the Trisolaran fleet lock the Cyclops system in the starry sky. The whereabouts of the launched aircraft enabled the Trisolaran Fleet to intercept and destroy the aircraft.

"This is the meaning of the game theory I mentioned to you before, that is the possibility." Yue Si applauded and said, "As long as there is a possibility that the parent planet will be destroyed by the aircraft, the three-body man They will not take this risk, the possible threat must be completely eliminated, and the only choice is to remove the Sophon from the earth."

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