Villains Template

Chapter 594: Yoss' counterattack

"The four Wallfacers' wall-breaking is done by me here, and you can now ask the guards to drag me out, just like the previous representative of the Planetary Defense Council."

After he finished speaking, Wallbreaker A looked at Yue Si with a proud look, which is what he should show after defeating a powerful enemy.

Although you can kill me, I defeated you.

After all, Wallbreaker A stretched out his hands, as if he was being handcuffed, but his head was held high, like a brave warrior who went to justice, while Yue Si, who was opposite him, gritted his teeth, The faces were solemn, and the two in this contest formed a sharp contrast. If the expression and the composition were not recorded in oil paintings, this picture would definitely be wasted.

Of course, the different postures of the representatives of the Planetary Defense Council should also exist as a backdrop.

After a long time, a smile appeared on Yue Si's face again, just like the person who was holding back the smile and trying his best to keep his face expressionless finally broke the defense. The smile was an explosive appearance.

That laughter, to Wallbreaker A, was full of ridicule.

With an unconcealed smile, Yue Si put his hand in his trouser pocket, looked at Wallbreaker A and said, "Let's not talk about your speculation and review of the so-called plan of our four Wallfacers, right? Why do you think that once I master this technology, I won't directly attack the Trisolaran civilization? Rejecting the enemy from outside the country is something that people with normal brains should know."

"Space distance." Wallbreaker A said: "The distance between the solar system and the Trisolaran galaxy is 4.5 light-years. Even at the speed of light, it takes 4.5 standard earth-years. Even if you launch an aircraft, the universe Dust, small star belts, artificial bunkers, etc., can slow down the aircraft and make it smash itself into blood, compared with the distance between the earth and the sun, and there are too few interference factors."

Yue Si took off the "glasses that disappeared" from the bridge of his nose and stuffed them into his pocket. The strong visual action made Yue Si almost blurt out the line "Give me Kangkang", and Wallbreaker A noticed this. , Yue Si himself looks very young, like a young man in his twenties, at most in his early thirties, but, according to Yue Si's information, he is now a middle-aged man, older than him. .

Even if the Orientals are aging slowly, even if they are well-maintained, they should not behave like this. Wallbreaker A felt an inexplicable fear. It seems that the person in front of him, this Yue Si, who has been thoroughly studied by himself, did not go there at all. Know him as well.

"Then, have you ever thought that we have achieved very high achievements in nuclear fusion technology." Yue Si clicked his watch to confirm the time, then put his hands behind his back, and said with victory: "No need for anything. The initial velocity of the impact, as long as you are close to the star, you can affect it, like scratching the star's nostril and making it sneeze."

In the face of Wallbreaker A's repeated moves, Yue Si began to fight back, and the moves were completely beyond Wallbreaker A's expectations.

"Staff, import the data of the nuclear reactor into the big screen in the conference room."

Frederick Taylor had already arranged everything, everything was ready, it was just a matter of issuing an order - the workers at the nuclear power plant were puzzled by this behavior, but it was an order from the Wallfacer, They must obey.

"This is impossible!"

Some people exclaimed that it was the staff of the nuclear power plant, and the experts of the International Atomic Energy Agency looked at the data in amazement.

"What happened!" Many of the representatives were not from science and engineering, and even fewer were able to understand the data. They were separated by mountains, just like people who don't pay attention to history don't know that Han Xin and Han Wangxin are different. Personally, there are hundreds of years between the Southern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty.

"Nuclear reaction, fusion reaction, it actually disappeared!"

Some IAEA experts said tremblingly, and then talked about some and no, all of which showed how shocking it was.

To sum up, the fusion reaction in the reactor of this nuclear power plant was disturbed by an unexplored force, the fusion reaction stopped instantly, and the temperature of the core dropped rapidly - it sounds very outrageous, but it actually happened, Just like the basic physics research of human beings, the research on basic matter by means of particle accelerators is locked by sophons.

"You did this?" Wallbreaker A lost a trace of courage in his voice.

"It's not me." Yue Si pointed to the top of his head and said, "It's the space station overhead. Our equipment is carried in the space station. We only need four, and the released force field can form one and cover the entire space. The triangular pyramid of the earth, at present, is only activated at a very low power, but it can cover this nuclear power plant directionally, which requires high precision."

As if the heat from his body had been removed, Wallbreaker A shuddered, and when he spoke, he could even hear his trembling, teeth fighting, and he asked: "Could it be that there are... power, you just need to induce them to do things for you - so it is, so this is what you said in this sentence."

"So, I have long ago...although it's not very early...I told you that smart people like to think too much and always like to complicate matters." Yue Si said, "I said it clearly before. , I have repeated countless times, everything I do is open, and I absolutely do not hide my purpose, in Sun Tzu's art of war, I have always followed a dignified and upright path."

Under the terrified gaze of Wallbreaker A, Yue Si then added:

"You guessed it right, the aircraft launched by the Cyclops system, its main body is equipped with such a jamming device, the power is dozens of times that of the space station, because considering that it is a weapon, the activation You don’t need to think about long-term use, you can overload it, and even only need to play a one-second effect.”

"For the star itself, the impact of that moment does not cause much stability damage to itself, but it is enough to make it sneeze, but what is the sneeze is the size of the star, for the insignificant planet , but it is a disaster that destroys the sky and destroys the earth.”

"Plasma enough to drown the entire planet was ejected, covering most of the planet's surface, evaporating the planet's atmosphere and a considerable part of the planet's material, and the parent planet of the Trisolaran was like being fried in a frying pan The meatballs are the same, the body shrinks, the water evaporates, the case becomes crispy, and you bite down... Oh, I can't say it anymore, I'm drooling."

Wiping the nonexistent saliva from the corner of his mouth, Yue Si said: "And, I have not only hit the Trisolaran system more than once, the Cyclops system, the aircraft, under the conditions of industrialization, under the authority order of my Wallfacer. Under the hood, it can be launched once in about three to five years, and there are other resources funded by the Wallfacers, such as mushroom eggs for fuel or something."

"Of course, that's only in theory. In practice, it takes about seven years to launch an aircraft. The times are constantly advancing, and technology is constantly advancing, and it may not take seven years."

Perhaps because he felt that his words were not lethal enough, Yue Si said: "The reason for this, of course, is because there are three stars in the Trisolaran galaxy, and the explosion of stars is different from frying, and there is always a backlash. On the side of the star, the explosion will be more or less incomprehensible, and there will be Trisolarans who will survive with the help of underground bases. Simply launch a few more aircraft, and come back several times—and this is also an exhaustive method. If an aircraft can launch dozens of rounds, even if there is an accident, there will always be one that can reach the Trisolaran galaxy—that is 30% of the speed of light. Even if Trisolarans want to block it, it is very cumbersome, and even catching it The flight trajectory is also very difficult to do.”

"There is a loophole in your plan." Wallbreaker A said reluctantly, "How can you ensure that the aircraft you launch can successfully enter the Trisolaran galaxy?"

"Who can ensure that my aircraft cannot enter the Trisolaran galaxy? As long as one of the aircraft enters the Trisolaran galaxy, my strategic goal will be achieved. Murphy's Law, as long as there is a possibility, it will inevitably happen."

Yue Si stared at Wallbreaker A and said, "This is what my grandfather taught me—when jumping out of the trenches and bunkers and choosing to fight the bayonet with the little devil, at that time, you are already dead, don't think of yourself as a A living person looking at it and treating himself as a corpse that can still move is to hold such a belief and fight the enemy with a bayonet."

Leaving a certain amount of time for Wallbreaker A to think, Yue Si continued: "Although I don't want to talk about it, but under the premise that Sophon locks up the study of basic physics on Earth, humans don't actually have much chance to defeat the Trisolaran. , even if it is a fleet that has crossed a long cosmic space to reach the earth, everything on the journey has left the Trisolaran fleet scarred."

"However, even if we can't win, I won't make the Trisolarans feel better. If the Trisolarans know the current affairs, they should stop their invasion of the earth. Otherwise, they will become a poor civilization relying on spaceships, forever. to lose their home.”

Wallbreaker A smiled bleakly, and said forcibly, "However, the Trisolaran fleet can completely occupy the earth, use the earth as their new home, and rekindle the torch of civilization with a faint spark."

Yue Si shook his head gently: "I said, humans don't have many chances to defeat the Trisolarans, but that doesn't mean the chance is zero, don't forget, the earth and the solar system are our home, we can In the past 400 years, develop what is already available to the extreme, and then use the resources of the entire solar system to fight against the Trisolarans! Victory will always belong to mankind!"

"The Trisolarans only have one fleet and a thousand spaceships. When the Trisolaran galaxy is destroyed, one less Trisolaran dies, one less spaceship is damaged, and if we fight the war of attrition, we have a higher chance of winning. "

"The great man once said - if the land is lost, the people and the land will be lost; if the people are lost, the people and the land will be saved. Pulling the solar system and the invaders to perish together, that is not in line with the education I have received in strategic thinking."

Taking the action of slashing and slashing, Yue Si said: "By destroying the Trisolaran galaxy to cut off the supply of the Trisolaran fleet, this is the first part of my strategic plan. For the rest, we only need to steadily advance the progress of human civilization. Development, that's all."

"So, what do you have to be arrogant. What can be resisted by slowing down the aircraft - from the current situation, you should know that the effect of that kind of device does not necessarily require physical contact, perhaps a kind of waves, or rays."

Yue Si said arrogantly to Wallbreaker A: "Although there are many details in the middle, for various reasons, I can't disclose it to the public, but the general process is such a process."

"It's impossible!" Wallbreaker A was a little panicked, as if to match his mood, a strand of his hair, which had been submissively groomed with wax, spread out: "This is something that can't be done, human beings simply cannot do it. You can't win against the Trisolaran."

"I can't win at all, I don't understand." Yue Si played another line, and said: "Cosmic war is a war at the technical level. Using one's own strength to attack the enemy's weakness, human technology is at a certain level, If you are ahead of the Trisolaran in a certain direction, then magnify the advantage in that area - as long as my technology is ahead of you, then I will beat you by the aspect that is ahead of you!"

Just like Wallbreaker A was aggressive towards him before, Yue Si also said step by step: "Just like the Wallbreaker you sent before, that pretty girl, she once told me , the formula for the paint on the probe's sails, even Trisolarans want to get, but Sophon couldn't find it - this is the aspect of Earth's technology ahead of Wallbreaker In the duel with the Wallfacer, Yue Si won the final victory with a sword that seemed to be nowhere to be found, but with a gray line.

Wallbreaker A tremblingly took out the handkerchief on his chest, unfolded the handkerchief folded into a white flower, and wiped the sweat from his forehead. At this time, he was already sweating like rain.

Suddenly, Wallbreaker A saw that Yue Si was absent-minded, so he threw a handkerchief at Yue Si, who was close at hand, to cover part of his vision, and then deceived himself to attack Yue Si: "I I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you!"

But Yue Si's reaction was faster than Wallbreaker A. With his left hand swept in front of him, he knocked down his handkerchief to the side, then dodged and forced, staggering Wallbreaker A's slightly articulated fists - elites always have time, Energy and money can be spent on yourself, including fitness, learning boxing or something. Therefore, Wallbreaker A's fist is at least not a slap in the face.

It's just that he was facing Yue Si, who was killed in a sea of ​​corpses and blood. He knew killing skills, not the competitive boxing skills he learned in the boxing gym.

If Yue Si played with Wallbreaker A seriously, there were ten ways to take his life on the spot, but Yue Si was not so serious.

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