Villains Template

Chapter 591: Since I got mentally ill, my whole body has been energized

"Ah, that's such a pity, I'm very much looking forward to your assassination of me."

In response to the provocation of the man on the other end of the phone, Yue Si unceremoniously fought back, using the tone of Admiral Kizaru in "One Piece": "A beautiful assassin lurking around waiting for an opportunity to assassinate or something, that's really monotonous to me. It's a seasoning of life, just imagine it and feel that life is full of fun, but it's a pity that it's gone now, it's a pity, a pity."

"Trisolarans are nothing but bugs. Let me try my best to eliminate a group of bugs. It is tantamount to shooting mosquitoes with cannons. It is overkill and waste of resources. If it weren't for the various assassination operations that your ETO has been targeting me, I would have Getting bored of this job opposite the wall is one of the few joys in my life."

"Oh, you just don't care about the crisis brought about by Trisolarans?" The man on the other end of the phone didn't feel sullen, although Yue Si belittled them and the "Lord" for whom they gave everything, his tone was not at all sullen. Nothing has changed.

Yue Si said with a smile: "There has been an exaggerated argument on the Internet recently. Humans are very good at using fusion energy to destroy thousands of Zerg. In fact, it's just a quilt. For me, destroying the civilization of the three-body man, It's as simple as drying a quilt."

"You are so arrogant," said the man on the other end of the phone, and then he was speechless for a long time.

Although the other party was not in front of him, Yue Si still shook his head and said, "It's not arrogance, it's the attitude that higher beings have to face lower beings, just like you wouldn't think that gorillas who can use tools will threaten human beings today. The status is the same - no, not a gorilla, but a slug or a snail."

The man on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, and said, "If this is the purpose of your call, please hang up. If you want to use this phone to determine my location, then I can talk to you. Let's chat."

The tone of the members of ETO is humble, but the words are full of infinite confidence. He is very confident in the strength of the organization he belongs to, because it is composed of the elites among the earthlings, and there are three-body human transmission technology. .

Although it was impossible to give Yue Si a slap across the phone, it was possible to have a verbal confrontation on the phone, and it would never weaken the battle.

"Oh, I forgot if you didn't mention it." Yue Si still spoke in the tone of a kiwi, "It's just that we've been chatting so well, I thought the person on the phone was a sweet voice. The little girl, but I didn't expect to be a rough man, but once the topic started, I couldn't stop it, and after going back and forth, I forgot about the business."

"I made this call, and the purpose at the beginning was to invite my Wallbreaker to watch the ceremony and witness the weapon I used to directly strike the Trisolaran galaxy, although through Sophon, you will be separated by thousands of miles or even more distant. From the distance, you can see what happened very clearly, but there are beautiful girls standing by in beautiful clothes, at least it is not pleasing to the eye."

The man on the other end of the phone sneered and said, "Then I'm sorry, the beautiful girl in beautiful clothes you want to see, it's estimated that it will take a while before you can see her in heaven."

"No, you come or something else, the same is true about my Wallbreaker coming, I just hope that when the time comes, someone can see what I want the Trisolaran to see, and then the whole person collapses, completely collapses in front of me , that scene must be very beautiful!" Yue Si said: "I hope that person is you, I like the style of your speech so much, a little girl who cried like pear blossoms and rain, how can a man whose faith collapses cry? horribly."

There are several language flaws in Yue Si's words, but the man on the other end of the phone didn't pick on those flaws at all. Instead, he heard a strong provocation from Yue Si's words.

"By the way." Yue Si said: "When the time comes, remember to wear formal clothes, black suits, white shirts, black ties, and Oxford shoes. You'd better find a good makeup artist to tidy up your appearance. I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it. If you have a myocardial infarction on the spot, you don’t need to arrange your grooming for you, and you can just bury it—after all, you are a traitor to all mankind, and no one will prepare a funeral for you. Find you a thin-skin coffin and bury you hastily, even if you have done your best.”

Cursing people to death as soon as he opens his mouth, Yue Si's words are very damaging, but this just shows Yue Si's self-confidence, because a hysterical person won't hurt people with such sloppy words, he will swear directly. The ETO member on the other end of the phone also retorted.

It was still in the empty room woven into a net from before.

After hanging up the phone, Wallbreaker A said to Wallbreaker B: "Yue Si invited me to watch the ceremony, which is what he said to the Planetary Defense Council at the Wall Facing Project Hearing, the time and place will be Also notify me."

Tomoko is the best spy on the planet today, and everything that happens in the human race cannot escape its surveillance. Wallbreaker A watched almost the entire hearing of the Wallfacer, and even complained about Yue Si in private. , also understood.

Of course, this was what Yue Si deliberately let them see, otherwise, as soon as the "glasses with disappearing sense of existence" were worn, everything about Yue Si would be erased from their minds. This is the power of rules.

Wallbreaker B said: "Then, what are you going to do? Yue Si has been very vigilant after many assassinations. If you want to take the opportunity to do something to him, you can't do it with your own strength. And, who can ensure that you can still get out of the way after you face the wall as a wallbreaker like her."

The "she" in Wallbreaker B's mouth refers to the Wallbreaker who met Yue Si at the beginning. The four Wallbreakers were also surprised that she was able to come back without being controlled, and then the first one. Time took medical measures on her, but it still couldn't save her life, after all, she was the first person to contract the virus.

"I don't care, as long as I crack Yue Si's strategic plan, I have no regrets - it should be this word!" Wallbreaker A said uncertainly: "Yue Si is a terrible opponent!"

Wallbreaker B wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, he finally didn't say it. After a long time, he said: "We will discuss this matter after they come back."

Of the four Wallbreakers arranged by ETO for Yue Si, only two are still here. Wallbreaker C and Wallbreaker D are not here for the time being, but they will return here soon. A result will be negotiated.

Wallbreaker C and Wallbreaker D came back not long after, but it was not only the two of them who came back, but also brought another person—the volunteer who accepted the personality of Yue Si simulated by Sophon, willing to serve ETO and San. The unfortunate soul of the body.

Compared with the previous period, the mental state of the devotees is undoubtedly much better. The hair and clothes are obviously well groomed. Although they are not wearing high-end clothes, they are clean and tidy, and they are also sprayed with perfume - um, Not perfume, but six gods.

"He made me feel scared. It felt like there were two souls stuffed into his body, and it was like a human pillar possessed by a god." After Wallbreaker D came back, he immediately released the suitcase he was holding in his hand. , hurriedly walked away from the devotee, walked to the corner, and hid far away.

"You are correct in your evaluation of me, you have stuffed the thoughts of a **** into the body of a mortal. In your culture, people like me are called human pillars, and this behavior is called reliance. ', or to take home." The devotee said angrily to Wallbreaker B: "Who, go and pour me a glass of water, I should take medicine again, and relying on medicine, I can maintain my sanity."

Although the Wallbreakers work for the Trisolarans, they cannot change the fact that they are human beings. Food, clothing, housing and transportation are all necessary. In this office space specially prepared for them, there must be water dispensers and vending machines for them. Necessary drinks and snacks were provided, and soon a bottle of mineral water was handed to the devotees.

"Thank you." After taking the mineral water, the devotee said, "Although according to Yue Si's preference, I prefer to boil it in cold water, which is made from mountain spring water, not tap water that can be released with various chemicals."

"You... how is your condition?" It was not only Wallbreaker D who was afraid of the state of the devotees, but Wallbreaker A also felt a burst of instinctual discomfort when facing the devotees, so he Like in the Uncanny Valley Theory, the existence that is almost 100% similar to humans, but is not human.

"Me? If you're asking me, I'm in good shape." The devotee said in a relaxed and cheerful tone: "Since I got mental illness, my whole body has been feeling a lot better, and I've never felt it. So great."

This sentence is true. Apart from the discomfort it brings to others, the devotee's mental state is very good, his expression is high, and his eyes seem to be flickering, as if his whole body is burning.

As soon as the devotee's words were finished, Wallbreaker A immediately took two steps back and looked at the devotee with a little horror. He had just finished talking with Yue Si, and there was still a sound of Yue Si's voice in his brain, while the devotee spoke. At the time, the tone and wording were very loud with Yue Si, and only the sound was slightly different from Yue Si, otherwise Wallbreaker A would think that Yue Si was standing opposite him.

"Yes, that's how it feels. I remember Yue Si's voice. The way he speaks is so similar to Yue Si, it's terrifying!" Wallbreaker D, who was hiding in the corner, said, "He's not imitating Yue Si. , but to become Yue Si, to become Yue Si from the thinking level! From the spiritual core to become another person."

Wallbreaker C walked up to Wallbreaker A and said to him in a low voice: "You said at the beginning that someone must become Yue Si, now, your goal has been achieved, and he is gradually transforming into Yue Si. -It's just that the process is so terrifying."

Wallbreaker A shook his head in disbelief: "I never thought this would happen."

The devotee opened the suitcase previously pulled by Wallbreaker D. Inside were bags of colorful pills. He took out a bag, opened the seal of the ziplock bag, and poured out all the capsules and pills inside. He put it in the palm of his hand, then filled it into his mouth, and took it with a whole bottle of mineral water: "In the future, please call me Yuesi No. 2, a poor imitation."

"If I ate such a large amount of pills, I would probably save a meal." Wallbreaker B looked at Yue Si No. 2's 'frank' performance and couldn't help hiccups.

"There are two different thoughts and memories in my brain at the same time, one is the insignificant consciousness generated by this body before; the other is implanted through equipment, the personality named Yue Si and memory."

Yue Si No. 2 tapped his temple, looked at the four Wallfacers and said:

"You can't understand that feeling. It's like two people each have a hand, holding the handlebars of a bicycle together, and controlling the direction of the bicycle. Every time you turn, you need two people to work together. Negotiate."

"However, what we need is not like that. It is not necessary to negotiate together. What I should do is to understand the thoughts of the owner of the other hand, and cooperate with his movements when turning and turning. It's all about him."

Although facing the four wallbreakers with a smile, Yue Si No. 2 said: "In the beginning, I didn't understand how to do that, and the whole person was in a state of madness, but in the During that time, I also spied a part of Yue Si's thinking, and began to analyze my true thoughts from my various behaviors - I also read the strategic plan of Yue Si that you four speculated about~www.wuxiamtl. com~ looks very reasonable, but unfortunately it's wrong, my character is doomed, I'm not the kind of person who will make that kind of plan."

At this time, Yue Si No. 2's names of "self" and "Yue Si" were confused, and they all became "I", which seemed a little crazy when combined with his speech and behavior.

"The biggest influence on a person is the experience of childhood and adolescence. Do you remember what Yue Si said about the theory of fighting the bayonet? It's not made up. I checked some information and it's true. This kind of thinking grows up, you think he is a pessimistic fugitive, too superficial!"

"Wait a minute, when the effect of the medicine you took has taken effect, we will discuss this matter again." Wallbreaker A stopped Yue Si No. 2's intention to continue talking, and began to regret it. Do it right or wrong.

Perhaps, the proposal "one must become Yue Si" should have been rejected from the very beginning. After seeing the results of his proposal, his moral concept of human beings made him feel an indescribable sense of discomfort. .

Yue Si No. 2 shook his head and said, "I'm fine, really, I'm thinking completely in Yue Si's way now."

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