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Chapter 589: even more heartbroken

If the analysis of Yue Si's strategic plan in the words of the Wall Breakers is correct, then they are destined to be broken one day, because compared to Yue Si's plan, which is like an antelope hanging on its horns, their plan is too steady. very easy to analyze.

Although in the process of specific implementation, Yue Si was the one who acted the most prudently.

"Dr. Yue, is the Wallbreaker's analysis correct?" Although he really doesn't want to admit it, the Wallbreaker's analysis is so well-founded that it's hard for Bill Hines not to believe that what she said is Yue Si's strategic plan, because he listened to it one by one, was too coherent and well-founded, and he was even in Yue Si's plan.

"Although it sounds very reasonable, what I did was not what the Wallbreaker plan said." Yue Si said, "If you still remember, you should have heard me about how my grandfather taught me how to get along with each other. The aggressor fights with a bayonet, and my character is destined for me not to do that."

Although half of what Yue Si said was false, the meaning expressed was true. Whether ETO or Trisolaran, they knew nothing about the true power, but the other three Wallfacers said a word to him. Neither believe it.

The weapon of the Wallfacer is only a lie. Even if the wall is broken and the plan is made public, Yue Si may still be struggling.

"I said at the beginning, I will not use concealment tactics, everything I do is open and open, everything I do has no deep meaning, what the Wall Breakers analyze is just their own right. things." Yue Si said: "When I do things, I never hope for those illusory things, I just use everything in front of me."

"And to escape from the base camp, accumulate strength, and choose another day to counterattack, no matter how you look like one, I will never do that."

"What did the Wallbreaker say?" Manuel Rey Diaz asked.

"That's just a plan they came up with. I have asked the staff to sort out the information in the Wallbreaker's words and submit it to the Planetary Defense Council. The evaluation of this plan is up to them." Yue Si waved his hand. Said: "How can a thing that does not exist, how can it be defeated, how can a plan that does not exist, how can it be destroyed."

"I ask you to hold this video conference. First, I will tell you about my broken wall, so that you can take more precautions and be mentally prepared; second, I also need your help. The wall breaker said, They think that the wall break has been successful, and they are about to launch a full-scale counterattack against my plan, so I need to counterattack their counterattack."

Hearing this, Bill Hines said: "Dr. Yue, if your plan fails and you are disqualified as a Wallfacer, I will shelter you with the authority of a Wallfacer. Even if you are not selected to be a Wallfacer You are also a great scientist, and losing you is an unimaginable loss for mankind."

Only Wallfacers can understand how much mental pressure the Wallfacers have to endure. Bill Hines, who is a scientist, can empathize with Yue Si's situation. After all, the two sides have a lot of communication in terms of technology.

"No, that's not what I meant." Yue Si shook his head and turned to Frederick Taylor: "I need your help to contact a nuclear power plant, or to conduct a small-yield tactical mushroom egg detonation experiment. ."

Frederick Taylor didn't ask Yues the reason for doing this, because everything the Wallfacer did was in accordance with the rules and didn't need to be explained to others, and even if it did, who could ensure that it wasn't part of the plan— Except for the outlier like Yue Si, except for some actions, he had to hide what he had done.

"The use of nuclear power plants or small-yield tactical mushroom eggs is actually to verify the authenticity of what I said before, the direct attack on the Trisolaran galaxy, and it can also be regarded as a deterrent to the Trisolarans. At least let them understand that I am using What a way to hit them."

Yue Si clenched his fists and said: "To deter the Trisolarans, we should take a way for them to understand. What I need to do is to make them understand the situation. They have provoked people they shouldn't mess with. ."

The video conference is over here, everything that needs to be said has been said, and it is a waste of time to continue.

ETO's counterattack came faster than Yue Si imagined, just like what they said to Yue Si - what you tried so hard to protect becomes a weapon to defeat you.

Moreover, the purpose of ETO has always been clear. The wall-face plan against Yue Si is meaningless. There is only one way to break the wall against Yue Si, and that is to kill him. Kill with a soft knife.

Before the official announcement of Yue Si's Wallfacer plan that they analyzed, they announced the news of "Wallfacer Yue Si was broken", and then they secretly manipulated public opinion. God is also him, and ghost is also him.

The trumpet supports Yue Si, the trumpet scolds Yue Si, artificially creating contradictions, involving onlookers and passers-by, and stirring up a pool of water. operation of the master.

Under the deliberate provocation, more and more people know about Yue Si's breaking the wall. As long as people who can access the Internet are basically involved - and the evolution to this stage is also caused by Yue Si. If it weren't for the popularization of intelligent devices that he promoted, the number of netizens would have surged, and it would have been far from this situation.

The sinking of users means that the good and the bad are mixed. Human beings are naturally the kind of creatures that are prone to extremes. Under the deliberate provocation of ETO, a considerable number of netizens have become "diodes", and even in the end, "Wallfacer Yue Si was broken." This matter has become irrelevant, and the target thing has become the individual "Wallfacer Yuesi".

In other words, ETO launched an action against the four Wallfacers earlier. They relied on speaking again and again to bring the four Wallfacers to the altar, and they became the saviors of mankind, and even rumored that The four Wallfacers are psychic, and that's why they were chosen as Wallfacers, because of their incredible power.

This made the implementation of the respective plans of the four Wallfacers very smooth, which was the convenience brought by the fame brought by being promoted to the altar.

When needed, ETO can pull down the person who held the altar with their own hands, step on the sole of their feet, and the higher they stand, the worse they fall.

However, ETO is mainly aimed at Yue Si, and the other three are just piggybacking, unable to kill Yue Si physically, then use the power of public opinion to kill Yue Si from the society, as long as Yue Si is excluded from the Wall Face Plan , he can no longer rely on the identity of the Wallfacer to exert influence on human civilization.

So the great man once said - read more books and don't be deceived by intellectuals.

The members of ETO are all elites among human beings. Under their deliberate provocation, the public increasingly targeted Yue Si, and even people with unknown circumstances began to attack Yue Si personally.

What? "Yue Si is simply a piece of trash. He was broken so quickly. Look at the other three wallfacers. They also have wallbreakers. Why haven't they been broken?"

There is also "What Yue Si did is to waste the people and waste money. If he converts his wasted resources into coins, enough for the world's population to eat a meal, it is officially because Yue Si wastes so many resources that cause famine in some areas. Appear."

"What is declaring war on the Trisolarans and directly attacking the Trisolaran galaxy, this is all he is playing with our fools back then, he is a clown, he is just grandstanding - a person like him can be a wallfacer, a comedian can be President, they are professional in making fun of them."

"This level can be a wallfacer at that time, then I can go to me, I don't need to be like him, I just need to make myself live well, and I can do nothing better than him."

Such remarks came one after another, and Yue Si's reputation became more and more stinky. Under the excitement of the crowd, there was a remark that "Wallfacer Yue Si kicked out of the Wallfacer plan", and there were still many people who supported it.

Then ETO added fuel to the fire again and released the message "After Yue Si was smashed into the wall by the wall-breaker, he was so frightened that he didn't even have the courage to keep the wall-breaker behind. Look at each other more."

This time, Yue Si was even more roasted on the fire, killing people and punishing them, but that's all.

Of course, it's not that no one is rational, because there is no detail about Yue Si's being broken, and there are only some imaginary words circulating on the Internet. There is no basis for Yue Si's being broken.

However, there are not many people who are willing to believe these facts, and their words are deliberately suppressed by members of the ETO.

In the conference hall of the Planetary Defense Council, another meeting was held on the Wall-Facing Plan, but this time the people who participated in the meeting were serious, and everyone had a thick document in their hands, among which was the strategic plan of Yue Si summarized by ETO. The brief program and the support of the necessary data and data, ETO has a high evaluation of Yue Si's strategic plan.

This information ETO has already been announced, but the Planetary Defense Council blocked the information control for the first time, and limited it to a very small range, that is, inside the Planetary Defense Council, otherwise it is estimated that it will be noisy.

It was the first time the Planetary Defense Council had encountered the Wallfacer being broken, so an urgent hearing was held, and Yue Si was called over to review the matter.

Although the four Wallfacers selected by the Wallfacer Project are arguably the four most powerful people on Earth, they are still subject to checks and balances, because their powers are given to them by the Planetary Defense Council, and they can monitor and review the actions of the Wallfacers. .

Once the behavior of the Wallfacers damages the interests and lives of human beings, or the consumption of resources exceeds a certain limit, the behavior of the Wallfacers will be stopped, and in severe cases, they will be punished by the law.

However, after Yue Si's strategic plan was revealed, everyone who read the relevant content found it difficult, because aside from the premise of "escape", everything Yue Si did did not violate the planetary defense director The two major premises that will be proposed for the Wallface program.

Waste of resources or something, Yue Si's plan can only be implemented in indescribable countries, popularizing education, providing jobs, eliminating hunger and poverty, etc., only they can do it, and the rest of the countries are basically able to procrastinate. .

As for endangering human life or something, as Yue Si said, he never concealed his thoughts on what he wanted to do. Everything he did was put on the table with dignity, and he was committed to making human society more civilized. ,Better.

However, that is only limited to the current stage. If Yue Si's next plan is really consistent with the information released by ETO, then he is an anti-human criminal who implements "flightism".

Therefore, at this meeting, Yue Si was strictly ordered to be present, and Yue Si really came. Although the table of the meeting was placed in a circle, the other people who attended the meeting seemed to treat him as a criminal, as if they could not wait to Deprive him of his identity as a Wallfacer, and then let him accept the "due punishment" - but Yue Si's identity is destined to be protected by the indescribable country, and then it will be a large exchange of technology and resources.

For example, the representative of the foot basin, his predecessor cut himself off in the interrogation room because of Yue Si, and because of the harsh conditions proposed by Yue Si, their country's space elevator project did not even have the initial stage, and some African countries even rely on it. Selling mining rights, got assistance from the Indescribable Nation, are building the ground part of the space elevator - the outer space part will require their astronauts to be trained by the Indescribable Nation to begin .

He couldn't wait to see Yue Si's lost face.

The beginning of the meeting was a very tedious process. The host first gave a brief statement on the reason for the meeting, and then repeated the various regulations of the Wall Facing Plan.

Finally, he asked Yue Si, "Wallfacer Yue Si, what can you say?"

"According to the basic principles of the Wallface plan, the information we see now may be part of your strategic fraud, and it cannot fully represent all of your strategic plans. Excuse me, what is your opinion on this matter?"

Yue Si looked around and said, "Part of the information published by ETO is correct, I did not conceal what I did, that is, the part of the information about what I have done is basically correct. Yes, it's like saying that they summed up the plans that I had already undertaken."

"So, it's a fact that you intend to reduce the number of people in the world!" The representative of the foot basin has a new hatred and an old hatred, and when Yue Si's speech was halfway through, he began to make moves: "As a Wallfacer , you are unqualified!"

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