Villains Template

Chapter 575: assassinate

Although what Yue Si said was so counter-intuitive and like a fantasy novel, everyone in the audience listened very carefully, because Yue Si was a Wallfacer, and his words and deeds were part of the Wallfacer plan.

"There is a saying in Sun Tzu's Art of War: In all fighters, he will win by righteousness and oddity."

Perhaps it was because he felt that the people in the audience could not understand, and the instant translation could not accurately express his meaning. Yue Si added: "In a war, frontal combat is important, but in the case of unequal power, it is necessary. Surprising victory."

"I don't know the plans of the other three Wallfacers, but my plan is to enhance human beings and realize the evolution of human beings. During this period, there will be some anti-moral and anti-ethical experiments."

"Their plan is to win the surprise soldiers, and my plan is to fight the Trisolaran head-on."

Fear, unprecedented fear, unprecedented fear of ETO members, fear of Yue Si.

Tomoko could not observe Yue Si, even if it knew that Yue Si was there, just behind the podium, talking to a group of people, it could know what Yue Si was talking about through the simultaneous interpreter, but it could not tell what Yue Si was talking about. Yue Si made direct observations.

Some of them were in the venue, and some were in other unknown areas, and they learned about the meeting through Sophon's broadcast. However, except for the members inside the venue, none of them could observe Yue Si, as if he was a phantom. generally.

"According to the data that has been analyzed, the way of reproduction of trisolarans is fusion and splitting, and two trisolarans of the opposite **** are fused into one. At that time, two-thirds of the matter will be used as energy for biochemical reactions, and the remaining thirds will be used for biochemical reactions. One will split into three to five juveniles, and in this process, the juveniles will inherit about 30 percent of their parents' memories, ensuring the Trisolaran's inheritance of knowledge to the greatest extent possible."

"This is something that cannot be achieved by human beings. Humans need at least sixteen years of basic education to master some of the most basic knowledge, that is, college students in our perception."

After the podium, the emotion in Yue Si's voice became more and more dull, almost indifferent, and he began to express his philosophy:

"Assuming that the existing human science and technology are programmed with quantum technology and implanted into the human brain, can it be considered that the human individual has learned the technology of the entire human being?"

Yue Si said boldly: "There is no need for decades of hard study, no need to memorize and memorize inefficiently, just a simple operation of a device, human beings can master a huge amount of knowledge and information, saving a lot of learning. Time, all it takes is to understand that knowledge and apply it in practice."

"From the first industrial revolution to the present, less than 300 years have passed. From now to the arrival of the Trisolaran fleet, there will be at least 400 years. I believe that in these 400 years, mankind will will grow into a great and powerful race."

"I believe that in a certain achievable future, mankind will master the ultimate of all things, overcome the barrier of the speed of light, perfect the grand unified theory, the realization of dark matter and the return of Poincaré. At that time, mankind will move towards the throne of eternal victory. Despise the forest of the universe and become the greatest race."

"After five standard weeks, thirty-five standard earth days, and eight hundred and forty hours, I will announce the first step of my plan. At that time, I hope that the media will be there for a global live broadcast."

Bill Hines, who is also a Wallfacer and has a background as a scientist, asked: "Our fundamental physics research has been completely locked up, and the great idea you put forward cannot be done."

Yue Si was silent for a while and said: "This matter will be revealed in five standard weeks. Although the upper limit of human beings is locked, we can raise the lower limit of human beings - Mr. Bill Hines, I hope You can go further in your own research."

The meeting was over, and the people who participated in the meeting left, as did Yue Si.

"I never thought that I would be selected for this spot." Yue Si said to Lao Xu.

Lao Xu did not answer his words, but looked around dumbly and escorted him towards a bulletproof car. Now the future of mankind is all tied to the four Wallfacers, and there is no room for loss.

At this time, there were sparse tourists in the square. Although the existence of the Trisolaran has been announced, most people in the world have fallen into a kind of panic about the future. However, the Trisolaran will be at least 400 years old. It will come to earth later, and many people are ready to enjoy life well at this time.

Then, a tourist leaned back as if he had been hit by a punch. At the same time, a layer of energy shield appeared on the surface of Yue Si's body. Leaving bits and pieces of burnt brown marks, and on the ground not far away, a warhead lay on the ground.

The bullet was aimed at Yue Si, and the passively triggered energy shield blocked the shot for him, and the energy shield itself reacted with the air, as evidenced by the generated arc.

Lao Xu pushed Yue Si to the car, closed the door, and the car that had been ready to start immediately rushed out, mixed with other similar cars, constantly changing directions, and after a circle, returned to the original bit.

Because I don't know whether the other party will set up sniper points, anti-equipment weapons or even RPGs on the road, it is safest to return to the United Nations Building. By the way, Yue Si wants to meet the attacker, because this is where he came. This is the first time the world has come into contact with the ETO organization, and I want to know what is going on in their minds.

The killer is the tourist who leaned back. He is a member of ETO. The firearms he uses are designed and manufactured by himself, including the ammunition. He pursues one-shot kills at close range. Turned over, the hand bone was also broken, and after a simple treatment, he was hanged around his neck.

"Why?" After seeing the man, Yue Si asked, "I really want to know, why are you doing this?"

"I want to know, what is that?" The killer looked at Yue Si, the simple anesthesia made him not affected by the pain of the wound.

Yue Si took out a disc about half the size of his palm and said, "Electromagnetic protection technology was originally designed to be used on satellites and space stations to prevent space junk from causing damage to those equipment, and ordinary anti-material weapons cannot. For those that break through the electromagnetic barrier, because of battery technical issues, the portable version can only be used once, but fortunately you try to kill with one hit."

"I answered your question, now, it's your turn to answer me, what are you thinking, Earth civilization, is it so unbearable in your eyes? What makes you hate human civilization so much that you don't hesitate to become another civilization? The lackeys of my life will destroy me at the cost of my life."

But the answer to Yue Si was two gunshots. A security guard holding the killer pulled out a pistol at a fast speed and pulled the trigger. The first bullet was blocked by the electromagnetic protection force field, and the second bullet was blocked by the electromagnetic protection force field. Hit Yue Si's chest.

This made the security guard feel sorry because he aimed at Yue Si's head, but because of the recoil, the second bullet was missed by him, and then he didn't have a chance to fire the third shot, and was thrown on the ground. on the ground.

"I said it can only be used once, and you think it can only be used once. It's too naive." Yue Si said with a smile as he looked at the security guard who was pushed down by the rest of the security guards, and then he lifted his jacket, Showing the bulletproof vest under the jacket: "My research results, anti-material weapons are fine, at most one or two ribs are broken, ordinary pistols don't work at all."

Yue Si stood up, patted his chest, and said, "Thank you, it is because of you that I have determined what I should do next, instead of being clueless as before."

Yue Si returned to China and saw the top person in charge again: "I need to announce two or more technologies."

The top person in charge said: "You are a wallfacer, and we support all your decisions unconditionally, as long as the losses or wasted resources do not exceed a certain range, or cause harm to human life - well, a certain number of human Life is the legendary casualty indicator."

"I need to recruit a group of scientists from the base. To what extent the technology we have mastered has reached, only they understand that we need to build our own space battleships, spaceports, space docks, and space battle fortresses." Yue Si said : "Future wars are best controlled outside the solar system. This is our homeland."

The top person in charge nodded slightly, agreeing with Yue Si's opinion.

"It's a very important moment. It's time to turn the reserved technology into practical applications. We only have four hundred years." Yue Si said: "Fortunately, we still have four hundred years."

"This matter is already underway. The first step is to build our space station, and then the space elevator... The training of personnel is going on simultaneously." The top person in charge described the original plan. After discussion at the meeting, the space force was officially established, and then according to the construction of the space force, an overall framework was built, the details of which were gradually filled in and perfected, and finally implemented step by step according to the plan.

If it is the original technical level, the construction of the space fleet will take at least a century and a half to achieve initial results, and it will take a long time to truly form combat effectiveness.

However, with the continuous export of technology from underground bases, only the research progress of various research institutes across the country in applied science and the most important scale are restricted.

Just like the dinosaur civilization in "Empire of Devouring", their technology was not much stronger than that of the earth at that time, and there was no terrible gap between the age of internal combustion engines and the age of livestock power, but the size of the Devourer civilization was too large.

You can produce an internal combustion engine and other parts in the laboratory, and assemble a car with excellent performance; but in my large factory, the machinery is automated, and cars of the same quality can be produced continuously. This is volume.

"In the rest of this year, we will carry out three rocket launches, respectively carrying out the transportation of the extraterrestrial part of the initial construction equipment of the space station, manned spacecraft, and space elevator." The top person in charge said.

"Personnel selection and training..." Yue Si said: "I need to participate in it, we are ground creatures, and in the weightless environment in space, only astronauts who have been trained for a long time can be competent, and if they work and live in space for a long time, it is very important The physiology of the space will have an impact, so the space force personnel need to be a space creature, and their overalls need additional design."

"Is it necessary to perform biochemical surgery on them?" the top person in charge asked a question.

"Yes, it would be anti-moral and anti-ethical," said Yues. "The space force will become a demi-human race, a race for space and spaceships."

In a certain digital space, members of the ETO organization gather here for a meeting.

This is also their common communication method. Relying on the data network to shorten the distance between people, even if they are located on opposite ends of the earth, they can still communicate face-to-face, relying on the somatosensory devices and game helmets in the online game novels.

These people, codenamed by historical figures, are reunited by Tomoko to fight back against the Human Wallfacer.

The transparent thinking of the Trisolarans makes it impossible for them to spy on the true intentions of the Wallfacers hidden behind countless lies. They can rely on only the people of the Earth Trisolaran organization, who are also human beings. Ability to understand human thinking and decipher the strategic thinking hidden in countless actions.

And these selected people are called Wallbreakers, and Sophon will send them the words and deeds of Wallfacers, let them learn, simulate, and even become Wallfacers, until they are exactly like them, thus peeling off the layers lies, looking for the "truth" hidden in the core.

There are only three Wallbreakers, corresponding to Frederick Taylor, Manuel Rey Diaz, and Bill Hines. As for Yue Si, there is only one order the Trisolaran has given to ETO, that is, no matter the cost. , completely wiped out Yue Si.

"Fear comes from the unknown. The Lord cannot observe Yue Si and recognize him. For the Lord, Yue Si is the fear of the unknown." ETO's leadership, code-named Qin Shi Huang, said: "We must completely eliminate it. Yue Si, at any cost...even if that price is us."

What Qin Shihuang didn't say was that before the Wall-Facing Plan was proposed, Yue Si had already entered the three-body must-kill list, and the Earth Three-Body Organization had been carrying out assassination operations against Yue Si.

However, in the past three years, Yue Si seemed to have evaporated from the world, and his whereabouts could not be found anywhere, because Sophon could not observe Yue Si, ETO could only speculate that Yue Si was involved in a secret project, Living and working in an isolated place, the outside world has no information about him.

Yue Si suffered two assassinations from ETO, not against Wallfacer Yue Si, but Yue Si himself.

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