Villains Template

Chapter 565: Bai Suzhen

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By the West Lake, on the Broken Bridge.

Bai Suzhen looked at the handsome scholar who was washing hands by the lake with a faint smile on her face.

Although she had seen Xu Xian's appearance in the Xuanguang Mirror of Avalokitesvara, but after seeing the real person, Bai Suzhen realized Xu Xian's excellence, which made the idea of ​​renunciation in her heart deteriorate.

Just like a blind date, no matter what the appearance in the photo is, no matter what the description of the matchmaker is, in the end, you still have to meet the person face-to-face last time, and have a recognition from the other person's behavior and conversation.

Moreover, the blind date is not between a man and a woman, but two families. In addition to the meeting between the man and the woman, you also need to inquire about the opinions of the parents and families of both parties. At this time, if there is a strange neighbor who spreads rumors and ruins his reputation, then this is the case. There is no need to talk about the matter, the blind date ends at the stage of looking at each other's photos.

Bai Suzhen has been in Qiantang County for a certain period of time. She did not appear directly in front of Xu Xian, but inquired about Xu Xian's past in the city, although most people did not know much about Xu Xian's past. Clear, but you described Xu Xian as they knew.

During this process, Xu Xian's image gradually became more three-dimensional in Bai Suzhen's heart. Her parents died early and she grew up with the support of her sister. In less than three years, she has become a famous doctor who is kind and kind. .

These are all plus points for Bai Suzhen, which makes Bai Suzhen firm in her plan to marry Xu Xian and repay Xu Xian's kindness with a marriage.

The most important thing is that Xu Xian is good looking. Although he doesn't have the appearance of Pan An, he is not the kind of handsome man Wei Jie is seen and killed. , is completely a good match.

However, how to get to know Xu Xian is a question that Bai Suzhen needs to consider now. She can't go directly to Xu Xian and say, "Hello Xu Xian, my name is Bai Suzhen, I am here to marry you!" scared away.

Although the time in this world is very short, Bai Suzhen understands "the life of the parents, the words of the matchmaker". It is the mainstream of this era to fall in love after marriage. Although Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian's family situation makes it impossible for them to do so, but The process of encounter, acquaintance, acquaintance, and love is a must.

Thinking of this, Bai Suzhen touched the hairpin on her head and looked at the oil-paper umbrella that Xu Xian put at her feet. She had an idea in her mind - first deliberately lose the hairpin in front of Xu Xian, this is the encounter, and then cast a spell to bring down a heavy rain, He shared an umbrella with Xu Xian and went to a place sheltered from the rain, took this opportunity to chat and get to know each other, and finally married him.

If possible, Bai Suzhen is willing to spend decades with Xu Xian. It is better to grow old with Xu Xian than to become immortal and live forever. Although Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian have never said a word at this time, there is a smile in his eyes. light.

What Bai Suzhen didn't know was that, under the mediation of Guanyin Bodhisattva, her Hongluan star moved and Yuelao was connected, and she did everything possible to use that karma as the thread to deepen the entanglement between the two, otherwise one would become immortal with one heart and become a true fruit. How can you be so emotional to a mortal who has only met once.

At this time, love has turned into love, and feelings, at least two people are involved.

She took off the hairpin, held it in her hand and hid it in her sleeve, Bai Suzhen was about to walk in the direction of Xu Xian, creating a chance for a chance encounter, but her footsteps suddenly stopped, she squeezed a fingerprint, opened her eyes, and looked towards The lake in the direction of Xu Xian.

Through the lake, Bai Suzhen saw a huge carp swimming in the water. With the help of the current, it quietly approached Xu Xian. The carp was a fish demon, and the purpose of approaching Xu Xian must not be simple.

Bai Suzhen choked and chanted a spell, ready to rescue Xu Xian, and then saw the carp spirit leap out of the water, spout a water arrow mixed with mud and sand from its mouth, and shoot at Xu Xian. In an instant, waves of water more than three meters high swayed on the lake surface, stirring up silt and gravel at the bottom of the lake, and roaring towards Xu Xian who was washing his hands by the lake.

Originally, Bai Suzhen thought that the carp essence was just trying to eat Xu Xian. Who would have thought that it would be the ultimate move, hiding one hand in one hand. Bai Suzhen, who was underestimated, used a spell to no avail and could not save that Xu Xian.

But Xu Xian's reaction was beyond Bai Suzhen's expectations. Xu Xian, who was washing his hands, grabbed the oil-paper umbrella that was placed at his feet, retreated a few feet away, waved his hand, and was scattered by the water arrows ejected by the carp essence. With a wave of the oil-paper umbrella, a sword qi was released, the waves were cut in half, and the waves that lost their stamina were splashed on the ground.

The carp essence fell into the water, the lower body was below the surface of the water, and its head stuck out of the water, turning into a human head with the characteristics of a fish, and asked, "Xu Xian, you and I don't commit the river water, why do you want to poison me!"

Xu Xian seemed to be washing his hands in the lake, but he was secretly poisoning. The poison is extracted from a plant called poison ivy, which is less toxic to humans and animals. The toxin extracted with mana has stronger medicinal power. Not long after it was released into the lake, the carp essence in the nest at the bottom of the lake felt something different. After patrolling the bottom of the water, he found Xu Xian against the traces of the spread of the toxin, and he immediately attacked.

"You evildoer, occupying the land of the West Lake, and devote yourself to your cultivation, that's all, you overturned the fishing boat and fed on the people who fell into the water." Xu Xian pointed at the carp spirit, with a serious expression and righteous words.

This carp spirit is also the number one on the list, but it is different from other monsters. It has not taken the path of turning into a human body. It still maintains the shape of a big fish. Those people dragged them into the water and then ate them. The people who fell into the water disappeared, and the corpses could not be salvaged. This is also a thing.

Xu Xian thought it was a normal phenomenon at first, but the list of the monsters gave a clear indication of the whole story. Only then did Xu Xian know that there was such a monster hidden in the West Lake.

However, Xu Xian did not understand the technique of avoiding water, so he could only find another way. He personally went up the mountain to collect medicine, dug up a large bundle of poisonous ivy, extracted the medicine from the vine, and put it into the water to force the carp spirit to appear.

In the process of collecting the herbs, an interesting incident happened. An old monk suddenly found Xu Xian and said that Xu Xian had a cause and effect that would bring disaster for him. At the same time, he also had a relationship with the old monk and needed to go back to the temple with him. , Shaved or monastic, every morning and evening drums, with the ancient Buddha of the blue light as a companion, can only resolve the catastrophe.

If Xu Xian was really an ordinary person, he would really be frightened by the old monk, but Xu Xian is now different from what he used to be, and he has used a way to restrain his breath. The old monk can't see that he actually has cultivation , The most important thing is that Yue Si told him before that the shameless behavior of Buddhism, such as "this thing is related to me", etc., made Xu Xian wary of such words.

After provoking the old monk with his words, Xu Xian walked away with the basket on his back and the hoe, but he didn't know that what the old monk said was indeed true, because the name of the method was Fahai.

Xu Xian is the reincarnation of the little shepherd boy who rescued the white snake from the old snake catcher, while Fa Hai is the old snake catcher. , is a good show.

And this is another method of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. Unlike Bai Suzhen's dedicated induction, Fahai, a Buddhist disciple, only needs some vague words to let him step into the game.

This hand, can be described as painstaking efforts.

On the other side, Bai Suzhen was surprised when she saw Xu Xian's methods. She originally thought that Xu Xian was just an ordinary person who was only proficient in medical skills and used magic to perceive. The magic power came, and the magic power was used to crack the sneak attack of the carp spirit.

What happened in between?

Just when Bai Suzhen hadn't reacted to what happened, the carp essence said, "Hey, I thought there was something wrong, but it was just eating one or two people. What can you do to me?"

Because of living at the bottom of the water for a long time, the carp spirit does not know what Xu Xian has done in Qiantang County these days. One of the monsters that appeared on the list is counted as one, and Xu Xian came to the door to ask him about his behavior, and then beat him up. , the final result must be to kill the monster on the spot.

There are one or two monsters who have a loss in their hearts, and they have left Qiantang County long ago. Although they are reluctant to bear the spiritual energy of the world, which is like a treasure of feng shui, their own lives are still important.

Although it is possible to speed up the process of cultivation in Qiantang County, but when his life is gone, everything is gone, but Xu Xian's shot is merciless.

The big deal is to spend another thousand years of cultivation, relying on water mill work to get the qualification to be ranked in the fairy class.

Therefore, in today's Qiantang County, except for those monsters who do not eat and harm others and focus on cultivation, the rest either die or escape. Only a few can survive, and the carp spirit is one of them.

The carp spirit exclusively occupies the West Lake here, and does not communicate with other monsters. While at ease, it is also blocked from news. He doesn't know what happened in the city.

"It's good if you admit it!" Xu Xianzhang was furious, hit the carp essence, and instantly evaporated the lake water under him, the water vapor transpired, forming a water column several feet high, making a muffled thunderous sound, frying the carp essence on the shore.

The carp spirit never turned into a human body, and the demon body was beaten very strongly. It was struck by lightning, and before it landed on the shore, it regained control over the body. As soon as the demon method came out, a mass of lake water was summoned by it. In a ball, wrap it up.

Xu Xian jumped forward and took a palm, evaporated the water in the lake, and reached out to catch the carp essence, to control it on the shore, so that it would not have the chance to return to the water, but the scales of the carp essence were cast like fine iron, and the surface of the carp essence was cast. Wrapped in a layer of mucus, it was slippery, so Xu Xian couldn't hold it, so he pressed it firmly.

If you let the carp essence run away this time, the other party will definitely not stay in the West Lake. With the waterway network extending in all directions, you can't go anywhere, so this time, the carp essence will definitely be taken down.

Anyone who has ever caught a fish knows that when a big fish is hooked, don't rush to reel in the line, but make the line longer, slip the big fish, slowly reel in the line, and release the line when it struggles, one by one. Go back, spend with it, wait until the fish's physical strength is exhausted, and then take it up, otherwise you will compete with the big fish with sufficient physical strength, and you will suffer. The so-called long-line fishing for big fish is like this.

Note: The above paragraph was taught to me by someone else, I don't know if it is correct or not.

Xu Xian had never fished before, so he didn't understand the truth. After the carp came ashore, he fluttered vigorously, flicked his tail, and hit Xu Xian who was caught off guard. In a few steps, even the oil-paper umbrella in his hand flew to an unknown place.

Opening his mouth, he spit out a cloud of turbid gas mixed with sparks. Xu Xian raised his hand and pulled out the revolver from his waist. With a set of rapid fire, the six compressed sun fire hit a spot on the carp essence, burning his body into a big hole.

But that didn't hurt the essence of the carp, but aroused the other party's desire to survive, thumping on the ground, the huge fish slammed towards Xu Xian, and Xu Xian had adjusted his breath and gathered the sun in his chest and abdomen. True fire, compressed into a bunch, opened his mouth and spit out a red light, facing the carp essence.

With two puffs, the fish body of the carp essence that was cut in half fell to the ground. The spirits were all gone, but the fish body that remained active kept twitching. It was cut by the high temperature light, and the body of the carp essence exuded a smell. A stinky burnt smell.

It's impossible to grill fish fragrantly. Everyday grilling fish relies on seasonings to suppress the fishy smell of the fish, not to mention that this carp essence has a demonic which is unpleasant.

After breathing for a while, Xu Xian went to find the oil-paper umbrella that he had dropped. The oil-paper umbrella was specially made. It looked like an umbrella, but it was a scabbard. The hilt of the sword that Yue Si gave him was hidden in the closed oil-paper umbrella. among.

"Young Master, you dropped the umbrella." Xu Xian only heard a female voice and turned to look, only to see a woman in a white dress walking slowly towards her, holding an oil-paper umbrella in her hand, it was she who fell the one.

"Thank you, girl." Xu Xian could see through Bai Suzhen's existence as a goblin at a glance, but there was no viciousness in her body, but she had an air of lightness. Ordinary people.

At the moment when they reached out to pick up the umbrella, Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen's eyes were intertwined, and this look was a thousand years.

After an unknown amount of time, Xu Xian, who noticed her indecent behavior, coughed twice to ease the embarrassment, and said softly: "The girl has a good face, I don't know where I've seen her, I don't know where she is from... But once, married."

Bai Suzhen also smiled shyly, covering her blushing face with her sleeves, looked at Xu Xian and said with a smile, "I've never been married, this is a long story..."

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